Makoto Shichida Method: The most mysterious of early development methods. Makoto shichida technique


Psychologists and scientists around the world carefully study the behavior of children of different ages. Long-term studies have confirmed that the foundations of learning are laid in children from the moment they are born. These basics are fixed by the age of three. That is why it is recommended to start developing the baby almost from birth. For such purposes, there big number various techniques. These are the Montessori system, the development of the Zheleznovs, the Zaitsev method and many others. One of the most popular in Japan is the Shichida method. This unique system child development from birth. Let's take a closer look at what it is.

A little about the author

Makoto Shichida is the author of a unique methodology, has a doctorate in the field of education. The professor is a fairly well-known public figure in Japan. For a long time he was engaged in the study of the brain. This allowed him to discover many interesting facts which formed the basis of the methodology he developed.

Forty years of research activity and 20 years of successful practice fully confirmed his views. amazing person forced to look at the possibilities of the child in a new way. Makoto Shichida proves that all children from birth have unique abilities that need to be developed.

The professor has written many books. Those who would like to get acquainted with them should study Japanese. Unfortunately, not all Shichida's books were translated into English, but only 4 of them. In the Russian version, there is only one.

Basics of the technique

Author, long time who studied the work of the brain, claims that the right hemisphere dominates in a baby up to three years old. If you delve into the anatomy, you can understand how the gray matter functions. The left hemisphere is responsible for the conscious actions of the child. Thanks to him, the baby understands how to stand, walk, sit. The right hemisphere is responsible for unconscious actions that are at the subconscious level. These are various talents, propensities for learning languages.

In his books, the professor pays much attention to the right hemisphere of the child. According to him, it is able to remember a lot of information. Shichida's technique is based on the development of the right hemisphere. Being engaged with a baby up to 3 years old, you can identify a variety of Creative skills, develop intuition, photographic memory, fast reading, aptitude for mathematics, development foreign languages.

From the age of three, the left hemisphere begins to dominate. The child develops a tendency to logical reasoning, improved fine formed linguistic skills. From this age, it is already much more difficult to teach the baby to sense perception.

The main principles on which the Shichida method is based:

  1. Untalented children do not exist. All babies are brilliant from birth. Talents need to be identified and developed.
  2. Only as a result of close contact between parents and the child is quality education possible.
  3. In the baby, along with the intellectual sphere, sensual should be developed.
  4. Classes must be regular and consistent. Otherwise, the results may not be expected.

How are the classes

What is Makoto Shichida's technique? This is what develops the baby's right hemisphere. Of course, it is best to teach a child up to three years. But such lessons are no less useful for teenagers, and even adults.

The lesson begins with relaxation to the music. Then it is recommended to do breathing exercises. And only then do they move on to exercises for the development of the imagination. These simple rules allow you to activate the functioning of the right hemisphere.

This is followed by developing games that train the child's clairvoyance, intuition, telepathy. Photographic memory is developed by showing flash cards.

The Shichida technique has many features. So, stories and fairy tales do not sound at the usual, but at a fast pace. Sometimes it's completely unclear what in question. It is this pace that contributes to the development of the right hemisphere. In addition, he trains the child's speed reading.

Lesson scheme

There are many schools in Japan that practice the Shichida method. Unfortunately, we do not have such centers. Therefore, parents have to independently deal with the child according to this method.

Consider what Shichida classes look like:

  1. Relaxation. Music with "alpha" waves is needed. Such accompaniment should sound throughout the lesson. Sit comfortably in a chair or sofa. And sit the baby facing you on your knees.
  2. Breathing exercises. Invite your child to blow on a paper butterfly or bee. Update these toys periodically, as the baby will quickly lose interest in them. Over time, ask your baby to blow on imaginary objects, such as a snowflake, a dandelion.
  3. Ball of energy. Imagine that you are holding a ball of energy in your hands. Roll it like a snowball and then pour it on top of your head. The next ball of energy must be drunk. The child should repeat these movements after you. And it is very important to convey information to him so that he understands what he is doing.
  4. Suggestion. Smile at the baby and quietly say three phrases: “You are loved”, “You are special”, “You can do anything”. It is not necessary to repeat these words. The essence of this exercise is to convey to the baby how much you love him.
  5. An exercise in imagination. A role-playing mini-game is suitable for kids: show how the gnome eats, walks, and rests. Older children may daydream. For example, offer the child a situation: "We got on the train and went to grandparents." What pies did grandma bake? With potato? Let the child develop their imagination.
  6. Extrasensory training. The Shichida method contains many exercises. Some of them will be given below.
  7. Gymnastics for the eyes. For kids, the following exercise is suitable. Take the bell and wear it in front of the child, up and down, left and right.
  8. Flash cards. Pick pictures for various subjects: animals, vehicles, flowers, etc. You must have at least 100 of them. To activate the right hemisphere, certain conditions must be met. Professor Shichida insists on this. Cards should linger in front of the child's eyes for no more than one second. When showing a picture, you need to name it. This exercise allows you to use both hemispheres at once. The speed of the display activates the functioning of the right side of the brain. And when naming the card, the child connects the left hemisphere to work. Mathematics should also be mentioned. The professor recommends showing only the answer card. For example, you tell your child "One plus one" and show a picture with two dots very quickly. Instead of dots, there can be bears, butterflies.
  9. Work on photographic memory. Need similar pictures, which have one difference. For a fraction of a second, the child is shown one card. Then they show both, and ask the question: “Which picture have you already seen?”.
  10. Exercises for color perception, training of tactile sensations, recognition of smells. All creative activities follow after the main block.
  11. Suggestion. The lesson ends with the exercise, which was already mentioned above. Be sure to let the baby feel how much he is loved.

School early development This method involves regular lessons. They should take about 30-40 minutes in duration.

Exercises for the development of psychic abilities

This is one of the key points in the methodology. Is it necessary to develop psychic abilities? Such questions arise in almost all parents who are interested in the technique of Makoto Shichida.

It should be said that intuition is one of the varieties of such abilities. This quality helps a lot in life. After all, a person with excellent intuition is able to win the lottery more often than others, to take the “right” ticket in the exam. In addition, this quality plays a significant role in various scientific inventions and discoveries.

All games that develop psychic abilities are divided into the following categories:

  1. Telepathy - the ability to transmit feelings and thoughts at a distance without the use of technical means.
  2. Clairvoyance - receiving information about any event without participation famous organs feelings.
  3. Foresight - the ability to predict, to foresee events that are about to happen.
  4. Psychometry - the ability to communicate information about the owner or object through contact with them.
  5. Telekinesis is the ability to influence physical objects by the power of thought.

To develop such abilities, the professor recommends the following simple exercises:

  1. We develop telepathy. During the lesson, when the child is sitting on your lap, imagine any figure of a certain color. Try to mentally send this information to your child. Then ask the crumbs what he saw. For example: “I am sending you a square, what color is it?”. Be sure to praise your child.
  2. We develop intuition. Start with the simplest exercise. Ask to guess in which hand you have a bunny hidden. What glass is the beetle under? Then move on to more difficult exercises. Offer the child three kinder eggs, and ask him which of them the bear sits in.

Development of photographic memory

No one will argue that memory training is an essential component of harmonious development. There are even special educational toys for such purposes. But what does photographic memory mean? And how is it different from the usual?

A person with a developed photographic memory has excellent access to the information he has ever received. In other words, such an individual is able to recall any book he has ever read, and even the pages he has seen. After all, information is viewed in his head, as on a screen. Such memory can be compared to a photograph.

To train these abilities, the following educational games have been developed:

  1. What has disappeared, what has arisen? To play you will need any items. Lay them out on the table and show them to your child. Then remove, imperceptibly for the baby, or add 1 thing. The child must guess what appeared or what disappeared. It is recommended to start with 3 items. Increase the number of things over time. To complicate the game, remove 2-3 items.
  2. "What's in the box?" Place 3-4 items in any container. Cover them with a cloth. Allow the child to look at the objects for a moment, and immediately close the box. The kid must say what things he saw. Gradually increase the number of items.

Development of logical thinking

For the harmonious development of the child, it is necessary to teach him to learn new things, to instill in the child the ability to "invent and act in the mind." It is these qualities that the baby acquires with development logical thinking. A child with this quality learns much easier at school, is able to solve emerging problems and everyday tasks. He perfectly formulates his thoughts, draws conclusions and conclusions, argues. By developing logical thinking, you instill in your child such qualities as ingenuity, ingenuity, curiosity and observation.

Most often for children in Shichida's classes, the Tangram puzzle is used. This is a game that consists of 7 pieces designed to collect a certain object. However, one should not limit the development of logical thinking to one puzzle.

You can use any educational toys you have. The following games are quite popular and effective:

  • "Magic circle".
  • "Pentamino".
  • "Leaf".
  • "Magic Square".
  • "Columbus egg".
  • "Vietnamese game".
  • "Sudoku".
  • "Domino".

Development of the imagination

This is a very important direction in the harmonious development of the child. The Shichida School of Early Development pays a lot of attention to the development of the imagination. After all, it is the initial step of visualization. People with a developed imagination are quite inquisitive. They provide progress in art, science and many other areas. Not surprising. After all, only the person who thinks and knows how to imagine the future is able to see genius in an ordinary object.

The following games will be great exercises for children:

  1. Dinosaur in the park. Offer your baby a paper park with benches, trees and a plastic figurine of any animal. Ours is a dinosaur. Parents should take the baby's hand with the figurine and move it around the park. At this time, it is necessary to say: “Here is a dinosaur. He is walking in the park. Now he eats the leaves from the tree. Now he wants to rest and sits on a bench. Very soon, the baby himself will begin to invent his own little stories about heroes: where and why they will go, and what they will do.
  2. "Chain of Memory". This is a very common game in the Shichida method. It is also called the method of absurd stories. The child, listening carefully to how you come up with stories with pictures, will want to compose his own stories. It's quite a funny game and at the same time very serious.
  3. "What does it look like?" You can develop a baby not only in the classroom. During a walk, pay attention to puddles, clouds, leaves, pebbles. All these objects in their form can resemble certain things that the child encounters in life. Find out what they reminded the baby. Be sure to listen to the child, and then tell your version.

How to develop speed reading?

Accelerated learning for kids causes parents big interest. Every mother wants her child to be able to read, count, reason logically almost from the cradle.

Shichida's technique includes teaching speed reading. To develop this skill, the following exercises are recommended:

  1. Prepare cards with in simple words. It is advisable to start with three letters: house, cat, dog. Quickly show your child the cards and put them away. The kid must say what was written on them.
  2. For very young children, one letter will be enough. If the baby still does not know how to talk, then prepare the same cards for him. After showing the baby a picture, suggest picking up the same one from his collection.

As you may have guessed, the baby during this lesson developing photographic memory. In addition, this exercise prepares your child for speed reading.

strong hugs

When developing a child, do not forget about an important component of your relationship with the baby. Be sure to show him your love. Makoto Shichida advises to hug the baby.

An excellent example is the following situation. Ask your baby to help you wash the dishes. When the child copes with the task, be sure to praise him: “Thank you for your help! You helped me a lot! I love you so much!". Hug the baby and do not let go of your embrace for 8 seconds.

This time is enough for your love to reach the heart of the crumbs. This exercise is also included in the methodology of the amazing professor. It lays the foundation for a harmonious relationship between the child and parents.

Opinions on the methodology

What do experts and parents think about such development of children? Experienced teachers appreciated the methodology developed by Professor Shichida. Reviews of experts fully confirm the effectiveness of such classes.

After all, they involve all the "means of communication" with the baby's brain: musical accompaniment, visual images, games. In addition, the lesson plan is well-organized.

No less enthusiastic is the technique of parents. Such activities are very interesting for children. The kids enjoy learning. In addition, many mothers notice excellent results very quickly. Parents are especially surprised at how quickly the photographic memory develops in crumbs. Many children, returning from kindergarten, are able to accurately restore who was wearing what.

Unfortunately, this technique came to us only recently. Therefore, it is difficult to say about longer-term results. But parents who decide to develop the baby according to Shichida's recommendations leave only rave reviews about her.

Professor Makato Shichida developed over 40 years ago unique method of early development and education of children, which is on this moment has not lost its effectiveness and relevance among parents and teachers.

The author's method aims to develop congenital in babies genius and creativity. It has been successfully tested in Japan, USA, Australia and other countries. Makato Shichida has established 400 specialized early childhood development centers and is the author of over 100 books, many of which have been translated into English language. Makato Shichida is sure that the brain of a child aged six months to three years is capable of accumulating an unlimited amount of information.

Little explorers excellent at this time remember details, seeking to know new information and capable of creative thinking. The scientist is sure that if parents actively stimulate all five sensory organs of the baby in the process of development and learning, they will be able to provide him with an excellent basis for further organic development.

Briefly about the author of the technique

Makato Shichida was a member of the International Academy of Education. Also Shichida conducted in-depth research on the functioning of the brain and received a doctorate in education. Professor Makato Shichida was awarded the Honorary Prize of the World Scientific Council and the World Peace Prize.

Shichida around 40 years old explored the problem of early childhood development, changing traditional attitudes parents and teachers. The professor argued that babies already from birth have special abilities that can be actively developed using a special technique. Shichida in his priceless scientific papers proved that in the first years of life the baby is going intensive development of the right hemisphere brain. After three years, the left hemisphere of the brain becomes the leader. With the help of the right hemisphere, the child is able to memorize information, and the left hemisphere helps to quickly analyze it. Makato Shichida compared the right hemisphere to an archive where information can be stored forever, and the left hemisphere, on the contrary, differs in that it systematically gets rid of unnecessary information. Important task of parents and teachers is the desire to develop and synchronize the activity of the two hemispheres. This will allow the baby to remember significant amounts of information in the future, quickly recall information received long ago and show high intellectual abilities.

Many people work according to the Makato Shichida method. preschool institutions Japan, Canada, China and other countries. With the help of special trainings and exercises developed by the author of the methodology, teachers develop the physical, intellectual and aesthetic abilities of kids. The professor is sure that there is no point in accelerating the development of the left hemisphere in children under three years old. You just need to create conditions for the active development of babies, using the capabilities of its sensory system.

The main principles of the Makato Shichida technique are the following statements:

  • all newborns are born geniuses;
  • for the correct and organic development of the baby, the relationship between the baby and parents is important;
  • activity of the right hemisphere of the brain contributes to the rapid intellectual development child;
  • in the process of development of the baby, the participation of his sensory system is necessary;
  • consistency and sequence of actions is an important factor for the successful education of the child.

Makato Shichida made an important step For development generations children of the 21st century. With the help of his developments and methods, modern children will be able to memorize huge amounts of information, read quickly, learn foreign languages ​​fluently, achieve excellent sports results, and even possess telepathic abilities.

The structure of the lesson according to the method of Makato Shichida

It is known that the hemispheres of the brain functionally complement each other. The left hemisphere perceives information slowly and requires frequent repetitions for its development. The right hemisphere, on the contrary, is able to absorb information actively and quickly. In connection with these features of brain activity Makato Shichida suggested for children in the classroom use new information gradually with repeated repetitions. This way of teaching kids will help activate the work of the left hemisphere. If you provide information in the form of actively changing pictures in the classroom, you can achieve more intensive work of the right hemisphere. Research by Professor Shichida confirmed in practice the fact that slow and fast display of pictures in the classroom promotes intellectual development kids. At the same time, images for children must be selected new with a cognitive orientation. They should contain a variety of shapes, words, numbers, letters, etc.

According to the method of Makato Shichida, classes are held together with children and their parents in groups of up to six people. It is important to maintain a close relationship between parents and the child during the lesson. This will make the baby feel more secure and confident in own forces. Also the presence of parents in class will contribute to the revitalization child's mental activity and its rapid development.

The duration of the lesson is about 30-40 minutes. The structure of this lesson is dynamic and informative. The main attention of the teacher and parents is aimed at developing the intellectual, physical and creative abilities of the child.

Children at Shichida Development Centers meditate at the start of class to special music with alpha waves. Then they perform breathing exercises and tasks for the development of imagination. Further planned working with flash cards and games aimed at developing photographic memory.

In the classroom, the kids also listen with parents to audio fairy tales and stories sounding at an accelerated pace. During the lesson, children are offered to master the basics of speed reading. Interesting story sounds at first at a normal pace, and then gradually the reading speed increases. This exercise on the development of the right hemisphere of the brain is reinforced by the actions of parents who leaf through a colorful book in front of the baby with capital letters. To study the basics of a foreign language, mini-blocks are used. The story must be read first. mother tongue and then in a foreign language.

Classes according to the method of Makato Shichida can be supplemented performing creative tasks th using paints, plasticine, soft clay and other improvised means. It is also recommended to fold puzzles, logic chains, tangrams, puzzles for parents with kids.

Thus, the structure of the lesson according to the Makato Shichida method is aimed at developing the child's innate abilities and skills.

Wherein important role in the learning process, the parents of the child perform, who help the baby to actively explore the world.

Games for the development of the right hemisphere and flash cards Makato Shichida

Parents may easily master main principles Makato Shichida and use it for daily activities with your baby. We offer you an example of one classes in given innovative methodology.

Before starting the lesson, you need to pay attention to the condition of your baby. If he is naughty or something bothers him, then it is recommended to conduct a lesson with the crumbs a little later. It is best to engage with the child in the morning. Before the lesson choose a soothing tune, which will sound quietly throughout the lesson, and also prepare the necessary didactic material.

  1. After the main block, it is recommended to carry out various exercises for the development of the sensory system of the baby. Makato Shichida recommends organizing classes on color perception, the development of musical ear, tactile sensations, creativity and smell recognition games.
  2. It is recommended to finish the lesson with the above suggestion exercises. This will boost your kid's self-esteem and give him self-confidence.

During the lesson, the kids are involved in more than 15 different games. Mom should always help the child during classes.

Education of children is characterized by the following features:

  • each activity lasts no more than five minutes;
  • cards must be quickly turned over;
  • the lesson should have musical accompaniment;
  • during the lesson, the child must learn a lot of new words;
  • elements of physical activity are included in the classes.

Professor Makato Shichida believes important condition for the successful application of copyright - trusting relationship and close relationship between parents and baby.

Love is the main element for the harmonious development and upbringing of children

Makato Shichida sure, that only the love of parents will help the baby develop his huge potential, which laid down by nature.

The professor invites parents to learn three ways to communicate with the baby, which will help convey their love to the baby's heart.

First way It's called The Big 8 Second Hug. Ask your child to help you around the house. After the child completes your task, you should hug the child tightly and say the following words: “Sasha, thank you for your help. You really helped me a lot! I love you very much! You are so kind, cheerful and good.” It is important that you not only hug the child, but also hold him in your arms for eight seconds. After such an event, your baby will really feel that you love him very much and the problem with bad behavior and disobedience will disappear.

Second way to prove your respect and love for the baby lies in the ability to carefully listen to what your child tells you. Most often, mothers communicate with the child in a one-way direction, and do not always care about listening to the baby. Professor Makato Shichida is sure that the only way to reach the heart of a child is through communication with him. If parents constantly scold the baby and do not listen to him carefully, then the child will grow up closed and unfriendly.

Third way called "5 minutes". This method is effective for setting the child to a positive attitude towards others and getting rid of bad habits. After the baby fell asleep for five minutes, you can influence his subconscious. To do this, you need to pronounce your desires in the baby's ear. For example, one mother complained that her baby falls asleep for a long time in the evening, while arranging loud tantrums. Professor Makato Shichida advised her to say the following text to the child: “Michael, you fell asleep. You see that sleep is great. You can sleep soundly. Mom loves you, you are a very obedient and cheerful child. You will always fall asleep quickly in the evening, and in the morning you will wake up cheerful and happy.” After a week of using the 5 Minute Method, Michael began to fall asleep peacefully in the evening.

The author of the technique recommends making an audio recording of your message and leaving it by the pillow of the child after he has fallen asleep. You can use the "5 minutes" method to get rid of the problem of disobedience, thumb sucking, unwillingness to walk in kindergarten etc.

After the parents have mastered the above ways of showing love for the baby, we can safely say that your child will grow up as a harmoniously developed personality with high self-esteem.

Important rules for parents from Professor Makato Shichida

worldwide renowned professor Makato Shichida recommends to all parents for real believe in the exceptional abilities of the baby with which he was endowed by nature after birth. The scientist is also convinced that if you systematically deal with a child, you can achieve incredible high results. Also, parents should remember that their child is individual and his abilities, as well as the level of development, should not be compared with other children.

In the process of developing crumbs, his parents need not only great attention pay attention to the intellectual abilities of the baby, but also graft to him social skills acquaint with the rules of discipline.

Makato Shichida outlines six rules for parents, the implementation of which is important for the correct and organic development of the little man:

  1. In the process of development, do not pay attention to shortcomings and weak sides child.
  2. Don't strive for perfection.
  3. Do not think that today's behavior of the baby is permanent and unchanged for him.
  4. Don't try to constantly compare children.
  5. Accept your child as he is.
  6. Do not achieve success for the baby only in the educational direction.

It should be remembered that the language of love and communication is the main key to opening your baby's heart.

I am interested in different techniques and methods. I think that from each interesting technique you can take something of your own, which is applicable to your particular baby. This, in my opinion, is the mother's task - to intuitively choose the right ways and methods of educating and instructing her baby.

Here is another method of early development in the piggy bank of knowledge (several articles on this topic that interested me):

Phenomenal memory, speed reading, absolute ear for music, instant solution of the most complex problems, easy learning - all this is available to any kid. But for this it is very important to develop the right hemisphere of the brain, says Japanese professor Makato Shichida.

In his books, he writes that from the age of birth to three years, the child quickly absorbs information and is very eager to learn. Children grow and mature faster than parents think. The human brain begins to develop soon after birth, and by the age of ten, a child's brain is almost 90% developed.
In the first three years of life, the right hemisphere of the brain functions predominantly in a person. Therefore, during this period, it is important to regularly stimulate the development of all five senses: sight, hearing, smell, touch and taste. Developing these feelings later will prove to be an incredibly difficult task.

It is important in the first years of a child's life to develop the right hemisphere of the brain, because by the age of three the left hemisphere will become dominant. Shichida believed that this is how in the future it is possible to achieve synchronous work of the hemispheres of the brain: this is when both the right and left hemispheres act simultaneously. It is believed that such a brain possess brilliant people. And, according to Shichida, every parent should believe in their child's potential.
In the educational institutions of Shichida, children quickly and without cramming memorize huge amounts of information, improve their sports and musical abilities, and even predict future events. And all thanks to the development of the right hemisphere of the brain.
The professor believed that the goal of education should not be knowledge that is "pushed" into the child. It is not necessary to force the development of the left hemisphere of the brain, giving puzzles for logic and encyclopedic knowledge to kids under 3 years old. The main thing is to create such conditions under which the child's brain could develop to the maximum, so that the cerebral hemispheres work synchronously. A person with such a brain is very easy to learn, so you never have to cram. But this can be achieved only by the initial intensive development of the right hemisphere of the brain.

A little about Makato Shichida
Professor Makoto Shichida was born in 1929. He is a member of the International Academy of Education and an advisor to the Japanese Mathematical Certification Association. Shichida received his doctorate in education. The professor is famous public figure in Japan and is highly respected for his great contribution to brain research. He has forty years of research and another twenty years of successful practice behind him. Shichida changed people's views on the capabilities of a child: he proved that children are endowed with unique abilities from birth that can be developed.
Today, there are more than 450 Shichida institutions in Japan, as well as branch offices in Singapore and Malaysia.

What is the Shichida Method?
This complex classes aimed at developing the child's right hemisphere of the brain. It is most effective to do this when this hemisphere is dominant - from birth to 3 years of age. But doing this is useful for teenagers and even adults.
Children in Shichida schools first relax to alpha music, do breathing exercises and imagination exercises, which activate the right hemisphere of the brain. And right after that, they start playing games for the development of extrasensory abilities (telepathy, clairvoyance, intuition), showing flash cards and exercises for photographic memory.
Also in Shichida schools, children listen to fairy tales or stories that sound at an accelerated pace (so fast that at first it is completely incomprehensible what they are talking about): this also develops the right hemisphere of the brain. In addition, speed reading is also trained in this lesson, because a short story first sounds at a normal pace, and then faster and faster. During such a lesson, parents leaf through a special book in front of the child with large print. As a rule, a foreign language is a mini-block - they read a book first in their native language, and then in English (or another) language. Further, depending on the school, puzzles, tangrams and creative activities can follow - drawing, modeling, appliqué.

How can I practice the Shichida method at home?
First, decide when you will be engaged with the baby. It is better to constantly at the same time of the day. Well, if the lesson begins with your favorite song. Sing with your baby, and then you can say what day of the week it is and what the weather is like.

1. Relaxation to music with "alpha" waves . We turn on the music (it sounds throughout the lesson), we sit down more conveniently, and we put the baby on our knees facing us.

2. Breathing exercise: the child needs to blow on a paper bee or butterfly. It is better to update these toys periodically so that the baby does not lose interest. And over time, you can just blow on imaginary things: have the child imagine a dandelion or snowflakes and blow on them.

3.Uenergy ball exercise : we take a ball of energy in the palm of our hand, roll it like a ball of snow and, as it were, pour it on the top of our head. Then again we take the ball of energy, roll it between the palms and drink this energy. It sounds very strange, but that's what they do in Shichida's schools. It is better to see how it is done on the video posted on youtube.

4. "Suggestion" : smiling, we quietly say to the child three phrases “You are special”, “You are loved”, “You can do anything” or something similar. You don't have to say exactly that. The main thing is to convey to the child how much you love him.

5. Imagination training (Image training). With the smallest, you can just play a role-playing mini-game: show how the gnome walks, how he eats, how he sleeps. With older children, you can dream: imagine that we got into a train and went to our grandmother. What cake did grandma bake? With carrots?.. Delicious, I guess! And so on.

6.Extrasensory training (ExtraSensoryPerception):
telepathy exercise - (the child by this time is still sitting on your lap or very close) - mother needs to imagine a figure of any color and mentally send it to her child, and then ask the baby what he saw. For example: “I am sending you a circle, what color is it?”. Praise your child anyway. Over time, you can telepathize a variety of objects.
An exercise in intuition we start with the simplest: ask the baby to guess in which hand the bunny is sitting? Under which leaf is the bug hiding? Then we complicate: we offer three kinder eggs and ask in which the bear sits and similar tasks. We increase the number of eggs or pictures over time. For starters, the choice can be made by the parent. Such exercises can be as many as you want the baby.

7. Gymnastics for the eyes for the smallest, we take a bell and drive and ring it up and down, left and right. For children older gymnastics can be downloaded from the internet.

8. Flash cards - these are the pictures for the most different topics(e.g. flowers, transportation, wild animals). Shichida advises starting with 100 pieces. We show each card no more than 1 second. The best option is 0.5 seconds, which, of course, is not easy, because you must have time to name the card. A quick display is important, because it is at high speed that the right hemisphere of the brain is activated. And you need to name the card for the historical connection of the left hemisphere as well - this is how the synchronization of the hemispheres of the brain occurs.
It must be remembered that the purpose of flash cards is not encyclopedic knowledge. The same sets of cards can be shown no earlier than six months later and no more than three times. Shichida schools use paper cards, but at home it would be difficult for one family to make so many cards. Therefore, today many parents make flash cards in the form of computer presentations.
It is worth mentioning mathematics according to Shichida separately. It is made by analogy with the Glenn Doman manual, but there are some important differences. For example, Shichida advises to show the card for no more than 0.5 seconds, and in the examples to show only the answer card. So, the teacher says: "two plus two equals (quickly shows a card with four dots) four." Shichida also believes that anything can be shown as dots - butterflies, elephants, etc. In general, do everything to support the interest of the child.

9.Games for the development of photographic memory.
Similar pictures (Photo memory). This game needs pictures that are slightly different from each other. For example, one shows a dwarf in a blue hat, and the other in a red one. For a fraction of a second, we show the child one of the pictures (preferably A4 format), and then we show both and ask which one he has already seen.
Place it right (Space memory). Show any pictures small size) placed on the "grid": for starters, these can be three pictures placed on a strip divided into three equal parts. We show no more than 1 second, and then we ask the child to put those pictures in their places. For the little ones: show the bear his house, etc.
Find a new picture (Flash memory). Show and name several pictures very quickly (start with three). And then we lay out these pictures in front of the child + another one that the baby has not yet seen. The task is to point to this picture or name it.
Who hid? We also show the pictures very quickly, then lay out all but one in front of the child, and he tries to remember which picture is missing.
Mandala. This picture is usually in the form of any geometric figure. The mandala can be simple - a blue triangle with a yellow circle inside, or it can be very complex - for example, a circle, inside which different figures are drawn. In this case, the child looks at the mandala for 1-5 seconds, and then at the same, but already colorless mandala, marks with pencils how it was colored.
Absurd history or memory "chain" (Linkingmemory). Need to recreate funny story in pictures. Mom from a set of cards (to start with 3 pieces) composes a plot like: a crow jumped into a river that smelled like a rose. Accordingly, pictures lie in front of the child - a crow, a river and a rose. First, the mother tells the story 1-2 times, and then shuffles the cards, and the child tries to remember the story. In Shichida schools, over time, children begin to memorize the location of hundreds of pictures just by looking at them once. And they do it without any history.

10. Classes for color perception, ear for music, development of tactile sensations, games for recognizing smells, poetry and creative activities. All this can be done immediately after the main block. On the Internet you can find a lot of examples of how you can develop hearing, smell, color perception and touch.

11. "Suggestion" described above completes the lesson. At the end, you can sing your favorite song together again. Shichida advises doing this for 30-40 minutes a day. And the rest of the time let the child play.
Professor Shichida believed that the most important thing in these lessons are the activities described in points 1 to 6 inclusive. AND special meaning for the development of the right hemisphere has the training of the imagination. And when the latter is developed, one can easily develop both photographic memory, and unique mathematical, and even extrasensory abilities.
Also, a very important condition for success is a trusting and close relationship between the baby and parents, because it is very important to relax before class.

The Shichida method is just beginning to gain popularity in Russia. It is still difficult to judge how suitable it is for children with our mentality. For example, not every parent wants to develop telepathy and clairvoyance in their baby. But this is not a reason to completely abandon the method, because the right hemisphere can be developed without extrasensory perception.

Leave for a more mature age (3-4 years) the study of numbers and letters and other similar activities that stimulate the premature development of the left hemisphere of the brain. Teach your child to play role-playing games with substitute toys (for example, a cube can become a train for a while, and a pencil can become a spoon) - this develops the imagination, which is very useful.
Dream more often with your child, imagining how you will go to the sea or go to the zoo. Use simple sentences describing what you will do and what you will see. The child will imagine, and this is nothing more than imagination training or image training.
It is also very useful from birth to give the child objects, both in the right and in the left hand. Teach your baby to eat and draw with both left and right hand. To synchronize the hemispheres of the brain, you can draw with both hands at once. For example, playing the piano is very useful in this regard. Listen to music, sing, dance, play with tactile pouches, inhale different smells, try different tastes, explore the shades of colors, be creative - this will develop the right hemisphere of the brain well.

Today, when science and technology are developing at an incredible pace, when a person is surrounded by a constant and powerful flow of all kinds of (often contradictory) information, one of the most important conditions for achieving success and well-being is the possession of a good "flair" and the ability to think quickly and make the right decisions.

Here, for example, I open a book, on the cover of which a proud inscription flaunts: “ This book is for strategists and innovators, game changers who are always willing to take risks to disrupt outdated business models and build the enterprises of the future.". I look at the title: Visualization«, « Value figurative thinking «, « Generation of ideas«…

All this is controlled by the right (creative) hemisphere of the brain, the possibilities of which we, adults, recognize, but practically do not use. But in children under 3 years old, the “right brain” plays a leading role, gradually giving way to the leading positions (between 3 and 6 years) to the left hemisphere, which is responsible for rational thinking and logic.

In Japan, the system of Makoto Shichida, a Japanese professor who spent 40 years of his life developing a unique methodology for early stimulation and development, is now very popular. human brain. His system has been widely used for more than 20 years in Japan, USA, Canada, Australia and China.

According to the professor, the "right brain" can:
- translate images into words, numbers, symbols and vice versa;
- memorize information in the form of figurative "slides";
- view these "slides" at any time;
- master foreign languages;
- intuitively get information;
- to catch the creative impulse and properly dispose of it (here, among other things, telepathy and clairvoyance are meant)

The scientist claims that Every child is born with a unique set of abilities, and it depends only on parents and teachers whether he will be able to realize and apply all his talents.

“Endless love, continuous praise, unconditional acceptance… This is the way for your child to grow.” (Slogan on the website of Makoto Shichida School in Hong Kong)

The basis of proper upbringing “according to Shichida” is strong parental love and the ability to fully convey it to the child. To do this, he advises using three very effective methods:

strong hugs

Ask your toddler to help you put the toy back in place or wipe up any juice he spilled on the table. And when he does this (even if not the most perfect way), hug him tightly and say in his ear what a wonderful, sympathetic and caring person he is. At the same time, your words must be filled with sincere love. In no case do not pronounce them formally, out of a sense of duty.

I love using this method with students. It is so joyful to see first surprise and then pleasure in their eyes. The kids immediately simply repeat the action for which they were praised again. Thus, two birds with one stone are caught at once: I inform the baby about my feelings and at the same time motivate him for further cooperation :)

Pay attention to what the child says.

The one who is constantly (or often) scolded closes his soul from others. This, according to the Japanese professor, is the reason for the alienation that occurs between parents and children. To learn to listen, the teacher recommends using the Carl Roger method, known as the “echo method”. It consists in the following: before asking another question in a conversation with a child, repeat the phrases spoken by the baby aloud. So the little one will understand that you are really attentive to his words. Also, try to replace imperative instructions (“I said so!”) with gentle phrases like “let's think about how to do this” or “I would like to ...”.

This technique is effective not only with children. Adults also love to be truly "heard." But at the same time, again, it is important to avoid an ironic tone, otherwise the whole positive effect will come to naught, as your “hearing” will turn into a mockery. And this is unlikely to cause a good disposition among the interlocutor.

"5 Minute Tuning Method"

During the first five minutes after the child falls asleep, his subconscious mind is still awake. It is during this short period of time that you need to have time to give the baby positive attitudes in a whisper. You can try to “talk” your son or daughter from thumb sucking, pissing in your pants, or the habit of fighting at the slightest provocation. You can also record your voice on a tape recorder and turn it on at the right time.

Another proof of wisdom maternal instinct, which encourages mothers to “coo” over the baby, pronounce all sorts of cute, kind “nonsense” when he falls asleep.

It is very joyful that today there are many methods of early development. Each parent can choose the most suitable one. And among this diversity there is one pearl of scientific and pedagogical thought, which is still known to a few in Russia. Her name is Makoto Shichida's technique.

Its uniqueness lies in the fact that it provides the key to the preservation and enhancement of the child's natural, so-called "hidden" abilities. This technique is very often compared with the Glenn Doman system, but they have a fundamental difference.

Makoto Shichida main goal learning did not put the usual memorization of many facts, but the upbringing in the child of the ability to study independently, the development of his creative abilities, such as photographic memory, fluency in foreign languages, the ability non-verbal communication and others.

“Times are rapidly changing. When our children grow up, it will be a completely different world. Therefore, our task as parents is to be able to adapt to the new coming era and raise children in accordance with its requirements. ”(Makoto Shichida)

Children are naturally talented. But we, adults, cannot always fully discern the child's abilities, understand him. Just a hundred years ago, children were generally not perceived as individuals. It’s scary to think, but babies were operated on without anesthesia, they say, because they don’t understand and don’t feel anything.

The 20th century was a turning point in our attitude towards children and their abilities. For clarity, a few dates.

In 1923, the Declaration of the Rights of the Child was adopted, which spelled out such basic principles as the right of the child to food, a home and assistance in difficult situations.

50s - the beginning of the research of Glen Doman and Makoto Shichida.

1971 - Masaru Ibuka (Japanese entrepreneur, one of the founders of Sony Corporation) publishes the book "After three it's too late" that has become popular all over the world.

1981 - Nobel Prize in the field of physiology and medicine was awarded to the American neurologist Roger Sperry. He proved that the cognitive functions of the left and right hemispheres differ in many ways. The left hemisphere processes information sequentially and analytically, while the right hemisphere processes information intuitively and simultaneously.

It turns out that the left, so-called dominant hemisphere is not really the main one. Our approach to education made it such: an emphasis on logic, sequential processing and memorization of information. At the same time, the right brain works according to other principles and is fraught with such colossal possibilities that it is difficult for our “left hemisphere” consciousness to even imagine.

Makoto Shichida argued that in children under 6 years of age, it is the right hemisphere that is more active, which is why many children have signs of genius. And if you do not stimulate the work of the right brain along with the left, then gradually these innate abilities fade away.

“Modern man has a left hemisphere developed beyond measure.
While the human of the future has a well-developed right hemisphere, and both of his hemispheres are well coordinated ”(Makoto Shichida)

About 100 (!) books by Professor Makoto Shichida have been published in Japan, more than 400 schools have been opened that work according to his methodology. 4 of his books have been translated into English, there is no official Russian edition yet. Mothers who want to work with their children translate books themselves, collect bit by bit information, share it on forums and blogs.

Briefly about the abilities that are inherent in the child by nature.

The right hemisphere has special properties:

1. ESP (what is commonly referred to as "sixth sense").

The 5 senses of the left hemisphere (hearing, sight, taste, smell, touch) have their counterparts in the right hemisphere. These include:

Telepathy (the ability to transmit thoughts or feelings at a distance to other beings, without the use of technical means). It is this ability that is most developed in infants from the prenatal period. They are able to communicate with their parents through images and feelings;
clairvoyance (obtaining information about an event, an object without the participation of traditionally known sense organs);
psychometry (the supposed ability to communicate information about an object or its owner through contact with it);
foresight (the ability to foresee the future, predict what should happen, come);
spiritual (spiritual) power (energy).

2. Images of intuition (memory of the right hemisphere).

The way Professor Shichida describes this property is very similar to visualization, i.e. the ability to consciously evoke certain images in the mind. He also calls this property the memory of the right hemisphere. And what about the memory?

Our subconscious mind stores a huge number of images, pictures. This is an incredibly large "file cabinet" of our memory, but only those who can see these "cards" with their inner eye have access to it.

This is where the cases described by Shichida come from: the child did not study well at school and could not remember educational material. The teacher begins to train with him the ability to see images and the results in "school" subjects increase dramatically.

3. Speed ​​reading (photographic memory of the right hemisphere).

As far as I understood, speed reading means the ability to quickly perceive the text and accurately remember it. This ability should be trained after the child has learned to operate with images and thus develops the memory of the right hemisphere.

4. Computing abilities.

In children, the right hemisphere of the brain dominates, which perceives a holistic image. Therefore, after some training, they are quite capable of distinguishing a picture on which 50 red dots are drawn from a similar one - but with 47 dots.

5. Perfect hearing (ability exact definition pitches of sounds without relating them to other sounds of known pitch).

All human abilities are interconnected and with the development of one of them, abilities increase in other areas. Behind perfect pitch the right hemisphere is responsible, so the training of figurative thinking leads to an improvement musical ability child.

6. Ability to master the language (language ability of the right hemisphere).

In the list of abilities, this one is listed last. But in terms of the interest of her parents, she probably takes the very first place. Still, speaking several languages ​​is the door to the world of success.

A child under 6 years old is able to absorb a foreign language easily. After 6 years, when logic begins to prevail, this will be much more difficult to do.
How to deal with a child according to the Shichida method

Makoto Shichida - Japanese professor, member International Academy education, who developed a unique methodology for the early development of children. In 1998 he was awarded the World Peace Prize for his contributions to brain research. His methodology is in great demand abroad (more than 460 centers have been opened in Japan, Thailand, Singapore, the USA), and on the contrary, it is not at all popularized in Russia.

On the Internet you will not find a single more or less complete article on his methodology, or at least a printed translation of the book. Only books in Japanese, English and Spanish are available. One of the books was translated by a group of active mothers literally in fragments, and this is all that a Russian parent can rely on.

Let's try to briefly talk about Professor Makoto Shichida and describe his methodology. Moreover, once you know her, you will either fully include her in your child's preschool education, or borrow some exercises and activities from her - but she will not leave anyone indifferent, that's for sure.

Basic principles of the Makoto Shichida technique

The current preschool education has one significant drawback - it is based solely on the activation of the left hemisphere of the brain, responsible for logic and analysis. The right hemisphere, responsible for everything unconscious, intuitive, esoteric, does not receive due attention. There are a number of textbooks on right-brain development, but you will not find them in classical kindergartens or schools.

Contrary to the generally accepted doctrine, Makoto Shichida claims that in children under 6 years of age, the right hemisphere dominates. This has significant advantages. If the left hemisphere constantly gets rid of old information, simply put - removes it, then nothing in the right hemisphere disappears without a trace. It is like an archive that you can always use. Moreover, borrowing terms from musicology, the tempo of the left hemisphere can be defined as adagio (slow), the tempo of the right hemisphere as prestissimo (very fast). Accordingly, the latter assimilates information much more efficiently.

Makoto Shichida however says "when the right and left hemisphere will be well developed, the child will have high level potential, the child will be able to exceed all our expectations and show his greatest strengths. Such children quickly remember huge amounts of information and recall what they read or saw with accuracy, and all the information is understandable to them. This is confirmed by studies by scientists at Harvard University, who found that both hemispheres of prominent figures are equally developed.

In addition, all children, according to Makoto Shichida, are geniuses from birth and have deep potential hidden in them. By educating children under six years of age and developing their right hemisphere of the brain, one can contribute to their development in creative direction, develop intuition, fast reading, mathematical ability, photographic memory, the ability to learn several languages.

What is subject to children is not subject to adults. As you know, everything in the world has its own signals. Even things emit signals at a certain frequency. Children can catch "other", alpha signals on which telepathy, clairvoyance and others are based paranormal activity. Makoto Shichida gives a simple example.

The girl after the illness is going to go to kindergarten. At the same time, she informs her parents that her best friend will not be in the garden, but a new pupil will come. Everything turned out that way.

Relatively speaking, the event containing these actions has already taken shape in the world and gave a signal. The girl just picked up the right signal.

In addition to the five senses of the left hemisphere known to us (sight, taste, hearing, smell, touch), there is also a sixth sense related to the right hemisphere. It includes:

  • telepathy (the ability to transmit thoughts or feelings at a distance to other beings, without the use of technical means);
  • clairvoyance (obtaining information about an event, an object without the participation of traditionally known sense organs);
  • psychometry (the supposed ability to communicate information about an object or its owner through contact with it);
  • foresight (ability, ability to foresee the future, predict what should happen, come);
  • spiritual strength (energy).

If a child has a fully developed right hemisphere, then he is subject to:

  • remembering information through images,
  • speed reading,
  • unique computing abilities,
  • the ability to accurately determine the pitch of sounds without relating them to other sounds of known pitch ( musical feature right hemisphere)
  • ability to acquire language (language ability of the right hemisphere)

Play a piece of music from memory, only hearing it once! Read a volume of War and Peace in less than an hour! Master a couple of foreign languages ​​by the age of 6!

All this becomes clear and easily explained with the help of Makoto Shichida's technique.

The development of the right hemisphere is not only aimed at academic success. The main thing is that children develop a calm, receptive mind to everything new.

According to Shichida, the task of parents is to put the right hemisphere into operation, with the help of which the child in later life will be able to learn anything quickly and easily, with little or no effort.

As Shichida writes,

A child under five years of age can easily absorb a huge amount of information.

“A child under four will make it easier and more efficient.

“A child under three will make it much easier and much more effective.

A child under two years of age will do it in the most efficient way and will have the easiest time.

How a lesson is built at Makoto Shichida's school

A typical lesson at Makoto Shichida's school lasts about 50 minutes. The group consists of 4-6 children.

Each lesson includes preparatory stage aimed at activating the right hemisphere. These techniques are well known to those who practice yoga. They help to remove the dominant left hemisphere.

The preparatory stage consists of working with:

  • contemplation - children should relax, calm down, closing their eyes;
  • breathing - children should set their breathing to deep and slow;
  • suggestion and a positive attitude.

Activities quickly, in less than 5 minutes, replace each other. One parent is required to attend.

Students take part in more than ten different games per session, namely, greeting, various games, singing and dancing, riddles, learning the alphabet and numbers, etc. Mothers help children.

Exercises to establish harmonious relationships with the child

Introduce the elements of the Makoto Shichida technique into preschool education absolutely everything can. But at the same time, it is important to remember that nothing will work without love. Shichida himself admits that "love is the most important element in the upbringing and development of children." We all know this, but sometimes we forget.

Makoto Shichida offers simple exercises for parents and children that will help the first to express their love correctly, and the second to feel it in full.

Strong 8 Second Hugs

Ask your child to help you, such as washing the dishes. After the baby copes with this task, hug him tightly and praise him: “Thank you for helping! You really helped me! I love you very much!" And hold in your arms for 8 seconds. Once you do this, your love will reach the heart of the child. You will see, there will be no trace of the past whims. True, the 8-second hug exercise is one of many for developing a harmonious relationship between you, the parent, and the child.

Listen carefully to what your child is saying.

Listen to your conversation with the child, who dominates it? Makoto Shichida emphasizes that the conversation should not be one-sided. Otherwise, the child may feel unwanted and withdraw. Learn not only to listen, but also to hear. Children need to be understood. Apply the tactics of the “echo method”, based on the fact that an adult is trying to put himself in the place of a child, trying to feel his feelings.

Let's take a simple conversation to illustrate:

- Mom, Katya is bad.
- Yes, Katya is bad. What did she do to you?
- She hit me.
- She hit you. Why did she hit you?

Thus, the parent repeats the words after the child as an echo. There should be no edifying words and moralizing in the conversation.

5 minute setting method

The mood method called "5 minutes" is truly a lifesaver for parents who want to correct the child's behavior, get rid of some negative points: reluctance to go to kindergarten, thumb sucking, laziness, and so on.

5 minutes is the time after the child fell asleep and his conscious mind fell asleep. But the subconscious is awake and working. Therefore, it is very effective to take advantage of this time and work on a subconscious level.

For example, a child does not want to go to kindergarten. Then the mother of a preschool child who has just fallen asleep begins to whisper the following words: “.... (child's name), you are now big girl You are already 2 years old. You are 2 years old and therefore you will no longer cry when you go to kindergarten. You are obedient and cheerful, you listen to your mother and your mother loves you very much. Sleep tight now. You feel great. Sleep well until tomorrow morning, wake up in good mood tomorrow will be a good day. You see, you can sleep soundly, you can sleep such a sweet dream.

In his book, Makoto Shichida notes the success of this exercise. All mothers who turned to him with certain problems that worried them soon reported positive dynamics. One child stopped sucking his thumb within a week, the other went to kindergarten with pleasure three days later.

Practical exercises according to the method of Makoto Shichida

Show pictures

Every day you show your child about 100-150 pictures / slides with different images. No more than half a second is allotted for one picture. Mom should voice what is shown in the picture. There are three types of images:

  • image without caption,
  • caption image,
  • image only with a word - they are given no more than 10% of the total presentation.

I must say that this exercise requires a lot of physical effort - cards should not be repeated every day! The minimum through which you can resume showing already familiar cards is 4 months.
Makoto Shichida discovered that flashing cards/slides quickly helps to disconnect from the usual perception of information and move to another level - intuitive. We hesitated a little, and the brain transfers information to the left hemisphere, which begins to analyze the information received.

telepathy game

Young children have telepathic abilities. Makoto Shichida offers a series of exercises to support these unique abilities of the child.

Hold the child tightly to you and say: “I love you. You and I are one."

Then imagine a red square in your mind and mentally send it to the child, commenting: “Mom has imagined a color in her head and is sending it to you. You can see him. Now close your eyes, catch that color and name it to me." The child easily guesses the intended color.

Next time, play telepathy without touching the child. The result will be the same.

Memory Games

You will need cards with different pictures. You can use items from lotto. Start with two cards - come up with some kind of absurd story. For example, "the dog was riding a bicycle." Then shuffle the cards and invite the child to restore the chain of events. That is, you need to put the first card with the image of a dog, the second - with the image of a bicycle. Gradually, you can increase the number of cards to 50. At this point, the child will be able to memorize the sequence as a single image - at a glance, without words.

Another exercise is called "mandara" (instantaneous memory). The child looks at the mandara card for about 5 seconds, closes his eyes for 5 seconds. Looks at the card again - closes his eyes again.

The child should schematically mark what colors were present in the picture.

This method is based on the fact that the retina of the eye retains the seen image for some time.

Exercises for seeing images

One way to help a child SEE images is called "tension-relaxation." This method is widely used in theater studios. The child is asked to imagine himself with one or another object. For example, to become hard as a log. Then become soft as a feather.

As Makoto Shichida notes, after a while the child shows amazing results: he can visualize and hear various images, such as color, sound, etc.

You can also develop the ability to see images with the help of orange cards. For this we need an orange sheet of paper. Glue a blue circle with a diameter of 2 centimeters in the center of the sheet. Let the child close their eyes and calm down. First let him breathe slowly and deeply. Then take a deep breath for eight seconds, hold your breath for eight seconds, and breathe out deeply for eight seconds. These breathing exercises should be repeated three times. After that, the child breathes calmly - he is relaxed.

Place the orange leaf at a distance of 30 centimeters from the child's eyes. Tell him to stare at the sheet for 30 seconds.

After he closes his eyes, he will see an afterimage. 4 types of afterimages that he will see:

  1. Blue colour in the center will look like orange;
  2. will see only blue color;
  3. sees instead of blue in the center a different color, a different shape (for example, a square);
  4. will see the blue color in the center and will be able to change it arbitrarily.

The goal of learning is to see yourself in the image. The child will achieve this goal if he can imagine himself.

Speed ​​Reading Games

Story example. North wind and sun.

One day the north wind and the sun quarreled. And they agreed: whoever makes the traveler take off his clothes, he won. The north wind blew, but in vain. The sun shone with all its might. "It's so hot, I can't stand it," said the traveler. He took off his clothes and jumped into the water.

When the child finishes writing, check if he wrote correctly, also checking for punctuation.

It is possible that he will not remember everything at once. Then let him read again for one minute and write down what he read.

For most Russian mothers, the Shichida method is something unknown, in contrast to the methods of early development according to Doman, Montessori, Nikitin and others that are well-known among “advanced” parents. But this fact cannot detract from the merits of the Shichida method, which has become widespread throughout the world. Not without reason in Japan (as well as in some other countries - Thailand, Singapore, USA) there are already about 460 developing children's centers that are in great demand. Information about the methodology is just beginning to appear in Russia, but the “winning” of the respect of parents and teachers is taking place at a serious pace. And this despite the fact that there are no schools of development according to Shichida in our country yet, just as there is no more or less serious literature and Russian-language sites dedicated to this method of early development. Why is the Shichida method so captivating for young mothers?

Professor Makoto Shichida: "All children are born geniuses"

Makoto Shichida (Makoto Shichida, 1929-2009) - Japanese professor, doctorate in education, member of the International Academy of Education, adviser to the Japan Association for Mathematics. For a significant contribution to the study of the brain and its capabilities, Makoto Shichida was awarded the highest Honorary Prize of the World Scientific Council in 1997, and in 1998 - the World Peace Prize.

Shichida has dedicated his life to research and practice in the field of learning and education, writing over 100 books (some of which have been translated into English) and creating his own unique methodology for early childhood development. Makoto Shichida's website:

According to Makoto Shichida, children are born with genius and have unique abilities. The task of parents is not to let the baby “lose” the talents given by nature. Like many early childhood professionals, Shichida believes that all newborns have the same high potential. However, unlike, for example, Doman, Makoto Shichida argues that parents should not get involved in the academic education of the crumbs. The main thing is to provide the child with such conditions so that his brain develops as much as possible in them.

Right hemispheric development according to the method of Makoto Shichida

Modern preschool education is aimed at developing the left hemisphere of the brain, which is responsible for logic and analytical thinking. The right hemisphere, associated with the unconscious, intuitive, is practically not given attention.

The main idea of ​​Shichida, which distinguishes his method from others, is the need to develop the right hemisphere of the brain. A Japanese professor speaks of the "high memory capacity" of the right hemisphere, which quickly processes and stores information in the form of images. Unlike the left hemisphere, which is something like random access memory (quickly “throws off” unnecessary), the right, by analogy, is a kind of unlimited hard drive, information on which is stored forever in the form of visual images. The left hemisphere develops through slow learning, with multiple repetitions. The right hemisphere, on the contrary, is associated with the subconscious and intuition, and information in it is absorbed very quickly.

For the normal functioning of the brain, a person, of course, needs both hemispheres. They work synchronously: the right one stores a huge amount of information, and the left one extracts, processes and uses it at the right moments.

Shichida claims that in children under 3 years old, it is the right hemisphere that dominates (they do not have developed analytical thinking and logic), and it is in the power of parents to create an environment around the child that will stimulate the right hemisphere development - the basis of future abilities. Moreover, the kids are very fond of and want to learn.

Already from the age of 3, the left hemisphere begins to manifest itself - the child develops logic and linguistic skills. By the age of 6, the child's brain is approximately 80% formed, and the left, logical hemisphere finally “subdues” the right one. Therefore, Shichida considers the age from six months to 6 years to be ideal for right hemispheric development.

Makoto Shichida talks about the importance of developing the right hemisphere in early age following:

“When a child is born, his right and left hemispheres are connected by several trillion temporary neural connections. If in the first three years of a child's life they are not used (not filled with information), then they simply disappear. This does not mean that after 3 and 33 years a person does not need to be dealt with, but the effect is reduced several times.

In Children of Geniuses, Shichida refers to the right hemisphere as the “image of the brain,” explaining that it is the right hemisphere that is responsible for photographic memory and the ability to dream. People with a well-developed right hemisphere of the brain, which means that they have a photographic memory, easily restore any picture they have ever seen in their memory. They write competently, have a huge store of knowledge, because they keep information from many books in their heads, have absolute pitch, can see the problem with different sides. It is easy for such people to learn; at school and university they do not have to do cramming. According to Makoto Shichida, “when the right and left hemispheres are well developed, the child will have a high level of potential, the child will be able to exceed all our expectations and show his greatest strengths. Such children quickly remember huge amounts of information and recall what they read or saw with accuracy, and all the information is understandable to them, and they are also able to improve their athletic abilities.

It seems like a miracle, doesn't it? However, many studies by Shichida indicate that a fast, flashing display various images brings real benefits to children's development preschool age. In addition, according to research by researchers at Harvard University, prominent people really have the same developed hemispheres brain.

Makoto Shichida Early Development Technique

In short, the Makoto Shichida system is based on the following basic principles:

  • children are brilliant from birth;
  • The LOVE of the parents for the child is the basis of education;
  • in the development process, it is important to use all the baby's senses (vision, hearing, smell, taste, touch);
  • at an early age, it is necessary to pay maximum attention to the development of the right hemisphere of the brain, which dominates in children under 3 years old;
  • The success of classes depends on their systematic and consistent nature.

Development according to Shichida is aimed at developing the capabilities of the right hemisphere: photographic memory, mathematical abilities, high speed information processing, visualization, foreign language learning abilities, musical abilities, intuition, extrasensory perception. Children who are developed in this way learn to use the right hemisphere consciously, and not at an unconscious level, as most adults do.

What are Shichida's cultivation methods?

  1. Creating a warm, welcoming environment during class . In Shichida schools, classes with children are held in small groups - no more than 6 people, and with the obligatory presence of one of the parents of each child. The feeling of connection with mom or dad helps babies feel secure, makes them more confident, and stimulates brain activity. The Makoto Shichida technique emphasizes the importance of harmonious and loving relationship with children regarding their mental development. Classes should be held in an atmosphere of relaxation, not pressure, so the time for them must be selected so that the child has a good mood.
  2. The duration of classes at the Shichida school is no more than 50 minutes . But half an hour practical exercises a day, Makoto Shichida considers it necessary for the child's brain to reach its maximum potential.
  3. Setting up for classes . As mentioned above, for the success of Shichida classes, it is important that the baby is in a good mood, and also not overexcited. Before starting the exercises, it is recommended to let the child listen to music with alpha waves, which activates the brain. What are alpha waves, or alpha signals? These are some vibrations on which intuition, telepathy and clairvoyance are based. Alpha waves are emitted by the brain during moments of relaxation and meditation. Shichida believes that children, unlike adults, can read alpha signals, and this ability needs to be developed. Concerning concrete examples, an example of music with alpha waves is the Ocean Waves audio recordings by Dr. Geoffrey Thompson, Rest and Grounding by Kelly Howell. Also in the schools of Shichida, breathing exercises are practiced before performing the main tasks.
  4. Dynamism and variety of forms of activities with the child . Shichida's technique covers a wide range of tasks - humanitarian, musical, mathematical, for the study of foreign languages, physical. And, of course, all tasks should be interesting for the child. Ideally, each Shichida method exercise takes 1-2 minutes (maximum 5 minutes). If the process is delayed, the child needs to be helped and continue to use simpler tasks.

The Shichida method includes the following games and exercises:

  • games for the development of imagination (imagine yourself as someone else, make up a story);
  • exercises for the development of the ESP function (clairvoyance, telepathy, psychometry, foresight);
  • demonstration of flash cards for the development of photo memory;
  • games with cards (develop memory, fantasy);
  • games with tangrams, puzzles, constructors (develop imagination, creativity);
  • mathematics (recognition of the number of dots on cards, familiarity with numbers);
  • music and physical exercise;
  • creative tasks(sculpting, drawing);
  • Reading books.
  1. No need to expect instant results . Parents should not require the child to reproduce the displayed images. Information in the process of training is deposited at a subconscious level and will be retrieved when it is really needed.

Parenting Principles by Makoto Shichida

Makoto Shichida advises parents to believe in the child and his potential, not to demand the impossible from him, not to compare with other children, to praise as often as possible and less often to point out shortcomings. Your child's academic success should not be for you. main value. Remember that all children are perfect from birth, and try to show love to the baby in all possible ways. By the way, when Professor Shichida once spoke with a group of children, he heard from them that their parents did not love them enough. So don't be so sure that your child is getting enough attention and love. Makoto Shichida's tips on how to show love to a child:

Strong 8 Second Hugs

After the baby has fulfilled your request or task, praise him: “Thank you very much, you helped me so much (so pleased me)! I love you very much!" and hug tightly. In 8 seconds of hugs, your love will reach the heart of a child, says Makoto Shichida. This method helps to cope with whims and bad behavior. Praise makes the baby more self-confident, motivates to do good deeds.

Listen carefully to the child

Many mothers try to talk more with the child, but it is important not only to talk yourself, but also to listen to the baby. One-sided conversations, especially in a didactic and moralistic way, make the child withdraw and feel unloved. Listen and try to LISTEN. The practice of the “echo method” works well in talking with children, in which an adult plays a passive role, repeating, like an echo, the child’s words, analyzing them and asking questions. For example: “Mom, I don’t want to go to kindergarten.” - “You don’t want to go to kindergarten ... What don’t you like there?”. - "Sasha offends me." “Sasha offends you. Why does he do that?"

Use the 5-minute setup method

This method is used when there is a need to correct any violations of the baby's behavior - thumb sucking, throwing toys, unwillingness to go to kindergarten, tantrums, etc. 5 minutes after falling asleep, when the child's consciousness is already asleep, the subconscious mind continues to be awake and respond to information coming from outside. At this time, you can effectively influence the subconscious of the baby directly, telling him in a whisper about what his behavior will become.

For example, a boy, 2 years old, sucks his thumb. Mom, 5 minutes after he falls asleep, begins to tell him the following: “Son, you are already so big, you are two years old. You are happy and calm, dad and I love you very much and always take care of you. You feel confident and loved. You don't have to suck your thumb. Now you will sleep soundly, sweet dream. You feel very good. Tomorrow you will wake up in happy mood and we'll play together."

Makoto Shichida says in his book that all mothers whose children had some kind of behavioral disorder noticed improvements after using this technique. One child went to kindergarten without tears in three days, the other stopped sucking his thumb in less than a week.

Shichida technique: pros and cons

Shichida's development methods, on the one hand, are confirmed by many years of research by a Japanese professor and have some points of contact with other methods. On the other hand, any promises to develop extrasensory abilities, intuition and other "ephemeral" matters are often perceived as a deception. However, regardless of your position on the topic of clairvoyance, you should not deny the methodology of Professor Shichida.

The unambiguous advantages of the methodology are: emphasis on love and harmonious relations between parents and the child; the desire to fill the life of the baby with various and interesting tasks for him; the presence of a system that facilitates daily activities with the child; adults' lack of a goal to teach the baby to read and count as soon as possible, i.e. develop his academic skills.

The disadvantages of the method include the author's assumptions already mentioned above about the development of superpowers - not everyone likes them. However, it is this part of the Shichida technique that attracts someone. And exercises like the "Ball of Energy", which seem too magical to some, can be compared with any other children's games, where the baby simply trains the imagination.

Some people in the methodology do not like the point about showing a huge number of cards, which must be constantly different. Indeed, if one follows Shichida's method thoroughly, printing out thousands of cards can be a problem. And displaying images on a computer is not very good for the baby's vision.

In any case, mothers who use the Shichida technique in classes with children speak of it with enthusiasm. They talk about the brilliant successes of their kids, who have a good memory, start talking early and master reading and counting with ease. Whether this can be considered a merit of the technique or the mothers themselves is hard to say. One thing is certain: communication with a child, games with him and classes will definitely not be in vain.

Directly about the classes themselves according to the Shichida method will be discussed in the next article -.

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