Introduction to art literature. Methodological development on the topic: "Introducing children to fiction through reading fairy tales"


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1. The formation of children's fiction as a preschool discipline

2. Age periodization of preschool children and psychophysiological features of their familiarization with fiction

3. Methods and forms of introducing preschoolers to fiction




Fiction is a powerful, effective means of mental, moral and aesthetic education of children, it has a huge impact on the development and enrichment of the child's speech. In poetic images, fiction opens and explains to the child the life of society and nature, the world of human feelings and relationships. It enriches emotions, nurtures the imagination and gives the child wonderful examples of the Russian literary language. These samples are different in their impact: in stories, children learn the conciseness and accuracy of the word; in poetry they catch the musicality, melodiousness, rhythm of Russian speech; folk tales reveal to them the accuracy and expressiveness of the language, show how rich their native speech is with humor, lively and figurative expressions, comparisons. V.G. Belinsky believed that "books that are written specifically for children should be included in the education plan as one of its most important aspects" Belinsky V.G. Favorites pedagogical works. Publishing house of APN RSFSR, 1948. . On the importance of introducing children to beauty native word, the development of speech culture was indicated by teachers, psychologists, linguists (K.D. Ushinsky, E.I. Tikheeva, E.A. Flerina, L.S. Vygotsky, S.L. Rubinshtein, A.V. Zaporozhets, F.A. Sokhin, A.A. Leontiev and others).

O.S. Ushakova notes that fiction opens and explains to the child the life of society and nature, the world of human feelings and relationships. It develops the child's thinking and imagination, enriches his emotions, and provides excellent examples of the Russian literary language. Its educational, cognitive and aesthetic significance is enormous, since, expanding the child's knowledge of the world around him, it affects the personality of the baby, develops the ability to subtly feel the form and rhythm of the native language.

Fiction accompanies a person from the first years of life.

The purpose of this work is to consider the features of introducing preschool children to fiction.

The goal set led to the solution of the following tasks:

1. Study the methodological, pedagogical and psychological literature on this topic.

2. Consider the history of the formation of children's fiction as a preschool discipline.

3. Identify the main methods and forms of introducing preschoolers to fiction.

The object of the research is the introduction of preschool children to fiction.

The subject of the research is the peculiarities of introducing preschool children to fiction.

1. The formation of children's fiction as a preschool discipline

Children's literature is a complex of works created specifically for children, taking into account the psychophysiological characteristics of their development.

An adult perceives children's literature in different ways: one respects its history, enjoys the richness of its artistic achievements; another sees it as fun for the little ones, not enough for deep attention; the third has no idea at all that such literature exists.

The formation of children's literature is associated with the appearance of educational books. Their authors considered the artistic word, placed next to the teaching material, as an incentive to learn and master the rules of life (A. T. Bolotov, I. I. Dmitriev, M. V. Lomonosova, A. P. Sumarokova, Ya. B. Knyazhnina , M. H. Muravyova, M. M. Kheraskov).

Children's literature, the history of which dates back to the end of the 15th century, has long established its right to be an intrinsically valuable type of verbal art, playing a priority role in the development and upbringing of the child.

Children's literature XV - XVII centuries. developed in response to public and state requests, was the focus of modern scientific ideas, pedagogical ideas and artistic trends. It was often in children's books that fundamental innovations appeared: the first poems, the first specific methods of the author's dialogue with the young reader, the first drawing of a secular content. The first secular printed book, the alphabet of Ivan Fedorov, was also intended for children.

According to the results of scientific research of that period, it can be concluded that the first methodological article was written by Moscow freethinkers Fyodor Kuritsyn at the turn of the 15th - 16th centuries. and dedicated to grammar. In it, F. Kuritsyn talked not about how to teach, but about why children need to be taught.

Dmitry Gerasimov, a translator of Latin grammar for Russian children, was the first to deal with the issues of working with children's books. In the preface to the book, which was called "Donatus" (after the author, the ancient Roman linguist of the XV century. Aelius Donatus), he outlined the necessary information that a child must have in order to get an idea about the book and develop a desire to read and study it. First of all, this is information about the author, which was an innovation for those times. Old Russian literature is anonymous: the author either did not name himself or hid behind the name of one of the greats, attributing his works.

I. Fedorov's "ABC" contains the first appeal to parents, which indicates the author's understanding of the two-sidedness of the pedagogical process and the need for unity of the teacher, student and parents in the education and upbringing of children, in the acquisition of philological knowledge, in the eradication of ignorance.

The connection between the philological text and the methodology of working with it is explained by the fact that children's literature has not yet been an independent art form. But it is precisely this connection that will influence the originality of children's literature, which by its nature will be called upon to solve not only aesthetic, but also pedagogical problems.

The creators of children's books consciously acted as educators: they wrote articles about education, the importance of children's literature and children's reading.

In the 17th century children's reading was dealt with by writers, teachers, statesmen, people of different professions and views on education and training. An associate of Peter I, Feofan Prokopovich wrote for children "A Brief Russian History" and "The First Teaching to the Young" - another set of edifications and rules for children.

The middle of the 17th century is scarce for children's books. Some rise was outlined only in the last third of the century, during the reign of Catherine II. The enlightened empress was well versed in the European philosophy and literature of her time, she herself wrote about five thousand various works, including pedagogical articles and children's fairy tales. Catherine the Second did a lot for the formation of a new system of educational institutions in Russia, encouraged the arts and literature.

A huge role in the democratization of children's literature was played by such prominent figures of the Catherine era as N.I. Novikov, N.G. Kurganov, A.T. Bolotov, N.M. Karamzin. They persistently instilled in their young readers the idea of ​​virtues that do not depend on the estate of a person, in every possible way expanded children's ideas about the world around them.

In the last third of the XVII century. the study of children's reading is activated. Teacher and public figure I.I. Betskoy, working on various treatises regulating the activities of educational institutions, concretizes the methods and techniques of working with children according to age, gives separate advice on the formation of a reading circle and the aesthetic development of the younger generation. He does not recommend using “ghosts from monsters” in communication with children from five years old, as they “cloud” the minds of children with false concepts and give rise to fear.

The teacher also recommended not to force children to learn a lot by heart, especially what they do not understand. I.I. Betskoy believed that children from the age of five could be taught to read, but only in order “to get used to the knowledge of letters with their eyesight,” while real reading begins in adolescence.

N.I. Novikov, who did a lot for the development of children's literature and children's reading, believed that children should be taught to reason over the text and apply "everything they read or hear to themselves and to the special circumstances in which they are found or may continue to be found." Thus, children will learn to extract experience from what they read, to think about it.

One of the first in the domestic methodology of children's reading N.I. Novikov took up the issues of forming a circle of children's reading, both theoretical and practical. He believed that children should read not only educational literature. Wishing to expand the circle of children's reading and take it beyond the limits of school literature, N. Novikov publishes the magazine "Children's Reading for the Heart and Mind". The magazine was addressed to children from 6 to 12 years old. The purpose and purpose of the journal N.I. Novikov saw it as helping to educate good citizens, to help develop those feelings without which a person cannot be prosperous and satisfied in life. In accordance with this program, noble ideals were instilled in the works of Russian and translated literature placed on the pages of the magazine: a person was valued only because of his personal merits, any violence was condemned (“Damon and Pythias”, “Generosity in a low state”, “Correspondence father and son about village life”, “On imitation of parents”, etc.).

The most important achievement of children's literature in the first half of the 19th century should be considered the acquisition of their own language, born of the living element. colloquial speech, ennobled by the highest taste of poets, especially the brilliant Pushkin. And today the language of Pushkin's fairy tales remains the standard for children's writers.

The development of children's literature went in line with the "big" literature and pedagogy. The reference points for culture were the ideals of enlightened humanism, democracy and patriotism.

A huge achievement can be considered the emergence of the theory and criticism of children's literature - in the articles of the leading critic of the first half of the 19th century, V. Belinsky. He proved that children's literature is a high art, to which strict criteria of nationality, humanism, imagery are applicable, that a children's book should serve not only as an object of entertainment or education, but as an important means spiritual development child. He proclaimed the slogan of literature for young readers - "Bypassing the mind, through the heart". He pointed out the signs by which pseudo-literature is recognized, and described the harm it causes to the child. He laid the foundations for children's reading as a relatively independent area of ​​pedagogical knowledge, which received further development in the second half of the 19th century.

By the middle of the XIX century. the works of V. Belinsky, N. Chernyshevsky, N. Dobrolyubov began to develop a methodology for introducing a child to a book, a special Russian school of reading, the main provisions of which were taking into account the age characteristics of the reader, attention to the perception of a work by a child, an analysis feasible for children artistic text, careful selection of books for children's reading.

Children's literature for preschoolers began to stand out actively only towards the end of the 19th century. The specificity of this literature was substantiated in the article by L.N. Tolstoy “Who should learn to write from whom, peasant children from us or us from peasant children?” . L. Tolstoy believed that children should be offered "the largest and most diverse selection of serious topics." The subsequent development of literature has confirmed this position with one clarification: children's literature gives preference to themes taken from the life of its reader. For example, the theme of children's games and toys, the theme of childhood, the theme of nature and images of the animal world, the theme family relations and relationships within the group.

In the 1940s - 1950s. the tradition of social and moral analysis of works of children's literature and their selection for children's reading was consolidated and continued to exist in the future. The aesthetic value of the texts did not matter.

In the 1920s - 1930s. was outlined, and in the 1950s - 1960s. a trend has been established to develop a methodology for introducing children to reading outside of foreign experience in this area.

By the mid 1970s. a lot of experience has been accumulated in studying the perception of literature by preschoolers of various age groups, which made it possible for L.M. Gurovich raise a question about theoretical foundations methods of familiarization of preschoolers with fiction.

Thus, we see that children's fiction as an educational field is still quite young.

2. Age periodization of preschool children and their psychophysiological featuresintroduction to fiction

The peculiarities of introducing a preschool child to fiction as one of the types of art depends, in our opinion, on the formation of his mental processes, in particular, imagination.

There are individual, typological features of the imagination associated with age, with the specifics of memory, perception and thinking of a person. For some people, a concrete, figurative perception of the world may prevail, which internally appears in the richness and diversity of their imagination. Such individuals are said to have an artistic type of thinking. By assumption, it is physiologically related to the dominance of the right hemisphere of the brain. Others have a greater tendency to operate with abstract symbols, concepts (people with a dominant left hemisphere of the brain).

The peculiarities of the creative imagination of preschool children are due to the fact that the improvement of the child's body continues at preschool age: the growth rate of children from 3 to 5 years old slows down somewhat compared to the previous age period, but at the age of 5 to 8 years old it increases again. Simultaneously with the general growth and increase in body weight, there are processes of anatomical changes and functional development of all the main tissues and organs of the child. There is a gradual ossification of the skeleton, the mass of muscles increases, the working capacity of the child's body increases. But along with this, there is rapid fatigue and exhaustion. nerve cells. By the age of 6-7, the child successfully masters complex types of movement.

In a child of preschool age, the functional activity of the cerebral cortex continues to improve. High sensitivity nervous system determine the brightness, sharpness of perception, children's impressionability, therefore, in the upbringing and education of preschool children, the selection of impressions and knowledge (this is mainly elementary knowledge about the surrounding life) becomes so important.

At preschool age, with purposeful upbringing, methods of visual, auditory, tactile perception, visual-active and figurative thinking, volitional, emotional and motivational processes develop.

Mastering cognitive processes, children become capable of elementary analysis and synthesis, classification, begin to make judgments about the objects and phenomena around them. In general, preschool age is characterized by inquisitiveness, curiosity. But if the child's natural curiosity is not satisfied, he becomes passive.

Preschool age is characterized by freshness and sharpness of imagination, manifested in various activities. Under the influence of adults, the activity of a preschooler becomes arbitrary and controlled, which is very important for educating mindfulness during training sessions and work.

The formation of the personality of a preschooler is expressed in the formation of his character. Of great importance is the development of consciousness, the emergence of various motives for activity and behavior. A preschooler can already subordinate personal motives of behavior to public ones, evaluate his own behavior and the behavior of other children, based on the requirements of educators and parents.

In a game situation, when learning in the classroom, a preschooler forms volitional qualities character. Formation moral consciousness characterized by the emergence of a sense of duty, justice, dignity and other social feelings. The preschooler begins to understand the significance of the requirements placed on him. Experiences during the performance of good and bad deeds are already caused not only by the attitude of an adult, but also by one's own judgment, a moral attitude towards them. Children show more profound feelings of embarrassment, shame and, conversely, joy and satisfaction from the consciousness of fulfilled social requirements.

The preschooler has age prerequisites for the development of abilities. This gives reason to change and complicate the content of education, to vary the ratio of gaming, verbal, visual and practical methods of education and training, to use all the opportunities that are available in preschool childhood for the comprehensive upbringing of the child.

Each child is an individual. For the development of personality through education and training, it is important to know not only the social and typical age traits, but also the individual psychological characteristics, qualities and properties of the child. The basis of individual personality traits is the type of nervous system, on which the strength of the main nervous processes, their mobility, and balance depend. A certain alloy of properties generates individual style activities, behaviour. The basis of individual inclinations to certain types of activity are the anatomical and physiological features of the analyzer systems. So, natural inclinations are the conditions for the development of abilities. The development of inclinations depends entirely on the conditions of life and upbringing. The originality of each child is expressed in the level and volume of anatomical and physiological inclinations and abilities. This necessitates individual and differentiated approach in the upbringing and education of children.

Along with the natural anatomical and physiological individual properties, each person develops a life activity that is unique in its originality. Upbringing and the social environment form an individual personality warehouse, which is manifested in the orientation of abilities, needs, goals, feelings, will and character. Accounting for these features in education and training requires an individual approach to children. Each child has individual characteristics of both physical and personal development, and it is necessary to take into account these features in the process of raising and educating a child.

Thus, the functional activity of the cerebral cortex continues to improve in a preschool child, the abilities of visual, auditory, tactile perception, visual-effective and figurative thinking, volitional, emotional and motivational processes develop.

At the age of 3-4, preschoolers are distinguished by high cognitive activity, they strive to expand their horizons, to break out of the environment that surrounds them. Their main assistant in this is a book. They are already ready to communicate with her: they emotionally react to what they hear, catch and distinguish various intonations, recognize their favorite literary heroes, empathize with them. Most actively they perceive small genres of folklore (rhymes, jokes), songs of a playful nature, fairy tales, poems. It is advisable to introduce children to poetic texts in the classroom in kindergarten and at home, as well as while walking, dressing, washing, feeding. At the same time, children, together with an adult, play out the plots of poetic works, listen to onomatopoeia, consonances, rhymes.

Reading interests of older preschoolers are more diverse: they like books about animals, natural phenomena, children, descriptions of gaming and everyday situations. The main value of this age is a high emotional responsiveness to a literary word, the ability to empathize, to follow the development of the plot with excitement, to wait for a happy denouement, which is why we are talking about the possibility and necessity of forming a literary taste from an early preschool age. This is especially true for our reality, when the shelves of shops and kiosks are littered with bright, catchy illustrated books for preschoolers. But their content side, unfortunately, is often primitive and not only does not instill taste, but, on the contrary, impoverishes spiritual world child, does not develop emotionally colored, figurative speech.

After L. Tolstoy, the specifics of children's literature were discussed more than once, and today a number of features have been determined, such as the unity of literary and pedagogical principles. The writer acts as an intermediary between the reader and society. A. Gaidar wrote: “We need to explain to the guys how to make a propeller or how a tank works. But this is not enough. The writer must explain to the children the words "honor", "banner", "courage", "truth". Perhaps, here lies the main difficulty facing the children's writer: to talk about abstract, "non-childish" things concretely, "childishly".

In addition, writers and researchers pointed to the specifics of the text children's work, where, according to Rogachev, "there is a constant interchange of aesthetics and didactics." Quite often, children's text has a playful character. The writer plays with words, thoughts, sounds. He tries to say as a child would say, to guess the course of his thought, to express his idea of ​​the world. A.K. Pokrovskaya noticed that books for young children have their own artistic means of depicting reality. Among such techniques, one should name animism and anthropomorphism, and the alogism of the real. Authors writing for children not only make extensive use of children's speech as artistic technique, but also build a plot, in accordance with the characteristics of children's thinking and language (short genre forms, onomatopoeia) The text of a children's book for preschoolers cannot be imagined without illustrations.

In addition to all of the above, children's literature is distinguished by a special type of hero. It is peculiar only to what is peculiar to the reader. They are accessible to the perception of a small listener, are close to him in spirit, express his needs and capabilities. The first type is a small hero, equal in age and height to the reader, but "daring", strong, hurrying to help. The second is a hero in distress, in need of help, protection, advice. The third type is a hero who does not exist in reality, has no analogues. The fourth type is the hero why.

Let's define age features preschooler as a reader. The first is the naivety of reading comprehension. Preschoolers identify literature with reality (therefore, they experience fear when reading scary stories).

The second age-related feature is the emotional perception of what is read. Perceiving a fairy tale, the child violently expresses his emotions: cries, laughs, sympathizes, is indignant, etc. On the one hand, this is good: he is an interested, empathetic reader. But, on the other hand, strong emotions do not allow a sober, critical assessment of what has been read. Therefore, along with emotionality, it is necessary to educate the rationality of perception.

Another feature of the preschool reader is the desire to imitate. He reads mainly those books that are liked by peers, the educator, focuses on their opinion. Therefore, children need to develop independence of perception.

The described age characteristics make it possible to single out the negative stereotypes of a preschooler-reader, which must be overcome, and the positive ones, which must be formed. There are four groups of such stereotypes.

The first is the stereotypes of the attitude towards the reading process. Among them, there are negative ones: the attitude to reading exclusively as entertainment, relaxation, enjoyment, or, conversely, a duty. In contrast, they need to form positive stereotypes: attitude to reading as a serious occupation that requires the work of thought, as a useful occupation that enriches the spiritual world of a person, allowing him to satisfy cognitive interests.

The second group is stereotypes of reader interests and preferences. Here also take place: the stereotype of a limited reader, when a child listens only to fairy tales and does not like poetry, etc.; an omnivore reader who reads all books indiscriminately, including adults; a conformist reader who reads only those books that are read by peers. By overcoming these stereotypes, we form a positive stereotype of a discriminating reader - he does not read all the books in a row, but chooses those that are useful.

The third group - stereotypes of reading perception. Among them, preschoolers are characterized by the negative stereotype of the “naive realist”: the child perceives what he read as a reality, identifies himself with the hero of the book. Why is this stereotype bad? First, it does not allow for analysis of what has been read. (At school, the child will be required to determine the writer's intention and the means to achieve it, and the child will not be ready for this.) Second, the stereotype of the naive realist does not allow critical evaluation of what is read. It requires correction aimed at the formation of positive stereotypes of the reader-interlocutor (conducting a dialogue with the writer, the author of the television program), the reader-critic, thoughtful, interested, enriching the author's idea with his own findings. It is necessary to teach preschoolers not to reincarnate, but to try on what they read for themselves, to compare.

And, finally, the fourth group - stereotypes of reading evaluation. Often, preschoolers either do not evaluate what they read at all, or evaluate it uncritically, relying only on the emotions or opinions of adults and peers. Therefore, it is necessary to educate preschoolers as critically thinking, creative readers.

3. Methods and forms of introducing preschoolers to fiction

preschooler initiation fiction

Children's literature as part of general literature is the art of the word. Its features are determined by the upbringing and educational tasks and the age of the children (interests, preferences and cognitive abilities of preschoolers are taken into account). Children's literature contributes to the development of the aesthetic consciousness of the child, the formation of his worldview.

The range of children's reading includes:

Works of oral creativity of the Russian people and peoples of the world;

Classical children's literature (domestic and foreign);

Modern literature (Russian and foreign).

1 junior group (2 - 3 years). Program "Childhood"

Tasks: - to arouse interest in illustrations and a desire to examine the book together with the teacher and independently; - familiarity with folk songs and nursery rhymes; - Acquaintance with small and understandable children's author's poems.

The main forms of work with children: - showing illustrations, - demonstrating pictures (subject, plot) using a flannelgraph; - before reading the nursery rhyme, a didactic game is carried out related to it in content; - in some cases, the teacher accompanies the reading by showing the actions described in the nursery rhyme.

Means, methods and techniques for using fiction in working with children of primary preschool age:

1. Poetic works (folk songs, nursery rhymes, poems, songs). In many life situations, this or that work is out of place. With the help of a poetic text, children call the sun - a bucket, if it suddenly hid and was not shown at all today. At breakfast (afternoon snack), remind the kids of the nursery rhyme "Grass Muravka". On the way to a walk, under the text of the corresponding nursery rhyme, children show how big legs walk (t-o-p, t-o-p) and small legs run (top, top, top). Helping the child put on mittens, read the poem "My finger" by N. Sakonskaya, encouraging attempts to pronounce the words. Some poems can be read to children before going to bed "Bai - bai, bai - bai" (Russian folk song).

If the child climbed onto his knees, it's time to "ride" him on a horse ("I'm going - I'm going to a woman, to my grandfather ...", a Russian folk song).

Rhymes are rich in shapes and sizes. The content of some does not need explanation, for the correct perception of others, the display of relevant objects, actions, and explanations is required. Acquaintance with the latter requires preliminary work. So, before reading the nursery rhyme "Ay, kachi-kachi ...", together with the children, look at and compare kalachi and bagels (natural), consider the picture on which the oven is depicted. Before reading the nursery rhyme "Our ducks in the morning ...", you can organize an outdoor game "Do not wake the turkey."

After the first reading, repeat the nursery rhyme 3-4 more times. In this case, the following options are possible:

Use the same techniques and the same visual material as in the first reading;

When reading a nursery rhyme, do not resort to clarity;

You can use new visual material or modify the old one, vary game situations. For example, another toy cat “comes” to the children with a request to read the poem “The cat went to the market ...” and about him.

Each program poetic work is read to children throughout the year.

2. Tales in verse. At every opportunity, ask the children to reproduce the action of the character. Children, for example, show how in the mentioned fairy tale by S. Marshak, a kitten “in the corner behind the chest washes its paw with its tongue”; how he skips after a rolling pencil; trying to get a pencil rolled under the cabinet.

3. Tales. To tell young children Russian folk tales in the most accessible way for them. For a full perception of the text, drawings and a conversation with children on their content are very important. Looking at the drawing, in which, next to a tiny hare, there is a huge bull, who promised to drive the fox out of the house and shamefully retreated, the children understand that not the one who is great is strong, but the one who is brave.

The first acquaintance with a fairy tale is telling it to everyone. It is not necessary to tell the story again on this day. Tell the children the same story after 2-3 days. Children already know the content of the fairy tale, willingly finish individual owls and phrases. Now you can show them a performance using the tabletop theater figures.

By the end of the year, along with music director and parents can put on a simple performance.

4. Examination of illustrated books. With the help of pictures, communicate with the child, tell and show, ask the child to find someone in the picture and admire his powers of observation.

2 junior group (3 - 4 years).

Tasks: - to arouse interest in illustrations and a desire to examine the book together with the teacher and independently; - familiarity with folk songs and nursery rhymes; - acquaintance with small and understandable children's author's poems; - daily reading of folk songs, nursery rhymes, folk and author's tales, poems, stories by Russian and foreign authors.

The main directions of work with children. Starting the school year, it is necessary to repeat with the children what was introduced earlier. At every opportunity, read folk songs and nursery rhymes, poems to kids; tell folk tales.

Forms of organization become more complicated:

1. Reading by roles. Several times the work is read to the children, their attempt to read together with the teacher is approved. As soon as the children memorize the text, reading is organized by roles.

2. Outdoor and round dance games. Folk songs set up listeners for certain actions, call on someone to help, save someone, run away from someone, catch someone, etc.

3. Reading poetry. - Poems for children, small in volume and understandable to them in content, are often addressed to a particular child, as evidenced by his name in the text. Replacing this name with one of those present - and the child receives a very unusual and pleasant gift for him.

If the name is not mentioned in the song, but the teacher reads it and at the same time looks at one of the kids and smiles slyly, the child is flattered by such attention. Other children, watching the teacher and listening to the song, understand why the song is addressed to this particular child, and begin to imitate his actions. The next day, a group of children gather again and the same poem is read to them.

If the child remembers the poem, the teacher invites him to “give” the poem to the peers present.

Memorizing new poems, songs, children gradually forget the old ones. Therefore, from time to time appropriate occasions the educator should remind old poems.

4. Fables. Having introduced the children to the fable, you should read it again after 2-3 days, then after a week and then read it for a year on each appropriate occasion.

5. Folk tales. Fairy tales are not told to children, but read, because they are large enough in volume and contain rhyming lines and onomatopoeia that are difficult to remember. For children to learn and love fairy tales, they must be read repeatedly. Children love to listen to the same thing, so do not rush to change the repertoire. You need to read the fairy tale for 3-4 days, then take a break and repeat the fairy tale in a week or two, in a month, in two months.

Middle group (4 - 5 years old)

Tasks: - Exercise children in retelling literary works (in whole, in parts, using elements of dramatization); - Continue to form interest in books, their examination; - To acquaint with works of different genres; - Memorize poems and read them expressively; - Expand and consolidate norms in real life speech etiquette based on the assimilation of ethical norms and rules by children.

Main directions: read daily. The list of program literary works includes poems, stories and author's fairy tales, the characters of which, in their human manifestations, are close and understandable to the child, teach him to be kind, strong, fair and generous.

1. Humorous works. These works, better than any moralizing, cure laziness, stubbornness, whims, selfishness.

2. Continue work to familiarize children with new works of small forms of folklore: folk songs, counting rhymes, riddles, tongue twisters. These works are considered the embodiment of humanity, humor, expressive language; they contain ideal combinations of hard-to-pronounce sounds, combinations of words thought out in terms of sound. It is important that children not only know and remember the counting rhymes, but also independently use them in the game.

4. Fairy tales (Russian folk tales, fairy tales of the peoples of the world, literary tales): - To introduce children to new fairy tales; - Tell stories they already know; - Arrange dramatization of small passages from fairy tales, encouraging children to try to play roles, and not just pronounce words; - Compose endings to fairy tales, in particular to the works of J. Rodari. ("Tales with three ends"); - Children's attempts to compose fairy tales, take care of their creativity, and not refuse help are welcomed.

5. Draw the attention of children to the figurative side of the work of art. The age of 4-5 years is the time of a special attitude to beauty, in particular to the beauty of the language. It is important to explain to children that the same thing can be told in different ways.

6. Poems. Children at this age begin to hear the beauty of poetic speech. Children of this age should be helped to learn poetry by heart. When offering poems for memorization, it is necessary to give the child the right to choose. In order for the poems to be remembered, the child needs to hear and say it repeatedly. To pronounce verses in order to remember - this motive is not convincing for a child, it is necessary to organize a game. Invite the children to convey the content of the poem with expressive gestures. Many poetic works are good to read by roles, especially those that introduce children to the rules of good form.

Senior group (5 - 6 years).

Tasks: 1. To improve the aesthetic perception of works of art. Draw the attention of children to figurative and expressive means (figurative words and expressions, epithets, comparisons). 2. Help the child feel the beauty and expressiveness of the language of the work, instilling sensitivity to the poetic word. 3. To improve the artistic and speech performing skills of children when reading poems, in dramatizing works. 4. Raise the child's need to consider the book, talk about its content. Show children the main differences between a fairy tale, a story, a poem.

The main directions of work with children: Read familiar and new works of fiction to children every day, memorize poems; create conditions for viewing books with illustrations by the best artists.

Forms of organization educational activities: - daily reading of fairy tales, stories, poems to older preschoolers, independent examination of books by children; - free communication with children based on fiction (held once a week in the afternoon).

Here it is possible to offer children the kind of activity that in currently they are especially attracted to: looking at books, dramatization, puppet shows, reading works in faces, reading together with children a poem or fairy tale in verse that is quite large in volume, reciting poems with gestures.

Preparatory group (from 6 to 7 years).

Tasks: 1. Continue to develop children's interest in fiction. 2. To improve the aesthetic perception of works of art: to form the ability to show disinterested joy, emotional excitement when meeting with a kind and beautiful world; feel compassion and sympathy for the heroes of the books, mentally feeling close to them or identifying yourself with your favorite character. 3. Draw the attention of children to figurative and expressive means (figurative words and expressions, epithets, comparisons), helping the child to feel the beauty and expressiveness of the language of the work, instilling sensitivity to the poetic word. 4. To improve the artistic and speech performance skills of children when reading poems, in dramatizations and performances (emotional performance and natural behavior, the ability to convey their attitude to the content of the work and the situations described in it with intonation, gesture and facial expressions). 5. Raise the child's need to look at the book and illustrations. Help children to see the main differences between a fairy tale, a story, a poem.

The main directions of work with children: 1. Read fiction to children every day and talk about what they read.

2. Do not forget about the need to re-read the works. Once heard a fairy tale (story), even if it left a mark in the soul of a child, will quickly get lost in the flow of other, no less interesting information for a preschooler.

3. Conduct special classes to familiarize children with fiction. The purpose of such classes is to enrich and clarify children's ideas about books, their authors, genres of works, about the expressiveness, imagery and beauty of the literary language; help the child navigate the world of works of art; reveal the sympathies and preferences of children.

4. Once a week, in the afternoon, fiction should be devoted to meet the children's need for free communication about fiction and self-realization in games, dramatizations and performances based on literary works.

5. Regularly provide books for children to review.

6. Be interested in what thoughts the child had in the process of examining it independently.

Forms of organization: - daily read fairy tales, stories, poems to older preschoolers, independent examination of books by children; - activity with children. With their help, all the tasks of familiarizing preschoolers with fiction are solved; - free communication with children based on fiction (held once a week in the afternoon). Here it is possible to offer children the type of activity that is particularly attractive to them at the moment: looking at books, dramatization, puppet show, reading works in faces, joint reading of a teacher with children of a rather large poem or fairy tale in verse, telling poems with gestures.

Means, methods and techniques of working with children: - exhibitions of fiction in the book corner; - to replenish the stocks of knowledge of preschoolers with counting rhymes, tongue twisters, fables; - reading fairy tales, stories, novels; - reading and memorizing poetry. Capture the beauty, expressiveness of the language. For memorization, children should be offered small dynamic works, including dialogues, memorization is carried out once a month. Children read the text 1-3 times; it is explained how to read certain lines, to exercise children in expressive reading of these lines. Many verses are built on dialogues, so they are easy to read by roles or with a teacher, and many verses are also sung. Start a poem, and the children finish the individual words and phrases. Each child says what he remembers; - participation in dramatizations and performances.


Fiction accompanies a person from the first years of his life. Its impact on the mental and aesthetic development of the child is well known. Its role is also great in the development of the speech of preschoolers. Coherent speech shows how much a child owns the richness of his native language, grammatical structure, and at the same time reflects the level of his mental, aesthetic and emotional development.

The significance of fiction is great: it reveals and explains to the child the life of society and nature, the world of human feelings and relationships, develops thinking and imagination, enriches emotions, and provides excellent examples of the Russian literary language. Educational, cognitive and aesthetic significance is enormous, since, by expanding the child's ideas about the world around it, it affects the personality of the baby, develops the ability to feel the form and rhythm of the native language.

Fiction expands horizons, introduces a rich world of images that reflect life, instills a love for art, develops emotional and cognitive activity, an active attitude to life, literary and artistic taste, and also contributes to the emergence of one’s own judgments about what is read, the need to speak out, develops speech.

According to the well-known literary critic Yu.M. Lotman, literary texts have the properties of "condensed information content", i.e. contain as much information about the world as real experience limited by time and space cannot give. Indeed, literary texts - if they are properly selected - can cover, if not all, then most of the educational, upbringing skills that children need to master. That is why reading fiction can be used as one of the means that creates a semantic background and an incentive for deploying other forms of joint activity of an adult with children (productive, cognitive-research, play), uniting them in a holistic educational process.

Using works of art as ready-made cultural material, the educator and parents act as guides for children to the worlds created by the book, and at the same time they do not remain indifferent performers, but, as partners, together with them they are surprised, admired, upset, anticipate possible collisions - they empathize characters in their events.

In other words, reading fiction acts as one of the forms of joint partnership activities adult with children. Unlike other forms - productive, cognitive-research, play - it cannot be continued by preschoolers on their own and turn into their free activity due to the fact that most of them do not know how to read freely and depend on an adult partner. This imposes a special responsibility on the educator and parents in terms of selecting works of art for reading, so that the book, touching the strings of the child's soul, contributes to the development and education of the child to the greatest extent.

Raising an interest in reading books should not be limited to any one aspect, as is often done: for example, creative perception works of art is formed only in the classroom for the development of speech. Such education should be carried out not only and not so much in the classroom, but in free life, and above all in the family.


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The book is magical.
The book changed the world.
It contains the memory of human thought.

Nikolai Morozov, Russian revolutionary, Narodnaya Volya, scientist (1854-1946) .


What do I see as the need and relevance of this work

The problem of introducing preschool children to fiction is one of the most urgent, since, having entered the third millennium, society has come into contact with the problem of obtaining information from publicly available sources. In this case, children suffer first of all, losing touch with family reading. In this regard, pedagogy faces the problem of rethinking the value orientations of the educational system, especially the system of educating preschool childhood. And here the mastery of the folk heritage, which naturally introduces the child to the basics of fiction, is of great importance. According to V.A. Sukhomlinsky, "Reading books is a path along which a skillful, intelligent, thinking teacher finds a way to a child's heart" .

The appeal to the problem of familiarizing preschool children with fiction as a means of developing speech is due to a number of reasons: firstly, as an analysis of the practice of introducing children to fiction has shown, familiarity with fiction is used in the upbringing of preschoolers in an insufficient amount, and also affects only its surface layer; secondly, there is a public need for the preservation and transmission family reading; thirdly, the education of preschoolers with fiction not only brings them joy, emotional and creative upsurge, but also becomes an integral part of the Russian literary language.

In working with children, the appeal to fiction is of particular importance. Nursery rhymes, incantations, sentences, jokes, turnarounds, etc., which have come down from the depths of centuries, the best way open and explain to the child the life of society and nature, the world of human feelings and relationships. Fiction develops the thinking and imagination of the child, enriches his emotions.

The value of reading fiction is that with its help an adult easily establishes emotional contact with a child. The attitude to fiction as a cultural value of oral creativity is the defining position of my work. Many works have been devoted to the study of this issue, for example, teachers, psychologists, linguists K.D. Ushinsky, E.I. Tiheeva, E.A. Flerina, L.S. Vygotsky, SL. Rubinstein, A.V. Zaporozhets, A.A. Leontiev, F.A. Sokhin, A.M. Shakhnarovich, L.I. Aidarova and others.

The novelty of this work lies in the fact that I propose to qualitatively change the attitude towards fiction in order to form interest in preschool children in oral creativity. This work can be considered search and inventive, since it proposes A New Look on the use of fiction in working with preschool children.

By immersing children in the magical world of literature, I strive to achieve my goal:


To implement these tasks, certain psychological and pedagogical aspects must be observed:

  • Organization of the pedagogical process for the development of speech through familiarization of children with fiction;
  • An integrated approach to the development of fiction, combining oral folk art and pedagogical aspects;
  • Co-creation of children and adults, its social relevance;
  • Creation of an educational environment conducive to the emotional and value, social and personal, cognitive, aesthetic development of the child and the preservation of his individuality;
  • Giving children the opportunity to make their own decisions on the use of the emotional background of choosing books in the context of working with fiction;
  • Focus on building personal-individual relationships between an adult and a child.

When choosing the content of fiction, I take into account the individual characteristics of children and their development, as well as the life experience of preschoolers. It is known that a child shows interest in a particular book, if it is interesting to him. Involving children in reading fiction, I pay attention to the degree of familiarity of the family with traditional oral folk art.

To this end, I did a lot of work: parent meetings - « Magic world books» , “The book is your friend, without it it’s like without hands” , "On the education of children's interest in reading" ; consultations - "Lay your heart on reading" , "Child and book" ; Master Class "Let's make a baby book with our own hands" ; questioning - "Family Reading Traditions" , "A book in your child's life" , "Introducing children to children's fiction" - aimed at familiarizing children with the origins of fiction, awakening a sense of love, respect, involvement in the past, present and future. Inviting parents to family reading with children, I was asked to create family club "Read it" this has become a new effective form of work with the family, which would give an opportunity to inspire interest in the life of children in preschool and increase the participation of parents. The main activities of the club are the provision of psychological and pedagogical assistance to parents of pupils, promotion of positive family reading experience, increasing the competence of parents in the development of preschool children.

For the past two years, working in this direction, I do not stop analyzing the course of my activities, because in the end, what I want to achieve is to raise and educate our children, in our traditions, instilling in them knowledge about the origins, introducing them to fiction , and not with the surface layer.

And when, while reading regular nursery rhymes, fairy tales, jokes, etc., I see the faces of children filled with delight and amazing joy, I understand that everything is not in vain, because children's joy is expensive!!!

Software and methodological support

Improving the educational process in a preschool educational institution requires improving the software and methodological support of the pedagogical process. The correct selection of educational and methodological support allows you to build the integrity of work in preschool educational institutions, increases the level of professional skills of teachers, provides theoretical, informational and practical assistance in organizing work with children. Our kindergarten uses in its work the main general educational program of preschool education "From Birth to School" edited by N.E. Veraksa, supplementing it with partial programs.

Chapter 1. Fiction in a modern preschool educational institution

1. 1. The book and its meaning in the life of a child

Works of fiction reveal to children the world of human feelings, causing interest in the personality, in the inner world of the hero.

Having learned to empathize with the heroes of works of art, children begin to notice the mood of their loved ones and those around them. Humane feelings begin to awaken in them - the ability to show participation in the life around them, kindness, protest against injustice. This is the basis on which adherence to principles, honesty, and true citizenship are brought up. “Feeling precedes knowledge; whoever did not feel the truth neither understood nor recognized it.” , - wrote V. G. Belinsky. The child's feelings develop in the process of assimilation of the language of those works with which the teacher introduces him. The artistic word helps the child to understand the beauty of sounding native speech, it teaches him the aesthetic perception of the environment and at the same time forms his ethical (moral) representation.

Acquaintance of a child with a book in my group began with miniatures of folk art - nursery rhymes, songs, then he listens to folk tales. Deep humanity, extremely precise moral orientation, lively humor, imagery of language are the features of these miniature folklore works. Finally, the kid is read author's fairy tales, poems, stories available to him. The people are an unsurpassed teacher of children's speech. In no other works, except folk, you will find such an ideal arrangement of difficult to pronounce sounds, such a surprisingly thoughtful combination of a number of words that barely differ from each other in sound. For example,: “There was a bull with stupid lips, a stupid bull, the bull had a white lip, it was stupid” ; “The cap is not sewn in the style of a cap, it is necessary to recap it, whoever recaps it, half a cap to peas” . And benevolent teasing subtle humor nursery rhymes, teasers, counting rhymes - an effective means of pedagogical influence, good "medicine" against laziness, cowardice, stubbornness, whims, selfishness.

A journey into the world of a fairy tale develops the imagination, fantasy of children, encourages them to write themselves. Brought up on the best literary models in the spirit of humanity, children show themselves just in their stories and fairy tales, defending the offended and weak and punishing the evil. Both aesthetic and especially moral (ethical) children should take ideas from works of art, and not from the moralizing arguments of educators about the works they read, prepared questions on questions. The teacher must remember: excessive moralizing about what has been read brings great, often irreparable harm; "dismantled" with the help of many small questions, the work immediately loses all charm in the eyes of children; loses interest in it. One must fully trust the educational possibilities of a literary text.

Here is what K. D. Ushinsky wrote about the power of the word: “A child does not only learn conventional sounds by studying his native language, but he drinks spiritual life and strength from the native breast of his native word. It explains nature to him as no natural scientist could explain it, it acquaints him with the character of the people around him, with the society in which he lives, with its history and aspirations, as no historian could acquaint him with; it introduces it into popular beliefs, into popular poetry, as no aesthetician could introduce; it finally gives such logical concepts and philosophical views, which, of course, no philosopher could communicate to a child. . These words of the great teacher indicate not only the expected result of mastering the native language, but also the method of learning it: trust "language teacher" , which “not only teaches a lot, but also teaches surprisingly easily, according to some unattainable facilitating method” . Thus, helping children to master the language of a given work of art, the teacher also fulfills the tasks of education.

1. 2. The role of fiction in the development of speech of preschool children

Fiction accompanies a person from the first years of his life. A literary work appears to the child in the unity of content and artistic form. The perception of a literary work will be complete only if the child is prepared for it. And for this it is necessary to draw the attention of children not only to the content, but also to the expressive means of the language of a fairy tale, story, poem and other works of fiction. Gradually, children develop an inventive attitude to literary works, an artistic taste is formed. At the senior preschool age, preschoolers are able to understand the idea, content and expressive means of the language, to realize the wonderful meaning of words and phrases. All subsequent acquaintance with the huge literary heritage will build on the foundation we lay in preschool. My main task was to instill in children a love for the artistic word, respect for the book. When analyzing any literary text, she observed a sense of proportion and correctly combined questions on content with questions on artistic form. The problem of perception of literary works of different genres by children of preschool age is complex and multifaceted. The child goes a long way from naive participation in the events depicted to more complex shapes aesthetic perception. The researchers drew attention to the characteristic features of preschoolers' understanding of the content and artistic form of literary works. This is, first of all, the concreteness of thinking, a little life experience, a direct relationship to reality. Therefore, it is emphasized that only at a certain stage of development and only as a result of purposeful perception is it possible to form aesthetic perception, and on this basis - the development of children's artistic creativity. Based on the analysis of a literary work in the unity of its content and artistic form, as well as in the active development of means artistic expressiveness children master the ability to convey certain content in a figurative word.

The culture of speech is a multifaceted phenomenon, its main result is the ability to speak in accordance with the norms of the literary language; this concept includes all elements that contribute to the accurate, clear and emotional transmission of thoughts and feelings in the process of communication. The correctness and communicative expediency of speech are considered the main steps in mastering the literary language. The development of figurative speech must be considered in several directions: as work on mastering children in all aspects of speech (phonetic, lexical, grammatical), the perception of various genres of literary and folklore works and as the formation of the language design of an independent coherent statement.

Works of fiction and oral folk art, including small ones literary forms (proverbs, sayings, phraseological units, riddles, tongue twisters), are the most important sources of development of expressiveness of children's speech. An indicator of the richness of speech is not only a sufficient volume of the active dictionary, but also the variety of phrases used, syntactic constructions, as well as sound (expressive) making a coherent statement. In this regard, the connection of each speech task with the development of imagery of speech is traced. So, lexical work, aimed at understanding the semantic richness of the word, helps the child find the exact word in the construction of the statement, and the appropriateness of the use of the word can emphasize its figurativeness. In the formation of the grammatical structure of speech in terms of figurativeness, possession of a stock of grammatical means is of particular importance. If we consider the phonetic side of speech, then the intonational design of the statement largely depends on it, and from here - the emotional impact on the listener. Connectivity (planning) the presentation of the text is also influenced by such characteristics of the sound culture of speech as the power of the voice (loudness and correct pronunciation), clear diction, rate of speech.

The most important sources for the development of the expressiveness of children's speech are works of fiction and oral folk art, including small folklore forms. (proverbs, sayings, riddles, nursery rhymes, counting rhymes, phraseological units). The educational, cognitive and aesthetic value of folklore is enormous, since, by expanding knowledge of the surrounding reality, it develops the ability to subtly feel the artistic form, melody and rhythm of the native language. The artistic system of Russian folklore is unique. The genre forms of works are extremely diverse - epics, fairy tales, legends, songs, legends, as well as small forms - ditties, nursery rhymes, riddles, proverbs, sayings, the language of which is simple, precise, expressive. The formation of figurativeness of speech should be carried out in unity with the development of other qualities of a coherent statement, based on ideas about the compositional features of a fairy tale, story, fable, poem, a sufficient supply of figurative vocabulary and an understanding of the appropriateness of its use in relevant essays.

In the younger group, acquaintance with fiction was carried out with the help of literary works of different genres. At this age, she taught children to listen to fairy tales, stories, poems, as well as to follow the development of the action in a fairy tale, to sympathize with positive characters. Observing my students, I noticed that they are attracted to poetic works that are distinguished by clear rhyme, rhythm, and musicality. With repeated reading, children begin to memorize the text, assimilate the meaning of the poem and become established in the sense of rhyme and rhythm. The speech of the child is enriched by the words and expressions he remembers.

In the middle group, children continue to get acquainted with fiction. The teacher fixes the attention of children not only on the content of a literary work, but also on some features of the language (figurative words and expressions, some epithets and comparisons). After telling fairy tales, it is necessary to teach children of middle preschool age to answer questions related to content, as well as to the simplest questions on art form. It is very important after reading the work to correctly formulate questions in order to help children isolate the main thing - the actions of the main characters, their relationships and actions. The right question makes the child think, reflect, come to the right conclusions and at the same time notice and feel the artistic form of the work. When reading poems, the educator highlights the rhythm, musicality, melodiousness of poems, emphasizing figurative expressions, develops in children the ability to notice the beauty and richness of the Russian language.

In the older group, children are taught to notice expressive means when perceiving the content of literary works. Older children are able to more deeply comprehend the content of a literary work and realize some features of the art form that expresses the content. They can distinguish between genres of literary works and some specific features each genre. The analysis of a fairy tale should be such that children can understand and feel its deep meaning. ideological content and artistic merit, so that they will remember and love poetic images for a long time. When introducing preschoolers to poetic works, it is necessary to help the child feel the beauty and melodiousness of the poem, to better understand the content. Introducing the children to the genre of the story, the teacher should reveal to the children the social significance of the phenomenon described, the relationship of the characters, draw their attention to the words the author characterizes both the characters themselves and their actions. Questions offered to children should reveal the child's understanding of the main content and his ability to evaluate the actions and deeds of the characters.

In the preparatory group, the teacher is faced with the task of instilling in children a love for the book, for fiction, the ability to feel the artistic image; develop a poetic ear (the ability to capture the sonority, musicality, rhythm of poetic speech), intonational expressiveness of speech: to cultivate the ability to feel and understand the figurative language of fairy tales, stories, poems. It is necessary to carry out such an analysis of literary works of all genres, in which children will learn to distinguish genres, understand their specific features, feel the imagery of the language of fairy tales, stories, poems, fables and works of small folklore genres. Reading literary works reveals to children all the inexhaustible richness of the Russian language, contributes to the fact that they begin to use this wealth in everyday speech communication and in independent creativity. At the senior preschool age, the ability to enjoy the artistic word is brought up in children, the foundation is laid for the formation of love for the native language, for its accuracy and expressiveness, accuracy, imagery.

Familiarization with fiction includes a holistic analysis of the work, as well as the performance of creative tasks, which has a beneficial effect on the development of poetic hearing, a sense of language and verbal creativity children.

1. 3. Fairy tale model high level abstractions

Modern programs for the upbringing and education of preschool children provide for work with texts of fairy-tale content. Basically, this is an analysis of the texts of fairy tales, its retelling, and the compilation of new fairy tales based on changes in the known ones. In order to teach a child to compose a fairy tale without violating his individual abilities, it is necessary to introduce him to the models on the basis of which the text is compiled. This is the foundation upon which self-made content builds. It is necessary to understand how a fairy tale differs from any other literary text. In order for the reader or listener to understand the topic and accept these life rules, their carriers are introduced. These are heroes, their actions, actions in a certain place, time. A distinctive feature of the carriers is a certain fantasticness. These can be magical items or heroes with unusual properties. Violation of the objective laws of nature, on the one hand, is a motive that allows you to interest and keep the attention of the listener or reader. On the other hand, the fantastic properties of objects make it possible not directly, but indirectly to generalize and derive some concepts as part of general morality. Therefore, in a fairy tale, the life rules, edifications, wisdom accumulated by mankind can be put into the mouth of the hero. And this edification looks quite natural, unobtrusive. The next feature of the fairy tale text is such expressive means as repetitions in actions, the presence of spells. Hyperbolization of any feature can also be attributed to expressive means. If the Princess is beautiful, then she is beautiful in every way. And if the hero is a villain, then this property is also brought to an extreme. As expressive means, poetic texts, jokes, which play not only the role of the emotional color of a fairy-tale text, but also act as a feature in speech, inherent only in such texts, act as expressive means. The traditions of the beginning of the fairy tale and the end, expressed in figurative phrases, are clearly spelled out. These are the words that let you turn time (long - short) or distance (not far, not close). It is possible to teach children to compose fairy tales, namely, using Lull's technology, with the help of models. As a preparatory work for the assimilation by children of models for compiling fairy tales, they are taught schematization.

In order for children to have the opportunity to compose a fairy tale on their own, educators need to teach them to write down the invented text with diagrams. Work with children on composing fairy tales should first be collective in nature, then subgroup, then the children compose the text together or three of them. Then the child himself composes a fairy tale according to a certain model. Acquainted with the peculiarities of the work of Lulia circles, we presented our own version of their use. This option does not contradict the possibilities of using Lulia circles (or as they are also called Leela rings), but is represented by a wide variety of tasks performed with their help.

You can synthesize work with such a method of composing fairy tales as "Catalog" . The method was developed by the professor of Berlin University E. Kunze in 1932. Its essence is applied to the synthesis of fairy tales: the construction of a connected text of fairy tale content is carried out with the help of randomly selected carriers. (heroes, items, actions, etc.). The method was created to remove psychological inertia and stereotypes in inventing fairy tale characters, their actions and describing the place of what is happening.

Purpose: to teach the child to connect into a single storyline randomly selected objects, to form the ability to compose a fairy tale text according to a model in which there are two heroes (positive and negative) having their own goals; their friends helping to achieve these goals; a certain place.

A small group of children are invited to compose a fairy tale (history) with any book.

  1. The facilitator asks the children a question, the answer to which the child “finds” by pointing the word to open page selected text.
  2. The answers "found" in the book are gradually assembled into a single storyline.
  3. When the fairy tale is composed, the children come up with a name for it and retell it.
  4. The teacher asks the children to remember what questions they answered with the help of the book. (derivation of the question algorithm).
  5. Productive activities of children according to an invented plot: drawing, modeling, application, design or schematization (recording the actions of a fairy tale using diagrams).
  6. Ask the children to tell a fairy tale at home in the evening.

This method can be used already in work with three-year-old children.

How to combine this method and Lull's circles? This issue was resolved by us in the following way. As a basis, we have chosen several fairy tales known to children: “Masha and the Bear”, “Winnie the Pooh and All-All-All”, “Geese-Swans”, “The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish”, “Sister Alyonushka and Brother Ivanushka” , “Sivka-Burka”, “ silver hoof”, “Lukomorye”. The following components were determined from the content of each fairy tale: – main characters; - scene; - time of action; - an item corresponding to the hero (for example, Little Red Riding Hood's basket of pies). Circles of different formats were divided into sectors. Each circle determined one or another component of fairy tales. For example, on the first large circle, images of the main characters of the fairy tales we have chosen were drawn, on the second - objects that distinguish them, etc. Thus, both collective and individual activity children to write stories. Children themselves move the arrows, choose heroes, scenes, etc. Note that the results of the work carried out in this form of work turned out to be higher than we expected. The attention and interest of children in writing is maintained for several tens of minutes. In addition, the children came up with tasks for each other, swapped Lull's circles. It can be noted that, working on this technology, the fantasy of children during storytelling increases significantly. Here is an example of one of the many stories that children made up with the help of such circles:

“Once upon a time there was a little Bunny in a red caftan. He walked through the forest, collecting flowers for Winnie the Pooh's birthday. And suddenly he was bitten by the paw of the wolf. He cried very loudly. But Dr. Aibolit came to the forest to examine the animals and cured the paw. The bunny recovered and gave Dr. Aibolit flowers. He was very grateful to Aibolit, but since then he has been walking with a stick.”

Note that the form of working with such circles can have an infinite number of options. This is limited only by the desire and creativity of the teacher himself. Dramatization techniques are very effective in this case. As in the cases with circles, it is possible to invent and theatricalize a fairy tale that does not actually exist, a synthesis of fairy tales, heroes, and actions. The main thing is that these forms of work determine the children's thought for creativity and reflection. In conclusion, I would like to agree with many famous psychologists and teachers that a fairy tale is a special form of fantasy. But every fantasy must have a basis. Otherwise, children's fantasy turns into nonsense. It is important to teach children to fantasize, it is important to teach them to fantasize not only in a group, in a special lesson, but also in everyday life.

Thus, motives and objects for fantasizing can be found at any moment and any number if desired. Special knowledge of the technique is not assumed here. So, this form of work can be recommended to parents. More creativity appears in children if classes on the development of speech are integrated with subjects of the artistic and aesthetic cycle. When using fiction in the educational process, it is necessary, first of all, to keep in mind the inherent value of works for the development and education of children.

Chapter 2. Methods of working with fiction in a preschool educational institution

2. 1. Methods of artistic reading and storytelling for preschool children

The methodology for working with a book in kindergarten has been researched and disclosed in monographs, methodological and teaching aids. Let us briefly dwell on the methods of acquaintance with fiction.

The main methods are the following:

  1. Reading the educator from a book or by heart. This is a literal translation of the text. The reader, preserving the author's language, conveys all shades of the writer's thoughts, affects the mind and feelings of the listeners. A significant part of literary works is read from the book.
  2. Teacher's story. This is a relatively free transfer of text (possible permutation of words, their replacement, interpretation). Storytelling provides great opportunities to attract the attention of children.
  3. Staging. This method can be considered as a means of secondary familiarization with artwork.
  4. Learning by heart. Selecting a method for transferring a work (reading or telling) depends on the genre of the work and the age of the listeners.

Traditionally, in the methodology of speech development, it is customary to distinguish two forms of working with a book in kindergarten: reading and telling fiction, and memorizing poems in the classroom and using literary works and works of oral folk art outside of classes, in various activities.

Consider the method of artistic reading and storytelling in the classroom. M. M. Konina identifies several types of classes:

  • Reading or reciting one piece.
  • Reading several works united by a single theme (reading poems and stories about spring, about the life of animals) or unity of images (two fairy tales about a fox). You can combine works of the same genre (two stories with moral content) or multiple genres (riddle, story, poem). In these classes, new and already familiar material is combined.
  • Combining works belonging to different types of art: reading a literary work and looking at reproductions from a painting by a famous artist; reading (better poetic work) combined with music.

Educational activities take into account the impact of works on the child's emotions. There should be a certain logic in the selection of material - an increase in emotional richness by the end of the activity. At the same time, the peculiarities of children's behavior, the culture of perception, and emotional responsiveness are taken into account.

  • Reading and storytelling using visual material: reading and storytelling with toys (retelling of the story "Three Bears" accompanied by a display of toys and actions with them); table theater (cardboard or plywood, for example, according to a fairy tale "Turnip" ) ; puppet and shadow theater, flannelograph; filmstrips, slides, films, TV shows.
  • Reading as part of the educational activity for the development of speech: it can be logically related to the content of the lesson (in the process of talking about the school, reading poetry, making riddles); reading can be independent part classes (re-reading poetry or a story as a consolidation of the material).

In the methodology, it is necessary to highlight such issues as preparation and methodological requirements for educational activities, a conversation about what has been read, repeated reading, and the use of illustrations.

Preparation includes the following points: a reasonable choice of a work in accordance with the developed criteria (artistic level and educational value), taking into account the age of children, the current educational work with children and the time of year, as well as the choice of methods for working with the book; definition of program content - literary and educational tasks; preparation of the educator for reading the work. It is necessary to read the work so that the children understand the main content, the idea and emotionally experience what they have heard. (felt it). For this purpose, it is required to conduct a literary analysis of a literary text: to understand the main intention of the author, the nature of the characters, their relationships, and the motives of actions. Next comes work on the expressiveness of the transmission: mastering the means of emotional and figurative expressiveness (basic tone, intonation); arrangement of logical stresses, pauses; development of correct pronunciation, good diction. The preparatory work includes the preparation of children. First of all, preparation for the perception of a literary text, for understanding its content and form. Even K. D. Ushinsky considered it necessary “preliminarily bring the child to an understanding of the work that is supposed to be read, and then read it without weakening the impression with excessive interpretations” . To this end, it is possible to activate the personal experience of children, enrich their ideas by organizing observations, excursions, viewing paintings, illustrations. Explanation of unfamiliar words is a mandatory technique that provides a full perception of the work. It is necessary to explain the meanings of those words, without understanding of which the main meaning of the text, the nature of the images, the actions of the characters become unclear. Explanation options are different: substitution of another word while reading prose, selection of synonyms (bast hut - wooden, upper room - room); the use of words or phrases by the educator before reading, during the acquaintance of children with the picture (“Milk flows over the notch, and from the notch along the hoof” - when looking at the goat in the picture); a question for children about the meaning of a word, etc. At the same time, when analyzing a text, one must remember that not all words require interpretation. So, when reading the fairy tales of A. S. Pushkin, there is no need to explain the concepts "pillar noblewoman" , "sable soul warmer" , "printed gingerbread" as they do not interfere with the understanding of the main content. It is a mistake to ask children what they do not understand in the text, but the question about the meaning of the word must be answered in a form accessible to the child.

The methodology for conducting educational activities in artistic reading and storytelling and its construction depend on the content literary material and the age of the children.

Expressive reading, the interest of the educator himself, his emotional contact with children increase the degree of impact of the artistic word. While reading, one should not distract children from the perception of the text with questions, disciplinary remarks, it is enough to raise or lower the voice, pause. At the end of the reading, while the children are impressed by what they have heard, a short pause is necessary. Is it worth it to immediately move on to an analytical conversation? E. A. Flerina believed that it was most expedient to support children's experiences, and to strengthen the elements of analysis during repeated reading. A conversation started at the initiative of the teacher would be inappropriate, as it would destroy the impression of what was read. You can ask if you liked the fairy tale, and emphasize: “Good goldfish, how she helped the old man!” , or: “What Zhiharka! Small and remote!” . In general practice, reading is accompanied analytical conversation even when the work strongly affects the emotions of children. Often conversations on reading do not respond methodological requirements. Such shortcomings are characteristic as the random nature of the questions, the teacher's desire for a detailed reproduction of the text by children; lack of evaluation of the relationship of the characters, their actions; analysis of content apart from form; insufficient attention to the peculiarities of the genre, composition, language. Such an analysis does not deepen the emotions and aesthetic experiences of children. If understanding the work makes it difficult for children, a conversation is possible immediately after reading it.

The method of using illustrations depends on the content and form of the book, on the age of the children. The main principle is that illustrations should not violate the holistic perception of the text. E. A. Flerina allowed various options for using the picture to deepen and clarify the image. If the book combines a series of pictures with small captions that are not related to each other, the picture is shown first, then the text is read. An example is the books of V. Mayakovsky “Every page is an elephant, then a lioness” , A. Barto "Toys" .

Thus, when introducing preschoolers to fiction, different methods are used to form a full-fledged perception of a work by children: the expressive reading of the educator, a conversation about what was read, repeated reading, looking at illustrations, explaining unfamiliar words.

At a younger preschool age, children are brought up with love and interest in books and illustrations, the ability to focus on the text, listen to it to the end, understand the content and respond emotionally to it. Children develop the skill of joint listening, the ability to answer questions, respect for the book. Having such skills, the child better understands the content of the book. Starting with the younger group of children, they lead to the distinction of genres. The teacher himself calls the genre of fiction: "I'll tell a story, I'll read a poem" . Having told a fairy tale, the teacher helps children remember interesting places, repeat the characteristics of the characters ("Peter-cockerel, golden comb" , "A large-big turnip has grown" ) , name duplicate calls (“Goat carcass-children, open up, open up!” , "Terem-Teremok, who lives in the Terem?" ) and actions (“Pull, pull, they can’t pull” ) . Helps to remember this material and learn to repeat it with different intonations. Children are able to understand and remember a fairy tale, repeat a song, but their speech is not expressive enough. The reasons may be poor diction, inability to pronounce sounds correctly. Therefore, it is necessary to teach children to clearly and distinctly pronounce sounds, repeat words and phrases; create conditions for new words to enter the active dictionary.

In the middle preschool age, work is deepened to educate children in the ability to perceive a literary work, the desire to emotionally respond to the events described. In the classroom, the attention of children is attracted both to the content and to the easily distinguishable by ear (poetic, prose) the form of the work, as well as to some features of the literary language (comparisons, epithets). This contributes to the development of poetic hearing, sensitivity to figurative speech. As in the younger groups, the teacher names the genre of the work. A small analysis of the work becomes possible, that is, a conversation about what has been read. Children are taught to answer questions whether they liked the fairy tale (story) What is it about, what words does it begin and what does it end with. The conversation develops the ability to reflect, express one's attitude to the characters, correctly evaluate their actions, characterize moral qualities, makes it possible to maintain interest in the artistic word, figurative expressions, grammatical constructions.

In older preschool age, there is a steady interest in books, a desire to listen to them read. The accumulated life and literary experience gives the child the opportunity to understand the idea of ​​the work, the actions of the characters, the motives of behavior. Children begin to consciously relate to the author's word, notice the features of the language, figurative speech and reproduce it.

Systematic purposeful work is needed to familiarize children with the genre of prose and poetry, with the content of fairy tales and stories, with their compositional and linguistic features. At the same time, verbal methodological techniques are used in combination with visual ones: conversations after reading the work, helping to determine the genre, main content, means of artistic expression; reading fragments from the work at the request of the children (selective reading) ; conversations about previously read favorite books by children; acquaintance with the writer: demonstration of a portrait, a story about creativity, examination of books, illustrations for them; viewing filmstrips, films, transparencies based on literary works (possible only after reading the text of the book); listening to recordings of the performance of literary works by masters of the artistic word. Children express their attitude to fairy tales, stories, fables and poems in a drawing, so the plots of literary works can be offered as topics for drawing.

2. 2. Methods of memorizing poems

In the methodology of speech development, a special place is occupied by work aimed at educating children in love for poetry, familiarizing them with poetic works, developing the ability to perceive and expressively reproduce poetry. Memorizing poems is one of the means of mental, moral and aesthetic education of children. The question of memorizing poems by children should be connected with the development of the aesthetic perception of poetry, the artistic word. At preschool age, it is important to teach children to perceive and evaluate a poetic work, to cultivate artistic taste. Perceiving poetic images, children receive aesthetic pleasure. V. G. Belinsky, addressing teachers, wrote: “Read poetry to children, let their ear be accustomed to the harmony of the Russian word, let their heart be filled with a sense of grace, let poetry act on them in the same way as music” . Poems act on the child with the power and charm of rhythm, melody; children are attracted to the world of sounds. The poem considers two sides: the content of the artistic image and the poetic form. (musicality, rhythm). It is necessary to teach the child to understand and perceive these two sides in their unity.

For the methodology of memorizing poetry, knowledge of the characteristics of the perception and memorization of poems by children is essential. Facilitates the perception of poetry and the process of memorizing poems, the love of children for sounds and playing with them, for repetition, a special sensitivity to rhyme. Poems with bright, specific images are easier to remember, since the child's thinking is figurative. Perceiving the poem, children mentally "draw" its content. Therefore, poems are well remembered, in which there is figurativeness, objectivity, laconism. These requirements are met by the poems of A. Barto, S. Kaputikyan, S. Marshak and others. Kids quickly memorize short verses, in which there are many verbs, nouns, where concreteness, figurativeness are combined with the dynamics of action. In older groups, children memorize much larger verses (two quatrains) with epithets and metaphors. The nature of memorization is positively influenced by interest in the content of the poem. Fast memorization depends on the mindset, motivation (What is it for?). It can be reading poetry at a matinee; reading to mom and grandmother to please them; perform in front of the kids and other motives. Installation mobilizes memory, attention; the child tries to remember the text faster and better. It should also be taken into account that in involuntary activity, when the task of memorizing a poem is not set, children easily assimilate and memorize entire pages. In arbitrary activities, in the classroom, when the task is to memorize a poem, children experience difficulties. It has been established that the ability for arbitrary memorization can be formed in children from 4–5 years old. The task of the educator is to lead children from involuntary memorization to arbitrary. It is necessary that children be able to set a goal - to remember. A characteristic feature of the memory of young children is its mechanical nature. But even three-year-olds discover semantic memory that needs to be developed, since meaningful memorization is much stronger than mechanical. Therefore, it is important to bring the meaning of the work to the consciousness of children, to prepare them in advance for perception. Consequently, the memorization and reproduction of a poem is influenced by the psychological, age and individual characteristics of the assimilation of the material, as well as the content and form of the poetic text. On the other hand, the methods of learning to memorize poetry and the quality of their artistic performance by adults are essential.

Poetry memorization includes two interrelated processes: listening to a poetic work and reproducing it, that is, reading a poem by heart. As mentioned above, the reproduction of a poetic text depends on how deeply and fully the child understands the work, feels it. At the same time, expressive reading is an independent, complex artistic activity, during which the child's abilities develop. The task of preparing the child for the perception of the poem, of reading the verses so that the children feel and understand them, is a certain difficulty for the teacher. If children are given the opportunity to understand the content of the poem themselves, they do not always cope with this and often do not realize the meaning. A deeper effect of poetry on the child helps preliminary preparation to their perception, which is disclosed above (explaining incomprehensible words, looking at pictures, excursions, observations in nature, etc.).

When memorizing poems with children, the teacher faces two tasks:

  • Achieve a good memorization of verses, i.e. develop the ability to long-term retention of a poem in memory.
  • Teach children to read poetry expressively.

Both tasks are solved simultaneously. If you first work on memorizing the text, and then on expressiveness, the child will have to be retrained, as he will acquire the habit of reading inexpressively. On the other hand, the text holds the child captive. Therefore, the task of memorizing the poem comes to the fore, then - its expressive reading.

It is not recommended to memorize poems in chorus, as the meaning of the poem is distorted or lost; speech defects appear, incorrect pronunciation is fixed; passive children remain passive during choral reading. Choral repetition of the text interferes with expressiveness, leads to monotony, unnecessary ductility, distortion of word endings, and causes children to quickly tire of noise. “Reading in chorus,” wrote E. I. Tikheeva, “children cut, chant poems, beat out rhymes, acquire the same manner of noisy meaningless reading that kills any individuality” .

You should not require the complete memorization of a poem in one lesson. Psychologists note that this requires 8 to 10 repetitions, which should be distributed over a period of time. For better memorization, it is recommended to change the form of repetition, read by roles, repeat verses under suitable circumstances.

In the process of memorizing poetry, one should take into account the individual characteristics of children, their inclinations and tastes, and the lack of interest in poetry in some children. Silent children are offered rhythmic poems, nursery rhymes, songs. Shy - it's nice to hear your name in a nursery rhyme, put yourself in the place of the character. Attention is required by children with a weak susceptibility to the rhythm and rhyme of the verse. Need to create "the atmosphere of poetry" in kindergarten, when a poetic word sounds on a walk, in everyday communication, in nature. It is important to read poems to children, to memorize them not occasionally, not only on holidays, but systematically throughout the year, to develop the need to listen and memorize.

Memorizing poems at different age stages has its own characteristics.

At younger preschool age, short nursery rhymes and poems are used for memorization. (A. Barto "Toys" ; E. Blaginina "Spark" ; D. Kharms "Ship" and etc.). They describe well-known toys, animals, children. In terms of volume, these are quatrains, they are understandable in content, simple in composition, the rhythm is dancing, cheerful, with a pronounced rhyme. Often there is a moment of game action. These features of poetry facilitate the process of memorization. The presence of game moments, a small amount of verses make it possible to often repeat the text and use game techniques in the process of memorizing verses. Since children under four years of age have not yet developed the ability to arbitrarily memorize, the task of memorizing a poem is not set in the classroom. At the same time, poems are memorized in the process of repeated reading. teacher several times (5–6) repeats the text using different techniques. Reading is complemented by play activities that children perform. So, reading a poem by E. Blaginina "Checkbox" , the teacher invites the children to walk around the room with a flag; when a teacher reads a poem by A. Barto "Horse" children pretend to ride a horse. In the future, reading poetry is included in other activities, in didactic games, in examining toys, pictures.

In the middle preschool age, work continues to foster interest in poetry, the desire to memorize and expressively read poetry, using natural intonations. Memorization of poems is carried out as a special lesson or as part of it, where the task is to memorize the work. Poems that are more complex in content and form are recommended, the volume is increased (E. Blaginina "Mother's day" , "Don't stop me from working" ; S. Marshak "Ball" and etc.). The memorization methodology is becoming more complicated, a single structure of educational activity is being introduced for the middle and senior groups. Of course, the content and form of analysis, methods of teaching expressive reading at each age stage differ. In the middle group, especially at the beginning of the year, playing techniques occupy a large place; visual material is used. The older the children, the more it is necessary to rely on the understanding and conscious development of memorization and expressive reading techniques. When reading a poem in the middle group, in a brief analysis, you can draw the attention of children to artistic images, elements of comparison, metaphors, epithets (in a poem by E. Serova "Dandelion" - figurative epithets: white-headed dandelion, fragrant wind, fluffy flower). We must try to bring to the child an understanding of the meaning. When he understands what the poem is about, he naturally copes with the placement of logical stresses. Otherwise, a habit arises to highlight rhyming words, which may distort the meaning of the work.

At senior preschool age, the ability to meaningfully, distinctly, clearly and expressively read poetry by heart is improved, showing initiative and independence. For memorization, poems that are quite complex in content and artistic means are recommended. (A. S. Pushkin "Spruce grows in front of the palace" ; I. Surikov "Winter" ; E. Blaginina "Let's sit in silence" ; E. Serova "Forget-me-nots" ; S. Yesenin "White birch" ) . In the preparatory group for school, the fables of I. A. Krylov are given for memorization "Dragonfly and Ant" , "A Crow and a fox" , "Swan, Cancer and Pike" . The teaching methods are basically the same as in the middle group, but for better reproduction it is appropriate to help children, create a poetic mood, imagine pictures of nature or circumstances to which verses are devoted. Of great importance at this age is the preparatory work, which ensures the full perception of the work. The lesson is complicated by a deeper analysis of the verses. At the same time, one should not get carried away with the work of comprehending a poetic text. This reduces the artistic image, its impact on children's emotions. The aesthetic impact is also reduced when explaining figurative expressions. The humor cannot be explained either. Poetry cannot be approached only from the cognitive side, forgetting about the power of charm that lies in the art form.

Chapter 3. Interaction with narrow specialists in the framework of the use of fiction outside of educational activities

Acquaintance with fiction cannot be limited to classes. In the course of my work, I organize reading and telling books in all moments of the life of children in kindergarten, I associate it with games and walks, with household activities and work. The list of works of oral folk art and fiction is recommended by the program, and I use more diverse forms of activity, which includes the artistic word, than classes.

When using literary works outside of educational activities, I solve the following tasks:

  • implementation of the program for familiarization with fiction;
  • the upbringing of a positive aesthetic attitude to the work, the ability to feel the figurative language of poems, fairy tales, stories, the upbringing of artistic taste;
  • comprehensive education and development of the child with the help of works of literature and folk art.


The problem of introducing preschool children to fiction occupies one of the central places in modern pedagogy and psychology. Introducing children to fiction, we develop the personality of each child, who, we hope, will be the bearer of the traits of the Russian character, the Russian mentality. Due to insufficient attention to fiction, children suffer first of all, losing touch with family reading. In this regard, pedagogy faces the problem of rethinking the value orientations of the educational system, especially the system of educating preschool childhood.

So, summing up, it can be noted that fiction is a universal developmental and educational tool, taking the child beyond the limits of the directly perceived, immersing him in possible worlds with a wide range of human behavior patterns and orienting a rich language environment in them.

Speech function is one of the most important human functions. In progress speech development the higher mental forms of cognitive activity, the ability for conceptual thinking are formed. Mastering speech contributes to awareness, planning and regulation of behavior. Speech communication creates the necessary conditions for the development various forms activities and participation in collective work. It is known that the main functions of speech are communicative and generalizing and regulating. The communicative and generalizing functions of speech are formed in close unity: with the help of speech, a person not only receives new information, but also assimilates it. At the same time, speech is also a means of regulating the higher mental functions of a person. Normally, the regulatory function of speech is formed by the end of preschool age and is of great importance for the child's transition to schooling. The formation of the regulatory function of speech leads to the emergence in the child of the ability to subordinate his action to the speech instruction of an adult.

The book has always been and remains the main source of the formation of the correct developed speech. Reading enriches not only the intellect, vocabulary, it makes you think, comprehend, forms images, allows you to fantasize, develops the personality in a multilateral and harmonious way. This should be realized, first of all, by adults, parents and teachers who are engaged in raising a child, and instill in him a love for fiction, teach a child to love the process of reading itself.

Good luck raising your baby!


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  19. Bogolyubskaya M. K., Shevchenko V. V. artistic reading and storytelling in kindergarten. Ed. -3-in. M., "Education" , 1970.
  20. Bondarenko A.K. word games in kindergarten. M., "Education" , 1977.
  21. Borodich A. M. Methods of development of children's speech. Lecture course. M., "Education" , 1974.
  22. Early childhood education (Manual for employees of nursery gardens). Ed. G. M. Lyamina. M., "Education" , 1974.
  23. Didactic games and activities with young children. Ed. S. L. Novoselova. Ed. 3rd. M., "Education" , 1977.
  24. Zhurova L. E., Tumanova G. A. Native language. - In the book: Sensory education in kindergarten. Ed. N. P. Sakulina and N. N. Poddyakova. M., "Education" , 1969.
  25. Karpinskaya N. S. Artistic word in the upbringing of children. M., "Pedagogy" , 1972.
  26. Kashe G. A., Filicheva T. B. Didactic material for correcting pronunciation deficiencies in preschool children. A visual aid for kindergartens. M., "Education" , 1971.
  27. Kiryushkin V. A., Lyakhovskaya Yu. S. Album for vocabulary and logical exercises in the classroom in the native language in kindergarten. M., "Education" , 1973.
  28. Leonardi E.I. Diction and orthoepy. M., "Education" , 1967.
  29. Melekhova L.V., Fomicheva M.F. Speech of a preschooler and its correction. M., "Education" , 1967.
  30. Guidelines for "Kindergarten Education Program" . M., "Education" , 1975.
  31. Naydenov B. S. Expressiveness of speech and reading. M., "Education" , 1969. Petrova VA Classes on the development of speech with children under three years old. Ed. 3rd. M., "Education" , 1970.
  32. Preparatory school group in kindergarten. Ed. M. V. Zaluzhskoy. Ed. 2nd. M., Enlightenment, 1975.
  33. Radina E. I., Ezikeyeva V. A. Pictures for expanding ideas about the environment and the development of speech in children of the second and third years of life. Ed. 2nd. M., "Education" , 1968
  34. Pay E. F., Sinyak E. A. Logopedia (a manual for students of pedagogical schools). M., "Education" , 1969.
  35. Rozhdestvenskaya V.I., Radina E.I. Education of correct speech in preschool children. Ed. 5th. M., "Education" , 1968.

To help parents realize the value of joint reading as a means of education, upbringing and development of preschoolers.

Spreading the positive experience of family education.

Tasks of the parent meeting:

Creating a positive emotional atmosphere;

Expand social partnership, involve parents in reading together, create family reading traditions;

Provide family information assistance;



"Introducing children to fiction through family reading!" (for parents of pupils of the first junior group)

Purpose of the meeting:

To help parents realize the value of joint reading as a means of education, upbringing and development of preschoolers.

Tasks of the parent meeting:

Creating a positive emotional atmosphere;

Expand social partnership, involve parents in reading together, create family reading traditions;

Provide family information assistance;

Promoting the positive family experience of instilling in children an interest in reading.

Preliminary work:

Questioning of parents "Introducing children to children's fiction."

Preparation of presentations by parents "Traditions of family reading".

Consultations: “What fairy tales to read to a child at bedtime?”, “The role of a fairy tale in the development and upbringing of a child”, “How to organize home reading”, “The role of a book in a child’s life”, “How to turn reading into pleasure”, “Ten whys” children need to read books.

Drawing up and designing a memo for parents: "Family and Book", "An approximate list of literature in accordance with the program for children 2-3 years old."

Booklets: “How to teach a child to love reading?”, “Introducing preschoolers to reading”, “Why should children read books? How to handle a book.

Design of the exhibition of fiction for reading to children "The World of Childhood".

Venue: group

Event type: parent evening

Parent meeting schedule:

1. introduction. Match the square game

2. Acquaintance with the project "Kindergarten, family and book!"

4. Conversation about different things.

Hello dear parents! Thank you for taking the time to come to today's meeting. I would like to start our meeting with epigraphs:

"To prepare a man

spiritually to independent life

we must introduce him into the world of books"

V. A. Sukhomlinsky.

“Reading is a window through which children

see and know the world and themselves"

V. A. Sukhomlinsky.

Every family dreams of raising a reading child. It is important to turn your parental efforts to the formation of children's interest in reading and books. So

dear parents, today on the agenda:

1. Opening remarks. Game "Collect a square

2. Acquaintance with the project "Kindergarten, family and book" -

3. Interactive game "Journey through fairy tales"

4. Conversation about different things.

We offer you a little warm-up - a game called "Assemble the square." Rules: in front of you, dear parents, are parts of the square. Take one part each and, without communicating with each other, assemble a square. You can’t prompt with hand movements, eyes, facial expressions (parents collect a square).

Dear parents, what difficulties did you experience in completing this task? (parents' statement).

Did you find it difficult to complete this task and why?

Indeed, the role of communication in human life is great. Communication is the main condition for the development and life of a person. How do you see communication with your children? Are there any difficulties? (Answers of parents).

Thank you dear parents.

Yes speech is the main means human communication. Without it, a person would not be able to receive and transmit a large amount of information. We pay special attention in the development of children's speech to fiction.

Fiction is a powerful effective means of mental, moral and aesthetic education of children, it has a huge impact on the development and enrichment of the child's speech, emotions, thinking, imagination. In stories, children learn the brevity and accuracy of the word, in poetry they catch the musicality, melodiousness, rhythm of Russian speech. The value of reading fiction is that with its help an adult easily establishes emotional contact with a child.

Family reading is of particular importance for the reader's fate of the child. Listening to an adult reading, considering with him book illustrations, the child actively thinks, worries about the characters, anticipates events, establishes connections between his experience and the experience of others. Reading together brings adults and children together, stimulates and fills the rare and joyful moments of spiritual communication with content, and educates a child with a kind and loving heart.

Unfortunately, the traditions of family reading, preserved by many generations of our ancestors, are almost forgotten and destroyed today. Only in a few modern families they continue to live. The main reason for this phenomenon is the changed socio-cultural environment: the widespread development of television, video and computer technology, a sharp increase in their role and share in the leisure of modern man.

Based on this, we created and implemented the project "Kindergarten, family and book", together with the parents and children of the first junior group, which we attached to the topic of our meeting.

The purpose of this project:

To develop in children a steady interest in fiction.

Involving parents in the educational process by introducing children to fiction.

The objectives of this project:

To form children's interest and need for reading (perception) of books;

Continue to learn to listen to folk songs, fairy tales, author's works, both with and without visual accompaniment;

To contribute to the emergence in children of the initiative to finish words, phrases when reading familiar works;

To introduce children to looking at drawings in books, to encourage them to name familiar objects;

Teach to ask questions: “Who (what) is this?”, “What is he doing?”

Raising a careful attitude to the book, as a result of the work of many people;

Contribute to the creation at home of an atmosphere for instilling love and interest in the book;

Actualization of parents' knowledge about the value of family reading, development

family reading traditions;

To promote family unity through reading works of art;

Spreading the positive experience of family education.

Within the framework of this project, a survey of parents was conducted "Introducing children to children's fiction", the purpose of the survey was to determine the place and importance of the book in the life and development of the child, to get an idea about the organization of home reading. More than 50% of families took part in the survey process. So as a result, all parents answered that they were concerned about the problem of children's reading, explaining that it useful activity, which develops thinking, memory, enriches speech, broadens horizons, in the process of reading the child has the prerequisites for the future mastery of independent reading skills. The good news is that our parents are well-read people, because to the question “Do you read literature yourself?”, All parents answered that they read not only periodicals (magazines, newspapers, but also educational and fiction. Introducing children to fiction, most parents read fairy tales, poems, nursery rhymes, look at pictures, learn poetry.Books are read to children from several times a week, some parents answered that they read to children daily, and also at the request of children.In most families, both parents are engaged in reading, although there are some, in which preference is given to one of the parents, several families answered that not only both parents, but also grandparents are engaged in reading After reading the work, most parents answered that they do not always talk with the child about what they read, although there are families that sufficient attention is paid to the issue, setting a goal to find out whether the child understood the essence of the work, whether he remembered the sequence of events, because this, in turn, contributes to the development of memory, thinking, and speech. The books that our parents read to their children are very diverse in subject matter. The good news is that parents prefer to read Russian poets and writers to their children, including K. I. Chukovsky, V. Suteev, A. Barto, Russian folk tales, children's encyclopedias. Parents mostly buy books in the store or order them by mail; two families have a home library. Based on this, we can conclude that parents introduce children to fiction, but the problem of children's reading still takes place, since modern children have a TV and a computer as the background of life, they are perceived as family members, many eat, play and even fall asleep to his sound. Today, the relevance of solving this problem is obvious, because reading is associated not only with literacy and education. It forms ideals, broadens horizons, enriches inner world person.

So the observations we made in the group showed that our pupils do not know how to listen to fairy tales and stories with concentration, without being distracted, while reading poetry, only a few feel the rhyme basis, do not have a steady interest in fiction.

Therefore, the following forms of work with children were included in the project:

Reading and telling works of different genres: fairy tales, stories, poems, nursery rhymes. These forms of work with children included:

The development of listening skills

Follow the progress of the action

Empathize with the characters in the story.

Initially, the children did not listen carefully to the works that were offered to them, they were often distracted, but with each subsequent reading or narration of the work, the children became active participants in this process. They tried to finish words from well-known works, and some children finished phrases. So Angelina P., Gleb M., Angelina L., when pronouncing well-known phrases from the Russian folk tale "Turnip", tried to follow the sequence of events by correctly naming the heroes of this tale.

Conversations "World of books", "My favorite fairy tale", "Favorite fairy-tale hero", "Careful storage of books". During the conversations, we tried to develop:

A steady interest in the book, in its design, illustrations.

Enrich children's ideas about the variety of books, genres of works.

To consolidate the rules of cultural treatment of books.

In the process of getting to know the books, the children had a need to talk about their impressions, based on this, various conversations were held with the children on the subject. Each child named his favorite fairy tale, a fairy tale character, what he liked about this work, what he remembered the most. The result of the conversations was that the children began to get to know the heroes of fairy tales better, they could determine who this fairy tale is about from the illustration.

Didactic games:

"Cut pictures" (heroes of fairy tales);

"Find a fragment" (cartoon characters);

"Let's take the koloboks from the fox";

Didactic games based on Russian folk tales "Turnip", "Teremok", "Kolobok".

During play, children develop logical thinking, memory, imagination, auditory perception, the vocabulary of children was enriched, coherent speech developed.

Didactic games are "lifesaver" in working with children, the children really liked to play them, because the characters seem to come to life during the game, you can not only listen about them, but also interact with them. So Angelina P., Arseniy K., Angelina L. liked to play didactic games based on Russian folk tales, the children spoke their actions, could pick up any hero and interact with him.

Productive artistic and creative activity:

Drawing "Heroes of favorite fairy tales";

Modeling "Kolobok";

Application "Mitten".

So in the course of these forms of work, children developed fine motor skills, imagination, children learned to express their impressions received from the perception of works of art. In the process of drawing, Angelina L. and Sonya R. were talking about something, it turned out that "Kolobok" went to visit "Turnip", so we can conclude that the children are engaged in self-creativity. During the modeling, Gleb M., Arseniy K. very actively told what else “Gingerbread Man” looks like (ball, head, sun). While completing the application, the children jointly composed a new fairy tale, it turns out that in the "Mitten" there actually lived three blue kittens and a bunny who loved apples.

Role-playing games:

"Book Hospital";

"Doll Katya visiting the guys";

"Book Shop".

In the process of role-playing games, children learned to interact with each other through communication with each other. Establish emotional and personal contact. So the children were very upset when they found out that the bunny had torn the book, but they immediately helped him fix this book in the Book Hospital with pleasure; doll Katya, who came to visit the children, did not know fairy tales at all and the children showed her books, pictures and named all the fairy tales with great joy, especially Polina P., Arina Sh. they very willingly tried to seat the doll and be sure to tell about all the fairy tales .

Excursion to the older group "Visiting a fairy tale".

The purpose of this form of work was to instill a sustainable interest in fiction, using the example of older children. Having come to the group, the children looked with great interest at the books that were in a neatly designed mini-library, the older children told and showed us some of the books that are in it. It turned out that in our group there are the most active readers, this is Arina Sh., who decided to get a book from the very top shelf, finding interest in it, Angelina P., who actively named the heroes of fairy tales. Boys-Arseniy K., Seraphim U., Gleb M. were most attracted by the “home-made book”, which is aimed at developing tactile sensations, fine motor skills, they examined it with great interest.

For children, the albums “Heroes of Favorite Books”, “Favorite Tales” were created, which the children looked at with pleasure, called the heroes, spoke well-known phrases, tried to remember and sing their favorite songs of the heroes of the books.

Thus, applying all these forms of work with children, we gradually solved the tasks set before us in the project.

It is obvious that the family and the kindergarten, having their own special functions, cannot replace each other and must interact in the name of the full development of the child.

A good find in working with parents is the method of projects. Today, it is increasingly being used in the pedagogical practice of our institution. The method of projects is the education and upbringing of the child through activities, and in working with the family - through the joint activities of children and parents. So participating in project activities several families presented their presentations on the topic “Family Reading Traditions”. And we would very much like these families to share their experience, traditions of acquaintance and inculcation of love for fiction.

I would like to invite a representative of the Polyanka Angelina family, Polyanka's mother Inna Yuryevna, with a presentation on the topic “Our literary life!”.

Thank you very much for your presentation.

And another family that will share their experience and traditions with us is the Ustinov Serafima family and its representative, mother Ustinova Natalia Alekseevna, who presented a presentation on the topic: “I am learning to read and create my own books!”.

Thank you very much.

Arseniy's family shared with us photos showing that Arseniy loves to watch and listen to fairy tales with his dad.

Thank you very much, it was very interesting. And now, dear parents, I suggest that you share your impressions and say thanks to the families who shared the traditions of raising and instilling love for fiction.

What do you remember?

What seemed interesting?

What would you like to use in your family? (answers of parents).

I would like to note that almost all families took part in the joint production of “Homemade Books” with children, which children, and we, looked at and read with pleasure.

In turn, we express our deep gratitude to all the families for participating in the project and invite everyone else to take part. We also want to say that our project does not end there and those families who are still preparing their presentations will definitely present them.

And we would very much like the traditions of family reading to develop everywhere in every family, because family reading is not a way to get information, it is the most important and best way of communication and unobtrusive education, which is the most effective.

3. Interactive game "Journey through fairy tales".

And now, dear parents, we invite you to refresh your knowledge of children's literature and play the interactive game "Journey Through Fairy Tales".

Thank you dear parents for interesting answers.

Book It is an integral part of raising a child. With its help, he will be able to find answers to his questions, to know the world and himself, to experience the stories of heroes, to fantasize the development of further events of a particular work.

The book is the educator of human souls.The kid is growing, which means that every day more and more new experiences await him, he actively explores the world and makes many discoveries. He receives more and more diverse information he needs for further correct physical, mental and mental development. Children receive new knowledge from the people around them, primarily from their parents, as well as from books.

It is no secret that today's children read little, preferring a book to watching television programs and videos, computer films. This sad reality should make us parents think and try to somehow correct the situation.
From a very young age, kids need to read as many books as possible. It is very important that he loves this activity. The book may be of interest to both boys and girls, the main thing is to find an option that the child will like.
Scientists have found that a child who is systematically read to accumulates a rich vocabulary.
Reading with mom, the child actively develops imagination and memory.
It is reading that performs not only a cognitive, aesthetic, but also an educational function. Therefore, parents need to read books to their children from early childhood.

The variety of children's books is surprising, but not always pleasing. It is important to remember that in any book, including children's, the most important thing is the content.
Recommendations for purchasing literature:

In children 4-5 years old, vocabulary is activated,
development of connected speech. When reading literary works to a child, you need to pay attention to individual words and expressions. You can learn to retell short texts of Russian folk tales. Slowly start memorizing the poems.

At this age, you can introduce the child to the tales of foreign authors, heroic folk tales, stories about nature and animals, and the work of K. Chukovsky.

In order for a child to love a book, parents need to work hard

Tips for parents:

Talk about the value of the book more often;
Cultivate a respect for the book by displaying your family's book relics;
You are the main example for the child, and if you want your child to read, then it is worth spending some time with the book too;
Visit the library, bookstores together;
Buy books bright in design and interesting in content;
Rejoice in the success of the child, and do not focus on mistakes;
Discuss the read book among family members;
Tell your child about the author of the book you read;
Have family readings more often.

Reading for children should become a daily habit, a necessity

Why is it important to read

your child's habit?

Reading in the family is a long tradition.Among the enlightened class, family readings did not have a special target setting, but were a natural attribute of adults' spiritual communication between themselves and children. But, unfortunately, many cultural traditions were lost, including reading in the family.

The main difference between family reading and its other types - classroom, extracurricular and home reading is that parents, using the book, begin to truly engage in spiritualdevelopment of his child, the formation of his morality.

Family reading is literature that interests all family members, discussion of what the whole family has read, this is communication that brings people of different ages together.


When choosing books for your child, pay attention to the following qualities:

1. How the book is illustrated.Children love to look at pictures as much as they love to listen. They value beauty, humor and fantasy. Avoid books where the style of the drawings is too businesslike or simplistic.

2. Is the book up to the mark?child as a listener. Don't judge by age, but choose stories that are complex enough to grab your child's attention, yet simple enough for them to follow along.

3. Is this the book that liked just for your child. Don't pay too much attention to its educational value. Any story that the child likes will be valuable in this sense.

4. Does the book havethe power of emotional impact. Although children also like those books that simply contain information, for a long time the children remain favorite books that are close to him emotionally.

5. Is the book well written?. Children listen for the sound of speech, not just its meaning.

6. Do you like the book. If you read something that you yourself like better, there is good reason to expect that the child will like it.


By the way the books that belong to the child's home look, you can judge whether you are paying enough attention to instilling in your son or daughter the skills to handle a book. Check if your child is following the following rules book handling:

Before picking up a book, check that your hands are clean;

The book is read and examined at the table;

Take a book: do not stain it, do not jam the pages, turn them over correctly, do not wet your finger with saliva;

Don't play with the book, it spoils it;

After you have looked and read the book, do not forget to put it back;

Properly store the book in a place specially designated for it - in a bookcase or on a shelf, and not among toys;

- if you notice that the book is not in order (the cover is torn or peeled off, a page has fallen out), fix it yourself or with the help of an adult.

1. Reading develops the child's speech andhis vocabulary increases.The book teaches the little person to express his thoughts and understand what other people say.

2. Reading develops thinking.From books, the child learns abstract concepts and expands the horizons of his world. The book explains life to him and helps to see the connection of one phenomenon with another.

3. Working with the book stimulates creative imagination, allows you to work fantasy and teaches children to think in images.

4. Reading develops cognitive interestsand broadens horizons. From books and periodicals, the child learns about other countries and other ways of life, about nature, technology, history and everything that interests him.

5. Books help the childto know oneself.For the feeling dignity it is very important to know that other people think, feel and react in the same way as he does.

6. Books help children understand others. By reading books written by writers from other cultures and eras, and seeing that their thoughts and feelings are similar to ours, children better understand them and get rid of prejudice.

7. A good children's bookread aloud to the child.The process of joint reading contributes to the spiritual communication of parents and children, the establishment of mutual understanding, closeness, trust. The book unites generations.

8. Books - assistants to parents in solving educational problems. They teach children ethics, make them think about good and evil, develop the ability to empathize, and help them learn to understand the situation of other people.

9. Books give strength and inspiration.They captivate and entertain. They make children and adults laugh and cry. They reduce loneliness, bring comfort and indicate a way out of a difficult situation.

10. Reading is the most accessible and useful activity for the intellectual, emotional and mental development of a child. You can take the book with you anywhere. It can be borrowed from the library for free and does not require electricity.



If parents are seriously concerned about the child's lack of interest in reading, the advice of the American psychologist W. Williams may be useful to them. Here are some of them:

1. Enjoy reading yourself and develop in your children an attitude towards reading as a pleasure.

2. Let the children see how you yourself read with pleasure: quote, laugh, memorize passages, share what you read, etc.

3. Show that you value reading by buying books, giving them yourself and receiving them as gifts.

4. Let the children choose their own books and magazines (from the library, bookstore, etc.).

5. In a conspicuous place at home, hang a list that will reflect the progress of the child in reading (how many books have been read and for how long).

6. Designate a special place for reading at home (a nook with shelves, etc.).

7. There should be a children's library in the house.

8. Collect books on topics that will inspire children to read more about the subject (such as books about dinosaurs or space travel).

9. Invite the children to read the book the movie is based on before or after watching the movie.

10. Take turns reading stories or funny stories to each other. Entertain yourself instead of watching TV.

11. Encourage your child to make friends with children who love to read.

12. Solve crossword puzzles with children and give them to them.

13. Encourage children to read aloud whenever possible to build their skill and self-confidence.

14. Often ask the children's opinion about the books they read.

15. Encourage the reading of any periodical material: even horoscopes, comics, TV series reviews - let the children read whatever they want!

17. Let the children read in bed every night before going to sleep.

By reading together, you open an interesting and colorful book for your child. literary world. And remember, so in a simple way you give your child a huge amount of happiness and love.

Explanatory note

“The main task of adults is

Discover the talent of a reader in a child.



The problem of introducing preschool children to fiction is one of the most urgent, since, having entered the third millennium, society has come into contact with the problem of obtaining information from publicly available sources. In this case, children suffer first of all, losing touch with family reading.

The appeal to the problem of familiarizing preschool children with fiction as a means of developing speech is due to a number of reasons: firstly, as an analysis of the practice of introducing children to fiction has shown, familiarity with fiction is used in the upbringing of preschoolers in an insufficient amount, and also affects only its surface layer; secondly, there is a public need for the preservation and transmission of family reading; thirdly, the education of preschoolers with fiction not only brings them joy, emotional and creative upsurge, but also becomes an integral part of the Russian literary language.

In working with children, the appeal to fiction is of particular importance. Nursery rhymes, chants, sentences, jokes, turnarounds, etc., which have come down from the depths of centuries, in the best way open and explain to the child the life of society and nature, the world of human feelings and relationships. Fiction develops the thinking and imagination of the child, enriches his emotions.

Many works have been devoted to the study of this issue, for example, teachers, psychologists, linguists K.D. Ushinsky, E.I. Tiheeva, E.A. Flerina, L.S. Vygotsky, SL. Rubinstein, A.V. Zaporozhets, A.A. Leontiev, F.A. Sohini etc.

The child begins to get acquainted with literature at an early age. The interest in the book in the child appears early. At first, he is interested in turning pages, listening to an adult reading, looking at illustrations. With the advent of interest in the picture, interest in the text begins to arise. One of the features of the perception of a literary work by children is empathy with the characters. Perception is extremely active. The child puts himself in the place of the hero, mentally acts, fights with his enemies.

But not everyone can build a deployed and coherent story, invent your own fairy tale, compose a poem. Not everyone can even understand the author's thought and answer questions about the content of what they read. How to help him? Artistic works in symbolic form reveal to children the meaning of human relationships, experiences. Children's book is considered as a means of mental, moral and aesthetic education. Children's poet I. Tokmakova calls children's literature the fundamental principle of education. Fiction forms moral feelings and assessments, norms moral conduct, brings up aesthetic perception.

Works of literature contribute to the development of speech, give examples of the Russian literary language. E.A. Flerina noted that a literary work gives ready-made linguistic forms, verbal characteristics images, definitions that the child operates with.

N.S. Karpinskaya believes that fiction book gives excellent examples of the literary language. In stories, children learn the conciseness and accuracy of the language; in verse - musicality, melodiousness, rhythm of Russian speech; in fairy tales - accuracy, expressiveness. From the book, the child learns many new words, figurative expressions, his speech is enriched with emotional and poetic vocabulary. Literature helps children express their attitude to what they have heard, using comparisons, metaphors, epithets and other means of figurative expression. When reading a book, the connection between speech and aesthetic development is clearly visible, the language is assimilated in its aesthetic function. Possession of linguistic and figurative-expressive means serves the development of artistic perception of literary works.

The educational function of literature is carried out in a special way, inherent only in art - by the force of the impact of the artistic image. In order to fully realize the educational possibilities of literature, it is necessary to know the psychological characteristics of the perception and understanding of this type of art by preschoolers.

The problem of children's reading is one of the most urgent and burning problems. modern world. They stopped reading to children, which means that literacy, and intelligence, and emotional and moral education, and many components of the harmonious development of the individual suffer. Namely, the harmonious development of personality is one of the main tasks facing teachers. In our time, the issue of recognizing the process of reading as determining in the education and development, worldview and moral development of the child is especially relevant.

Modern children spend more and more time playing computer games and watching TV. Sociological studies in our country and abroad have revealed negative trends: there is a markedly reduced interest in reading among younger preschoolers and adolescents; the share of reading in the structure of children's free time has been drastically reduced. Many modern children do not know the heroes of the old good fairy tales, preferring blockbuster and computer game heroes to them. Of course, every time has its literary heroes, but it is no coincidence that fairy tales and legends have been passed down from generation to generation for many years and serve as an excellent educational tool.

The circle of children's reading should include publications intended directly for preschoolers. These are different design types of children's books that make up the kindergarten library: baby books, toys, theater, panoramas, coloring books, as well as original books, for example, sounded with technical means.

In order to educate a reader in a child, an adult must himself show interest in a book, understand its role in a person’s life, know books recommended for preschool children, be able to talk interestingly with kids and help in analyzing the work. Introducing children to literature should begin at an early age, but, unfortunately, in most cases this work has to be started only in kindergarten, since not all parents understand the need for this work from birth.

This program is relevant for preschool children, since it is necessary to introduce children to reading fiction from an early age. After all, reading is connected not only with literacy and education. It forms ideals, humanizes the heart, enriches the inner world of a person. In my opinion, communication with a book affects the child, evokes an emotional response in him. Therefore, the role of books and reading as a means of becoming a child's personality is very large. Through reading fiction, a child learns the past, present and future of the world, learns to analyze, moral and cultural values ​​are laid in him, a holistic picture of the world is formed. In order for the knowledge of fiction to become a school for the development of various feelings, emotions and moral deeds, a systematic educational influence on the child from the adults around him. Valuable are not only their knowledge and experience, but also a personal example of kindness, generosity, sympathy.

The novelty of this program in a qualitatively changed attitude towards fiction in order to form an interest in oral creativity in preschool children.

Program goal: Formation of interest and need for reading in preschool children.

Program objectives:


1. Improve the dialogic and monologue forms of speech.

2. To teach independently and consistently convey the content of the text, to use expressive means characteristic of a literary work in retelling.

3. Encourage memorization of short poetic texts.

4. To instill interest in the positive characters of the works.

5. Encourage the desire to listen to the work, consider illustrations for it, ask an adult about what they have read, show a desire to “read” the work again.


1. To cultivate the ability to listen to fairy tales, stories, poems, follow the development of the action, empathize with the heroes of the work.

2. Cultivate a sense of responsiveness to the content of what is read (rejoice at a good ending, “victory” goodie).

3. To cultivate literary and artistic taste, the ability to understand and feel the mood of a work, to capture the musicality, sonority, rhythm, beauty and poetry of stories, fairy tales, poems.

4. To cultivate a culture of verbal communication.


1. To develop the desire to learn from books about the world around us, about the existence of good and evil in it, about how to behave.

2. Develop cognitive processes: speech, memory, thinking.

3. Develop the ability to stage and dramatize folk tales with the help of a teacher.

To solve the problems of comprehensive education by means of fiction, the formation of the personality of the child, his artistic development, an essential role is played by the correct selection of works of literature both for reading and storytelling, and for performing activities. When choosing a book, one must take into account that a literary work must carry cognitive, aesthetic and moral functions, i.e. it should be a means of mental, moral and aesthetic education. The selection is based on pedagogical principles developed on the basis of general provisions aesthetics.

Methodological support



  • Conversations;
  • Conversation games;
  • Story;
  • Reading fiction;
  • Usage game situations;
  • Games - conversations with the characters of fairy tales;
  • Writing stories.


  • Group exhibitions;
  • Examining illustrations.


  • puppet shows;
  • Games - dramatizations;
  • Games - dramatizations;
  • Games are fun;
  • Outdoor games;
  • Finger games;
  • Exercises imitative - performing and creative nature;
  • Modeling and analysis of given situations;
  • Drawing;
  • Modeling.

Forms of organization:

Technical training aids:

1. Tape recorder;

2. CD and audio material.

IN work program provides for the use of various types didactic games on the perception of fiction , namely:

  • On purposeful development of attention, memory;
  • To memorize the heroes of works;
  • On the development of speech, thinking.

Visual material

1. Illustrations and reproductions;

2. Visually - didactic material;

3. Game attributes;

4. "Living toys" (caregivers or children dressed in appropriate costumes);

5. Poems, riddles;

6. Postcards for viewing.

Methods of acquaintance with fiction.

1. Reading the educator from a book or by heart. This is a literal translation of the text. The reader, preserving the author's language, conveys all shades of the writer's thoughts, affects the mind and feelings of the listeners.

2. The teacher's story. This is a relatively free transmission of the text (permutation of words, their replacement, interpretation are possible). Storytelling provides great opportunities to attract the attention of children.

3. Staging. This method can be considered as a means of secondary acquaintance with a work of art.

4. Learning by heart. The choice of the method of transmitting a work (reading or storytelling) depends on the genre and the age of the listener.

5. Dramatization games (imitation games, motor improvisations in the course of telling literary texts by the educator).

6. Simulation - subject-schematic representation in the drawings of the main content of the literary text.

7. Theatrical games : dramatization games and games with figurines of various types of table, poster and puppet theaters.

Traditionally, in the methodology of speech development, it is customary to distinguish two forms of working with a book: reading and storytelling.

Program structure: The program is aimed at preschool children from 3 to 6 years old. The duration of the program is 1 year, 1 lesson per week. The form of the lesson is group. A total of 48 lessons, duration depending on age. The duration of continuous direct educational activity for children from 3 to 4 years old is no more than 15 minutes, for children from 4 to 5 years old - no more than 20 minutes, for children from 5 to 6 years old - no more than 25 minutes.

Expected results.

  • As a result of the program, the child should be able to:
  • Listen to works of fiction (fairy tales, stories, poems)
  • Memorize counting rhymes, tongue twisters, riddles;
  • Emotionally experience the content of the read, the heroes of the work;
  • Retell the content of the work based on the pictures in the book.
  • Answer questions about the content of the reading;
  • Analyze the phenomenon, event, actions of literary characters, evaluate them;
  • reproduce the content of the work;
  • Read by heart short poems, products of small forms;
  • Transfer your impressions of what you read in other activities (drawing, playing, music, etc.).
  • Name your favorite fairy tales and stories; read 1-2 favorite poems, 2-3 counting rhymes; remember 2-3 riddles;
  • With the help of an adult, dramatize (stage) small tales.
  • Know the content of fairy tales; texts of learned poems.
  • Know how to answer the questions.
  • Be able to distinguish a poem from a riddle.

Ways to check the effectiveness of work:

During the implementation of the program, the following types of verification:

  • Conversation, observation.
  • Practical lesson.
  • Dramatization, dramatization of fairy tales.

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