Remote creative competitions "city of masters". Project "Magic World of Theater" (for older preschool children)


Learning theme project:

"Theatrical Activities"

Project theme:

« Magic world theater"

Project participants:

Pupils middle group, group educators, parents.

Implementation period:

January from 18.01 to 29.01

Project type:


First stage.

Statement of the problem, determination of the purpose and objectives of research activities.


The low level of knowledge of pupils about the world of spiritual beauty, the lack of sustained interest in theatrical and gaming activities.

Relevance of the problem:

In the context of the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard in the preschool educational institution, mainly on the principles of individualization, the question arises of the need to use various types of activities for the development of a preschooler in all five educational areas. Huge Opportunities to solve these problems is theatrical activity. From practice it is clear that the most popular and exciting direction in preschool education is a theatrical activity, which is based on a game etiology. From the point of view of pedagogical attractiveness, we can talk about the universality, playful nature and social orientation of the theater.

It is theatrical activity that allows solving many pedagogical problems related to the formation of the expressiveness of the child's speech, intellectual and artistic and aesthetic education. By participating in theatrical games, children become participants in various events from the life of people, animals, plants, allowing the child to learn more deeply the world, introducing him to his native culture, literature, theater.

Huge and educational value theatrical games. Children develop respect for each other. They learn the joy associated with overcoming difficulties in communication, self-doubt. The passion of preschoolers for theatrical play, their inner comfort, looseness, easy, non-authoritarian communication between an adult and a child - all this surprises and attracts.

The relevance of the project is due to the insufficient attention of teachers and parents to the art of the theater, the poorly formed playing skills of preschoolers, the desire to make educational process in a preschool institution is multifaceted, interesting and exciting, contributing to the solution of all pedagogical problems presented in modern regulatory documents.

Objective of the project:

Development of creative abilities of pupils preschool age means of theatrical art.

Project tasks:

For pupils:

to expand the ideas of pupils about the theater, its types, attributes, costumes, scenery;

promote the development of communication skills of pupils;

develop emotionality and expressiveness of speech in preschoolers;

to form pupils' primary skills in the field of theatrical art (use of facial expressions, gestures, voice)

For teachers:

create conditions for development creative activity pupils in theatrical activities;

· to provide conditions for interconnection with other activities in a holistic pedagogical process.

For parents:

To increase the level of competence in the use of theatrical and gaming activities in the development of the child.

Second phase

Organization of children's activities within the framework of the project.


Joint activity with the teacher

Independent activity in a developing environment

1. Cognitive research

(study of objects of the surrounding world and experimentation

with them)

Conversations: "What is theater?" (viewing theatrical corners in other groups)

"Types of theater"

"Rules of conduct in the theater"

"Behind the scenes"

"The main magicians of the theater: actors, directors" theatrical game: Actor and director.

Viewing presentations: "How to behave in the theater" "Theatrical professions" Examining cards with the image of emotions. Game: "Guess the emotion"

Didactic games: "We play theater" "Theater lotto" "Theatrical objects"

Systematization of objects: "Name everything that happens ..." (by color, by shape, by method of movement, by state of aggregation)

1. Design of the book and theater center.

2. Selection of books, illustrations, photographs with views of the theater, actors, costumes.

3. Examination of illustrations:

"Theatre Buildings"


from cubes: "Bolshoi Theater"

5. Board-printed games:

- "Fairy tales"

- "Collect a fairy tale"

- "What is superfluous"

- "Loto"

2.Communicative (constructive communication and interaction with adults and peers)

1. Compilation of creative stories:

"I work in the theater"

"I am a fairytale hero"

2. Retelling of fairy tales according to mnemonic tables:

"Zayushkina's hut", "Winter hut of animals",

"The wolf and the seven Young goats"

3. Creative speech activity:

"Talking on the phone" - the development of dialogic speech. Topics of conversation: "What is the weather like today?", "Let's get to know each other."

"Sound producers" - Revive a picture from a fairy tale (dialogue between the heroes of a fairy tale).

5. Verbal creativity. Composing your own fairy tales on a given topic with their subsequent beating. Sample Topics: "The wolf is a policeman", "The kids' birthday".

1. Verbal didactic game:

- "Compare animals"

- "Kids and Bunny"

- "Who lives where?"


"Finish the sentence";

"What's extra?"

3. Didactic games:

"Call it kindly"

"Listen and show"

"Cut Pictures"

"Find a Pair"

4. Game - imitation: "Guess who I'm talking about"

3. Motor activity of children

1. Physical education classes;

2. Walks with elements of theatrical games;

3. Outdoor games:

- "Red fox"

- "Brown Bear"

- "Wolf and goats"

4. Morning and invigorating gymnastics using fabulous physical minutes

- "If you like it, then do it"

- "Pinocchio"

- "Grandmother Yaga"

1.Sports exercises:

- "Ballerina" - exercises for the development of balance

- "Bunnies" - jumping on two legs moving forward

- "Parsley" exercises for the development of coordination

2. Game exercises:

- "A bear walked along the path"

3. Outdoor games:

- "We are funny guys"

- "Sly Fox"


1. Illustrating the read fairy tales


"Hare's hut"",

"Red fox",

"Visiting the goats"

2. Modeling from plasticine:

"Hare and Fox"

3. Creative workshop

"Heroes from fairy tales"

1. Drawing:

"My favorite fairy-tale hero"; "My favorite fairy tale"

2. Drawing with stencils: "Fairytale animals";

3. Coloring coloring pages:

"Fairytale Heroes", "Magic Items"

"Plots of fairy tales";

5. Musical

1. "Listen and portray" - creation artistic image with the help of music - "merry bear cubs", "cunning fox", "sad bunnies", "clubfoot bear"

2. Playing the songs "Hedgehog", "Kolobok", using attributes, costume elements.

3. Round dance

"Animals dance with us"

4. Vocal facial expressions: game

Silence in my house

5. Didactic games:

"Guess the Tool"

"Music or Noise"

1.Listening to fairy tales with musical fragments

2. Music game:

"Compose Your Dance"

3. Dance moves:

- "Shelf"

- "Goat"

- "Topotushki"

- "Spring"

4. Playing musical instruments.

5. Concert:

"Children to children"

6. Game

1. Game creativity (subsequent playing out of plots). Changing the end of the tale, introducing new characters (Zayushkina's hut). Options: “The hare did not let the fox into his house”, “The hare and the fox find mutual language”, “The hare meets the hunter”.

2. Pantomime game:

"Know the Hero" - studies on the expressiveness of plasticity and emotions.

3. Warm up:

"Playing with dolls"

4. Playing with mirrors:

"Picture the mood"

theatrical sketch: "My mood"

5. Creative problem solving: “How to calm crying girl» 6. Game exercises:

“Show with the help of facial expressions what you ate”

“Show your feeling with gestures” (I'm cold, I'm sad, I'm happy, etc.)

1. Role-playing games:

- "Family" plot:

"Going to the theater"

- "Actor and director"

- "Costume Shop"

2. Games with table theaters:

- "Zayushkina hut"

- "The wolf and the seven Young goats"

- "Winter hut of animals"

3. Dramatization of favorite fairy tales using costumes, masks, theatrical puppets.

7. Perceptions fiction and folklore

1. Reading works: S. Ya. Marshak "Theater" V. Miodushevsky "In the theater" A. Barto "In the theater" "Polite word" 2. Reading Russian folk tales:

"Zayushkina hut"

"Winter hut of animals" "Wolf and seven kids"

3. Memorizing theatrical sketches: "My mood" "like lanterns are burning" "Theatre"

4. Guessing riddles: "Magic chest of grandmother - fun" "Theatrical riddles" 5. Retelling the read fairy tales using theatrical puppets.

1. Examining albums: "Types of the theater" "Theatrical professions" "Theater buildings" 2. Examining illustrations for fairy tales and illustrations fairytale heroes. 3. Consideration of illustrations depicting fairy tale writers.

Working with parents

· Conversations



1. "Theatrical activities of preschoolers"

2. " home theater»

3. "Theatrical activity in the development of speech"

Practical tasks

1. Systematization of materials on the topic in the form of albums: "Types of the Theater", "Rules of conduct in the theater", "Theatrical professions"

2. Joint creativity with children "Heroes of fairy tales"

Working with teachers

1. forward planning on this topic.

2. Summaries of classes on the topic of the project.

3. Music CDs.

4. Card files of theatrical games

5. Card file of games based on Russian folk tales

6. Mnemotables for fairy tales

7. Presentation of the project.

Working with social partners

1. Summaries of events.

2. Photo album "Theater and children"

3. Attending performances in other groups

Third stage:

Presentation of project materials:

"Magic World of Theater"

“The theater is a magical world.

He gives lessons in beauty, morality and morality.

And the richer they are, the more successful development is. spiritual world children.."

(B.M. Teplov)

In the concept of a 12-year average general education in the Republic of Kazakhstan, the main goal is the formation and development of an educated, creative, competent and competitive personality. What is a competence, how to single it out and how to form and develop it in the end? The kindergarten education program clearly defines these guidelines.

The state obligatory standard of education of the Republic of Kazakhstan provides, as the expected result of education, the communicative competence formed in preschoolers. Speech activity is the basis of this competence.

Every year, different children come to the kindergarten - smart, smart and not very, contact and closed. But all of them are united by one, from our point of view, trouble - they are surprised and admired less and less, their interests are monotonous: Barbie doll, models of cars, computers, game consoles. But our society, more than ever, needs active and creative people. How to awaken in children an interest in the world and in themselves? Reflecting on these questions, we came to the conclusion that the theater can help.

Theater is of great importance in the upbringing of a child. The Children's Theater is a unique place where a special atmosphere of a fairy tale is created. Once there, the kid sincerely believes in what is happening on the stage, completely dissolving in the theatrical action, perceiving the performance of the artists as a real reality. The child imitates facial expressions, voice intonations, movements of actors. Therefore, when watching a performance, the child's speech develops more actively. Due to the positive emotional mood that appears during the performance, the child easily learns new models of behavior worthy of imitation, and actions bad guys perceives the situation appropriately.

What is the theatrical activity?
On the development of sensations, feelings, emotions among its participants;
On the development of thinking, imagination, attention, memory;
For the development of fantasy;
On the formation of volitional qualities;
For the development of many skills and abilities (verbal, communicative, organizational, motor, etc.)

I work in the middle group, we have the following types theaters:

Finger Theatre.

It promotes the development of speech, attention, memory;
forms spatial representations;
develops dexterity, accuracy, expressiveness, coordination of movements.

Fairy tales such as "Turnip", "Gingerbread Man"

table theater, Phelps teach children to coordinate hand and eye movements, encourages them to express their emotions through speech.
There are fairy tales: "Kolobok", "Wintering of animals", "Teremok"

Masque- it withthe most "conversational" type of theatrical activity.
Holistic impact on the personality of the child: his emancipation, independent creativity, the development of leading mental processes;
Promotes self-knowledge and self-expression of the individual;
Creates conditions for socialization, strengthening adaptive abilities, corrects communicative qualities.

There are fairy tales in the group: “Three little pigs”, “Goat and seven kids”, “Turnip”, “Kolobok”, “Three bears”

Theater of the Living Hand.

Renders amazing therapeutic effect: helps to fight speech disorders, neuroses;
Helps to deal with experiences, fears;
doll conveys the full range of emotions that children experience.

Fairy tales: "Teremok", "Kolobok"

shadow theater, Rdevelops motor-motor, visual, auditory coordination, forms Creative skills, artistry, enriches the passive and active vocabulary.

The group has fairy tales "Zayushkina's hut", "Teremok"

All types of theaters are used in the process of work as a joint activity of a teacher with children, and in the independent activity of preschoolers. Successful work with children for development creative personality impossible to build without partnerships with parents. She offered homework that required the joint creativity of children and parents to play a game at home, come up with a riddle without words, tell a nursery rhyme using gestures and facial expressions.

In the process of work, children get acquainted with the concepts of "facial expressions", "gesture", and by playing simple sketches, children master the simplest skills of working with these acting principles.

So, gradually we approached the performance of small scenes, dramatizations, nursery rhymes.

We pay special attention to learning musical performances for children. Their value lies in the fact that the word, song and dance are used here. Preparation musical performances usually takes one and a half to two months. the main objective such productions - to involve each child in participation. Great importance given to the distribution of roles in the play. Be sure to consult with the children, who will better and more expressively perform this or that role, will more fully reveal the character of the hero.

Theatrical activities help to develop the interests and abilities of the child. The alternation of the functions of performer and spectator, which the child constantly assumes, helps him to demonstrate to his comrades his position, skills, knowledge, and fantasy. Exercises for the development of speech, breathing and voice improve the child's speech apparatus. Performing game tasks in the images of animals and characters from fairy tales helps to better master one's body, to realize the plastic possibilities of movements. Theatrical games and performances help children immerse themselves in the world of fantasy with great interest and ease, teach them to notice and evaluate their own and other people's mistakes. Children become more liberated, sociable; they learn to clearly formulate their thoughts and express them publicly, to feel and learn more about the world around them.

I believe that theatrical activity should make the life of pupils interesting and meaningful, filled with vivid impressions, interesting things, the joy of creativity. And I would like to end my speech with the magnificent words of Galina Popova:

Enter into the world kid's theater,

And he learns how fairy tale is good,

Imbued with wisdom and kindness,

And with a fabulous feeling he will follow the path of life.

Passport of the project "Magic World of Theater"

Project type: educational, creative

Dates: September – May, 2018-2019 academic year(long term)

Project participants: Educators, children and parents of the preparatory group MBDOU CRR kindergarten No. 16.

Relevance: Unfortunately in Lately cases of speech defects in preschool children have become more frequent. One of the ways to correct speech defects in children is theatrical activity. It helps to develop and stimulate the development of all components of coherent speech.

Target: To develop the speech activity of preschoolers through theatrical activities.


Introduce children to theatrical culture;

To acquaint with various types of theater (puppet, opera, ballet, etc.), theatrical professions;

To create conditions for joint theatrical activities of children and adults;

Develop speech breathing, diction, correct articulation, train clear pronunciation of sounds, replenish lexicon, learn to build a dialogue, use intonations.

First stage

Problem Definition

Selecting a group of participants


Goal Achievement Development

Discussing the plan with parents

Schematic plan


Drawing up a plan of work with children and parents

Implementation: joint work on the project (children, educators, parents)


Interaction with children

Watching and discussing the video “Journey to the theatre. Musical Theatre. Part 1

Opera "The Story of Kai and Gerda" (excerpt)

Ballet "Dance of the Little Swans" (excerpt)

Theatrical game "Dispute of vegetables" T.V. Lisina page 45

Assistance in the purchase of costumes for theatrical activities


Interaction with children

Watching and discussing the video “What theaters are. Journey to the theatre. Part 2"

Puppet theater "Cat, rooster and fox" (excerpt)

An excerpt from the play "Cinderella"

Theater of cats Kuklachev

Repetition of the game "Dispute of vegetables"

Theatrical game "Seryozha and matches" T.V. Lisina page 15

Interaction with families of pupils

Memo "How to determine the artistic talent of a child"


Interaction with children

Watching and discussing the video “Journey to the theatre. Comedy, tragedy and melodrama. Part 3"

Mood theater game

Game-dialogue "Comment on the action" I. Agapova p. 79

- "Walking" theater

Interaction with families of pupils

Consultation "Home theater as a means of forming relationships in the family"


Interaction with children

Watching and discussing the video “Journey to the theatre. Chevostik learns about the structure of the theater from the inside. Part 4"

game situation"I'll take you to the theater" (rules of conduct in the theater)

Staged " New Year it's time to meet "E.A. Antipina page 100

table theater

Interaction with families of pupils

Parent meeting"The role of theatrical activities in the development of children's speech"

Questionnaire on the topic


Interaction with children

Watching and discussing the video “Journey to the theatre. What's going on behind the scenes. Part 5"

The game "Views of the theater" (find a pair)

Theatrical game "In the Winter" by T.V. Lisina p. 96

Theater on discs

Interaction with families of pupils

Sliding folder "Theatrical activities of preschoolers"


Interaction with children

Watching and discussing the video “Journey to the theatre. Profession actor. Part 6"

The game "Try it again!"

Finger game training "Soldiers" E.A. Antipina page 18

Puppet show

Interaction with families of pupils

Folder - shift "Why does a child need a puppet theater"


Interaction with children

Watching and discussing the video “Journey to the theatre. Backstage. Part 7"

D / game "Theatrical Lotto"

Staged "Spring Has Come" by E.A. Antipina page 101

Theater on the flannelgraph of a fairy tale you like

Interaction with families of pupils

Photo report « Young actors»


Interaction with children

Watching and discussing the video “Journey to the theatre. Props. Part 8"

Game "Theatrical Professions"

Mini-sketch "Pussy" T.V. Lisina page 57

Finger theater

Interaction with families of pupils

Consultation "Theater and children"


Interaction with children

Playing out familiar tales

Repetition of the material covered

Interaction with families of pupils

Project presentation


Agapova I.A., Dovydova., M.A. Best games and entertainment with words. - M .: LLC IKTC "Lada", 2008. - 224 p.;

Antipina E.A., Theatrical activity in kindergarten: Games, exercises, scenarios. 2nd ed., revised. - M: TC Sphere, 2009. - 128 p.;

Internet sources.

Mobile thematic games for preschoolers / Comp. T.V. Lisina, G.V. Morozov. - M: TC Sphere, 2015. - 128 p.;

Expected results:

1. Preschoolers and their parents are interested in theatrical art;

2. Know the types of theaters, theatrical professions;

3. Participate with interest in theatrical performances, watch performances;

4. They know how to build a dialogue, convey emotions with the help of intonation.

Tatiana Vinogradova
Project "Magic World of Theater"

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution kindergarten

combined type No. 16 "Epic"


« Magic world of theater»

Subject: "Interaction between parents and preschool educational institutions in the educational process of preschoolers through"

Type project: practice-oriented

Members project: children, parents, preschool teachers

By duration: long term


teacher Vinogradova T. A.

2. Explanatory note…. 3

3. Relevance…4

4. Conceptual part…. 6

5. References ...13

6. Appendix 1 ... 14

Explanatory note

The family is a powerful factor in the development of the child. The kindergarten is the first non-family social institution, the first educational and upbringing institution with which parents come into contact and where their systematic pedagogical education begins.

In the Federal State Educational Standard systems preschool education“The family is considered as an equal subject of educational relations. It is necessary to reconsider the relationship of DOs with parents - they must be partners.”

Depends on the joint cooperation of parents and teachers further development child. Educators have the opportunity to get to know families better, understand the strengths and weak sides home education, determine the nature and extent of their help, and sometimes just learn.

Productivity family education in the development of children is interconnected with the nature of the interaction of the family and preschool.


“The family is that primary environment where a person must learn to do good”

V. A. Sukhomlinsky

IN modern society there is a disconnect between the two social institutions- Preschool and family. The way the family plays big role in the life of a child, but the importance of the development and upbringing of a preschooler in kindergarten cannot be denied. The kindergarten and the family should strive to create a single space in the development of the child.

At preschool age, children very easily and quickly acquire new knowledge, skills and abilities. But at present communication development the child is anxious. Unfortunately, TV and computer, various computer games began to replace communication and gaming activities. Children stop communicating not only with adults, but also with each other.

Theater- one of the most democratic and accessible art forms for children, it allows you to solve many actual problems modern pedagogy and psychology related With:

moral education;

Development communicative qualities personalities (learning, and non-verbal communication);

Art education and upbringing of children;

Formation of aesthetic taste;

Education of the will, development of memory, imagination, initiative, fantasy, speech (dialogue and monologue);

Creating a positive emotional mood, relieving tension, solving conflict situations through the game.

Theatrical art is close and understandable, both for children and adults, primarily because it is based on a game. In the game, the child not only receives information about the world around him, the laws of society, the beauty of human relations, but also learns to live in this world, build relationships with others, and this, in turn, requires the creative activity of the individual, the ability to keep himself in society.

Preschool age is the age of a fairy tale. It is at this age that the child shows a strong craving for everything fabulous, unusual, wonderful. If the fairy tale is well chosen, if it is expressively shown and told, one can be sure that it will find sensitive, attentive listeners in children. And this will contribute to the development of the child.

Main, theater reveals spiritual and creative potential child and gives real opportunity adapt to the social environment. A Team work with parents - an example to follow in the development of the child's personality.

Any joint activities allows parents:

To see from the inside the problems of your child, difficulties in relationships

Test different approaches to your child

Gain experience of interaction not only with your child, but also with the parents of other children in the group.

Conceptual part.

As you know, domestic theatrical performances for a long time (late eighteenth - early nineteenth centuries) were one of the leading forms of family leisure of the nobility. According to historians, art historians, teachers, all family members participated in the performance.

Great positive experience theater pedagogy accumulated in different years twentieth century (K. S. Stanislavsky, M. O. Knebel, P. M. Ershov. N. I. Sats and others) allows us to assert that theater from the early childhood develops creative inclinations in the child, stimulates the formation of mental processes, improves bodily plasticity, contributes to the harmonization of relations in the family, reduction "spiritual abyss" between adults and children.

K. S. Stanislavsky saw in theater great attractive force. He called him "a collective artist, uniting into one harmonious whole creative work poets, artists, directors, musicians and decorators. He was convinced that theater- the best remedy for people to communicate with each other, to open and understand their innermost feelings.

Using with children different kinds theater, theatrical games, we are based on the statements of the Russian psychologist L. S. Vygotsky about the role of creativity in the development of the child. “It must not be forgotten that the fundamental law children's creativity lies in the fact that its value should be seen not in the result, not in the products of creativity, it is important that they create, create, exercise in creative imagination and implementation

family theater not only performances are staged, but also decorations are made, stage costumes, attributes for games, masks, dolls - all this was of great importance in the emotional rapprochement of children, parents and teachers

To solve the problem of close cooperation with parents, we have chosen new forms of interaction between the kindergarten and the family - family theater.

Family theaterinformal association parents, teachers and children to solve practical problems of education. People are united by passion for specific ideas, joint creativity of adults and children.

Developed project« Magic world of theater» , designed for three age groups preschoolers 4-7 years old. Long-term project are a creative group of teachers, children and their parents.

Project« Magic world of theater» based on principles:

Facilitation and cooperation of children and adults;

Support for children's initiatives ( "Do not evaluate, but appreciate the child"- A. G. Asmolov);

Personally-developing and humanistic nature of the interaction of parents, teachers and children;

Respect, voluntariness, partnership.

aim project is:

Promoting constructive interactions with families of pupils. Optimization of parent-child relationships.

For implementation project the following tasks:

1. To form emotional contact between parents and children through joint theatrical activities.

2. Involve parents and develop interest, motivation to share.

3. Create favorable conditions for the development of communicative, creative, musical ability.

4. Develop children's imagination, fantasy, thinking, memory.

5. Cultivate moral qualities in all participants project - responsiveness, attention, mutual assistance, mutual respect, responsibility, activity, initiative.

Forms of interaction were carried out in two directions:

1. Education of parents.

2. Joining a joint theatrical activities.

parent education:

parent meetings;

Open days;

Individual consultations;

Organization feedback « Mailbox» through the website of the kindergarten;

Questionnaire (Annex 1);

Visual information in the corners of the parents;

Joining a joint theatrical activities:

Decorating for performances;

Tailoring of suits;

staging performances;

Joint holidays and entertainment of parents with children;

Exhibition of different types theater made with the child;

Photo albums « creative family» , "Home theater» ;

Decor "Rooms of fairy tales".

Collective departure to theaters the cities of Bor and Nizhny Novgorod;

Joint viewing of performances based on preschool educational institutions professional artists tour theaters.

Expected results

Active activity of the family theater« Magic world of theater» promotes:

The manifestation of the desire of parents to cooperate with the kindergarten.

Creation of conditions for the formation of motivation and interest in joint

activities of adults and children.

Increasing activity, initiative, independence, creativity in children, parents and teachers in the process of joint activities.

Creation of conditions for the development of communicative, creative, musical abilities, imagination, fantasy, thinking, memory in children

upbringing moral qualities all participants project - responsiveness, attention, mutual assistance, mutual respect, responsibility, activity, initiative.

System of program events

The basis of the activities of our family tetra is voluntariness.

IN « Magic world of theater» included the most active, passionate about music and culture parents.

Cooperation began with a tour of kindergarten during which parents visited all age groups: the child grows - enriched with new developing content. In the process of getting acquainted with the conditions of the developing environment in groups, a number of features were revealed in the development of children at each age stage. Sore questions, problems brought up for discussion. Parents spoke about the interesting forms of leisure that they know from their own and other families. Parental opportunities for organizing such leisure activities were also identified here. (professional and personal): who can organize and conduct what. The wishes of the parents were taken into account when planning events. Parents shared their family traditions. Some of these traditions seemed very interesting to us, and we borrowed them in relation to our kindergarten.

In the process of cooperation through theatrical activities created a situation of success for everyone in self-realization.

Almost every event (whether holiday, leisure or entertainment) the roles of some characters are played by parents, which causes delight in children, and pride, and a desire to be like an adult, to learn expressive performance of roles.

When developing event scenarios, we often use the technique of including parents in the game room. theatrical situation modeled as part of a matinee. Watching such productions and participating in them gives children the opportunity to fully adopt the experience of adults.

In younger groups, we conduct integrated classes and holidays theatrical activities with parents. We use different types theater depending on the target. Children learn the basics of acting - empathy with their character, facial expressions, gestures, intonation, puppetry. This technique helps the child quickly and painlessly adapt to kindergarten.

Joint creative projects allowed parents to be the authors of the text, performers of roles, feel the creative atmosphere and reveal their skills and talents. And most importantly, they helped to transfer parents from "living with children" to building relationships based on the principles of respect, trust, openness.

Implementation planning project« Magic world of theater»

Name of the event

First stage project« Magic world of theater» - preparatory

Organized parent group meeting.

Educational activities through presentations -

"Meaning theater in children's lives» ,

"Introduction to history theater» ,

"First theater on Bor» .

Consultations on the organization of household theaters:

Acquaintance with different types theaters;

- theatrically-developing environment at home;

Choice creative team parents in family theater« Magic world of theater» . Appointment of persons responsible for tailoring costumes, decorating.

Second phase project« Magic world of theater» - creative



Preparing and showing a performance based on a fairy tale "Zayushkina's hut".

An exhibition of drawings, paper crafts, natural and waste materials, a photo exhibition based on a fairy tale "Zayushkina's hut".

Preparing and showing a performance based on a fairy tale "Kolobok".

An exhibition of drawings, paper crafts, natural and waste materials, a photo exhibition based on a fairy tale "Kolobok".

Preparing and showing the performance "Journey through fairy tales".

Exhibition of drawings, paper crafts, natural and waste materials, photo exhibition based on the plot "Journey through fairy tales".

Photo exhibition « theater at home» , "We are playing theater» .

Creative evening "Guess" - puppet show according to folk tales.

Third stage project« Magic world of theater» - final

Preparation and demonstration of a performance based on the plot of the winner in the competition.

Photo exhibition « theater at home» , "We are playing theater» .

Decor "Rooms of fairy tales" based on DOW

Thus, summing up the work done, we can say that the family theater- a constructive form of interaction between preschool educational institutions and parents in order to increase their level of responsibility for raising a child with the support of teachers. Involvement of adults and children in theatrical art has great educational and educational value in family relationships. Only live communication enriches the lives of children. Theater occupies a special place in the organization of family leisure. Thanks to theater the family has gained experience of joint experiences, child-adult and marital relations have become stronger; adults adequately perceive, evaluate and understand the actions of the child. In addition, educators get to know children better, their character traits, temperament, dreams and desires. A microclimate is being created, which is based on respect for the personality of the child, care for him, trusting relationships between adults and children.

Where the action teaching staff coincide with the actions of the family, the effect is usually the greatest. Children not only received new cognitive information, but were themselves active participants in the process.


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Joint activities of teachers, parents and children. To work with children 3-7 years old. - M.: Mosaic-Synthesis, 2008. .

2. Lykova I. A. Design educational activities

"Artistic and aesthetic development" New approaches in the context of the introduction of GEF DO.

2. E. P. Arnautova, Visiting the director, conversations with the head of a preschool institution about cooperation with the family, Moscow, 2004.

3. L. Svirskaya, Work with family: optional instructions, Linka-Press, Moscow, 2007.

4. N. B. Krasheninnikova, social development preschoolers through music, Nizhny Novgorod, Nizhny Novgorod humanitarian center, 2006

Annex 1.

Parent survey.

Implementation work family theater project« Magic world of theater» began with a survey of parents, where a series of questions:

Do parents know what activities children are involved in in kindergarten;

Favorite activity of the child;

Joint leisure;

Do parents know who their child is friends with;

How often do they visit with the child theater, cinema, circus, etc. ;

Favorite books (fairy tales, short stories, poems) child;

Family hobbies;

Family traditions;

What problems do they experience in the upbringing and education of their child;

Desire to actively cooperate with the preschool educational institution;

Would like to work together theatrical activities;

What can the child do on their own?

What activities does the child like when he plays alone, with parents or other children;

In what form you could and would like to participate in the life of the institution.

Theater is magical beautiful world. The theater teaches the child to see beauty, to bring goodness and beauty to life.

In order for a child to show creativity, it is necessary to enrich his life experience with vivid artistic impressions and give the necessary knowledge and skills. The richer the experience of the baby, the brighter will be creative manifestations in various activities, which is why it is so important to introduce a child to music from early childhood , painting, literature, theater .

Theatrical activity develops the child holistically: emotionally and intellectually, spiritually and physically. Improves artistic skills, encourages them to create new images, develops and educates the positive qualities of the personality, contributes to the correction of negative manifestations, also develops: sensations, feelings and emotions, imagination, fantasy, attention, memory, will.
Skills and abilities are formed: speech, communication, (skills of interaction with other people, finding a way out in various situations, the ability to make a choice) organizational, motor abilities.

Theater is one of the most visual forms of artistic reflection of life. The theater opens up the opportunity for the child to actively manifest himself in a variety of activities in life. Moreover, the roles sometimes differ sharply from our character. K.S. Stanislavsky wrote: “Everyone, of course, knows our acting property: the ugly one wants to be handsome on stage, the short one wants to be tall, the clumsy one wants to be dexterous. Actors often look on the stage for what they are not given in life. Also the children. The role can reveal in the child what is hidden in him.

Theatrical production is a product of joint activity, which requires the concentration of forces of each participant. Each participant in the joint theatrical work makes his contribution, while realizing that the overall success depends on his efforts.

What determines the success of using technology, of course, from enthusiasm, sincere interest in this activity, so that in the process of creative interaction with the child, the teacher realizes the importance of the process of raising and developing the child.

In the upbringing and education of children, I decided to pay special attention to the theatricalization of fairy tales. In fairy tales, characters are divided into negative and positive characters. Fairy tales serve as the first lesson of morality and morality for children. In them, good always triumphs over evil. This sets the child up for an optimistic perception of life, forms positive features character and social behavior.

The main goal is to develop the creative abilities of children by means of theatrical art.
The synthetic nature of all theatrical performances can successfully solve many educational tasks: to develop artistic taste; form a moral attitude to the world and its phenomena; to teach children to listen, perceive, retell, compose; mastering the means of figurative expressiveness and mastering correct speech; build a sense of self-confidence; develop a sustained interest in theatrical art.

Theater is a school because it tells about the world, about life. One of the most important functions of the theater is the cognitive function. Thanks to it, the transfer of social experience from one generation to another is carried out. Therefore, it is so important to introduce the younger generation to the theater.

The social formation of the child's personality is one of the most important tasks of education. Socialization is the process of forming the personality of a future member of society. The main thing is to educate a free, intelligent, cultured person - the formation of a harmonious, creatively active personality. In this sense, the art of the theater is intended to have a huge impact on the educational process. It plays a huge educational role, and thereby contributes to the formation of the qualities necessary for life in a particular society.

The process of rehearsals, creative experience and implementation is important. We must strive to ensure that dramatized games retain the immediacy of children's play, children themselves come up with dialogues, actors, independently searched for the expressive features of their hero, using facial expressions, postures, gestures, song, dance and game improvisations. The main thing is understanding the meaning and atmosphere of the play.

And, of course, the development of speech is an important stage in the development of children. Some children have problems with speech technique: they are in a hurry, “swallow” letters, speech is inexpressive and monotonous, and in the process of preparing performances it is easier to help children form the correct clear pronunciation, teach them to accurately and expressively convey thoughts, develop imagination, the ability to imagine what It is said to expand vocabulary.

Before embarking on theatrical activities, I studied various methodological recommendations for organizing and conducting theatrical games, including during training sessions, developing and outdoor games.
Children need to be taught to manage their emotional state, to form adequate behavior in them. To do this, it is advisable to conduct various theatrical studies and exercises, picked up didactic games and literary material.

For the development of motor activity and coordination of motor skills, various gymnastic exercises and outdoor games have been collected, exercises for finger gymnastics have been selected.

For correction speech development made a selection of exercises for the development of phonemic hearing, articulation exercises, proverbs, sayings, tongue twisters, exercises for the development of the prosodic side of speech, its intonational expressiveness.

Work on the development of coherent speech and the expansion of the active vocabulary is based on descriptive stories, retellings of a familiar text or an event.

For the development of creative imagination, fairy tales without beginning and end, sketches with unfinished action are used. Or skits with no actors. Also, to work on facial expressions, exercises with elements of pantomime are used.

It is very important to give great attention creating conditions in the group: a place for the location of independent artistic activity, pick up toys according to the plots of fairy tales, musical instruments, planar, finger, glove theaters, purchase and make masks, hats, costumes, attributes

Parents should not be left out. They make screens and costumes. They visit the theaters of our city, joint viewing is an integral part of educating and introducing children to theatrical creativity.

Introduce children to theatrical doll and theatrical games we start in the first junior group.

Toddlers look small puppet shows and dramatizations that are shown by educators and older preschoolers. Meeting with theatrical puppets helps children relax, relieve tension, creates a joyful atmosphere. The main character for kids is Petrushka, a kind and cheerful character. While working with children, we strive to evoke positive emotions in children for theatrical activities, we encourage children to communicate with the doll; read fairy tales with Petrushka, learn rhymes, nursery rhymes, do not interfere with the desire to play with characters - toys. Encourage children to respond to games - actions with the sounds of animate and inanimate nature, imitate the movements of animals and birds to the music, to the sounding word. For the work of theatrical activity, elements of the subject-spatial environment "Fairytale House", "Magic Forest" were created.

Starting from the second junior group, introduce different types of theaters. We are working on the puppet theater and theatrical games in parallel. To do this, we use sketches, instill the skills of various emotions, moods, and individual character traits. We are working on intonation, tempo, the ability to change the strength of the sound, imitate the characteristic actions of the characters. We introduce children to the techniques of driving puppets, we teach them to accompany movements with speech or a simple song. For theatrical games, the theater corner is equipped with various elements of costumes and attributes as external characters of the role.

In the middle group, we strive to combine the puppet theater with theatrical play into a single whole. Children themselves choose the type of activity puppet or dramatization, play out simple performances based on familiar fairy tales. We introduce children to the techniques of bibabo puppetry, finger theater, picture theater on hand. We are actively developing the director's game, acting out table theater. Together with the children we make a table theater, it will bring great joy and pride, because they are made by hand. Parents helped us with the characters for the finger theater knitted from multi-colored threads.

In the older group, the role of the puppet theater is somewhat reduced, children are actively involved in theatrical games. Children independently choose the means for conveying images, conveying dialogues, the actions of heroes, introducing their own lines, and there is a desire to try themselves in different roles. The competition for the best production of theatrical attribute - "Magic Hat" introduced new roles into the attributes, the theatrical corner became colorful, children began to show more desire for games. Created two children's creative groups to prepare and conduct performances under the guidance of an educator bring a competitive spirit and increase the motivation for theater classes. With theatrical performances, we go to visit the kids.

IN preparatory group theatrical games are distinguished by more complex characteristics of the characters, difficult scenes. Children organize themselves theatrical games, independently choose a plot, a fairy tale, prepare the necessary attributes and scenery, borrowing them from role-playing games, distribute duties and roles among themselves. The performance of the actors, the moral idea, the means of expression and the design elements of the performance are evaluated. Possess the skills of theatrical culture, the rules of conduct during the performance, action, game. They enthusiastically listen to stories about the history of theaters in our city, attend excursions with pleasure, view photo and video materials.

Using theatrical games in our work with children, we are based on the ideas of the outstanding Russian psychologist L.S. Vygotsky about the role of creativity in the development of the child. in the product of creativity, what is important is that they create, create, exercise in creative imagination and its embodiment.

I see that my children are starting to treat everything that surrounds them in this world differently, responsibly and seriously. Treat the puppy with trepidation and tenderness. Admire the blooming flower. They can stop a boy breaking a tree branch or aiming at a bird with a slingshot. They experience failures and sincerely rejoice at each other's successes, support each other.

I think a hundred out of every one of my children turns out real Human.

And this is the most important thing for a teacher, mentor, friend.

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