Development of lessons on Russian literature. Outline of Russian literature


What is a myth? Why did people create myths and why do they create them now? What do ancient Chinese and ancient Icelandic creation myths have in common?

Lesson number 8 "The legend of the Belgorod kissel"

What is a chronicle and what does it tell us about? What did the weather records look like? Kiev-Pechersk Lavra and its chroniclers. "The Tale of Bygone Years". Why does the chronicler tell the legend about the Belgorod jelly?

Lesson number 10 Similarities and differences between literary and folk tales

How does Pushkin change the plot of a folk tale? The folklore tale begins with the princess getting lost in the forest. Why does the poet talk about the mother of the princess and her successor? Is it important that it is not a passerby, but the groom who saves the princess?

Lesson number 13 Composition-reasoning “Which forces in a fairy tale help the princess, and which ones destroy?”

What is a discussion essay? Why write a plan? “Thesis - evidence - conclusion” - this is the scheme of writing-reasoning. What to fill it with? How to choose the right examples to support the argument, but not to duplicate it. How does the conclusion relate to the topic of the discussion?

Lesson number 14 Myths of the ancient Slavs. Representations of the ancient Slavs about the phenomena of nature. Folk myth of the sun

Video lesson on the topic “Myths of the ancient Slavs. Representations of the ancient Slavs about the phenomena of nature. Folk myth about the sun. During the lesson, you will learn about the beliefs of the ancient Slavs, their mythology, in particular the myth of the sun - a fundamental idea of ​​the world of our ancestors.

Lesson number 15 The exploits of Hercules. "Animal Farm of King Avgiy"

One of the most interesting topics is “The Labors of Hercules. "The Animal Farm of King Avgiy" will become even more exciting in the presentation of our teacher. In the lesson you will learn about salient features ancient Greek heroes, about their place in the epic and about one of the most popular heroes Ancient Greece- Hercules. You will hear a story about the son of Zeus and a mortal woman who accomplished 12 labors and deserved immortality.

Lesson number 16 The exploits of Hercules. Apples of the Hesperides

The video lesson will allow you to study the topic “The Labors of Hercules. Apples of the Hesperides. In this lesson, you will get acquainted with the myth that tells about the last feat of Hercules. This feat is considered the most difficult of all performed by Hercules. Why? You will learn the answer from a fascinating story, which will explain what difficulties Hercules faced in order to get the golden apples of the Hesperides from the gardens of Atlas.

Lesson number 17 The difference between myth and legend. Herodotus. "Legend of Arion"

This video tutorial will introduce you to the topic “The difference between myth and legend. Herodotus. "The Legend of Arion". Thanks to this lesson, you will be able to learn what legends are, how and when they were created. We will also tell you what is the main difference between myth and legend. Then we will introduce you to the "Legend of Arion" by Herodotus and analyze it together.

Lesson #18 Homer The Iliad and the Odyssey are great ancient Greek poems. "Odysseus on the Island of the Cyclopes"

This video lesson is dedicated to the topic "Homer. The Iliad and the Odyssey are the great ancient Greek poems. Odysseus on the Island of the Cyclopes. A fascinating story will introduce you to the great ancient Greek poem "The Odyssey" by Homer. One of the episodes of the hero's wandering - "Odysseus on the island of the Cyclopes" will be considered in more detail.

Lesson #19 Homer. "Iliad" and "Odyssey" - the great ancient Greek poems

This video lesson is dedicated to the topic "Homer. The Iliad and the Odyssey are the great ancient Greek poems. The theme of this lesson is related to the Trojan War, which is reflected in the heroic poems "Iliad" and "Odyssey". We will try to find out what is true and what is fiction. Homer is one of the legendary names world history, the founder of world art. In this lesson, you will find a fascinating story about the great singer and his great ancient Greek poems.

Lesson #20 Myths ancient india. "Creation". "Tale of the Creation of the Night"

In this video tutorial you can learn the topic "Myths of Ancient India. "Creation". "A Tale of the Creation of the Night". This lesson will introduce you to the myths of Ancient India about the origin of the world. You will also be able to compare what is common in the ideas of ancient people about the creation of the world and man. Together with the teacher, you will analyze two ancient Indian myths: "Creation" and "The legend of the creation of the night"

Lesson number 21 Scandinavian myths. "The Tale of Thor's Journey to Utgard"

This video lesson is devoted to the study of the topic “Scandinavian myths. "The Tale of Thor's Journey to Utgard". In this lesson, we will go on a trip to the Scandinavian Peninsula, get acquainted with the myth "The Legend of Thor's Journey to Utgard" and try to understand the model of the world inherent in Scandinavian myths.

Lesson number 22 Myths of Ancient Greece. The difference between myth and fairy tale

This video tutorial is dedicated to the myths of Ancient Greece and the difference between a myth and a fairy tale. Having learned the lesson, you will understand the main differences between a myth and a fairy tale, understand how they differ from each other. The teacher's fascinating stories about the myths of Ancient Greece, about gods and heroes, the origin of the world will take you to ancient Hellas and open amazing pages in the life of this people.

Lesson #23 The Bible is the great work of antiquity. Old and New Testament

The Bible is the great work of antiquity. Old and New Testament". It is not in vain that the Bible is considered a great work of antiquity, because it contains the foundations of the Christian faith, which are the spiritual basis of many people on Earth. The study of the Old and New Testament will help you better understand this great book, which is the monuments of world literature.

Lesson #24 The concept of a parable. Parables of Jesus Christ. "The parable of prodigal son". "The Parable of the Good Samaritan"

"The concept of a parable. Parables of Jesus Christ. "The Parable of the Prodigal Son". "The Parable of the Good Samaritan". We will learn what a parable is and get acquainted with two works of this genre - the parable "About the Prodigal Son" and the parable "About the Good Samaritan". You will also learn how Jesus Christ preached about right life by using short stories- parables understandable to everyone.

Lesson number 25 "The Tale of Bygone Years" - the first Russian chronicle. "The Tale of Kozhemyak". Reflection historical events and invention. Reflection of the qualities of the ideal folk hero

In this lesson, the Tale of Bygone Years is studied - the first Russian chronicle, as well as the Tale of Kozhemyak. A reflection of historical events and fiction, a reflection of the qualities of an ideal folk hero. The emergence of writing in Rus', acquaintance with the ancient Russian chronicle "The Tale of Bygone Years". Tradition from this chronicle "The Tale of Kozhemyak".

Lesson number 26 "The legend of the Belgorod kissel." Reflection of historical events and fiction. Reflection of the qualities of an ideal folk hero

This lesson is dedicated old Russian work"The Legend of Belgorod Kissel". Reflection of historical events and fiction. Reflection of the qualities of an ideal folk hero. One of the legends of the chronicle of The Tale of Bygone Years - "The Tale of the Belgorod Kissel" - will help in understanding the historical events of that time, what exactly is the fiction of such works.

Lesson #27 A.S. Pushkin. Lyceum years. "Prisoner". Freedom-loving aspirations of the poet

Today in the lesson we will talk about the work of A.S. Pushkin in the lyceum years. "Prisoner". Freedom-loving aspirations of the poet. On it we will be able to get acquainted with the lyceum years of the great Russian poet. Let's analyze the poem "The Prisoner" and see how A.S. Pushkin was able to convey his freedom-loving aspirations.

Lesson number 28 Friendship in the life and work of Pushkin. The poem "Pushchin".

In this lesson we will talk about friendship in the life and work of Pushkin. The poem "Pushchin". Artistic features of the poetic message. We will continue our acquaintance with the works of the great Russian poet A.S. Pushkin, we will consider how the poet symbolized friendship in his work, and we will determine the main artistic features of the poetic message. We will also study and analyze Pushkin's poem "Pushchina".

Lesson #29 A.S. Pushkin Winter morning". Two-syllable meters of verse

This video lesson is dedicated to the study of the work of the Russian poet A.S. Pushkin "Winter Morning". Two-syllable metres. We will consider how in our lyrical work"Winter Morning" the poet was able to convey his feelings of admiration and joy from the beauty of the surrounding nature. We will also get acquainted with the features of poetic speech - with two-syllable meter verses.

Lesson No. 30 A.S. Pushkin "Snowstorm"

The topic of this lesson: “The story of A.S. Pushkin "Snowstorm". This story is part of a cycle of five works, united by the common title "Belkin's Tales". They talk about ordinary people, about their life and way of life. The story "The Snowstorm" helps to better understand how an accident can change a person's whole life in an instant.

Today we will talk about the work of A.S. Pushkin "The Stationmaster" Having studied one of the works of the Belkin Tales cycle, we will analyze the meaning invested by the great Russian poet and writer A.S. Pushkin in the story " Stationmaster". We will also once again understand the concept of "little man" used in Russian literature of that time.

Lesson No. 32 About the creation of the novel "Dubrovsky". Historical and cultural context time. Image of the Russian brotherhood

This video tutorial tells about the creation of the novel "Dubrovsky". Historical and cultural context of time. Image of the Russian brotherhood. On it we will meet one of famous novels the great Russian poet A.S. Pushkin "Dubrovsky". Together with the teacher we will be able to deal with its historical and cultural aspect.

Lesson number 38 Proverbs and sayings

This video tutorial is for self-study the theme "Proverbs and sayings", included in school course Literature for 7th grade. From it you can find out what a small folk genre what place proverbs and sayings occupied in folk life and in the Russian language. The teacher will tell about the history of studying Russian proverbs and sayings.

Lesson number 39 The concept of tradition, of the epic

This video tutorial will help users get an idea about the topic "The concept of tradition, about the epic." At this lecture, seventh graders will be able to make an exciting journey through the world of literature. The first stop on this path will be folk art - legends and epics, which the teacher will tell about. Also during the lesson you will be able to get acquainted with several works of Russian folklore.

Lesson number 40 Analysis of epics. "Volga and Mikula Selyaninovich", "Ilya Muromets and the Nightingale the Robber"

In this lesson, the topic “Analysis of epics. "Volga and Mikula Selyaninovich", "Ilya Muromets and the Nightingale the Robber"". In this lesson, the teacher will ask you to find the difference between epics and fairy tales. During the lesson, you will be able to get acquainted with the Kyiv and Novgorod epics, and specifically with the epics "Volga and Mikula Selyaninovich" and "Ilya Muromets and the Nightingale the Robber".

Lesson #41 Novgorod cycle epics. "Sadko"

This video lesson is intended for self-acquaintance with the topic “Novgorod cycle of epics. "Sadko". With the help of this video lecture, everyone will be able to get an idea about the works of oral folk art related to the Novgorod cycle of epics. The teacher will tell one of the variants of the epic "Sadko" with a hero not typical for Russian folklore.

Lesson No. 42 "The Tale of Bygone Years", "Instruction" by Vladimir Monomakh

In this video lesson, the topic “The Tale of Bygone Years”, “Instruction” by Vladimir Monomakh is proposed for study. This video lecture is devoted to ancient Russian literature, its features and genres. During the lesson, the teacher will introduce you to two works: “Instruction” by Vladimir Monomakh and “ Tale of Bygone Years.

Lesson No. 43 "The Tale of Peter and Fevronia of Murom". Anthem of love and loyalty

With the help of this video lesson, everyone will be able to independently go through the topic "The Tale of Peter and Fevronia of Murom". A hymn of love and fidelity. From this video lecture you will learn about the monument to the Russian Literature XVI V. - stories about Peter and Fevronia of Murom. The teacher will talk about legendary heroes story, the main elements of its plot, as well as the anthem of love and fidelity hidden in it.

Lesson No. 44 Acquaintance with the life and work of M.V. Lomonosov

This video tutorial will be useful to all those who want to independently go through the topic “Introduction to the life and work of M.V. Lomonosov". During the lesson, everyone will be able to get an idea of ​​the main features of the literature of the 18th century. Then the teacher will introduce you to the life, work and work of Mikhail Lomonosov.

Lesson #45 M.V. Lomonosov. Analysis of works

We present to your attention a video lesson on the topic “M.V. Lomonosov. Analysis of works”, which is milestone in the school literature course for grade 7. During the lesson, the teacher will talk about the patriotic citizen, scientist and the best poet of his time - Mikhail Vasilyevich Lomonosov, as well as read and analyze several of his works.

Lesson #46 G.R. Derzhavin. Poetry

This video tutorial was created specifically for self-study of the topic “G.R. Derzhavin. Poetry". From this video lecture, everyone will be able to learn about the first Russian lyricist - Gavril Romanovich Derzhavin, whose work became a model for poets of the Pushkin generation. The teacher will read out a few verses, on the example of which you can get an idea of ​​​​Derzhavin's poetry.

Lesson #47 V.A. Zhukovsky. Translation of Goethe's ballad "The Forest King"

In this video lesson, everyone will be able to study the topic “V.A. Zhukovsky. Translation of Goethe's ballad "The Forest King". During this lesson, you will be able to get acquainted with a new stage in the development of Russian literature - romanticism, one of the "fathers" of which was Vasily Zhukovsky. The teacher will talk about the translation of Goethe's ballad "The Forest King".

Lesson #48 A.S. Pushkin. "Song of the Prophetic Oleg"

Using this video tutorial, everyone will be able to get an idea about the topic "A.S. Pushkin. "The Song of the Prophetic Oleg"". During this lesson, you will be able to start studying the work of Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin. The teacher will talk about Pushkin's poetry using the example of the "Song of the Prophetic Oleg", read selected passages aloud and analyze them.

Lesson #49 A.S. Pushkin "Poltava"

This lesson is dedicated to the poem "Poltava" by A.S. Pushkin. During the lesson, the teacher introduces the children to the history of writing this work. The teacher talks about the main storylines of the poem: romantic and historical. He then reads selected passages from the poem aloud and analyzes them with his students.

Lesson No. 50 A.S. Pushkin Bronze Horseman»

This video lesson is intended for independent study of the topic "A.S. Pushkin "The Bronze Horseman"". Using this video lecture, you can learn a lot about the work of Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin. The teacher will talk about Pushkin's favorite lyrical characters - Peter I and St. Petersburg, and will also read selected excerpts from the poem "The Bronze Horseman".

Lesson #54 Saltykov-Shchedrin. "I am a writer, and this is my calling." "Fairy tales for children fair age"

With the help of this video tutorial, everyone will be able to get an idea about the topic “M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin. "I am a writer, and this is my calling." "Fairy tales for children of a fair age". During the lesson, you will get acquainted with the satire of Saltykov-Shchedrin. At the beginning of the lesson, the teacher will give brief information about the biography of the writer, and then talk about such works as "Tales for children of a fair age" and "I am a writer, and this is my vocation."

Lesson #55 Saltykov-Shchedrin. "The Tale of How One Man Feeded Two Generals"

During the video lesson, you will get acquainted with the topic “M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin. "The Tale of How One Man Feeded Two Generals." In this lesson, you and your teacher will conduct a fascinating analysis of M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin "The Tale of How One Man Feeded Two Generals." In the course of this analysis, we will try to understand what the author wanted to say with his fairy tale and how skillfully he combines fiction with reality in it.

Lesson No. 56 L.N. Tolstoy. About the writer. The story "Childhood"

This lesson is devoted to the study of L.N. Tolstoy. During the lesson, the teacher tells the children about the biography of Lev Nikolaevich and the events that influenced his development as a writer. The teacher analyzes selected chapters from the writer's autobiographical story "Childhood" - one of the most poetic works that tells about the formation of a child's personality.

Lesson No. 57 L.N. Tolstoy. The story "Childhood". Analysis of selected chapters

The topic of this video lesson is “L.N. Tolstoy. The story "Childhood". Analysis of selected chapters. In this lesson, you and your teacher will discuss the features of the story "Childhood". Find out what problems L.N. Tolstoy. You will also analyze selected chapters by doing an exciting literary journey into the inner world of the protagonist of this work.

Lesson #59 A.P. Chekhov - writer and man

This video tutorial is dedicated to the topic “A.P. Chekhov is a writer and a man. We will begin our acquaintance with A.P. Chekhov from Maxim Gorky's statement about this unique writer and person. During the lesson, you will find a fascinating story about his biography and many interesting facts about how his literary talent was formed.

Lesson #60 A.P. Chekhov. Chameleon story. Chameleonism as social phenomenon

In this video tutorial, we will discuss the topic “A.P. Chekhov. Chameleon story. Chameleonism as a social phenomenon. First, you will be able to listen to an artistic reading of the story "Chameleon", which will allow you to mentally bring the characters of the story to life. Then, together with the teacher, we will follow how main character changes its attitude to what is happening, like a chameleon changing color. Let's think about what associations the names of the main characters can cause. Let's discuss how successful A.P. Chekhov to reflect in his story chameleonism as a social phenomenon.

Lesson #61 I.A. Bunin. About the writer

In this lesson, seventh graders are invited to get acquainted with the artistic world of Ivan Bunin. In the lesson, students will plunge into the rich biography of one of the most famous Russian writers, winner of the Nobel Prize in Literature, who ended his life in exile. In addition, students will be able to get acquainted with the stages creative way Ivan Bunin, the theme of his works, etc.

Lesson #62 I.A. Bunin. Analysis of the story "Numbers"

In this video tutorial, we will discuss the topic “I.A. Bunin. Analysis of the story "Numbers". This lesson is devoted to the analysis of the story "Numbers". In fact, such a name was not chosen by chance for this work. I.A. Bunin very skillfully raises in his story the problem of the relationship between adults and children and the problem of human opposition to the generally accepted laws of life. How he does it, you will learn from this lesson!

Lesson #63 Meeting with Maxim Gorky

In this video tutorial we will discuss the topic "Meeting with Maxim Gorky". The teacher's fascinating narration about the biography of the writer will allow you to personally attend a meeting with Maxim Gorky. You will learn why Gorky chose such a symbolic pseudonym for himself and what had a strong influence on the development of his literary talent.

Lesson No. 64 M. Gorky. Autobiographical story"Childhood". Chapters from the story

This video tutorial will help you get acquainted with the topic "M. Bitter. Autobiographical story "Childhood". Chapters from the story. Before starting the analysis of the autobiographical story "Childhood", you will answer the quiz questions. You will also be able to listen to artistic reading and analyze some chapters from the story together with the teacher. This will allow you to get a complete picture of M. Gorky's childhood.

Lesson No. 65 L. Andreev. The story of "Kusak"

In this lesson, the topic "L. Andreev. "Kusak" story. In this lesson, you will most likely get acquainted with the work of L. Andreev for the first time. We will discuss the story "Bitter", in which the main character is a dog. It should be noted that it will not be the only work of the author that you have to read. In this story, the author raises the problem of the indifference of adults, which gives rise to indifference in children.

Lesson #66 A.P. Platonov. The story "Yushka"

In this video tutorial, you can learn the topic “A.P. Platonov. Yushka's story. A.P. Platonov's fate is not easy, one might even say, full of difficulties. But this did not break the writer. To better understand the personality of the writer and the works he wrote, we turn to his notes about himself. Next, we will conduct a fascinating analysis of his story "Yushka".

Lesson #67 A.P. Platonov. Fairy tale "Unknown flower"

In this video lesson, we will study the topic “A.P. Platonov. Fairy tale "Unknown flower". This lesson has a purpose - to help you learn to understand the stories of A.P. Platonov and wholeheartedly perceive what the author wanted to say. We will discuss what genres such as a fairy tale and a true story include. Then we will analyze how the author managed to combine these two genres in his story "The Unknown Flower".

Lesson #68 Paustovsky about famous people

This lesson is devoted to the study of L.N. Tolstoy. During the lesson, the teacher tells the children about the biography of Lev Nikolaevich and the events that influenced his development as a writer. The teacher analyzes selected chapters from the writer's autobiographical story "Childhood" - one of the most poetic works that tells about the formation of a child's personality.

Lesson #69 Paustovsky. The story "Basket with fir cones"

This video tutorial is dedicated to the topic “K.G. Paustovsky. The story "Basket with fir cones." From the fascinating narration of the teacher, you can learn many interesting literary facts about the work of K.G. Paustovsky. Although the story "Basket with Fir Cones" is a fictional story, an analysis of this work will allow you to plunge into true story about a man who subtly feels nature - Edvard Grieg, a famous Norwegian composer.

Lesson #70 A.T. Tvardovsky. From the memories of the writer. Lyrics

This lesson is dedicated to the poet Alexander Trifonovich Tvardovsky. Schoolchildren will get acquainted with interesting moments from the life of the author and the main milestones of his biography. Excerpts from the memoirs of Tvardovsky, written by his brother, will also be read. After that, the teacher will read the poet's poems dedicated to the writer's childhood.

Lesson No. 71 "There is a people's war..." Lyrics of the war years (poems by A.T. Tvardovsky, K. Simonov, etc.)

The topic of this video lesson is “There is a people’s war ...” Lyrics of the war years (poems by A.T. Tvardovsky, K. Simonov, etc.)”. From the teacher's fascinating story, you can learn about the literary work of many poets during the Great Patriotic War. Get acquainted with the lyrics of the war years on the example of poems by K. Simonov, A.T. Tvardovsky and other poets.

Lesson No. 72 Yu.P. Kazakov. A word about a writer. Quiet morning story

In this lesson, you will be able to study the topic “Yu.P. Kazakov. A word about a writer. Quiet morning story. Yu.P. Kazakov is known as a great master of the short story genre. In this lesson, we will introduce you to his work in more detail, as well as discuss in detail his story “Quiet Morning” and analyze it together with the teacher.

Lesson number 73 About "Henry. About the writer. The story "Gifts of the Magi"

In this lesson, you can get acquainted with the topic "O" Henry. About the writer. The story "Gifts of the Magi." You may already be familiar with the works foreign writer O "Henry. In this lesson we will introduce you to interesting biographical facts so you can get a better idea of ​​the writer. We will also analyze his story "The Gift of the Magi", which is based on the biblical Christmas story.

Lesson No. 74 A.-S. Exupery. " A little prince". Lesson 1

In this lesson, we will begin the study of the topic “A.-S. Exupery. "A little prince". Lesson 1". At the beginning of this lesson, we will get a little acquainted with A.-S. Exupery. But the main attention will be given to the discussion of the philosophical tale "The Little Prince", which reflected the author's understanding of the meaning human existence.

Lesson No. 75 A.-S. Exupery. "A little prince". Lesson 2

This video lesson continues the study of the topic “A.-S. Exupery. "A little prince". Lesson 2. In this lesson, we continue the fascinating acquaintance with philosophical tale"A little prince". Together with the teacher, you will turn to the pages devoted to the description of the Earth. A subtle analysis of the work will allow you to penetrate into the depths of the author's thoughts, and take with your heart the thoughts that he wanted to convey to the reader.

Lesson number 76 Old Russian literature. Genre Lives of the Saints. Life of Sergius of Radonezh

The topic of this video lesson is devoted to ancient Russian literature: “The genre of the lives of the saints. Life of Sergius of Radonezh. To begin with, it is necessary to clarify the very concept of literature, because ancient Russian literature actually has nothing to do with modern literature. Therefore, many historians who study the genre of describing the life of the saints, especially the life of Sergius of Radonezh, tend to call it Old Russian book or writing.

Lesson No. 77 The creative path of Nikolai Mikhailovich Karamzin

In this lesson, we will get acquainted with the creative path of Nikolai Mikhailovich Karamzin. An outstanding writer, historian, journalist, publicist, he is rightfully considered one of the key figures in Russia in the 18th century. In this lesson, you can once again get acquainted not only with the biography of this outstanding figure in Russian literature, but also with the creative path of Nikolai Mikhailovich Karamzin.

Lesson number 78 The story " Poor Lisa» Nikolai Mikhailovich Karamzin

This video lesson is devoted to the topic "The story" Poor Lisa "by Nikolai Mikhailovich Karamzin." During this lesson, we will make an exciting literary journey, discussing the story "Poor Lisa" by Nikolai Mikhailovich Karamzin. We will learn many interesting historical moments related to its creation and popularity with readers. We will also consider the moral issues raised by the writer.

Lesson No. 79 Biography of D.I. Fonvizina

This video lesson is intended for self-acquaintance with the topic "Biography of D. I. Fonvizin." A fascinating lecture will allow you to trace the biography of D. I. Fonvizin from birth. So you can for a short time get acquainted with the creative path of the writer full of interesting life moments.

Lesson No. 80 Fonvizin's comedy "Undergrowth"

This video tutorial is intended for self-acquaintance with the topic "Fonvizin's Comedy" Undergrowth ". After listening to a fascinating lecture, you will be able to get a three-dimensional idea of ​​Fonvizin's comedy "Undergrowth" in a short time. You will also consider the issues that the writer raises in his work, and understand how they are related to modernity.

Lesson No. 81 Episode of the comedy "Undergrowth"

With the help of this video tutorial, you can get acquainted with the topic “The episode of the comedy “Undergrowth”. Together we will read and analyze 7, 8 the phenomenon of the third act. Getting acquainted with this episode of the comedy "Undergrowth", which can be called "Mitrofanushka's Lesson", you might think that what is described there is a comic exaggeration - hyperbole, but this is a real life situation. Find out why you can be sure of it!

Lesson #82 I.A. Krylov. Creative way of the writer. Krylov's fables

In this video lesson, you can study the topic “I.A. Krylov. Creative way of the writer. Fables of Krylov. I.A. Krylov is one of the few folk poets who are known and quoted by the majority of the country's population. Who has not read his famous fables? In this fascinating lecture, you will get acquainted with the creative path of the writer. Learn a lot interesting moments from his life. For example, was Krylov on Senate Square during the Decembrist uprising?

Lesson No. 83 Ballads of A.S. Pushkin. "Song of the Prophetic Oleg"

The topic of this video lesson is “Ballads of A.S. Pushkin. "The Song of the Prophetic Oleg". The teacher will tell you in a fascinating way about the origin of the ballad genre. Of course, the main part of the lesson is devoted to acquaintance with the work of A.S. Pushkin - his first appeal to the ballad genre. Together with the lecturer, you will analyze the “Song of the Prophetic Oleg”, learning a lot of interesting things.

Lesson No. 84 Pushkin's story "Dubrovsky". Plot. Characters. Issues

In this video lesson, you can get acquainted with the topic "Pushkin's Tale" Dubrovsky ". Plot. Characters. Problems". For this video lesson, you can not only learn the historical background that formed the basis of Pushkin's story "Dubrovsky", but also discuss the plot of this work, analyze the characters of the main characters. The problems of this story will be revealed in a fascinating form.

Lesson No. 85 Author's position in The Captain's Daughter

During the lesson, everyone will be able to get an idea about the topic "Author's Position in The Captain's Daughter". The teacher during this video lesson will tell you in a fascinating way about how to literary genres reflects the author's position, especially in romantic literature XVIII century. Several points of view regarding the author's position in The Captain's Daughter will also be considered.

Lesson #86 The meaning of the title of The Captain's Daughter

This video tutorial will cover the topic "The meaning of the title of" The Captain's Daughter ". The captain's daughter is Masha Mironova, who first appears in the story only in the third chapter. Moreover, her appearance is not catchy, not impressing the main character. How the plot developed further and what is the meaning of the title of this story, you can find out by listening to the fascinating lecture of this lesson.

Lesson #87 The Captain's Daughter Circle of Problems

In this video lesson, the topic “Circle of problems of the Captain's Daughter” will be considered. The first thing that catches your eye is that this story is a work of history. Pushkin refers to historical theme completely in his own way. What this manifested itself in, you will learn during the lesson, after listening to how the teacher will fascinatingly highlight the range of problems of The Captain's Daughter.

Lesson No. 88 Composition of the "Captain's Daughter"

In this video lesson, the topic “Composition of the Captain’s Daughter” will be considered. The first thing that many note is that Pushkin avoids unnecessary details. Therefore, the composition of The Captain's Daughter deserves close attention. After conducting a fascinating analysis together with the teacher, you will find out the meaning invested by the author in many compositional details.

Lesson No. 89 The hero and the world in the poem "Mtsyri"

In this video lesson, we will discuss the topic "The Hero and the World in the poem" Mtsyri ". When Lermontov first had the idea of ​​writing this romantic poem? What is its peculiarity and uniqueness in contrast to classical romantic poems? You will receive answers to these and many other questions by listening to the teacher's fascinating discussions on the topic “The Hero and the World of Mtsyri”.

Lesson No. 90 Composition of the poem "Mtsyri"

The lesson is dedicated to the poem "Mtsyri" by Mikhail Yuryevich Lermontov. The teacher talks about the composition of the poem, reading out excerpts from the work and analyzing them. At the beginning of the video tutorial, users will be able to learn about the world of Lermontov's romantic poem, about typical and atypical features for this genre. The teacher will also touch upon the theme of nature in the poem and its philosophical component.

Lesson No. 91 Gogol's "Inspector General": the city and its inhabitants

In this video lesson, we will discuss the topic of Gogol's "Inspector General: the city and its inhabitants." special attention Let's analyze how the city and its inhabitants are depicted in Gogol's play. Does it correspond to a real city? What meaning did the author want to put into the work by choosing just such an approach in the presentation? By following the analysis of the work by the teacher, you can make amazing literary discoveries.

Lesson No. 92 Gogol's innovation as a playwright (based on the comedy The Inspector General)

This video lesson is dedicated to the discussion of the topic "Innovation of Gogol - the playwright (based on the comedy" The Inspector General ")". You will be able to learn many interesting details about the history of the creation and reprinting of this play. Together with the teacher, you will be able to analyze in great detail and subtly how the innovation of Gogol, the playwright, manifested itself in The Government Inspector.

Lesson No. 93 Gogol's story "The Night Before Christmas"

This video lesson is dedicated to the discussion of the topic "Gogol's story" The Night Before Christmas ". We will discuss the beginning of Gogol's creative career, and you will be able to learn many interesting details about his first literary fiasco and subsequent success. Then we will get acquainted with one of the masterpieces of his work, having examined in detail the story of Gogol "The Night Before Christmas".

Lesson No. 94 The story of L.N. Tolstoy "After the Ball"

In this video lesson, we will discuss the topic “The story of L.N. Tolstoy "After the Ball". From the very beginning, we learn that this is a story within a story, it does not come from the author's point of view. In the course of the lesson, you will be able to find out why the story of L.N. Tolstoy's "After the Ball" is not built in the first person. We will also analyze many scenes from this story, considering the themes and issues raised in it by Tolstoy.

Lesson No. 95 Gogol's "Overcoat": "little man" in big city

In this video lesson, we will discuss the theme of Gogol's "Overcoat": "a little man" in a big city. Together with the teacher, you will be able to conduct a fascinating analysis of the story "The Overcoat" by Gogol. Find out who the image of the "little man" created by the author represents. Consider examples of Gogol's hyperbolism that amaze you when reading this story.

Lesson No. 96 Ballad V.A. Zhukovsky "Svetlana" as a romantic work

In this video lesson, you can get acquainted with the topic “The Ballad of V.A. Zhukovsky "Svetlana" as a romantic work. During the lesson, the teacher will highlight the work of this wonderful Russian poet. You will be able to learn a lot of interesting literary facts about the birth of a new genre - ballads by V.A. Zhukovsky. Of course, the main attention will be paid to his most famous ballad - "Svetlana", known as a romantic work.

Lesson #97 A.P. Chekhov. The story "About love"

In this video tutorial, you can learn the topic “A.P. Chekhov. The story about love. This story is part of a trilogy in which A.P. Chekhov describes contemporary life. The author tries to ask many deep philosophical questions to the reader. Using the story “About Love” as an example, we will try, together with the teacher, to understand the most difficult relationships between people.

Lesson #98 A.T. Tvardovsky. poem" Vasily Terkin"

This video tutorial will help you get acquainted with the topic “A.T. Tvardovsky. Poem "Vasily Terkin". Together with the teacher, you will conduct a fascinating analysis of the poem "Vasily Terkin", learn interesting literary facts about creating the image of the main character of this poem. After this lesson, you will certainly have a desire to read the poem in its entirety.

Lesson No. 99 Composition of the poem "Vasily Terkin". Russian national character

With the help of this video tutorial, you can get acquainted with the topic "Composition of the poem" Vasily Terkin ". Russian national character. Together we will conduct a fascinating literary analysis of the composition of the poem "Vasily Terkin". You will learn many interesting details about the image of the main character, who has become the personification of the Russian national character.

Lesson #99 A.T. Tvardovsky. Poem "Vasily Terkin". The problem is big and small homeland

This video lesson is dedicated to the topic “A.T. Tvardovsky. Poem "Vasily Terkin". The problem of a large and small homeland. In a fascinating lecture, you can get answers to many questions raised in the poem "Vasily Terkin". Particular attention is drawn to the problem of a large and small motherland raised by him in this work. After all, the homeland of the protagonist is the homeland of A.T. Tvardovsky.

Lesson No. 100 Folk-poetic basis of the poem "Vasily Terkin". humor in the poem

We present to your attention a video lesson on the topic "Folk and poetic basis of the poem" Vasily Terkin ". Humor in the poem. From this video lecture, everyone will be able to learn about how the diverse and significant life experience of Tvardovsky became the folk-poetic basis of the poem "Vasily Terkin". The teacher will also read selected passages from the poem, which will give an idea of ​​the author's sense of humor.

Lesson No. 101 V.P. Astafiev. The story "A photograph in which I am not"

This video tutorial was created specifically for self-study of the topic “V.P. Astafiev. The story "A photograph in which I am not"". With the help of this lecture, you will be able to get acquainted with the story "The Photograph Where I'm Not", which is included in the autobiographical work "The Last Bow", consisting of memories of Astafyev's childhood.

Lesson No. 102 V.M. Shukshin. The personality of the writer. The story "Uncle Yermolai"

This lesson is dedicated to the writer and screenwriter Vasily Makarovich Shukshin and his story "Uncle Yermolai". The teacher indicates the main milestones of the writer's biography, talks about the beginning of his creative path, lists the main works. Part of the lesson is devoted to one of latest works Vasily Shukshin - the story "Uncle Yermolai", its content, history of creation.

Lesson No. 103 V.M. Shukshin. The story "The sun, the old man and the girl"

In this lesson, everyone will be able to study the topic “V.M. Shukshin. The story "The sun, the old man and the girl". In the course of this lesson, eighth graders will have to get an idea of ​​a story-fate, full of bright and peculiar characters. The teacher will read selected excerpts from the story "The Sun, the Old Man and the Girl" by Vasily Shukshin.

Lesson No. 104 V.M. Shukshin. The story of the microscope

Using this video tutorial, everyone will be able to get an idea about the topic “V.M. Shukshin. The story of the microscope. Eighth graders will be able to get acquainted with a new story by Vasily Makarovich Shukshin. The teacher will talk about the influence that the traditions of oral folk art had on the writer, and also show this influence on the example of the story "Microscope".

Lesson No. 105 N.M. Rubtsov. Poems

This video lesson is intended for self-study of the topic “N.M. Rubtsov. Poems ”, which is included in the school literature course for the eighth grade. At this lecture, you will be able to learn about the spring poetry of Nikolai Rubtsov. During the lesson, the teacher will talk about the main features of the poet's work, as well as read out a few selected poems.

Lesson No. 106 W. Shakespeare. "Romeo and Juliet"

With the help of this video lesson, you can independently study the topic "U. Shakespeare. "Romeo and Juliet"". In this lesson, everyone will be able to get an idea about the work of the brilliant playwright William Shakespeare. During the lesson, the teacher will talk about the personality of Shakespeare, and also introduce you to the most famous tragedy of the author - "Romeo and Juliet".

Lesson No. 107 M. Cervantes. "Don Quixote"

Using this video tutorial, you can independently study the topic "M. Cervantes. "Don Quixote", which is included in the school literature course for grade 8. In this lecture, you will learn about one of the most famous Spanish writers- Miguel Cervantes. The teacher will talk about rich biography Cervantes, as well as the circumstances of the writing of the novel "Don Quixote".

Lesson No. 108 P. Merimee. legends

This video tutorial is intended for independent passage of the topic "P. Merimee. Legends. During this lesson, everyone will be able to get an idea of ​​​​the personality of Prosper Merimee - a brilliant writer, playwright and publicist. Using the example of Merimee, the teacher will talk about the interaction of Russian and French literature in the general space of world culture.

Lesson No. 109 Molière's "The Tradesman in the Nobility" as a classic comedy

With the help of this video tutorial, everyone will be able to get an idea of ​​​​the topic "Moliere's "The Tradesman in the Nobility" as a classic comedy." From this video lecture you can get an idea about the classics of world literature. The teacher will talk about Molière and his best comedy - "The Tradesman in the Nobility".

Lesson #110 What is "literature"

An introductory lesson in which, abandoning the traditional transfer of ready-made knowledge, we move on to the process of obtaining new knowledge together with students. At the same time, the idea of ​​a school subject called "literature" has to be revised and expanded: it turns out that literature is not only the totality of what is written for books, but also any speech design of people's interaction in the course of mastering the world.

Lesson No. 111 Historical features of the formation of folklore. The origin and development of literature

We find out how the concepts of “folklore” and “literature” correlate, how these oral and written methods of speech development of the world interact. It is found that the phenomena of folklore and literature are included in a single cyclic process, similar to the water cycle in nature. A literary work emerges from folklore to later turn into folklore, which will become the source of a new literary work.

Lesson No. 112 Historical features, genre and thematic originality of Old Russian literature

Clarify chronological framework ancient Russian literature. We explain the history of the emergence of the system of its genres. We trace the connection between the content of the monuments of ancient Russian literature and history.

Lesson No. 113 "The Tale of Igor's Campaign". Historical and artistic meaning

Turning to the question of the authenticity of the Lay, we find that this literary monument contains traces different eras: from the 12th to the 18th centuries. We see that each new reading of the Lay is connected with its new interpretation.

Lesson No. 114 "The Tale of Igor's Campaign". Folklore, pagan and Christian motifs

Discovering the "Word" for ourselves, we are convinced that it continues to exist for us as a work of both literature and folklore. And besides, as a work both ancient and modern.

Lesson No. 115 “Instruction” by Vladimir Monomakh, “Prayer” by Daniil Zatochnik and “The Life of Archpriest Avvakum, Written by Himself”

The three most significant works of ancient Russian literature allow us to follow the movement of Russian literature: from rigidly set medieval representations about man and his place in the world to liberation from dogmatic frameworks and canons. Thus, in ancient Russian texts we see the emergence of ideas about the value of the human person and the formation of respect for humanistic values.

Lesson number 116 Development of speech. Writing training. Choice of topic and genre, methods of preparation

The first lesson on the development of speech in the course. Based on the belief that the gift of speech is highest distinction man as a rational being, we come to understand the meaning and significance of work on school essays, and at the same time to ideas about the ways of this work.

Lesson No. 117 Features of Russian history and Russian literature in the 18th century. Literature and theater, journalism and printing

Introduction to 18th century literature. Observing how in the amusing games of the future Russian Emperor Peter the rapid breakthrough of Russia from the Middle Ages to the New Age was being prepared, we come to the assumption that the new Russian reality and new Russian literature were born as a special youth counterculture, opposing the adult and official culture at the turn of the XVII-XVIII centuries.

Lesson number 118 Classicism. HELL. Kantemir and V.K. Trediakovsky in the formation of new Russian literature

We follow the formation of Russian classicism as an art based on the imitation of high standards and faith in the limitless possibilities of the human mind. We discover the features of Russian classicism that distinguish it from European classicism.

Lesson No. 119 The meaning of M.V. Lomonosov for the subsequent development of the Russian poetic word

Getting to know the basic facts creative biography M.V. Lomonosov - the first Russian educator-encyclopedist. We observe how scientists philological works and literary creativity becomes the foundation of the activity of Lomonosov the thinker.

Lesson #120 Derzhavin. Life and art

We follow how G.R. Derzhavin - a soldier, an official, a nobleman - becomes the first Russian poet, the first professional author in the history of Russian literature, whose life turns out to be a creative destiny, and its description - a literary work.

Lesson #121 Enlightenment. A.N. Radishchev. "Journey from St. Petersburg to Moscow" as a phenomenon of literary and social life

We follow the tragic fate of A.N. Radishchev - writer, publisher, educator - and the dramatic fate of his book. We discover how, continuing the educational tradition of Lomonosov, Radishchiev imperceptibly crosses the line beyond which his educational activity begins to be perceived as revolutionary activity.
Questions, comments and wishes, as well as options for completed assignments, please send to [email protected] marked "A. Gershanik".

Lesson No. 122 Genre features and ideological meaning of "Journey ..."

We present to your attention a video lesson on the topic “Genre features and the ideological meaning of “Journey from St. Petersburg to Moscow”. Here we will discuss the genre in which Radishchev's book "Journey from St. Petersburg to Moscow" was written. We will find out how the genre of the work affects our perception of the text and what features there are in the genre of travel notes we are considering. Let's determine how Radishchev's work differs from the classical examples of this genre, what ideas the author preached in the novel.

Lesson No. 123 N.M. Karamzin is a writer and historian. Sentimentalism

Turning to literary heritage N.M. Karamzin, we discover and try to correct the injustice of the assessments associated with the political views of the writer, who "shorn" his name as a historian. We see how in his main work (the 12-volume "History of the Russian State") Karamzin creates not so much a scientific as a literary work - a novel about the "soul of the Russian people."

Lesson No. 124 "Poor Lisa." The inner world of heroes. The role of the landscape

The story of N.M. Karamzin, addressed to a narrow circle of readers-friends who sympathize and empathize with the author, is considered as the first Russian phenomenon of women's literature (literature about a woman and for a woman). And the method of narration discovered by Karamzin, in which everything is subordinated to the transfer of the movements of the soul, turns out to be the most popular in literature from the 18th century to the present day.

Lesson #128 Gogol. The fate of the writer Petersburg stories

This lesson is dedicated to the fate of the writer Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol and his cycle "Petersburg Tales". The teacher tells schoolchildren about the birth of the writer, his family, childhood, studies and the main milestones of his biography. You can also learn about the beginning of Gogol's creative path, the success of his first stories and the history of writing Petersburg Tales.

Lesson No. 129 "Petersburg Tales" by N. Gogol. Continuation of the topic

Your attention is invited to the lesson: "N. Gogol's "Petersburg stories". Continuation of the theme." On it you can learn a lot of interesting things about the writer's work, find out exactly when and in what work he first appeared the image of St. Petersburg - the image of an unusual and interesting city. N. Gogol's book "Petersburg Tales" is unusual in that it contains literary portrait one of the mysterious cities of the world.

Lesson No. 130 The theme of the little man in the story "The Overcoat"

In this lesson, we will talk about N. Gogol's favorite topic - the theme of the "little man" in the story "The Overcoat". To begin with, you will be asked to delve deeper into the author's understanding of the events that took place in Russia in the 30s of the 19th century. The theme of the little man in the story "The Overcoat", which arose for a reason, played a huge role in the development of Russian literature.

Lesson number 131 "Dead souls". The idea of ​​the poem. The meaning of the name. Chapter 1 Analysis

The study of one of the main works of N.V. Gogol, you can start with this video lesson ("Dead Souls". The idea of ​​the poem. The meaning of the title. Analysis of Chapter 1"). The teacher will talk about the history of writing " dead souls”, about the historical context of the novel, will reveal the meaning of the title, which the author put into it.

Lesson number 132 "Dead souls". Gallery of images of landlords in the poem (Manilov, Korobochka, Nozdrev, Sobakevich)

The topic of this lesson is “N.V. Gogol. "Dead Souls". Gallery of images of landlords in the poem (Manilov, Korobochka, Nozdrev, Sobakevich). In this unfinished poem, the author has tried to most clearly describe many human vices and shortcomings of the Russian people. Creating a gallery of images of landowners is a collective images of landlords, residents of the provincial city, peasants.

Lesson No. 134 Lesson No. 133 "Dead Souls". Plushkin image. "The Tale of Captain Kopeikin"

Today's lesson is devoted to the topic “N.V. Gogol. "Dead Souls". Plushkin image. "The Tale of Captain Kopeikin" In this poem, the theme of metropolitan life is most clearly revealed in one of the author's digressions - the short story "The Tale of Captain Kopeikin". Together we can figure out what exactly is the interest of this novel, an integral part of Dead Souls, which for a long time was censored.

Lesson number 135 "Dead souls". Provincial city in the poem. Analysis of chapters 1, 7-10

In this lesson, you will be offered a topic - “The Poem of N.V. Gogol's Dead Souls. Provincial city in the poem. Analysis of chapters 1, 7-10". Before proceeding to the study and understanding of the initial intent used to describe Russia early XIX century, we will burn about in a collective wayprovincial city, with the help of which the ugly, vulgar and scary pictures that time. At the end of the session, we can analyze together the meaning of chapters 1, 7-10 of this work.

Lesson number 136 "Dead souls". The image of Chichikov. Chapter 11 Analysis

The topic of this video lesson is dedicated to the work of N.V. Gogol “Dead Souls” - “The Image of Chichikov. Chapter 11 Analysis. On it, we can once again talk about Chichikov's biography, understand the motives for his actions, understand why what was described earlier happened. The analysis of chapter 11 is very difficult, because it allows you to understand everything that was described in the previous 10 chapters.

Lesson number 137 "Dead souls". The image of the people in the poem. Lyrical digressions. road motif

The topic of today's lesson is not an easy one - "Dead Souls". The image of the people in the poem. Lyrical digressions. Road motive. In his work N.V. In addition to the landowners, Gogol also tried to describe the common people. The author, using various lyrical digressions, was able to most plausibly portray the people in the poem.

Lesson No. 138 Workshop on the creativity of N.V. Gogol

In today's video lesson, we will be able to prepare for a workshop on the creativity of N.V. Gogol, namely according to " Petersburg stories”and“ Dead Souls ”, summarize all the knowledge gained. We will once again recall everything that we met while studying these stories of the writer, as well as artistic features works. Understanding the issues raised will help you in preparing for the workshop on the creativity of N.V. Gogol.

Lesson No. 139 W. Shakespeare. Lyrics. Analysis of the poem

The topic of the video lesson is called "V. Shakespeare. Lyrics. Poetry analysis. You can learn everything about this bright and mysterious figure of the Renaissance, study his biography, which was written after his death, get acquainted with the peculiarities of his lyrics. An analysis of W. Shakespeare's poems will allow you to better understand the meaning of his works.

Lesson No. 140 Renaissance. Shakespeare's riddle

Today's lesson is about the Renaissance. "The Shakespeare Mystery" The 16th century, also called the Renaissance, is not without reason considered the most interesting period in art. That is why, speaking of the Renaissance, one should definitely remember the wonderful writer and poet W. Shakespeare, and even, perhaps, try to unravel his riddle.

Lesson No. 141 W. Shakespeare. Tragedy Hamlet. Eternal problems in the work

We offer you one of interesting topics- "IN. Shakespeare. Tragedy Hamlet. Eternal problems in the work. The work of this great English writer and poet is shrouded in mystery to this day, and the tragedy "Hamlet", after reading which appears special feeling fullness of life, is a clear confirmation of this. Together with the teacher, we will be able to think about the eternal problems raised in his works and understand them.

Lesson No. 142 Molière. "The tradesman in the nobility". The meaning of the name of the comedy

Today we will study the following topic - “J.B. Molière. "The tradesman in the nobility". The meaning of the name of the comedy. Before proceeding to the interpretation of the meaning of the title of this work, it is necessary to immerse yourself in the atmosphere of the 17th century. To do this, we recall the bright pages from the life of Molière, who wrote one of his famous comedies, The Tradesman in the Nobility.

Lesson No. 143 Heroes of the comedy "The tradesman in the nobility"

At today's video lesson, which is dedicated to the work of J.B. Moliere, we will get acquainted with the heroes of the comedy "The tradesman in the nobility." To begin with, we will talk about the meaning of the name of this comedy, and about the meaning of the work itself. After that, we will be able to get acquainted with the images of its main characters, with their characters and features of the described plots.

Lesson #144 J. G. Byron. Lyrics. "Byronic Hero"

The topic of this lesson is “J.G. Byron. Lyrics. Byronic Hero. You can get acquainted with the work of J.G. Byron - the great English poet, the romantic of his time, a member of the House of Lords, a man with a very interesting fate. Entered into the history of literature as a legendary man who created his own " Byronic hero", he was able to become the most colorful personality of the Renaissance, which he remains to this day.

Lesson 145 J. G. Byron. "Childe Harold's Pilgrimage". Overview of the content of the work

In this lesson, we will be introduced to the next topic - “J.G. Byron. "Childe Harold's Pilgrimage". Review of the content of the work. Speaking about the poetry of J.G. Byron, it is impossible not to recall his interesting and controversial poem "Childe Harold's Pilgrimage". In the content of this work, the author tried to embody not only the romantic image of poetry, but also the image of dissatisfaction with himself and the world.

Lesson No. 146 Goethe. Lyrics. Analysis of poems

The topic of this video is about German writer, thinker and poet Goethe: “Lyric. Analysis of Poems. This outstanding representative of education in Germany at that time, who wrote works that brought him world fame, and his lyrics deserve special attention. And the analysis of his poems allows us to come closer to understanding his work.

Lesson number 147 "Faust". Review of the content of the work. "Diaboliad" by Goethe

In today's lesson, we will try to unravel one of the mysteries of world literature. The topic of the lesson is Faust. Review of the content of the work. "Diaboliad" by Goethe. Speaking about the meaning of the work "Faust", it is necessary, first of all, to understand why it remains to this day interesting to several generations of mankind, causing controversy every time after reading. In the lesson, you will be able to make your own review of the content of Goethe's Diaboliad.

Lesson #148 The golden age of Russian culture

We present to your attention a video lesson on the topic "The Golden Age of Russian Culture". During the lesson, the teacher will introduce the children to a new period in the history of Russian culture, and also talk about how to correctly understand the meaning of this metaphorical term. Further, students will be able to learn about what the golden age of Russian culture was and what significance it had for our country.

Poetry of Russian romanticism. K.N. Batyushkov

This video lesson was created specifically for self-study of the topic "The Poetry of Russian Romanticism. K.N. Batyushkov." During this lesson, students will be able to learn about the work of Konstantin Nikolayevich Batyushkov. The teacher will outline the main themes of Batyushkov's poetry, characteristic of Russian romanticism.

Poetry of Russian romanticism. V.A. Zhukovsky

You will be able to independently study the topic “The Poetry of Russian Romanticism. V.A. Zhukovsky" by watching this video. In the lesson, students will be able to learn about one of the most well-known representatives Russian romanticism and Pushkin's teacher - V. A. Zhukovsky. Pupils are waiting for a story about the poet's work, acquaintance with his three poetic works.

Poetry of Russian romanticism. K.F. Ryleev

In this video lesson, everyone will be able to study the topic "The Poetry of Russian Romanticism. K.F. Ryleev." At the lesson, the teacher will talk about the work of Kondraty Fedorovich Ryleev. Students will learn about the special concept of poetry poetic word and the role of the poet, which was created by the efforts of the poets of Russian romanticism. The teacher will read and analyze some of Ryleev's most significant poems.

The main stages of the evolution of A.S. Pushkin. Key Features artistic thinking poet

Using this video tutorial, everyone will be able to get an idea about the topic "The main stages of the evolution of A.S. Pushkin. The main features of the poet's artistic thinking." With the help of this lecture, you will be able to look at Pushkin's work in dynamics. The teacher will outline the main features of the poet's creative thinking, as well as the stages that Pushkin went through in his work.

The main stages of the evolution of A.S. Pushkin. Images of the muse in the poet's work

This video lesson is intended for independent study of the topic "The main stages of the evolution of A.S. Pushkin. Images of the muse in the poet's work." During this session, students will learn about what influenced the main stages of the evolution of the poet. The teacher will talk about the images of the muse in the poet's work, which are clearly visible in the example of the poem "Eugene Onegin".

The theme of freedom in poetry in the work of A.S. Pushkin ("Liberty", "To the Sea")

With the help of this video lesson, you can independently study the topic "The theme of freedom in poetry in the work of A.S. Pushkin ("Liberty", "To the Sea")". In this lesson, the teacher will talk about two poems by Pushkin written in different genres and at different times. The poems "To the Sea" and "Liberty" combine common topic freedom, characteristic of the poet's work.

The theme of the poet and poetry in the lyrics of A.S. Pushkin. ("The Prophet", "The Poet and the Crowd")

Using this video lesson, you can independently study the topic "The theme of the poet and poetry in the lyrics of A.S. Pushkin. ("The Prophet", "The Poet and the Crowd")". From this video, tenth graders will be able to learn about one of the key themes in Pushkin's lyrics of the 20s. The teacher will analyze two poems: "The Poet and the Crowd" and "The Prophet".

The theme of the poet and poetry in the lyrics of A.S. Pushkin ("Poet", "Autumn")

This video lesson is intended for independent passage of the topic "The theme of the poet and poetry in the lyrics of A.S. Pushkin ("Poet", "Autumn")". With the help of this video, you can learn about how the themes of poetry developed and the role of the poet in Pushkin's work. The teacher will talk about these changes in the poet's lyrics using the example of two poems: "Autumn" and "Poet".

The theme of St. Petersburg in the work of A.S. Pushkin (Eugene Onegin)

We present to your attention a video lesson dedicated to the theme of St. Petersburg in the work of A.S. Pushkin ("Eugene Onegin"), which is included in the school literature course for grade 10. In this lesson, you will be able to learn about the place that the image of St. Petersburg occupied in the poems and poems of the sun of Russian poetry.

The theme of St. Petersburg in the work of A.S. Pushkin (The Bronze Horseman, The Queen of Spades)

With the help of this video lesson, everyone will be able to get an idea about the topic "The theme of St. Petersburg in the work of A.S. Pushkin ("The Bronze Horseman", "The Queen of Spades")". During this lesson, students will learn about the place that the image of St. Petersburg occupied in Pushkin's work. The teacher will read excerpts from The Bronze Horseman, a kind of hymn to St. Petersburg, and talk about the problems of defining the genre of the poem.

The main motives of Lermontov's poetry

This video lesson is intended for independent study of the topic "The main motives of Lermontov's poetry." During the lesson, students will be able to learn about what constitutes the work of Mikhail Yuryevich, the traditions of romanticism and classicism that influenced him, as well as about the features artistic world poet.

natural school

This video tutorial will be useful to all those who want to go through the topic "Natural School" on their own. In this lesson, the teacher will talk about one of the interesting stages Russian realism, which fell on the 40s XIX years century. Students will learn about how brilliant poets went down in the history of literature forever and how a new direction appeared - the “Natural School”, which was given rise to by Gogol and Belinsky.

Turgenev I. S. "Rudin": the problem of a positive hero-actor

We present to your attention a video lesson on the topic "Rudin: the problem of a positive hero-doer". From this video lecture, tenth graders will be able to learn about Turgenev's novel "Rudin", which was written in 1855. The teacher will talk about the beginning of Turgenev's career, the Natural School circle, and the circumstances in which this novel was written. Then the students will get an idea about the problem of the positive hero-doer, characteristic of Turgenev.

"Noble Nest": the fate of the nobility in the era of reforms

This video tutorial was created specifically for self-study of the topic ""The Noble Nest": the fate of the nobility in the era of reforms." From this video lecture you can learn about the novel by Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev "The Noble Nest". The teacher will talk about the historical circumstances of writing the novel - about the changes in society, thanks to which the author appeared in Turgenev's work. new topic- the fate of the nobility in the era of reforms.

The idea and problems of the novel by I.S. Turgenev "Fathers and Sons"

This video lesson is devoted to the topic “The idea and problems of the novel by I.S. Turgenev "Fathers and Sons". As an introductory topic, the teacher talks about the novel "On the Eve", in which Turgenev first touches on the idea of ​​guilt and the imminent departure from the scene of the Russian nobility. Students will be told about the history of writing the novel "Fathers and Sons", about the personality of the main character Bazarov. Also during the lesson, an analysis of the plot of the novel will be carried out in the context of the whole creative heritage Turgenev.

"Humiliated and Insulted" on the pages of the novel "Crime and Punishment"

This video tutorial will help users to get an idea about the topic "The Humiliated and Insulted" on the pages of the novel "Crime and Punishment". The teacher will talk about one of the central problems in Dostoevsky's work - the problem of the "little man". Students will learn about the images of the "humiliated and insulted" that have reached their final form in the novel "Crime and Punishment".

The Marmeladov family in the fate of Raskolnikov

In this video lesson, the topic “The Marmeladov family in the fate of Raskolnikov” is proposed for study. From this video, students will be able to learn about the Marmeladov family, with the help of which Dostoevsky introduces his favorite theme of “humiliated and insulted” into the novel. The teacher will talk about the role played by the Marmeladov family in the fate of Rodion Raskolnikov.

Raskolnikov: perpetrator or victim? Raskolnikov's path to crime. Hero Controversy

This video tutorial is intended for self-acquaintance with the topic “Raskolnikov: criminal or victim? Raskolnikov's path to crime. The Controversy of the Hero. Here we will discuss what prompted Raskolnikov to commit a crime, consider external and internal factors and highlight the main stages along which Raskolnikov's thoughts moved towards justifying the murder throughout the novel.

Raskolnikov's theory: its social and philosophical origins. State after the murder

This video lesson is dedicated to the topic “Raskolnikov's theory: its social and philosophical origins. State after the murder. Here we will discuss what happened to Raskolnikov's inner world after the crime. We will find out what new sensations he possessed: a feeling of alienation and despair. Let's discuss the theory of extraordinary people that Raskolnikov developed for himself: how it influenced him to commit a crime, and how he perceived his loved ones through the prism of this theory.

The system of doubles in the novel "Crime and Punishment"

During the lesson, everyone will be able to get an idea about the topic "The system of twins in the novel" Crime and Punishment ". Here we will discuss how, within the framework of his theory, Raskolnikov feels his kinship with other heroes of the novel - Luzhin and Svidrigailov. Consider their personalities, lifestyle and spiritual essence and discuss the attitude of the author and Raskolnikov towards them.

The problem of retribution in the novel "Crime and Punishment"

During this lesson, you will be able to independently study the topic "The problem of retribution in the novel" Crime and Punishment ". Here we will talk about the problems of the moral choice of the heroes of Dostoevsky's novel. The fact that each of them crossed some inner boundary in their lives. And also about the retribution that overtakes Raskolnikov when he realizes that by his choice he forever separates himself from people close to him.

"Crime and Punishment". The collapse of Raskolnikov's theory

This video tutorial will help users to get an idea about the topic "Crime and Punishment". The collapse of Raskolnikov's theory. The purpose of our conversation is to trace the movement of human consciousness from self-righteousness to repentance and redemption. Here we will discuss the author's position: is it permissible for a person or a group of people to arrogate to themselves the right of a superman to decide for others. We will also discuss the moral side of Raskolnikov's punishment.

Love as a spiritual force for rebirth in the novel "Crime and Punishment"

With the help of this video tutorial, you can independently study the topic "Love as a spiritual force for rebirth in the novel" Crime and Punishment ". It explores the idea of ​​the salvation of the human soul through Christian love for one's neighbor, through humility and compassion for others. We will consider the relationship between Raskolnikov and Sonya, Sonya's influence on his remorse for the choice made by the strength of his faith in human kindness and love, as well as faith in him as a person.

The image of Sonya Marmeladova and its meaning in the novel "Crime and Punishment"

This lesson will consider the topic "The image of Sonya Marmeladova and its meaning in the novel" Crime and Punishment ". Here we will talk about how Dostoevsky revealed the image of Sonya in the novel, showing Sonya through the eyes of other people. Let's talk about the opposition of the Nietzschean theory of the superman in the person of Raskolnikov to the idea of ​​all-forgiving Christian love, contained in the image of Sonya, and about the moral revival of Raskolnikov through Sonya's love.

The meaning of the epilogue in the novel "Crime and Punishment". Dostoevsky's humanism

This video lesson covers the topic "The meaning of the epilogue in the novel" Crime and Punishment ". Humanism of Dostoevsky. Here we will discuss how, in the epilogue, the author reveals the idea that the theory of the superman, like Raskolnikov himself, is rejected by the very people in whose name it was conceived. And also let's talk about the final thought of the whole novel: all false ideas turn out to be powerless in the face of true Christian love for a person.

The novel "War and Peace". Polysemy of the name, history of creation

This lesson is devoted to the novel by Leo Tolstoy "War and Peace". The teacher tells about the history of the creation of this literary work, about the long work of the author on it, the historical and literary context of the epic. Further, the teacher explains to the students the ambiguity of the title of the novel "War and Peace": how it illustrates the form of the novel, the alternation of "peaceful" and "military" episodes, and also reveals the deep meaning of the work.

Panorama of St. Petersburg high society. Portrait detail as a means of characterization

In this lesson, everyone will be able to study the topic “Panorama of St. Petersburg high society. Portrait detail as a means of characterization. Here we will discuss Tolstoy's perception of the high society of St. Petersburg as a museum or theater in which there is no naturalness. And also consider Tolstoy's favorite and least favorite characters. We will show how the author, in describing the portraits of his heroes, reflected their inner essence and showed his attitude towards them.

"Family Thought" in the novel "War and Peace". Rostov - Bolkonsky - Kuraginy

We present to your attention a video lesson on the topic “Family Thought in the Novel “War and Peace”. Rostovs - Bolkonskys - Kuragins. Here you will learn how the theme of the family is revealed and family values in Tolstoy's novel on the example of the Rostov, Bolkonsky and Kuragin families. You will find out what prototypes the author took from life, depicting his favorite characters, and what ideals and values ​​he professed.

Depiction of the War of 1805. Shengraben battle. Heroism in the understanding of Tolstoy

In this lesson, the topic “Depiction of the War of 1805” will be considered. Shengraben battle. Heroism in the understanding of Tolstoy. Here we will consider the topic of depicting the people at war. At first, we see the people at the review of the troops by Kutuzov, with what humor and love Tolstoy shows ordinary Russian soldiers. Then we will consider the battle scene of the Shengraben battle and the spiritual uplift and unity of all Russian people in this battle. Let's discuss the author's attitude to the war through the eyes of L.N. Tolstoy and find out what the author meant by the words "feat" and "heroism".

"Sky of Austerlitz" in the fate of Andrei Bolkonsky

This video lesson is devoted to the topic "The Sky of Austerlitz in the fate of Andrei Bolkonsky." Here we will find out what influenced the defeat in the battle of Austerlitz, consider Kutuzov's attitude to this battle, as well as Andrey Bolkonsky's dreams related to war and glory. Let's see how it changes state of mind and attitude to the war after being wounded.

Spiritual quest of Tolstoy's favorite heroes. The problem of personal and general (Bogucharov dispute)

In this lesson, everyone will be able to study the topic “The spiritual quest of Tolstoy's favorite heroes. The problem of the personal and the general (Bogucharov dispute). Here we will discuss the emphasis of the second volume of Tolstoy's novel on the psychology of becoming. individual. We will consider two of Tolstoy's favorite heroes: Andrei Bolkonsky and Pierre Bezukhov, each of them at that moment is at the beginning of a new stage in his life. Let's discuss the conversation of these heroes in the Bogucharovo estate, which played important role in the spiritual renewal of Prince Bolkonsky.

The charm of the image of Natasha Rostova. The love story of Natasha and Prince Andrei

This video tutorial will help users get an idea about the topic “The charm of the image of Natasha Rostova. The love story of Natasha and Prince Andrei. Here we will discuss female images portrayed by Tolstoy in his novel. And let's take a closer look at the author's ideal of true love and true life, embodied in Tolstoy's favorite heroine, Natasha Rostova. We will look at Natasha's growth and development throughout the novel, her development as a person and the impact on those around her. Let's discuss the love story of Natasha and Andrey.

Patriotic War of 1812. The philosophy of war in the novel "War and Peace"

This video lesson is devoted to the topic “Patriotic War of 1812. The philosophy of war in the novel "War and Peace". Here we will discuss the philosophical reasoning of L.N. Tolstoy, found in the novel "War and Peace". Let us consider Tolstoy's fatalistic point of view on historical events that are not made by individuals, but flow from the entire course of history. Let's discuss the author's view of the two wars described in the novel: 1805 and 1812.

The battle of Borodino as the climax of the novel "War and Peace"

In this lesson, the topic “The Battle of Borodino as the climax of the novel“ War and Peace ”will be considered. Here we will discuss the battle of Borodino as the climactic center of the novel in two main ways. Firstly, the Battle of Borodino is the culmination of the war, the culmination of a historical drama, a turning point in the course of history. Secondly, Borodino is the place where a radical change occurs in the fate of many Tolstoy's heroes: Bezukhov, Bolkonsky and others.

Kutuzov and Napoleon in the image and assessment of Tolstoy. true and false patriotism in the understanding of the author

In this lesson, everyone will be able to study the topic “Kutuzov and Napoleon in the image and assessment of Tolstoy. True and false patriotism in the understanding of the author. Here we will discuss two opposite images - Kutuzov and Napoleon, reflecting two opposite ideologies in Tolstoy's novel. We will show how, using the method of portrait characteristics, the author conveys the character of the characters and their goals. Consider the attitude of Napoleon and Kutuzov to their soldiers and the attitude of armies to generals. Let's discuss the sincere patriotism that owned the Russian army, and the French troops, united by a thirst for glory and profit and confidence in their victories.

Pierre is captured. Losses and gains. The meaning of the image of Platon Karataev

The topic of this video lesson: “Pierre in captivity. Losses and gains. The meaning of the image of Platon Karataev. The teacher, analyzing the novel "War and Peace" by Leo Tolstoy, emphasizes that the introduction of the hero Platon Karataev into the action of the epic is due to the fact that it was important for Tolstoy to show the spiritual revival of Pierre under the influence of the moral spiritual qualities of a person from the people. The significance of the image of Platon Karataev is that this image has a special moral task - to bring clarity and peace of mind into the world of human suffering. Such spiritual qualities Platon Karataev, as goodness, love, devotion to the motherland, meekness and self-denial, are fully perceived by Pierre Bezukhov in captivity, illuminating his spiritual world with a new truth that was revealed to him in forgiveness, love and humanity.

The role of the epilogue "Family Thought" in the novel. Artistic skill of L.N. Tolstoy

The topic of today's lesson: “The role of the epilogue. "Family Thought" in the novel. Artistic skill of L.N. Tolstoy". You will be able to better understand why the moral freedom of the individual meant so much to the author and why he paid so much attention to this problem in his novel. Exactly artistic skill L.N. Tolstoy comes through especially clearly in the epilogue, which unites all the main characters with an understanding of the need to obey the laws of life.

Preparation for an essay based on the novel "War and Peace". Comments

In this video lesson, we will prepare for the essay on the novel "War and Peace". Comments. You can once again think about the meaning of the novel "War and Peace" and try to understand it to the end, concentrate and combine your knowledge to write an essay. A summary a novel teacher will help you with this.

Lesson summary

Subject: "literature"

Topic: The philosophy of life of Grigory Alexandrovich Pechorin

Duration: 45 minutes

The purpose of the lesson:

determine the moral and philosophical position of Lermontov in the novel "A Hero of Our Time"

Lesson objectives:

1 .Developing:

develop the ability to reflect on what has been read, analyze the text, discuss, draw conclusions and generalizations;

2. Nurturing:

to cultivate independence of thinking, the need to figuratively express their thoughts. To instill love for the works of Russian classical literature.

Ped. technology: personality-oriented learning.

Lesson type: lesson-dispute.

Methods : method of creative reading; Heuristic method - a dispute on the questions proposed by the teacher;

Research Method - independent solution Problems.

During the classes

I .Organizational part


Checking readiness for the lesson;

II .Theoretical part of the lesson

1. Goal setting and motivation

I am reading an excerpt from a poem by M.Yu. Lermontov « My future is in the fog."

The evil in me struggled with the shrine.

I squeezed tears from my heart;

Like a young fruit without juice

It withered in the storms of rock

Under the sultry sun of being.

So, the topic of today's lesson is “The Philosophy of Life of Grigory Aleksandrovich Pechorin

2. Knowledge update

I ask questions, students answer.

1. Do we have the right to condemn Pechorin's actions?

2. Why, speaking of Pechorin, do we mean the whole generation?

3. What is our impression of Pechorin at the first meeting with him?

4. What is Pechorin, if you judge the hero by his actions?

5. Does Pechorin justify his era and upbringing?

6. How does Pechorin characterize his diary?

7. Is Pechorin worthy of imitation?

8. In what sense is he a hero of his time?

9. How to explain that the novel is called moral and psychological?

10. What is morality? What guides Pechorin when he makes a moral choice?

11. Is Pechorin moral?

III . Formulation of the problem

When opening a debate, the teacher asks: literary heroes always talking and arguing. And Lermontov also predicts in the "Duma":

And our ashes, with the severity of the judge

And a citizen

A descendant will offend contemptuously

Verse, -

He kind of tells us which way to go.”

Some add: “The preface to the novel says that the vices of the time are collected in Pechorin. Vices! So, he really requires condemnation, evaluation! ”-“ But in Pechorin, not only one bad thing has been collected, ”others object,“ why immediately condemn him, you must first understand what is bad in him, what is the norm, and why?

1. Word of the teacher.

Let's think about the value of a person - good intentions or deeds? What leads Some add: “The preface to the novel says that the vices of the time are collected in Pechorin. Vices! So, he really requires condemnation, evaluation! ”But after all, not only one bad thing has been collected in Pechorin - selfishness? Is it possible to fully justify a person if his bad deeds are generated by the influence of time, upbringing? Does disappointment make a person attractive?

Let us turn to Pechorin himself once again, to his complex character, to the actions of a man whom the author himself brought closer to us, speaking of civil law descendants strictly judge him. It is important to find out if his story is instructive for us, people of a completely different era, a different upbringing?

The "eternal" confrontation between good and evil gave rise to disputes between Onegin and Lensky; Lermontov was outraged by the shameful indifference to good and evil.

We are interested in understanding the causes of the tragedy of a person who has not found himself. He left “for centuries neither a fruitful thought, nor a genius of labor begun.” This is all the more important because Pechorin is a “Hero of his time”, one of those who absorbed his sorrows, sufferings and vices.

But ... is it easy to understand the hero of the thirties?

“No, it’s not easy,” the guys say, because even close friends, Maxim Maksimych, for example, did not understand him. Others will not agree: “It is easier for us than for Maxim Maksimych, Vera, Werner, Mary; at a distance it is more visible, and besides, we have before us not one episode, but the whole life of the hero, his diary, confession.

Pechorin's personality fully and vividly appears before us, but his character is complex and contradictory, and in previous lessons we could see this with you.

What is the main thing in a person, what determines his value? What he thinks and says about himself? Obviously not! Maybe the fact that about him becomes a criterion for evaluating a person. But on what does our opinion about a person ultimately depend? - On his behavior in life, on how he treats other people.

What is the difficulty in assessing Lermontov's hero?

We spoke earlier about the dualism of the image of Pechorin.

What is the duality of the image?

One of the main contradictions of man is the contradiction between "mind" and "heart". Between the emotional and rational principles in man. In Pechorin, a rational person suppresses an emotional one.

Pechorin says about himself: “I brought out only a few ideas from the storm of life - and not a single feeling. I have long been living not with my heart, but with my head. I weigh, analyze my own passions and actions with severe curiosity, but without participation. There are two people in me: one lives in the full sense of the word, the other thinks and judges him ... "

Man of sense suppresses the emotional, as a result, Pechorin turns himself into moral cripple. What does it mean? He qualitatively changes the system of true values: he tries to rationally substantiate moral laws, which leads him to selfishness. Pechorin is guided by reason, not feeling (“he could not bear a single feeling”).

Formed into a table:

It is obvious that moral simplification occurs for the needs of society. Pechorin becomes a victim of this society. However, over time, he makes others victims (Mary, Vera, Maxim Maksimych, etc.). Yes, and Lermontov's hero does not linger for a long time in one place, he searches, rushes about, and this struggle begins "the remaining indestructible life of the heart."

Let's find out Pechorin's attitude to his own actions: is he strict with himself, Does it justify him that he bitterly repents, executes himself (in general, is it possible to forgive a person's actions if he himself condemns them)? What becomes for Pechorin the inner court, the court of the heart, the source of torment? The path to change, self-flagellation?

“I run through my memory of all my past and ask myself involuntarily: why did I live? For what purpose was I born? .. And, it’s true, it existed, and it’s true, it existed, and it’s true that I had a high appointment, because I feel immense strength in my soul ... ”, Pechorin argues.

Perhaps the meaning of human existence lies in the formation of the soul, in preparing it for life in the Higher Worlds, which implies all sorts of trials? Perhaps the soul is really immortal, and the period of earthly life only gives its impetus further development?

The mind and heart could assimilate metaphysical truths - the result of thousands of years of insights of mankind - from its smallest fragments that came into contact with their own convictions; the world of his works is multidimensional, includes not only earthly existence, but also the existence of the Universe.

Finishing our today's conversation about the hero of our time, about Pechorin, we part unreconciled. The duality of Pechorin himself gave rise to completely polar points of view on the personality of the hero in the class. Some are full of respect and love for this person. And no wonder: in Pechorin there is a certain magnetism, an attractive force. This is how original, original natures are always struck by "inimitable strangeness and a sharp, chilled mind ...".

Others (perhaps there are not so many of them, but they exist) refuse any sympathy for the hero, seeing in him a portrait. Woven from vices. And they can be understood too.

Time will pass, and we will return again and again to the questions that Pechorin asked himself. Maybe something will change in our attitude towards him, but the main thing is that it is impossible to treat the hero with indifference.

I have complex relationship to Pechorin, and, perhaps, this is a feeling of bitterness and pride - from the consciousness of the strength and significance of Pechorin's inner protest against an existence that could satisfy only "conceited mediocrity."

I think you will agree with me: Pechorin can be treated differently, but the experience of his life is terrible. You can argue a lot about what prompted the hero to act one way or another in each individual case, Pechorin's behavior is really contradictory, so in general we are talking about the dualism of his image.

IV. Summing up the lesson

In general, the fate of Lermontov's hero is tragic and hopeless. Having departed from life, the “hero of time” left for centuries “neither a fruitful thought, nor a genius of labor begun.” Maybe this is too high a requirement? But Pechorin left behind neither a friend warmed by the warmth of his participation, nor a woman happy with his love.

To repeat the fate of Pechorin would mean drinking the cup of loneliness, deep dissatisfaction and skepticism, homelessness and longing.

And yet the example of Pechorin is not fruitless. It has not left readers for many years, disturbs, torments, makes us answer the main questions in Sami: what is happiness? What does a person live for? What can he give people? Who is to blame if life fails?

In this sense, our dispute does not end, but only begins as a conversation about the responsibility of a person before his own destiny, as well as before time, an era, the essence of which was correctly reflected by Naum Korzhavin:

What about time?

Time is long.

It's non-negotiable

You are up for discussion...

The hero of our days will be discussed in the next lesson.

v. Homework . Questions for the lesson-dispute are given during the lesson.

The author of the project "The World of Bibigon" The presenters and experts are: 1. Arkhangelsky Alexander Nikolaevich candidate philological sciences, journalist, TV presenter, writer, cultural historian, author of more than 10 textbooks, including the textbook "Russian literature: a textbook for the 10th grade of a comprehensive school: At 2 o'clock"; 2. Bak Dmitry Petrovich Candidate of Philology, Professor of the Russian State Humanitarian University, Vice-Rector of the Russian State Humanitarian University; 3. Aleksey Nikolaevich Varlamov Doctor of Philology, Lecturer at the Faculty of Philology of Moscow State University, writer; 4. Volgin Igor Leonidovich Academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, Doctor of Philology, Candidate of Historical Sciences, Professor of the Faculty of Journalism of Moscow State University and Literary Institute them. A.M. Gorky...

Author of the project "The World of Bibigon" The presenters and experts are: 1. Arkhangelsky Alexander Nikolaevich Candidate of Philology, journalist, TV presenter, writer, cultural historian, author of more than 10 textbooks, including the textbook "Russian literature: a textbook for the 10th grade of a comprehensive school : At 2 o'clock"; 2. Bak Dmitry Petrovich Candidate of Philology, Professor of the Russian State Humanitarian University, Vice-Rector of the Russian State Humanitarian University; 3. Aleksey Nikolaevich Varlamov Doctor of Philology, Lecturer at the Faculty of Philology of Moscow State University, writer; 4. Volgin Igor Leonidovich Academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, Doctor of Philology, Candidate of Historical Sciences, Professor of the Faculty of Journalism of Moscow State University and the Literary Institute. A.M. Gorky, member of the Union of Writers and the Union of Journalists of Russia; 5. Pasternak Elena Leonidovna Doctor of Philology, Lecturer at the Faculty of Philology of Moscow State University; 6. Smelyansky Anatoly Mironovich - laureate of the State Prize of the Russian Federation, Honored Art Worker of the Russian Federation, professor, doctor of art history, rector of the Moscow Art Theater School; 7. Kedrov Konstantin Alexandrovich poet, critic, candidate of philological sciences, doctor of philosophical sciences, twice nominated for the Nobel Prize, head of the poetic school of metacode and metametaphor, lecturer at the Literary Institute. A.M. Gorky; 8. Velikodnaya Irina Leonidovna Head of the Department of Rare Books and Manuscripts Scientific Library Moscow State University, candidate of philological sciences, professor of Moscow State University; 9. Murzak Irina Ivanovna Professor, Candidate of Philology, Vice-Rector for international relations MGPI (now MSGU); 10. Andrey Leonidovich Yastrebov Doctor of Philology, Professor, Head of the Department of History, Philosophy, Literature, Moscow State Pedagogical Institute (MSPU); 11. Korovin Valentin Ivanovich Head of the Department of Russian Literature, Moscow State Pedagogical Institute (MSPU), author of a textbook on literature for senior classes; 12. Sobolev Lev Iosifovich Honored Teacher of the Russian Federation, teacher of the Russian language and literature at the Moscow Gymnasium No. 1567; 13. Lekmanov Oleg Andershanovich - Doctor of Philology, Professor of the Russian State University for the Humanities, Leading Researcher at the Institute of World Literature. A.M. Gorky; 14. Spiridonova Lidia Alekseevna - Doctor of Philology, Head. Department of the Institute of World Literature. A.M. Gorky; 15. Anninsky Lev Alexandrovich - literary critic, writer, critic, publicist, candidate of philosophical sciences; 16. Ivanova Natalia Borisovna - Doctor of Philology, writer, publicist, literary and art critic, literary historian; 17. Kling Oleg Alekseevich - Doctor of Philology, Professor of the Department of Theory of Literature, Faculty of Philology, Moscow State University; 18. Golubkov Mikhail Mikhailovich - Doctor of Philology, Associate Professor of the Department of the History of Russian Literature of the 20th Century. Faculty of Philology, Moscow State University; 19. Pavlovets Mikhail Georgievich - Candidate of Philology, Head of the Department of Russian and foreign literature and methodology of the Moscow State Pedagogical Institute (MPGU). 20. Agenosov Vladimir Veniaminovich - Doctor of Philology, Professor of the Moscow State Pedagogical Institute (MPGU), Academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences

Let's discuss this with a specific example. You should have read Alexander Volodin's parable "Two Arrows".

But first, let's talk about the playwright Volodin. Do you know his name?

Guys, Alexander Moiseevich Volodin is one of the modern playwrights. He worked in the second half of the 20th century. Here is his portrait you see on the screen. And one of the students in your class will tell us more about it. He prepared a message about him in advance. Let's listen to him.

The student reads the message:

Russian Soviet playwright, poet, prose writer, screenwriter Alexander Moiseevich Volodin ( real name- Lifshitz) was born on February 10, 1919 in Minsk. Left an orphan at an early age, from childhood he was brought up by his uncle, a Moscow doctor. After graduating from school, Volodin entered the Moscow Aviation Institute in 1936 (because of the opportunity to move to a hostel), but left six months later. He worked as a laborer, having studied at short-term courses in Serpukhov, for some time he taught in the village.

Military service ended with participation in the Great Patriotic war. In 1949, thirty-year-old Alexander Volodin graduated from VGIK and left for Leningrad, where he worked as an editor at the Lenfilm and Lennauchfilm film studios.

Volodin's first play, The Factory Girl (1956), was staged in theaters in Moscow, Leningrad, other cities of our country and abroad, and enjoyed great success.

In the late 1960s, in Volodin's dramaturgy, new genre- play-parable. This genre includes the plays: "Dulcinea de Toboso" (1969; post. 1971), "Castrucci" (1968, post. 1988), "Mother of Jesus" (1970, post. 1988), as well as a trilogy about primitive people "Two Arrows "(1967; post. 1980), "Desman", "Lizard" (1969; post. 1982).

Dramatist Alexander Volodin sconch

was in a St. Petersburg hospital on the night of December 17, 2001, at the age of 83. He was buried at the Komarovsky cemetery near St. Petersburg.

Here is a short biography of the writer. And we will focus on the fact that the playwright in the late 60s of the XX century wrote plays-parables. And one of them you should have read for today's lesson. This is a parable about primitive people "Two Arrows". How do you imagine primitive people? Did you like this parable? What moments did you especially like?

Identify the characters in the parable. What does it say? ( Charactersprimitive people. A parable about how discord went in their Family)

(Kin - parents, homeland, native; arrow - hunting, lifestyle, wars; advice - discussions; blood feud- Lifestyle….)

What values ​​did the author want to tell us?

Values ​​(universal): justice, peaceful life without killings, mercy, responsiveness, helping one's neighbor).

What is the main idea of ​​the parable?

(The main idea is that all disputes, strife can be resolved peacefully, without killing).

Do you remember the names of the heroes? Who has them, who doesn't? What do their names tell us?

(Eared - “... He is still very young and indeed somewhat lop-eared; Man of the Fight is a born warrior; Eloquent - he made a speech all the time, came up with new interesting words). The Head of the Family, the widow has no names, but only a general concept. What is it connected with? (They are wearing general characteristics. We imagine what a Head should be like and what a widow should be)

What is advice? (trial). What caused Rod's crack, leading to the "lawsuit"?

(death of Long).

Let's find in the text, as the author describes funeral rite primitive people.

People held Long's body high on a boar's skin. They gave him a parting word. The head said sadly:

Nothing, Long, where you are going, the grass will be even juicier, there will be more prettier trees, the lake will be even warmer ...

And people confirmed:

Nothing, Long, you'll be there happy man, there you will be even better than here ... Eloquent said eloquently:

My teacher!

You will be the most eloquent of all there.

And your every word will be in place.

And you yourself will rejoice, listening to yourself ...

People confirmed:

You will be smarter than everyone there. Everyone will be amazed at your intelligence.

The walker exclaimed with inspiration:

Women will love you there too

and they will all take care of you.

To make you sweet

with the last of all

like the first of all!

Good women to you, Long!

Beautiful women, better than us! the women wished. Boy's man spoke courageously:

If you meet any of the Scorpion tribe there, you will slay him with one blow.

Let no other be required.

People did make the change though.

But you won't have any enemies there, Long One! You will only have friends. Only friends.

The long one was placed in a depression dug near the lake, in such a position as if he were sleeping on his side. He was a skinny, middle-aged man. A spear and a piece of meat were placed next to him for the first time, until he settled down in the Land of Ancestors.

Young men beat drums, blew whistles from bird claws. The men in headbands represented the ancestors who had come to meet Long and take them with them. The women were crying. More than others, his widow wailed.

What other rite can be found in the text? (dance of war) Find it in the text:

And began the dance of war. They took off, sagged, as if caught by an invisible arrow, fell dead and rose again to rush at the enemy. To the thunder of drums and rattles, the warriors performed a frenzied dance.

If it's in the head! roared the Man of Battle. - If it's in the liver! If it is in the heart!

And jumped on bent legs. And he let out a demonstrative cry, and they all repeated it at once. Then he stretched out his hands and stopped the dance.

There is another spell in the text. Find it. (Turtle spell)

What happens during the trial? Can you say what you think? Under what circumstances is this revealed?

“Women, I want to ask you. Have you turned to Long with any request?

Yes, we spoke to Long, - said the woman who was bolder.

With what request?

We told him: "And you are still silent, Long One. You see everything, but you are silent," said another.

What did he say to that?

Is it necessary to be firm?

Is it necessary to be honest?

And should I lay down my head

exposing wrong?

Don't know.

And is it necessary, forgive me,

pave the way for others

to make it easier for them to go

when there is a hole in the soul?

Don't know.

In the reflections of Long, one can hear an underlined semantic echo with the famous monologue of Hamlet "To be or not to be ..."

What did Long mean by this? Are his words relevant today?

Let's read this poem expressively.

Remember the end of the parable. Why is the Head leaving? What words does he speak?

…I will not lead you this way. You have already followed it. I have long been standing in the dust raised by your feet.

Who else is being killed? (Eared, Weevil).

What is the meaning of the title of the parable? Why are they shooting in the back with two arrows? How can you explain it?

What does the Boy Man say after killing Weevil?

Who was shooting there? Bind and punish!

Are there not enough kills?

Isn't it time for peace

peace and order in our kind?


No, it hasn't! And there will be no more!

On the proverb slide, select those that fit the parable "Two Arrows":

Life is given for good deeds

Live in such a way that neither from the God of sin, nor from the people of shame

“A person leaves, but deeds remain; therefore, in the end, the person remains” A. Isahakyan

“Everyone who has been useful to another has benefited himself” Seneca.

Justify your answer

And what proverbs can you give that would fit the parable.

How could you continue this parable?

Number ____________ Russian literature Grade 10

Lesson topic: « Two Katherines. "Thunderstorm" by A. N. Ostrovsky and "Lady Macbeth of the Mtsensk District" by N. S. Leskov

The purpose of the lesson: To repeat the previously covered material on the biography and work of Leskov and Ostrovsky, to give a comparative description of the main characters from the works of Leskov and Ostrovsky, to find the similarities and differences in the images of the two heroines

During the classes

1. Organizational moment

2.Main part

A) Checking the house. tasks (memory card on the biography of two writers, prepare questions for a conversation on the work of Leskov and Ostrovsky)

B) The word of the teacher about the task of the students: to give a comparative description of the main characters from the works of Leskov and Ostrovsky, to find the similarities and differences in the images of the two heroines

B) Conversation on works

The word of the teacher What works are widely known (answer: Thunderstorm "A. N. Ostrovsky and" Lady Macbeth of the Mtsensk district "N. S. Leskov)

On the plot of these works, plays, films, operas were created.

(slide review and tear-off O To And h opera)

Question: What ep And zo d you saw in operas

D)) Reading excerpts from works

1.(Leskova "Lady Macbeth of the Mtsensk District": Diana (about the external data of Katerina Izmailova) Aizhan (about the murder of her husband Katerina), Christina (about the crime that Katerina committed on the Volga River)

2. Ostrovsky's "Thunderstorm" is read by Ira Molchanova - Ekaterina's monologue

E) Work in groups 4 groups (compilation of posters in the form of two heroines)

C) Poster presentations

Sample student responses Drama Ostrovsky Leskov's essay


Merchants' wives (material and social arrangements) Calm and free childhood and adolescence. Marriage without love and charm. Aversion to house building. Passion of natures


Dreaminess Boredom

The breadth and beauty of the Volga; folk song; melodious speech Emancipation of the soul

Walking around empty rooms: a bedroom with feather beds

Mental and spiritual restlessness


Purity, timidity, selflessness, a premonition of retribution, a thunderstorm in the soul, fear of God

Assertiveness, greed for love pleasures, murder, revenge for treason, complete oblivion of one's personality in the name of "Earrings"

Death in the Volga


Beauty, light, height love feeling

"Hot heart", forever pure


Lack of spirituality of personality, predator, slavery of love

"You will never remember without heartfelt trepidation"

3.Total: Essay What image made the greatest impression on you?

4. Reflection From heart to heart Which image made the greatest impression on you?

(wishes to each other and analysis of the work of each student by others)

5 Assessment and homework

"Two Katerinas". "Storm"

A. N. Ostrovsky and "Lady Macbeth of the Mtsensk District"

N. S. Leskova

Katerina Kabanova Katerina Izmailova

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