Calendar-thematic planning in fiction (senior group) on the topic: long-term planning for reading fiction. Calendar-thematic planning for literary reading


Natalya Samotoeva
Reading Forward Planning fiction in the second junior group


№1. The story of Y. Thais "Cube to cube" Develop interest in reading and telling adult works of art; draw attention to the rules of the game with other children in the group. N. E. Vasyukova Fiction for children aged 3-5 p. 29

№2. The story of V. Stepanov "Game" Develop interest in reading and telling literary works to adults; cause a desire to speak out, to enter into verbal communication. N. E. Vasyukova Fiction for children aged 3-5 p. 31

№3. Fairy tale by N. Pavlova "In the car" Develop auditory perception, interest and desire to listen to an adult reading or telling; take part in the general conversation. N. E. Vasyukova Fiction for children aged 3-5 p. 32

№4. Fairy tale by V. Suteev “Apple Develop auditory perception, interest and desire to listen to an adult reading; teach to carefully consider the illustrations, if necessary, ask questions, take part in a general conversation on the content of the tale. N. E. Vasyukova Fiction for children aged 3-5 p. 33

ABOUT October

№5. Belarusian folk tale "Puff" Maintain interest in reading books; develop the ability to listen carefully, look at illustrations, join the discussion, answering questions from an adult. N. E. Vasyukova Fiction for children aged 3-5 p. 34

№6. Rhymes about a cockerel Develop auditory perception, interest and desire to listen to poetic speech, understand its main meaning; engage in memorizing a small poem by heart; teach to carefully consider the illustrations. N. E. Vasyukova Fiction for children aged 3-5 p. 35

№7. Fairy tale by V. Stepanov "House for a Sparrow" Develop reading listening skills artwork together with a group of children, understand the main meaning; develop emotional responsiveness, the desire to participate in the conversation. N. E. Vasyukova Fiction for children aged 3-5 p. 37

№8. Stories by V. Bianchi "Belkin's dryer", G. Skrebitsky, V. Chaplina "How a squirrel hibernates" Develop the ability to carefully listen to the reading of a work of art, to understand the main meaning; develop emotional responsiveness, the desire to participate in the conversation. N. E. Vasyukova Fiction for children aged 3-5 p. 39


№9. Fairy tale by S. Marshak "Mustachioed - striped" Develop interest in reading books; improve auditory perception, emotional responsiveness; cause a desire to participate with other children in some game activities. N. E. Vasyukova Fiction for children aged 3-5 p. 40

№10. Russian folk tale "Masha and the Bear"(in the arr. M. Bulatov) Develop the ability to listen to the teacher's story together with a group of peers; develop interest in fairy tales, emotional responsiveness, a desire to participate in a conversation, responding to simple questions. N. E. Vasyukova Fiction for children aged 3-5 p. 42

№11. Ukrainian folk tale "Mitten"(translated by E. Blagina) To develop interest in reading books, the ability to perceive the text by ear; cause a desire to take on the role of one of the characters, to participate in a role-playing game based on a fairy tale. N. E. Vasyukova Fiction for children aged 3-5 p. 43

№12. Fairy tale by M. Plyatskovsky "A hedgehog that you can stroke" To arouse interest in reading books, an emotional response to the read work. N. E. Vasyukova Fiction for children aged 3-5 p. 44


№13. Lullabies Develop auditory perception, emotional responsiveness, interest in the poetic word; create game situation, which in the future children will be able to transfer to independent role-playing games. N. E. Vasyukova Fiction for children aged 3-5 p. 45

№14. L. Voronkova's story "It's snowing" Develop auditory perception, the ability to carefully listen to a descriptive text, understand the general meaning, arouse a desire to answer questions; relate the content of the work to personal experience children. N. E. Vasyukova Fiction for children aged 3-5 p. 48

№15. Poems about birds Develop auditory attention, interest in the poetic word; through literary works to enrich ideas about the life of birds in winter; enrich vocabulary. N. E. Vasyukova Fiction for children aged 3-5 p. 49

№16. New Year's poems Learn to follow the progress of the action in short works; correlate the content of the works with personal experience. N. E. Vasyukova Fiction for children aged 3-5 p. 52

№17. E. Moshkovskaya's poem "The Greed" Develop interest in reading books, auditory perception, emotional response; to accumulate experience in conveying the content of the work with gestures and actions; cultivate a negative attitude towards greed. N. E. Vasyukova Fiction for children aged 3-5 p. 54


№18. Folk songs and nursery rhymes about a cat and a kitty To form interest in the poetic word, the ability to carefully consider the illustrations to the text, to correlate their content with what they heard; develop emotional responsiveness, the ability to convey the actions of characters with gestures. N. E. Vasyukova Fiction for children aged 3-5 p. 56

№19. Polar bear (stories by E. Charushin and S. Sakharnov) Develop interest in reading, attention and concentration when listening to a descriptive natural history story, understanding it common sense based on illustration. N. E. Vasyukova Fiction for children aged 3-5 p. 58


№20.Fairy tale by S. Kozlov "The Lion and the Turtle" Create conditions for literary characters, re-meeting them through watching a cartoon; develop emotional responsiveness, the desire to take part in general imitation actions, singing along. N. E. Vasyukova Fiction for children aged 3-5 p. 59

№21. Fairy tale by V. Suteev "Cat - fisherman" To form interest in reading books, attention and concentration when listening, understanding the general meaning of the work (based on illustrations); develop a desire to answer questions, speak out. N. E. Vasyukova Fiction for children aged 3-5 p. 61

№22. Tale of V. Suteev "Different wheels" Develop interest in reading, the ability to listen carefully, understand the general meaning; give an idea of ​​the spinning wheel, well, mill; enrich the vocabulary with new words. N. E. Vasyukova Fiction for children aged 3-5 p. 62


№23. Fairy tale by K. Chukovsky "Fly-clatter" Develop auditory and visual perception, interest and desire to listen to reading, emotionally respond to events occurring in the book, answer questions; introduce new words into the dictionary: samovar, cowardly, brave, villain, win. N. E. Vasyukova Fiction for children aged 3-5 p. 63

№24. Russian folk tale "The wolf and the seven kids"(in the arr. A. Tolstoy) To develop auditory and visual perception, an emotional response to the events of a fairy tale; arouse interest in reading books, the desire to answer questions, speak out. N. E. Vasyukova Fiction for children aged 3-5 p. 64

№25. Sun, show yourself (folk songs and nursery rhymes) To develop children's interest in the genre of folklore, emotional response, desire to take part in the conversation; to teach to carefully consider the illustrations, correlating the text of the nursery rhyme with the picture, noticing small parts talking about what they saw. N. E. Vasyukova Fiction for children aged 3-5 p. 66

№26. Tale of K. Chukovsky "Moydodyr" Develop interest in books, reading; emotional responsiveness to a literary work, the ability to listen carefully to an adult's reading, the desire to speak out on the meaning of what is read; teach to consider illustrations, correlating them with the text of the work. N. E. Vasyukova Fiction for children aged 3-5 p. 68

№27. Meet the birds Develop auditory attention, understanding the general meaning of poems; enrich ideas about the life of birds. N. E. Vasyukova Fiction for children aged 3-5 p. 70


№28. Fairy tale by M. Plyatskovsky “How two foxes shared a hole” Develop emotional responsiveness; follow the development of the action, convey the general plot with words, gestures, answer questions. N. E. Vasyukova Fiction for children aged 3-5 p. 72

№29. The story of E. Charushin "Sparrow" Develop emotional responsiveness to a literary work; be able to relate what they read with personal experience, to talk about it. N. E. Vasyukova Fiction for children aged 3-5 p. 74

№30. Stories by V. Charushin about animals Learn to listen carefully prose texts, correlate verbal description with illustrations, express your impressions; lead to guessing riddles according to a verbal description. N. E. Vasyukova Fiction for children aged 3-5 p. 75

№31. Rain, rain, stronger, the grass will be greener Develop the ability to listen to poetic works, emotionally respond to their content; create conditions for various improvisations based on read songs and nursery rhymes. N. E. Vasyukova Fiction for children aged 3-5 p. 77

№32. Russian folk tale "Goby - tar barrel" Develop interest in a fairy tale, the ability to listen, understand the main content, join in a general conversation, responding to an adult; learn to change the intonation and timbre of the voice, pronouncing the text on behalf of different characters. N. E. Vasyukova Fiction for children aged 3-5 p. 80

№33. S. Marshak's poem "Good day" To teach to listen carefully to the expressive reading of the poem, to understand its meaning, to follow the development of the plot; relate content to personal experience, talk about it. N. E. Vasyukova Fiction for children aged 3-5 p. 82



The work program was compiled on the basis of the Federal State Educational Standard for Primary General Education, the Exemplary Basic Educational Program for Primary General Education and the educational program for the school of the city of Lesnoy, Concepts of spiritual and moral development and education of the personality of a citizen of Russia, the planned results of primary general education. Designed for primary school students secondary school and is focused on UMK "School of Russia".

Literary reading is one of the main subjects in teaching younger students. It forms the general educational skill of reading and the ability to work with text, arouses interest in reading fiction and promotes common development child, his spiritual, moral and aesthetic education.

The success of studying the course of literary reading ensures the effectiveness in other subjects of elementary school.

The course of literary reading is aimed at achieving the following goals:

    mastering conscious, correct, fluent and expressive reading as a basic skill in the education system of younger students; improvement of all types of speech activity, providing the ability to work with different types of texts; development of interest in reading and books; the formation of the reader's outlook and the acquisition of experience in the choice of books and independent reading activity;

    development of artistic and creative and cognitive abilities, emotional responsiveness when reading works of art; the formation of an aesthetic attitude to the word and the ability to understand a work of art;

    enrichment of the moral experience of younger schoolchildren by means of fiction; the formation of moral ideas about goodness, friendship, truth and responsibility; fostering interest in and respect for national culture and culture of the peoples of multinational Russia and other countries.

Literary reading as a subject in primary school It has great importance in solving problems not only of education, but also of education.

Acquaintance of students from their accessible age with works of art, the spiritual, moral and aesthetic content of which actively influences the feelings, consciousness and will of the reader, contributes to the formation of personal qualities that correspond to national and universal values. Orientation of students to moral standards develops their ability to correlate their actions with ethical principles of behavior cultured person, forms the skills of benevolent cooperation.

The most important aspect of literary reading is the formation of reading skills and other types of speech activity of students. They master conscious and expressive reading, reading texts to themselves, learn to navigate in a book, use it to expand their knowledge about the world around them.

In the process of mastering the course, the level of communicative culture of younger students increases: the ability to compose dialogues, express own opinion, build a monologue in accordance with the speech task, work with various types of texts, independently use the reference apparatus of the textbook, find information in dictionaries, reference books and encyclopedias.

Reading competence is formed at the lessons of literary reading, helping the younger student to realize himself as a competent reader, capable of using reading activity for his self-education. A literate reader has a need for constant reading of books, owns the technique of reading and methods of working with text, understanding of the read and listened work, knowledge of books, the ability to independently select and evaluate them.

The course of literary reading arouses students' interest in reading works of art. The attention of the novice reader is drawn to the verbal-figurative nature of the work of art, to the author's attitude to the characters and the world around him, to the moral problems that concern the writer. Younger students learn to feel the beauty of the poetic word, to appreciate the figurativeness of verbal art.

The study of the subject "Literary Reading" solves many of the most important tasks of primary education and prepares the younger student for successful education in secondary school.

2). general characteristics subject, course

"Literary reading" as a systematic course begins from grade 1 immediately after learning to read and write.

Section "Circle children's reading» includes works oral art peoples of Russia and foreign countries, works of classics of domestic and foreign literature and contemporary writers Russia and other countries (artistic and scientific-educational). The program includes all major literary genres: fairy tales, poems, short stories, fables, dramatic works.

Students work with books, learn to choose them according to their interests. New books replenish knowledge about the world around us, the life of peers, their relationship to each other, work, and the Motherland. In the process of learning, the social, moral and aesthetic experience of the child is enriched, forming the reader's independence in schoolchildren.

The program provides for acquaintance with the book as a source different kind information and the formation of bibliographic skills.

The section "Types of speech and reading activities" includes all types of speech and reading activities (the ability to read, listen, speak and write) and work with different types of texts. The section is aimed at forming the speech culture of students, at improving communication skills, the main of which is the skill of reading.
Reading skill. Over the course of four years of study, the methods of mastering the skill of reading change: first, there is the development of holistic (synthetic) reading methods within a word and a phrase (reading in whole words); further, methods of intonational combination of words into sentences are formed. The speed of reading increases (fluent reading), reading to oneself is gradually introduced with the reproduction of the content of what has been read. Students gradually master rational methods of reading and reading comprehension, orthoepic and intonation norms of reading, words and sentences, master different types of text reading (selective, introductory, studying) and use them in accordance with a specific speech task.

In parallel with the formation of the skill of fluent, conscious reading, purposeful work is being carried out to develop the ability to comprehend the meaning of what has been read, to generalize and highlight the main thing. Students master the techniques of expressive reading.

Improving oral speech (ability to listen and speak) is carried out in parallel with learning to read. The skills to perceive by ear the statement or reading of the interlocutor are improved, to understand the goals of the speech statement, to ask questions about the heard or read work, to express one's point of view. Productive forms of dialogue, formulas are assimilated speech etiquette in the conditions of educational and extracurricular communication. Acquaintance with the peculiarities of national etiquette and communication of people is carried out on the basis of literary (folklore and classical) works. The monologue speech of students is improved (based on the author's text, on the proposed topic or problem for discussion), the active vocabulary is purposefully replenished. Students learn concise, selective and complete retelling read or heard work.

A special place in the program is given to work with the text of a work of art. At the lessons of literary reading, the idea of ​​texts is improved (description, reasoning, narration); students compare artistic, business (educational) and scientific-cognitive texts, learn to correlate the title with the content of the text (its theme, main idea), master such speech skills as dividing the text into parts, heading, drawing up a plan, distinguishing between the main and additional information text.

The program provides literary propaedeutics. Students receive initial ideas about the main theme, the idea (main idea) of a literary work being read, about the main genres of literary works (story, poem, fairy tale), features of small folklore genres (mystery, proverb, rhyme, joke). Children learn to use the visual and expressive means of verbal art (“painting with a word”, comparison, personification, epithet, metaphor, rhythm and musicality of poetic speech).

When analyzing artistic text an artistic image (without a term) comes to the fore. Comparing artistic and scientific-cognitive texts, students realize that they are not just cognitive interesting texts, but works of verbal art. The word becomes the object of the reader's attention and is comprehended as a means of creating a verbal and artistic image through which the author expresses his thoughts and feelings.

The analysis of the figurative means of the language in elementary school is carried out in a volume that allows children to feel the integrity of the artistic image, adequately perceive the hero of the work and empathize with him.

Children master different types of retelling of a literary text: detailed (using figurative words and expressions), selective and short (transferring basic thoughts).
On the basis of reading and analyzing the read text, students comprehend the actions, character and speech of the hero, make up his characterization, discuss the motives of the hero’s behavior, correlating them with moral norms, realize the spiritual moral sense read work.

The section "Experience in creative activity" reveals the techniques and methods of activity that will help students adequately perceive a work of art and show their own creative abilities. When working with a literary text (with a word), the life, concrete-sensual experience of the child is used and the figurative representations that arise in him in the process of reading are activated, the ability to recreate verbal images in accordance with the author's text is developed. This approach provides a full-fledged perception of a literary work, the formation of a moral and aesthetic attitude to reality. Students choose works (excerpts from them) for reading by roles, word drawing, staging and recitation, act as actors, directors and artists. They write summaries and essays, compose poems and fairy tales, they develop an interest in literary creativity writers, creators of works of verbal art.

3). Description of the place of the subject, course in the curriculum

The course "Literary reading" is designed for 448 hours. In grade 1, 40 hours are allotted for studying literary reading (4 hours per week, 10 academic weeks 1), in grades 2-4, 136 hours each (4 hours per week, 34 academic weeks in each class).

In the calendar-thematic planning, changes are possible for objective reasons.

4). Description of the value orientations of the content of the subject

The purpose of teaching literary reading in elementary school is the formation

    all types of speech activity of a younger student (listening, reading, speaking, writing);

    the needs of a novice reader in reading as a means of knowing the world and self-knowledge;

    reading competence of a younger student, which is determined by the possession of reading technique and methods of mastering the read (listened) work, the ability to navigate in books and gaining experience in independent reading activity;

    the readiness of the student to use literature for his spiritual, moral, emotional and intellectual self-improvement, as well as to creative activity based on what he reads.

Since the standards of the new generation are based on the activity paradigm of education, which postulates the development of the student's personality on the basis of mastering the methods of activity as the goal of education, this program is focused on the implementation of a communicative-activity approach to teaching reading.

The conceptual feature of this course is a conscious setting for remote (through reading the text) communication with the writer. From this follow the basic positions of the course "Literary Reading":

    providing the motivational side (the desire to enter into communication with the writer through reading);

    attention to the personality of the writer;

    the presence of a response communicative act, expressed in the evaluation and interpretation of the information received (emotional, intellectual, aesthetic).

5). Personal, meta-subject and subject tasks / results of teaching reading

Personal tasks / results

1. The formation of a positive attitude towards reality among students.

2. Formation in children of self-esteem and emotional positive attitude to oneself, readiness to express and defend one's position, criticality to one's actions.

3. Development of life optimism, purposefulness and perseverance in achieving goals.

4. Teaching orientation in the world of moral, social and aesthetic values.

5. The formation of a civic identity of the individual, the student's awareness of himself as a citizen of Russian society, respecting the history of his homeland.

6. Formation of the habit of reflection.

7. Improving the emotional sphere (susceptibility, sensitivity).

8. Formation of readiness for cooperation with other people, friendliness, collectivism.

9. Development of thinking, attention, memory.

10. Development creative attitude to reality and creativity.

Meta-subject tasks/results

1. Formation of motivation for self-improvement, including a positive attitude towards learning.

2. Introducing children to the foundations of national and world culture, to the spiritual and moral experience of mankind.

3. Formation of respect for the values ​​of other cultures, worldviews and civilizations.

4. Formation of a holistic worldview based on the interaction of literary reading with other school subjects.

5. Development of the value-semantic sphere of personality.

6. Formation of a sense of beauty and aesthetic feelings on the basis of acquaintance with world and domestic fiction.

7. Formation of the ability to learn and the ability to organize one's activities (planning, control, evaluation) as the first step towards self-education and self-education.

8. Teaching skills and abilities of a general educational nature, including orientation in the book space.

9. Working out communication skills functioning in listening, speaking, reading, writing.

Subject tasks/results

1. Formation of positive motivation for reading.

2. Creation of conditions for children to obtain aesthetic pleasure from reading fiction.

3. Development of the recreative imagination.

4. Teaching adequate reading comprehension.

5. Enriching the reader's experience through the accumulation and systematization of literary impressions, diverse in emotional coloring, themes, species and genre specifics.

6. Improving all aspects of reading skills.

7. Formation of the ability to enter into remote communication with the author of a literary work and realize the attitude of the writer to what and about whom he wrote.

8. Development of the ability to understand and verbally express one's attitude to what and how a literary work is written.

9. Learning the basics literary analysis works of art of different types and genres.

10. The study of elementary literary concepts that allow you to navigate in an accessible circle of reading.

11. Formation of the ability to determine the artistic value of a literary work and analyze the means of expression (at an accessible level).

12. Teaching the ability to distinguish between artistic and cognitive texts and adequately read a literary work in accordance with its features.

13. Mastering the techniques of studying reading literature of a cognitive nature.

14. Formation of the ability to find information in dictionaries, reference books and encyclopedias, on the Internet.

15. Development of the ability to compare the art of the word with other types of art (painting, theater, cinema, music).

16. Learning to work with a book in the unity of its textual and non-textual content.

17. Development of literary abilities.

1 CLASS (34 hours)

The reading circle of children includes works of domestic and foreign writers, constituting the golden fund of literature, works of oral folk art, poems, stories, fairy tales of modern writers. All works in educational books are grouped according to the genre-thematic principle. The main topics reflect the most important and interesting for given age children side of their lives and the world around them.

Once upon a time there were letters (7 hours)

Poems, stories and fairy tales written by V. Danko, I. Tokmakova, S. Cherny, F. Krivin, T. Sobakin.

Fairy tales, riddles, fables (7 hours)

Works of oral folk art: songs, riddles, nursery rhymes, fables and fairy tales. Fragments from the fairy tales of A. Pushkin. Nursery rhymes, songs from foreign folklore.

Teaching expressive speech and reading techniques. Pronunciation of tongue twisters, tongue twisters. Text retelling training. The concept of “author's mood” is introduced.

April, April! Ringing drops (6 hours)

Poems by A. Maykov, A. Pleshcheev, S. Marshak, I. Tokmakova, T. Belozerov, E. Trutneva, V. Berestov, V. Lunin about Russian nature.

Formation of reading skills in whole words. Answers to questions on the content of the text, finding in it sentences confirming the oral statement.

Both jokingly and seriously (6 hours)

Works by N. Artyukhova, O. Grigoriev, I. Tokmakova, M. Plyatskovsky, K. Chukovsky, G. Kruzhkov, I. Pivovarova.

Reproducing text on questions or on picture plan. Understanding words and expressions in context. Humorous works. The concept of “mood and feelings of the hero” is introduced.

Me and my friends (5 hours)

Stories and poems written by Y. Ermolaev, E. Blaginina, V. Orlov, S. Mikhalkov, R. Sef, Y. Entin, V. Berestov, A. Barto, S. Marshak, Y. Akim, about children, their relationships about the ability to communicate with each other and with adults.

Concepts are introduced - "deeds of the hero", "paragraph". Text prediction by title.

About our smaller brothers (8 hours)

Works about the relationship of man with nature, stories and poems by S. Mikhalkov, V. Oseeva, I. Tokmakova, M. Plyatskovsky, G. Sapgir, V. Berestov, N. Sladkov, D. Kharms, K. Ushinsky.

Comparison of texts of different genres.

2 CLASS (136 hours, of which 2 hours are reserve)

R. Sef. Exhibition of books on the topic. Books read in the summer. Favorite books. Heroes of favorite books.

Oral folk art (15 hours)

Russians folk songs, nursery rhymes and jokes, counted ki, fables and shifters, riddles, proverbs and sayings.

Fairy tales about animals, everyday and magical (“The Tale Goes Through the Forest ...” Yu. Moritz, “The Cockerel and the Bean Seed”, “Fear has Big Eyes”, “The Fox and the Black Grouse”, “The Fox and the Crane”, “Porridge from an ax", "Geese-swans").

I love Russian nature. Autumn (8 hours)

F. Tyutchev. “There is in the original autumn ...”, K. Balmont. “Cowberries ripen”, A. Pleshcheev. “Autumn has come ...”, A. Fet. “The swallows are gone...”, A. Tolstoy. "Autumn. Our whole poor garden is being sprinkled...”, S. Yesenin. “Golden foliage spun ...”, V. Bryusov. "Dry Leaves", I. Tokmakova. “The birdhouse has become empty...”, V. Berestov. "Cunning mushrooms", "Mushrooms" (from the encyclopedia), M. Prishvin. "Autumn Morning"

Russian writers (14 hours)

A. Pushkin. “At the seashore, a green oak ...”, “Here is the north catching up clouds”, “Winter! .. A peasant, triumphant ...”, “The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish”. I. Krylov. "Swan, Pike and Cancer", "Dragonfly and Ant". L. Tolstoy. "Old grandfather and granddaughter."

About our smaller brothers (12 hours)

B. Zakhoder. “The pussy is crying in the corridor...”, I. Pivovarova. “Once upon a time there was a dog...”, V. Berestov. "Cat's House", M. Prishvin. "Guys and ducklings", E. Charushin. "A terrible story", B. Zhitkov. "Brave duck".

From children's magazines (9 hours)

1. D. Kharms. "Game", "Do you know? .."; 2. D. Kharms, S. Marshak. "Funny siskins"; 3. D. Kharms. "What was it?"; 4. N. Gernet, D. Kharms. "Very very tasty pie»; 5. Yu. Vladimirov. "Freaks"; 6. A. Vvedensky. "Scientist Petya".

I love Russian nature. Winter (9 h)

I. Bunin. "Winter cold...", K. Balmont. "Light fluffy ...", Ya. Akim. "In the morning the cat ...", F. Tyutchev. "The Enchantress in Winter ...", S. Yesenin. “Winter sings - calls out ...”, “Birch”.

Writers for children (5 pm)

Works about children, about nature, written by K. I. Chukovsky (“Confusion”, “Joy”), S. Ya. Marshak (“The Cat and the Loafers”), S. V. Mikhalkov (“My Secret”, “Willpower ". "My puppy"), A. L. Barto ("Rope", "We did not notice the beetle ...", "To school", "Vovka - kind soul”), N. N. Nosov (“Entertainers”, “Live Hat”).

Me and my friends (10 a.m.)

V. Berestov. "Behind the game", E. Moshkovskaya. “I went into my offense ...”, V. Berestov. “Looking from a height...”, V. Lunin. "Me and Vovka", N. Bulgakov. "Anna, don't be sad!", Y. Ermolaev. "Two cakes", V. Oseeva. "Good."

Both in jest and in earnest (14 hours)

1. B. Zakhoder. “Comrades for children”, “What is the most beautiful thing?”, “Songs of Winnie the Pooh”; 2. E. Uspensky. "Cheburashka", "If I were a girl ...", "Above our apartment", "Memory"; 3. V. Berestov. "Familiar", "Travelers", "Tassel"; 4. I. Tokmakova. "Plym", "In a wonderful country" 5. G. Oster. "Let's get acquainted."

Literature of foreign countries (12 hours)

Children's folklore countries Western Europe and America, works of foreign classics ("Bulldog named Dog", "Gloves", "Brave Men", "Suzon and the Moth", "Mothers Know, Children Know"). Fairy tales by C. Perrault (“Puss in Boots”, “Little Red Riding Hood”), G. X. Andersen (“The Princess and the Pea”), E. Hogarth (“Mafia and the Spider”).

3 CLASS (170 H)

The Greatest Miracle in the World (5 hours)

Manuscripts of Ancient Rus'. Pioneer Ivan Fedorov.

Oral folk art (14 hours)

Russian folk songs. Boring Tales. Fairy tales ("Sivka-Burka", "Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka", "Ivan Tsarevich and Gray wolf»).

Poetry notebook 1 (11 hours)

Russian poets of the XIX - XX centuries. F.I. Tyutchev "Spring Thunderstorm", "Leaves". A.A. Fet “Mom! Look out the window…”, “Rye is ripening over a hot field…”. I.S. Nikitin “Enough, my steppe…”. I.Z. Surikov "Childhood", "Winter".

Great Russian writers (24 hours)

A.S. Pushkin. (“Behind the spring, the beauty of nature ...”, “Already the sky was breathing in autumn ...”, “That year, autumn weather ...”, “Tier than fashionable parquet ...”, “ Winter morning», Winter evening”, “The Tale of Tsar Saltan ...” I.A. Krylov. ("Monkey and Glasses", "Mirror and Monkey", "Crow and Fox"). M.Yu.Lermontov. (“Mountain peaks ...”, “In the wild north ...”, “Cliff”, “Autumn”. L.N. Tolstoy. (“Childhood of L.N. Tolstoy”, “Shark”, “Jump”, “Lion and dog ”, “What is the dew on the grass”, “Where does the water from the sea go?”).

Poetry notebook 2 (6 hours)

N.A. Nekrasov. (" Glorious autumn! Healthy, vigorous…”, “Not the wind rages over the forest…”, “Grandfather Mazai and hares”). K.D.Balmont. ("The Golden Word"). I.A. Bunin ("Childhood", "Wildflowers", "Dense green spruce forest near the road").

Literary tales (8 hours)

D.N. Mamin-Sibiryak (“Alyonushka’s Tales”, “The Tale of the Brave Hare - Long Ears, Slanting Eyes, Short Tail”). V.M. Garshin (“Traveling Frog”). VF Odoevsky ("Moroz Ivanovich").

Were-fictions (10 hours)

M. Gorky "The Case with Evseika", K. G. Paustovsky "The Disheveled Sparrow", A. I. Kuprin "Elephant".

Poetry notebook 1 (6 hours)

S. Cherny (“Why are you squeezing a duckling?”, “Sparrow”, “Elephant”). A.A. Blok ("Dilapidated hut", "Dreams", "Crow"). S.A. Yesenin ("Bird cherry").

Love alive (16 hours)

M.M. Prishvin "My Motherland", I.S. Sokolov-Mikitov "Leaf Fall", V.I. Belov "Fry guilty", "More about Malka", V.V. Bianchi "Mouse Peak", B.S. .Zhitkov “About the monkey”, V.L. Durov “our Bug”, V.P. Astafiev “Kapalukha”, V.Yu. Dragunsky “He is alive and glowing”.

Poetry notebook 2 (8 hours)

S.Ya.Marshak ("Thunderstorm in the afternoon", "In the forest over a dewy clearing"). A.L. Barto ("Separation", "In the theater"). S.V. Mikhalkov ("If"). E.A.Blaginina ("Cuckoo", "Kitten").

Pick a berry - you will pick a box (12 hours)

B.V. Shergin “Pick a berry, you’ll pick a box”). A.P. Platonov (“Flower on the Earth”, “Still Mom”). M.M. Zoshchenko (“Golden Words”, “Great Travelers”). N.N.Nosov ("Fedina's task"). V.Yu.Dragunsky ("Friend of childhood").

Through the pages of children's magazines (8 hours)

"Murzilka" and " Funny pictures". Yu.I. Ermolaev (“Let slip”, “Educators”). G. B. Oster ("Bad advice", "How legends are made"). Roman Sef ("Merry Poems").

Foreign Literature (8 hours)

Ancient Greek myth "The Brave Perseus". G.H. Andersen ("The Ugly Duckling").

4 CLASS (136 hours, 1 hour reserve)

Epics. Chronicles. Lives (12 hours)

About epics. Ilya's three trips. Chronicles. Lives. “And Oleg hung his shield on the gates of Constantinople ...”; "And Oleg remembered his horse..."; "The Life of Sergius of Radonezh".

Wonderful world classics (22 hours)

P. P. Ershov. "Humpbacked Horse" (excerpt); A. S. Pushkin. "Nanny", "Cloud", "A sad time! ..", "The bird of God does not know ...", "The Tale of dead princess and about the seven heroes”; M.Yu Lermontov. "Gifts of the Terek" (excerpt), "Ashik-Kerib"; A. P. Chekhov. "Boys".

Poetry notebook (12 hours)

F. I. Tyutchev. “The view of the earth is still sad ...”, “How unexpected and bright ...”; A. A. Fet. "Spring Rain", "Butterfly"; E. A. Baratynsky. "Spring, spring! How clean the air is...”, “Where is the sweet whisper...”; A.II. Pleshcheev. "Children and a bird"; I. S. Nikitin. “In the blue sky they float over the zeros ...”; N. A. Nekrasov. "Schoolboy", "Nanny's fairy tales in the winter twilight ..."; I. A. Bunin. "Leaf fall".

Literary tales (16 hours)

V. F. Odoevsky. "Town in a snuffbox"; P. P. Bazhov. "Silver Hoof"; S. T. Aksakov. " The Scarlet Flower»; V. M. Garshin. "The Tale of the Toad and the Rose".

Business time - fun now (9 h)

E. D. Schwartz. "The Tale of Lost Time"; V. Yu. Dragunsky. "Main rivers", "What the Bear loves"; V. V. Golyavkin. "I didn't eat any mustard."

Childhood countries (8 hours)

B. S. Zhitkov. "How I caught little men"; K. G. Paustovsky. "Basket with fir cones"; M. M. Zoshchenko. "Christmas tree".

Poetry notebook (5 hours)

V. Ya. Bryusov "Again a dream"; V. Ya. Bryusov "Children's"; S. A. Yesenin "Grandmother's Tales"; M. I. Tsvetaeva “A path runs from a hillock ...”; M. I. Tsvetaeva "Our kingdoms"; generalizing lesson on the topic: "Poetic notebook".

Nature and us (12 hours)

D. N. Mamin-Sibiryak. "Acceptant"; A. I. Kuprin. "Barbos and Zhulka"; M. Prishvin. "Upstart"; K. G. Pa ustovsky. "Squeaky floorboards"; E. I. CHARUSHIN. "Boar"; V. P. Astafiev. "Haircut Creak".

Poetry notebook (8 hours)

B. L. Pasternak. "Gold autumn"; S. A. Klychkov. "Spring in the forest"; D. B. Kedrin. "Indian summer"; N. M. Rubtsov. "September"; S. A. Yesenin. "Swan".

Motherland (8 hours)

I. S. Nikitin "Rus"; S. D. Drozhzhin. "Motherland"; L. V. Zhigulin “Oh, Motherland! In a dim brilliance ... "; B. A. Slutsky. "Horses in the Ocean"

Fantasy Country (7 hours)

E. S. Veltistov. "Adventures of Electronics". K. Bulychev. "Alice's Journey"

Foreign literature (16 hours)

J. Swift. "Gulliver's travels"; G. X. Anders sen. "Mermaid"; M. Twain. "Adventures of Tom Sawyer"; S. Lagerlof. "Holy Night", "In Nazareth".

7). Thematic planning

1st class (40 hours)

Section name

Number of hours

introductory lesson

Lived - there were letters

Fairy tales, riddles, fables

April, April. Ringing drops

Both jokingly and seriously

Me and my friends

About our smaller brothers

Grade 2 (136 hours)

Section topic

Number of hours

introductory lessons

The greatest miracle in the world


I love Russian nature. Autumn

Russian writers

About our smaller brothers

From children's magazines

I love Russian nature. Winter

Writers for children

Me and my friends

I love Russian nature. Spring

Both jokingly and seriously

Literature of foreign countries

Grade 3 (136 hours)

Section topic

Number of hours

introductory lessons

The greatest miracle in the world


Poetry notebook

Great Russian writers

Poetry notebook

literary tales

Were - fiction

Poetry notebook

Love living

Poetry notebook

Pick a berry - pick a box

From children's magazines

Literature of foreign countries

4th grade (102 hours)

Section topic

Number of hours

Introductory lesson on the course of literary reading

Chronicles, epics, lives

Wonderful world of classics

Poetry Notebook No. 1

literary tale

Cause time - fun hour

Country of childhood

Poetry Notebook No. 2

nature and us

Poetry Notebook No. 3

fantasy land

Foreign literature

8). Logistics

Name of objects and means of logistics

1. Library fund (printed products)

Klimanova L. F., Goretsky V. G., Golovanova M, V. Literary reading. Work programs. 1-4 classes.


Textbook. 1 class. Part 1, 2.

Literary reading. Textbook. L.F. Klimanova, V.G. Goretsky, L. A. Vinogradskaya.

Textbook. Grade 2 Part 1, 2.

Literary reading. Textbook. L.F. Klimanova, V.G. Goretsky, L. A. Vinogradskaya.

Textbook. Grade 3 Part 1, 2.

Literary reading. Textbook. L.F. Klimanova, V.G. Goretsky, L. A. Vinogradskaya.

Textbook. 4th grade. Part 1, 2.


Klimanova L.F. Reading. Workbook. 1 class.

Klimanova L.F. Reading. Workbook. Grade 2

Klimanova L.F. Reading. Workbook. Grade 3

Klimanova L.F. Reading. Workbook. 4th grade.


Klimanova L.F. Literary reading lessons. Lesson developments. 1 class.

Klimanova L.F., Goretsky V.G. Literary reading lessons. Lesson developments. Grade 2

Klimanova L.F., Goretsky V.G., Golovanova M.V. Literary reading lessons. Lesson developments. Grade 3

Klimanova L.F., Goretsky V.G., Golovanova M.V. Literary reading lessons. Lesson developments. 4th grade.

2. Printed aids

Sets of plot pictures in accordance with the topics defined in the exemplary program for literary reading (including in digital form).

Dictionaries in Russian.

Reproductions of paintings and artistic photographs in accordance with the program for literary reading (including in digital form).

Children's books of different types from the circle of children's reading. Portraits of poets and writers.

3. Teaching aids


Classroom board with a set of devices for attaching maps and tables.
exposure screen.
Personal computer with printer, scanner.
Multimedia projector.

4. Screen and audio aids

Audio recordings of the artistic performance of the studied works.

Video films corresponding to the content of the training (if possible).

Slides (transparencies) corresponding to the content of the training (if possible).

Multimedia (digital) educational resources corresponding to the content of the training (if possible).

6. Games and toys.

Board educational games, literary loto, quizzes.

7. Equipment class

Student tables single and double with a set of chairs.

Teacher's table with a pedestal.

Cabinets for storing textbooks, didactic materials, manuals, educational equipment, etc.

9) Planned learning outcomes by class

Students must:

Consciously read works of an accessible volume, gradually moving from syllabic to smooth, meaningful, correct reading aloud in whole words (individual reading rate), gradually increase the reading rate (up to 40 words per minute by the end of the school year);

Observe orthoepic and intonational reading norms;

Understand the questions to the text and be able to answer them correctly;

Call actors the work read or listened to;

Memorize short poems (with the help of a teacher);

Guess riddles based on the riddles placed in the textbook;

Students must:

Improve the basic way of reading in whole words in compliance with literary pronunciation standards (reading speed of at least 60 words per minute);

Be able to correctly place the stress in words, clearly pronounce the endings of words, observe the necessary pauses;

Master the techniques of reading small texts to yourself with a gradual increase in the volume of the text;

Develop the skill of expressive reading;

To be able to hear the sound of a verse, that is, to catch its melody, rhythm, features of sound writing, understanding the intonation pattern of a poetic work;

Create monologues of a small volume related to the read work;

To be able to pronounce tongue twisters at the right pace, pure proverbs placed in the textbook;

Compare the actions of the heroes of the read works and give them your assessment;

Be able to find in the table of contents of a textbook or anthology a work by the name of its author

and title.

Students must:

Capture the main idea of ​​the work, the logic of the narrative, semantic and intonation

links in the text;

Make a plan of the read work and a brief retelling of its content;

Orally draw pictures for read works;

Describe orally the content of reproductions of paintings by famous artists and compare them

with read literary texts;

To independently get acquainted with the book, relying on the name of the author, the title of the book and

illustrations for it;

Learn to navigate the world of books according to the list proposed by the teacher.

Students must:

To master the skill of conscious, fluent, correct and expressive reading in whole

words (reading rate of at least 90 words per minute);

Understand the content of the read work, determine its topic (what it is about),

be able to establish semantic connections between parts of the read text, determine

the main idea of ​​the read and express it in your own words;

To convey the content of the read in the form of a brief, complete, selective,

creative (with a change in the face of the narrator, on behalf of one of the characters) retelling;

Come up with the beginning of the story or its possible continuation and end;

Make a plan for what you read (full, short, picture);

Introduce elements of description, reasoning, quotations from the text into retellings-narratives;

Independently or with the help of a teacher, give the simplest description of the main characters of the work;

Know the names, themes and plots of 2-3 works of large folklore genres, as well as literary works of the classics;

Know by heart at least 15 poems of the classics of domestic and foreign literature;

Know at least 6-7 folk tales, be able to retell them;

Know at least 10 proverbs, 2-3 popular expressions understand their meaning and explain how life situation you can use them;

Be able to fully listen: consciously and fully perceive the content read by the teacher or a classmate of a work, a friend’s oral answer, that is, quickly grasp what his answer is about, how he began to answer, what he continued the answer about, what facts and other evidence he operates on, how and with what he completed his answer;

To give a real self-assessment of the performance of any work done, educational tasks.


1 class (40 hours)

Lesson topic

Formation of UUD on the topic

date according to the plan

actual date

Introductory lesson (1 hour)

Acquaintance with the textbook on literary reading.

Be able to work with educational literature, artistic texts, accessible for perception younger students.

Lived - there were letters (7 hours)

V. Danko "Mysterious letters"

I. Tokmakova “Alya, Klyaksich and the letter “A”” S. Cherny “The Living Alphabet”.

Be able to retell the text in your own words and based on the picture

F. Krivin "Why "A" is sung, but "B" is not"

G. Sapgir "About the Bear"

Be able to find the title of the text, name the author of the work; read the text expressively

M. Boroditskaya "Conversation with a bee." I. Gamazkova "Who screams like that?".

Be able to distinguish between in practical terms fairy tale, poem; answer content questions

I. Gamazkova, E. Grigorieva "The Living Alphabet"

S. Marshak "Bus number twenty-six". Generalization lesson on the section "Once upon a time there were letters"

Fairy tales, riddles, fables (7 hours)

E. Charushin "Teremok",

E. Charushin "Mitten"

Be able to work with literary texts that are accessible to perception by younger students; read whole words with elements of syllabic reading; understand the content of what is read; retell the text in your own words and based on the picture

Small folklore genres (riddles, songs, nursery rhymes, fables)

Be able to find the title of the text, name the author of the work; to distinguish in practical terms a fairy tale, a poem

"Rhymes of Mother Goose" (per. S. Marshak)

"The house that Jack built"

Know by heart 1-2 poems. Be able to distinguish between folklore genres

A. S. Pushkin “Wind, wind”, “Wind walks on the sea”, “Squirrel sings songs”, “Rooster and dog”

A. Tolstoy "Hares and Frogs". K. Ushinsky "Goose and Crane". Generalization on the topic

Know the works of studied poets and writers. Be able to retell the text famous writers express your impressions of what you have read

April, April. Ringing drops (6 hours)

A. Maykov "The Swallow Has Rushed". A. Pleshcheev "The grass is turning green." A. Maykov "Spring"

Be able to work with literary texts that are accessible to perception by younger students; read whole words with elements of syllabic reading; understand what is read

S. Marshak "April". A. Maikov "Spring" T. Belozerov "Snowdrops"

Be able to retell the text in your own words and based on the picture; find the title of the text, name the author of the work; to distinguish in practical terms a story, a poem

I. Tokmakova "Stream".

Know the poem by heart (optional)

E. Trutneva "Blue, blue ..." I. Tokmakova "Spring is coming to us ..."

Project: "Compiling a collection of riddles." Reading poems by heart.

Predict the content of a section.

Select books at the exhibition in accordance with the topic of the section, talk about the book from the exhibition in accordance with the collectively drawn up plan.

Both in jest and in earnest (6 hours)

I. Tokmakova "We played laughter." Ya. Thai Wolf. G. Kruzhkov "Rrry!"

Works of modern Russian literature. Conscious reading of works available in terms of volume and genre. Expressive reading, the use of intonations corresponding to the meaning of the text. Participation in the dialogue when discussing the listened (read) work. Formulation of a personal assessment, argumentation of one's opinion using the text of the work or other sources

N. Artyukhova "Sasha the Teaser"

Works of modern Russian literature. Conscious reading of works available in terms of volume and genre. The simplest story about your impressions of what you read

K. Chukovsky "Fedotkka". O. Driz "Hi"

Works of modern Russian literature. Conscious reading of works available in terms of volume and genre. Expressive reading, use of intonations corresponding to the meaning of the text

O. Grigoriev "Knock". I. Tokmakova "Conversation of Buttercup and Bug". I. Pivovarova "Kulinaki-pulinaki"

Works of domestic literature, available for perception by peers. Understanding the main content of the text. Transferring impressions from what you hear in your own words. Conscious reading of works available in terms of volume and genre. Expressive reading

K. Chukovsky "Telephone". M. Plyatskovsky "Assistant"

Works of modern Russian literature. Conscious reading of works available in terms of volume and genre. Text retelling. Recitation (by heart) of poetic works

K. Ushinsky "What is good and what is bad", "The Raven and the Magpie", "It is bad for him who does no good to anyone."

Works of modern Russian literature. Conscious reading of works available in terms of volume and genre. Understanding the content of a literary work. Expressive reading and storytelling

Me and my friends (5 hours)

Y. Ermolaev " Best friend". E. Blaginina "Gift"

Be able to work with literary texts that are accessible to perception by younger students; read whole words with elements of syllabic reading. Understand what is read. Be able to retell the text in your own words and based on the picture

V. Orlov "Who is the first?". S. Mikhalkov "Sheep"

Be able to find the title of the text, name the author of the work; expressively read works; anwser the questions; work with illustrations; assess the behavior of the characters

R. Sef "Council". V. Berestov "In the toy store." V. Orlov "Friendship"

Be able to distinguish genres of literary works

I. Pivovarova "Polite donkey". A. Barto "That's the defender." Ya. Akim "My relatives"

Know by heart 1-2 poems, the content of the works. Be able to answer questions from the text

S. Marshak "Good day". According to M. Plyatskovsky "Angry Dog Bull". Y. Entin "About friendship"

About our smaller brothers (8 hours)

S. Mikhalkov "Trezor". R. Sef "Who loves dogs" V. Oseeva "The dog barked furiously"

I. Tokmakova "Buy a dog." M. Plyatskovsky "Tsap-Tsarapych". G. Sapgir "Cat"

V. Berestov "The Frogs". V. Lunin "Do not offend anyone." S. Mikhalkov "Important advice"

D. Harms "The Brave Hedgehog". N. Sladkov "The Fox and the Hedgehog"

S. Aksakov "Nest"

Be able to give examples of works of art based on the studied material

A generalizing lesson on the topic "About our smaller brothers."

Be able to give examples of works of art based on the studied material

Check yourself"

Assessment of achievements.


Theme of the week

"Bye, summer"

Title of works

"Rain, lei, lei ..." m.f. f.

"Rain" N. Abramtseva

"All year round" S. Marshak

"What does the sun look like?" T. Bokova

"For mushrooms" I. Thais

Riddles about natural phenomena in summer

"Vegetables" "Borschik" T. Petukhova

"Garden" A.Prokofiev, N.Nishcheva

Ukr. n. sk. "Spikelet"

"Bunny, coward..."

Riddles about vegetables

"Fruits" "The Complaint of the Trees"

"Mystery" S.Cherny

"Gardener" G.Sapgir

"The war of mushrooms with berries" in arr. V. Dalia

Riddles about fruits

"My house" "House of the gnome, gnome-home" Y.Moritz

"Entertainers" N. Nosov

"Building a house" G.Lzgzdyn

"How a goat built a hut" Rus. n. sk.

"Autumn" “Legs, legs, where have you been…”

"Leaf fall" I. Bunin (excerpt)

"Autumn leaves" A. Maikov

Riddles about autumn

"Mitten" o.n. With.

"Shoes" "Wonderful paws"

"Stupid Horse"

"Oblique, oblique..."

"I'll teach you how to dress and brother" E.Blaginina

"Boots, boots..."

Riddles about shoes

"Pets" "Geese, you geese..."

"Chicken ryabushechka ..."

“Like at our gates…”

"The Cockerel and the Beanstalk"

"Guys and ducks" (story)

Riddles about poultry

"Wild animals" "Sits, sits a bunny ..."

"Today all day..."

"Winter hut of animals" Rus. n. With.

"Fox-sister and gray wolf" Rus. n. With.

How Birds and Beasts Prepare for Winter

"Friendship" "Proverbs and sayings about friendship"

"Smile" M.Plyatskovsky

"Hare and hedgehog" Brothers Grimm


"Winnie the Pooh and all-all-all" A. Milana

"Pets" "Our goat..." , "Lambs" , "Like our cat..."

"Cheerful Cow" K. Ushinsky

"Three kittens" V. Suteev

Riddles about animals

"My family" "Papa and Mama shore"

"Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka" ,

"Showcase Child" M. Zoshchenko

"Little Red Riding Hood" Sh.Perrot,

"Very scary tale» M.Harms

"Dishes" “And we have spoons…” V.Berestov

"I love washing dishes" I. Akim, "The Tricky Way" V. Dragunsky,

"Fedorino grief" K. Chukovsky

Riddles about dishes

"Toys" "Toys" A. Barto,

"Ball" S. Marshak,

"The Fox and the Goat"

"Nikita the hunter" E. Charushin,

"The Tale of Round and Long Men" R.Sef

Riddles about toys

"Hello winter-winter!" “Like thin ice…” ,

"Mom, look out the window..."

"Winter" I. Surikov,

"Winter sings-calls" S. Yesenin,

"Winter's Tale" S. Kozlov

Riddles about winter

"Wintering Birds" "Chiki-Riki-Sparrow"

"Brother" V. Veresaev

"Magpie" A.N. Tolstoy


"New Year's Kaleidoscope" "Father Frost" M. Klokova

"Christmas tree" V. Suteev

"The street walks ..." S. Drozhzhin

"Winter sings-calls" S. Yesenin

"Fox-bastfoot" r.n. With.

"Carol, carol" M.f. f - calls, songs.

"It is not the wind that rages over the forest" N. Nikra-

"Grandma's Garden" S. Giorgiev

"Get out people" "Tsyntsy-bryntsy, balalaika"

We are two young brothers...

"We want to be healthy" "Moydodyr" K. Chukovsky

"Aibolit" K. Chukovsky

"Sick for health" V. Chernyaeva

"About nails" A. Usachev

"On the sea" L. Panteleev

"The Giant and the Mouse" A. Freudenberg

"Transport" "Papavoz" A.Usachev

"Buses are running to us" E. Mashkovskaya

"Baggage" S. Marshak

"The ABC of Security" "That's how absent-minded" S. Marshak

"Uncle Stepa" S. Marshak

"Traffic light" , "Pedestrian, naughty pedestrian" I. Gurina

“What did I see…?” (Another traffic light) B. Zhitkov

Reading fiction lexical topics on every day

(senior group )


1 WEEK "Kindergarten"

Reading "Kid and Carlson, who lives on the roof(excerpts from the story)

introduce children to A. Lindgren; to bring children to an understanding of the features of a fairy tale story ; learn to answer questions using speech complex sentences; encourage them to talk about their perception of a particular act of a literary hero; educate interest in the work of foreign writers.

Reading the fairy tale by B. Shergin"Rhymes", poems by E. Moshkovskaya "Polite word"

To acquaint children with the unusual fairy tale by B. Shergin “Rhymes”, the poem by E. Moshkovskaya “A polite word”. Enrich children's vocabulary with polite words.

Memorizing the poem by M. Yasnov "Peaceful counting rhyme". Proverbs about friendship.

Reading A. Barto "Rope"(Zatulina p. 141)

Continue to developinterest in fiction, namely to collections poems . Distinguish genresliterary works, argue your Answer: This is a poem. because…” Strengthen children’s ability to identify emotional poems.

Reading a poem by Yu. Moritz "House with a pipe"

To acquaint with the poem by Yu. Moritz "House with a pipe." To arouse interest in the poem and the desire to listen to it; to teach children to see the images and mood of the work behind the words. To cultivate a love for poetry, a kind attitude, to awaken the emotional responsiveness of children.

Reading of Y. Akim's poem "The Greedy Man".

To teach children to listen carefully, to offer to talk about the actions of the heroes, to evaluate them, to give the children the opportunity to speak out about how each of them would have acted.

WEEK 2 "I will grow up healthy: a person, parts of the body, my body"

Reading the story of V. Oseeva "Just an old woman"

Teach children the emotional perception of the work. Develop the ability to analyze literary text, evaluate the actions of the characters, expressively convey the dialogue of the characters. Cultivate respect for elders.

Reading the nursery rhyme "Early, early in the morning"

Continue to acquaint children with folklore, develop memory, attention.

Reading Y. Tuwim "Letter to all children on one very important matter"

To consolidate the formation of cultural hygiene skills in children. Enrich children's vocabulary. learn to comprehend the content of the poem. Cultivate politeness, the ability to yield to each other.

The story of E. Permyak "About the nose and tongue"

reinforce vocabulary on the topic "Parts of the body"; to consolidate the ability to select antonyms; activate the verb dictionary; learn to agree on numerals and nouns; answer the questions with a full answer, correctly formulating the sentence; develop memory, attention, thinking.

Reading Migunov "Why brush your teeth?"

teach children how to take care of their teeth;fix the rules of cultural eating; give information about healthy junk food; introduce measures for the prevention of toothache, oral hygiene; to cultivate intolerance to non-compliance with hygiene rules.

3 WEEK “Golden autumn. Forest. Trees"

Reading the story of M. Prishvin "Forest floors"

To teach children to feel and understand the nature of the images of works of art, to assimilate the sequence of plot development; enrich speech with phraseological units. Develop the ability to notice expressively figurative means. Cultivate an ecological outlook, observation.

Reading the story of K. Ushinsky "Dispute of trees"

clarify children's knowledge about the signs of autumn (grass turned yellow, plants faded, withthe trees have fallen leaves and. e.) Continue to teach to classify vegetable world forests. Exercise in determining the breed trees By appearance leaves. To lead to an understanding of the importance of different breeds trees in the life of the animal world and man

reading a poem by A. Pushkin “Already the sky was breathing in autumn ...”(Zatulina. 28; Ushakova 145)

To instill in children a love of poetry, to help them see the beauty of autumn nature, to understand the imagery of poetic language, to expand their understanding of Pushkin's landscape lyrics.

memorization "You will knock on the oak tree ..." Rus. nar. song

introduce children to spoken Russian folk art, continue to teach children to memorize short stories.Develop memory, improve the distinct pronunciation of words, intonational expressiveness of speech.

Reading J. Reeves "Noisy Bang"

To teach children to differentiate the sounds c - h; introduce J. Reeves's poem "Noisy Bang" (translated by M. Borovitskaya).

4 WEEK “Vegetables and fruits. The labor of people in the fields and gardens

Russian storytelling folk tale"The Man and the Bear"

To teach to understand the figurative content and idea of ​​a fairy tale, to evaluate the character and actions of the characters, to enrich the vocabulary of children. To develop the ability of children to listen carefully to literary works. Cultivate love for Russian folk art.

Reading J. Rodari "Cipollino".

Introduce new workdiscover the reception of revival; in a fairy tale, each vegetable, fruit, the author endowed with a special appearance, character; discuss the characters of the characters;form personal qualities: honesty, responsibility, friendliness, respect for other people.Raise children's interest and love for fairy tales.

Reading the story of L. Tolstoy "Bone".(Zatulina p. 114; Ushakova, 224)

To acquaint with the story of L. Tolstoy "Bone". To teach children to feel and understand the nature of the images of works of art, to assimilate the sequence of plot development, to notice expressive and visual means that help to reveal the content; enrich speech with phraseological units.

Reading the Russian folk tale "Tops and Roots"

Introduce children to fairy tales. Learn to comprehend the idea of ​​a fairy tale, evaluate the character of the characters. Enrich children's vocabulary. Encourage the attempt to express their point of view in response to the question posed by the teacher. Cultivate a culture of verbal communication: participate in a conversation, listening to children, clarify their answers.

Reading V. Suteev "A bag of apples"

Expand children's knowledge about modern fairy tales. To consolidate knowledge about the genre features of a fairy tale, about the concepts"folk" and "literary" fairy tale. Develop the ability to listen to another and come to a common opinion, decision.


1 WEEK “Mushrooms. Berries"

Reading P. Sinyavsky "Mushroom Train"

Formation in children of the idea of ​​​​edible and inedible mushrooms. To form the concept that only edible mushrooms can be eaten even after processing. To develop in children logical thinking, the ability to analyze, compare, draw conclusions.

Reading V. Kataev "Mushrooms"

clarify and replenish knowledge about edible and inedible mushrooms;To teach children to tell slowly, to find the right words, to speak loudly enough. Exercise in the correct pronunciation of all sounds. Strengthen the ability to make sentences of three, four words and divide words into syllables. To cultivate modesty, observation and goodwill to the answers and stories of other children, to cultivate restraint.

Riddles about berries. Reading Ya. Taits "Berries"

acquaintance with the new story of Ya. M. Thai " By berries " . Develop the ability to express their opinion about what they read; continue to work on speech development to replenish vocabulary. Instill love and careful attitude to nature, respect and care for teach children coherent monologue speech; develop attention, memory.

V. Zotov. "Forest Mosaic" ("Cowberry", "Strawberry", "Raspberry", "Amanita", "Boletus").Z. Alexandrova "In the mushroom kingdom." According to N. Sladkov. Thrush and mushrooms.V. Suteev. We are in the forest.

WEEK 2 « Migratory birds»

Reading the Chinese fairy tale "Yellow Stork"

Continue to acquaint children with the tales of the peoples of the world; give ideas about the country where the fairy tale was created and lived; teach children to think about moral sense

Reading D.N. Mamin-Sibiryak "Grey Neck"

development of interest in listening to a literary work by D.N.Mamin-Sibiryak"Grey Neck ". Contribute to the establishment of a connection in the content of the work; encourage the manifestation of constant communication with the book.

Reading a poem by E. Blaginin “Fly away, flew away”

To evoke an emotional response in children to a piece of art they hear

3 WEEK “My country. My city"

Reading the story of S.A. Baruzdin "The country where we live"

Teach children to listen carefully and with interest to the work, to answer questions about the content. Strengthen the ability to memorize the sequence of plot development. Raise love for the Motherland, your city, the people around you.

Reading poems by Istra poets about native land, city.

To develop oral speech, to form the ability to analyze the signs of autumn, to promote the development of children's creative abilities, to cultivate love for their native nature

Memorizing a poem by M. Isakovsky "Go beyond the seas, oceans."(Zatulina, 157)

Introduce children to a new poem, learn it by heart. Learn to answer questions from the text. Develop attention, memory, intonation expressiveness. Cultivate love for the motherland.

Reading V. Dragunsky "From top to bottom, obliquely"

To continue to acquaint children with the stories of V. Dragunsky, to help understand the characters and behavior of the characters, to evoke an emotional response. Clarify what a story is; introduce children to a new humorous story. Activate children's vocabulary.

4 WEEK "National Unity Day"

reading Natalya Maidanik "DAY OF NATIONAL UNITY", "UNITY FOREVER"

Introduce the poempromote awareness of the importance of the Motherland for each personto cultivate love for the Motherland, respect for its history.

Reading N. Rubtsov "Hello, Russia!"

Introduce the poem "Hello, Russia!".To cultivate love for the Motherland, for native nature, patriotism.

Reading Z. Alexandrov: "Motherland"

Introduce the poem "Motherland".To develop an emotional and sensual attitude to nature, to the Motherland. To cultivate love for the Motherland, for native nature, patriotism.

Reading the story of K. Ushinsky: "Our Fatherland" (excerpt)

introduce the story of K. Ushinsky "Our Fatherland", proverbs and sayings about the Motherland; to form the ability to analyze the text, highlight the main idea, correlate it with the proverb, form an idea of ​​​​the big and small Motherland, promote awareness of the importance of the Motherland for each personto cultivate love for the motherland, respect for its history, citizenship.


1 WEEK "Late autumn"

Reading A. Tolstoy "Autumn, our entire poor garden is sprinkled .."

To attach to the perception of poetic works about nature.To learn to correlate the pictures of nature described in the poem with its observed autumn changes.

Reading V. Garshin "Frog Traveler"

acquaintance with the fairy tale of V. Garshin "The Frog Traveler"; ensuring a holistic perception and understanding of the text.

Reading I. Bunin "First Snow"

Introduce children to poems about winter, introduce them to high poetry. develop interest in fiction; pay attention to the design of the book, to illustrations, to cultivate interest in the artistic word.

Reading the poem "Winter Meeting" Nikitin

To attach to the perception of poetic works about nature. To acquaint children with a new poem, to help them feel the beauty and expressiveness of the language, to instill sensitivity to the poetic word. to teach to understand the depth of the content of the work, to cultivate love for one's homeland

WEEK 2 "My family"

The story of the Russian folk tale "Havroshechka"(Ushakova127,253; Gavrish, 111)

To acquaint with the fairy tale "Havroshechka" (in the processing of A. N. Tolstoy), to help remember the initial phrase and the ending of the work. Learn to analyze a work of art, express your attitude to the characters of a fairy tale. Develop the ability to distinguish fairy-tale situations from real ones.

Memorizing a poem by E. Blaginina "Let's sit in silence"(Zatulina, 112)

Introduce children to poetry. Continue to teach children to expressively recite a poem about mother. To consolidate the ability to feel, understand and reproduce the figurative language of the poem; exercise in the selection of epithets, comparisons. Develop auditory memory. To cultivate sensitivity to the artistic word, the desire to make a pleasant mother with the help of a poem.

Reading the fairy tale "Goldilocks"

To teach children to listen carefully, remember the sequence of actions, talk about the development of the plot.

Reading by M. Tsvetaev "By the bed"

To acquaint with the life and work of the poetess M. I. Tsvetaeva. Perceive a work of art by ear, determine the features of poetic creativity, reflect on its content.

Reading "How the brothers found their father's treasure"

reinforce the concept of family relationships.To bring children to an understanding of kindness, as the basis of relationships between people, a person is recognized by his deeds.

Reading the English folk song "Old Woman"translated by S. Marshak.

Teaching children to track their own emotional condition, its changes caused by the work, to talk about whether the poem was liked.

3 WEEK “Furniture. Dishes"

Reading K. Chukovsky "Fedorino grief"

To consolidate the ability of children to understand the moral meaning of what they read; motivated to evaluate the actions of the heroes. Deepen children's ideas about the correspondence of the title of the text to its content. Systematize knowledge about dishes. Cultivate the desire to be neat.

Reading S. Marshak's poem "Where did the table come from?"

Enrich children's knowledge about furniture, its manufacture. Continue to teach to emotionally perceive the figurative content of the work, to comprehend its idea. To consolidate children's ideas about the genre features of literary works.

Telling the tale "The Fox and the Jug"

Continue to acquaint children with the works of oral folk art, teach them to answer questions about the text, talk about the actions of the characters, their character, about their impression of the new fairy tale.

Reading R. Sef "Council"

Continue to exercise children in the ability to be polite.

Daniil Kharms Samovar Ivan Ivanovich. V. Oseev "Why"

WEEK 4 “Clothes. Shoes"

Reading N. Nosov's story "The Living Hat"(Ushakova, 228, 94; Gavrish, 93)

To teach children to understand humor, the comic nature of the situation, to clarify ideas about the features of the story, its composition, and the difference from other literary genres.

Reading the story of N. Nosov "Patch"

Continue to acquaint children with the writer's work, teach them to answer questions about the content, and arouse a desire to listen to his other works. Help children remember stories they know

Reading the story of K. Ushinsky "How a shirt grew in a field"

Give an idea of ​​the Russian national costume. Tell the children about the cultivation and processing of flax, weaving. To cultivate a culture of speech communication, respect for the work of adults, interest in the works of oral folk art.

Reading the Russian folk tale "How the old woman found a bast shoe"

to acquaint children with the greatest wealth of Russian folk culture - fairy tales, to develop interest in Russian folk tales, to cultivate a desire to read them.lead children to understand the moral meaning of the tale, evaluate actions and character main character

I. Mileva. Who has what kind of shoes.G.H. Andersen "The King's New Dress".

WEEK 5 "Toys"

Reading the fairy tale by V. Kataev "Flower-seven-flower".(Gavrish, 190; Ushakova, 165 (276))

To bring children to an understanding of the moral meaning of the fairy tale, to a motivated assessment of the actions and character of the main character, to consolidate children's knowledge of the genre features of the fairy tale. Develop the ability to listen to the answers of comrades. Cultivate a love of literature.

Reading D. Rodari "The Magic Drum"(Gavrish, 115)

To form in children the ability to emotionally perceive the figurative content of a fairy tale, to understand the characters of fairy-tale characters. Develop coherent speech, learn to use figurative expressions.

Reading the story of B. Zhitkov "How I caught little men"

To help children remember the stories they know, to introduce B. Zhitkov's story "How I Caught Little Men."

Reading the story of V. Dragunsky "Childhood Friend"(Gavrish, 196)

To acquaint with the work of V. Dragunsky. To form the ability to listen carefully to the work, answer questions on the content, evaluate the actions and actions of the characters.

Reading the Czech fairy tale "Three golden hairs of Grandfather-Vseved"translated from Czech by N. Arosyeva.

To form in children the ability to perceive the figurative content of a fairy tale; allocate expressive and visual means, answer questions about the content, talk about your impressions, favorite characters, their best qualities.


WEEK 1 “Winter. Nature in winter»

Reading poems by S. Yesenin "Birch". (Gavrish, 184; Ushakova, 161)

To teach to listen to the rhythm and melody of the poem, to see the beauty of Russian nature, conveyed by the author through the artistic word.Learn to feel and reproduce the figurative language of the poem.

Reading the story "The Leprosy of the Old Woman-Winter". Konstantin Ushinsky

Introduce children to a new work about winter; identify and summarize children's knowledge about winter, about the signs of winter. Develop oral speech, attention, thinking, memory.

Reading poems about winter

Introduce children to poems about winter, introduce them to high poetry.

Learning the nursery rhyme "You are frost, frost, frost"in the processing of I. Karnaukhova.

Continue to acquaint children with small folklore forms. Help memorize the nursery rhyme, teach to tell it, using means of expression appropriate to the content.

Reading a poem by A. S. Pushkin "Winter Evening".

Help children understand the content of the poem, its mood. Instill love for the poetic word, develop imagination.

"12 months"

To acquaint with the Slovak fairy tale in the processing of S. Marshak. Clarify and consolidate children's knowledge of the months of the year.

WEEK 2 "Winter fun"

Retelling of N. Kalinin's story "About the snow bun".

Teach children close to the text to tell short stories intonation expressively. Build a translation skill indirect speech into direct speech. Develop cognitive interests children. Raise interest in the phenomena of inanimate nature.

Reading the story of N. Nosov "On the Hill"

Continue to teach children to feel and understand the nature of the images of works of art, to assimilate the sequence of plot development, to notice expressive and visual means that help reveal the content. Enrich speech with phraseological units; learn to understand the figurative meaning of some phrases, sentences.

Memorizing a poem by I. Surikov "Here is my village."

Introduce children to poetry. Help memorize and expressively read poems. Develop memory, artistic abilities.

Reading the song “Like thin ice”, reading the story “On the skating rink” by V.A. Oseeva

Continue to acquaint children with works of folklore, teach them to listen to the melody of a poetic text; develop coherent speech, creative imagination, visual creative thinking to instill an interest in reading; to bring up a kind, respectful attitude of children to each other, to others, responsiveness, to continue work on the formation of high moral feelings.

Reading of Sasha Cherny's poem "On Skates"."Winter fun".

Teach children to listen carefully, to feel the mood of the hero. Develop imaginative thinking, coherent speech.

WEEK 3 Winter Birds

L. Klambotskaya. Wintering birds.

formation of knowledge about wintering birds and their distinctive features, develop responsiveness, goodwill, love for nature, birds, desire to help them, take care of them.

Reading the fable "The Crow and the Fox"

Continue to introduce children to genre features fables, to teach to understand the allegory, its generalized meaning, to highlight the moral of the fable; to draw the attention of children to the language figurative means of a literary text. Develop sensitivity to the perception of the figurative structure of the language of the fable. Cultivate honesty and kindness.

Reading V. Bianchi "Owl"

To teach children to listen carefully to the story, to understand the meaning of what they read, to convey their attitude to the content of the work.

Reading the story of M. Gorky "Sparrow".

To teach children to listen carefully, understand the characters of the characters, establish a connection between the described event and reality; answer content questions.

4 WEEK "New Year's holiday"

Reading the story "Yolka" by M.M. Zoshchenko

introduce a new story, find the main characters, characterize the characters through their actions;cause a desire to do good deeds, the desire for a good attitude towards others.

Memorizing poems about the New Year.

To develop memory, figurative speech in children, to monitor sound pronunciation, to help create a joyful atmosphere of anticipation of the New Year holidays.

Reading a story. Georgiev "I saved Santa Claus"

Introduce children to new art, help to understand why this is a story and not a fairy tale.

Reading the Russian folk tale "Morozko".

Continue to acquaint children with the works of oral folk art, teach them to evaluate the actions of heroes, to express their attitude towards them.

Reading chapters from the story-tale O. Preusler "Little Baba Yaga".

To teach children to distinguish between fairy-tale events and real ones, to guess how they would act in a given situation in the place of the heroes of a fairy tale.

Reading "The Snow Queen"

to introduce students to the fairy tale "The Snow Queen", to develop students' interest in reading the fairy tales of G.Kh. Andersen, to foreign fairy tales, cultivate a love of reading.

V. Golyavkin. How did I meet New Year. I. Tokmakova. Live, tree!

V.Stepanov. New year's night. P. Sinyavsky. We celebrated the New Year.


1-2 WEEK "Holidays"

Reading a ritual song

to acquaint children with ancient Russian holidays (Christmas, Carols); to teach to distinguish genre features of ritual songs; learn to understand the main idea of ​​the songs; to reveal to children the riches of the Russian language, to teach them to speak figuratively and expressively.

Reading chapters from A. Volkov's book "The Wizard of the Emerald City".

Continue acquaintance with the fairy tale, arouse a desire to find out what adventures happened to the heroes next, teach holistic perception works.

Reading Russian folk tale"Finist - Clear Falcon"

Check if the children know the main features of the folk tale. Introduce fairy tale"Finist - Clear Falcon".

Reading chapters from the fairy tale by H. Mäkel, translated from Finnish by E. Uspensky “Mr. Au”.

To acquaint with the classics of world fiction, to teach to understand the characters and actions of fairy-tale heroes.

Reading T. Janson "About the last dragon in the world"translated from Swedish by I. Konstantinova.

Continue to acquaint children with works of foreign literature, arouse a desire to read the whole fairy tale to the end. Learn to understand the characters and actions of the characters.

Reading the fairy tale "Moroz Ivanovich"(V. Odoevsky)

To acquaint children with a fairy tale, to teach them to express their opinion about the actions of heroes. To consolidate the ability to fully answer questions on the content of the text. Raise interest and love for Russian folk tales.

WEEK 3 "Pets and poultry"

Reading a poem by S. Marshak "Poodle".

Teach children to understand the content of the work. Develop an interest and love for poetry, a sense of humor.

Reading the story K. Paustovsky "Cat thief"

Introduce the children to the story.To teach children to listen carefully to the story, to understand the nature of the work and the relationship described with reality. To develop coherent speech of children. Cultivate an attentive attitude to the answers of other children.

Reading V. Levin "Chest"

Introduce children to V. Levin's new poem "Chest". Learn to notice figurative words and expressions. Develop poetic ear, emotional response to the work. Cultivate interest in the artistic word.

Reading "How a dog was looking for a friend"Mordovian fairy tale

Formation in children of interest in reading through acquaintance with the Mordovian folk tale "Like a dog was looking for a friend." To contribute to the formation of the ability to listen and convey the content of the text, to establish simple causality in the plot of the work. Promote the development of children's speech, activate vocabulary. To cultivate responsiveness, a kind attitude towards animals, a desire to help them.

Reading a poem by A. Fet "The cat sings, his eyes screwed up."

To teach children to expressively recite a poem, to highlight the visual means of the language used by the poet, to select the means of expressiveness of speech that correspond to the content. Develop an interest in reading

Solving riddles about animals.

To consolidate children's knowledge of the genre features of riddles; learn to distinguish riddles from miniatures of other genres. To form the ability to solve riddles based on a simple description. Learn to use knowledge about animals when solving riddles.

Gorodetsky "Kitten" Reading in faces

to acquaint with the work of S. Gorodetsky; develop, memory and attention, oral speech; enrich vocabulary; educate observation, a kind attitude towards pets.

E. Charushin. "Stories about animals" I. Vasiliev "Farm".

4 WEEK “Wild animals. Animals of our forests»

The story of the Russian folk tale "Hare-bouncer" and sayings "Our fairy tales begin ..."

Recall with children the names of Russian folk tales and introduce them to new works: the fairy tale "Hare-braggart" (in the processing of O. Kapitsa) and the saying "Our fairy tales begin ...

Reading the poem by Sasha Cherny "Wolf".

To teach children to listen carefully, understand the expressive means of the language, figurative expressions; enrich children's vocabulary.

Telling the Slovak fairy tale "The sun is visiting."

Introduce children to a new fairy tale, teach them to understand its content. Continue to teach children to answer questions about the content of the work. Raise interest in fairy tales of different peoples.

Reading the story of G. Skrebitsky "Who hibernates how".

Learn carefully, listen to the work. Learn to understand the content of the work. Continue to learn to talk about the content of the work. Development of coherent speech skills.

Telling the fairy tale by P. Bazhov "Silver Hoof"

To acquaint children with P. Bazhov's fairy tale "Silver Hoof". Learn to perceive and convey the content of the work, compose portrait characteristic hero, expand the reader's horizons, enrich vocabulary, develop attention, cultivate a sense of kindness, love for nature, animals, care for the weak.

Reading I. Sokolov-Mikitov “A Year in the Forest” (ch. “Squirrel.” “Bear Family”)

V. Bianchi "How animals prepare for winter."


WEEK 1 “Animals of hot countries and their cubs. Animals of the North and their cubs»

Reading the story of B. Zhitkov "How the elephant saved the owner from the tiger"

To expand the knowledge of children about the wild animals of the south. Learn to listen carefully to a work of art, answer questions about the content. Develop an ecological mindset. Cultivate interest in the environment, curiosity.

Reading the story of L. N. Tolstoy "The Lion and the Dog".

Learn to analyze a work of art, express your attitude to the characters of the story.

Reading the fairy tale "Wonderful stories about a hare named Lek"(fairy tales of peoples West Africa translated by O. Kustova and V. Andreev).

To teach children to answer questions on the text they read, to talk about the characters and actions of the characters, to give them their assessment.

Reading G. Snegerev "Trace of a deer"

develop interest in the life of animals of the north

Reading R. Kipling's fairy tale "Elephant" translated by K. Chukovsky.

Introduce a fairy tale, help evaluate the actions of the characters, dramatize an excerpt from the work

Reading the work of G. Snegirev "Penguin Beach"

To acquaint with the story of G. Snegirev "Penguin Beach",little stories from the life of penguins.

Yukagir fairy tale. Why polar bear nose is black.

K. Chukovsky "Turtle",S. Baruzdin "Camel".

WEEK 2 Pisces. Sea creatures"

Reading a fairy tale by A.S. Pushkin "The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish".

Continue acquaintance with the work of the poet;to cultivate the ability to emotionally perceive the figurative content of a fairy tale, to teach children to condemn greed as human quality, but not the person himself, to show children that negative qualities harm themselves first of all, to teach them to empathize and sympathize with the heroes;briefly retell the content of the tale using pictures; cultivate a love of poetry; activate dictionary.

Reading E. Permyak "The First Fish"

teach children to retell the story close to the text and according to plan; expand and activate the vocabulary on the topic; to develop in children the ability to grammatically correctly build their statement; educate self-control over speech.

Reading Snegerev "To the Sea"

Continue to acquaint with the story of G. Snegirev "Penguin Beach"; learn to listen carefully, answer questions on the text, talk about your impressions. Cultivate love and respect for nature.

Norwegian folk tale "Why is the water salty".

Introduce children to a new fairy tale, teach them to understand its content. Raise interest in fairy tales of different peoples.

G. Kosova "ABC of the underwater world". S. Sakharnov "Who lives in the sea?".

G.H. Andersen "The Little Mermaid". Russian folk tale "By the command of the pike".

3 WEEK "Defender of the Fatherland Day"

The story of the Russian folk tale "Nikita-Kozhemyak".

To acquaint with the fairy tale, to help evaluate the actions of the characters. To form in children the ability to highlight the means of expression in the text, to understand the purpose of their use. Develop attention, imagination.

Reading chapters from A. Gaidar's story "Chuk and Gek".

To form in children the ability to listen carefully, express their opinion about the character and actions of the characters; teach children to talk about the emotions caused by the story.

Reading poems about the army.

To expand children's ideas about the army, about the features of military service. Cultivate a sense of pride from the army of your country.

To form a sense of patriotism, love for the Motherland, the correct perception of the concept of the appointment and role of boys as defenders of their Fatherland. To educate in boys the desire to become strong, courageous, dexterous. Contribute to raising the prestige of the army.

4 WEEK "Shrovetide"

Reading the Russian folk tale "Winged, furry and oily."(Gavrish, 96; Ushakova 115(245))

To introduce the Russian folk tale “Winged, furry and oily” (arranged by I. Karnaukhova), to help understand its meaning; notice and understand figurative expressions; to introduce phraseological units into the speech of children (“soul to soul”, “you won’t spill water”); learn to come up with a different, different ending to a fairy tale.

Reading an Indian fairy tale translated by N. Hodza "About a mouse that was a cat, a dog and a tiger."

Continue to acquaint children with the folklore of the peoples of the world, teach them to understand the content of the tale, evaluate the characters and actions of the characters.

K. Stupnitsky "Shrovetide"

Introducing children to Russian traditional folk culture; acquaintance with the rituals and traditions that existed in Rus'. To instill love and respect for the traditions and culture of their country, to cultivate a sense of patriotism.

Reading A. Mityaev "The Tale of the Three Pirates"


Memorizing the poem by G. Vieru "Mother's Day"

Reading "The Legend of Mothers" Ivan Fedorovich Pankin

Learn to see the love of a mother for children. Learn to form the main idea of ​​the work. To cultivate emotional responsiveness, respect for a woman - a mother, a careful attitude towards her.

Telling the Nenets fairy tale "Cuckoo"(Zatulina, 119)

To form moral concepts in children, to encourage reflection on the common aspirations and aspirations of all peoples, to consolidate the idea of ​​\u200b\u200ba fairy tale as a treasure folk wisdom, about instructiveness as genre fairy tales

S.Pogorelovskiy. Good night.

V. Berestov "Mom's Day".

V. Suteev. Mom's holiday.

N. Bromley. Main word.

L. Kvitko. Grandma's hands.

Ya.Akim. Mom.

E. Blaginina. That's what mom.

N.Sakonskaya. Talk about mom.

V. Sukhomlinsky "My mother smells like bread"

WEEK 2 “Early spring. Nature in spring"

Memorizing the poem by N. Belousov "Spring Guest"

Reading a poem by S. Yesenin "Bird cherry". (Gavrish, 123)

To teach children to recite a poem, to choose means of expression in accordance with the content of the work and the mood conveyed to them. Learn to select epithets, comparisons for a figurative description of spring nature.

Reading the song "Rooks-kirichi ..", V. Bianki Three Springs.

introduce children to Russian oral folk art, continue to teach children to memorize short fables. Develop memory, improve the distinct pronunciation of words, intonational expressiveness of speech. Raise love and respect for Russians folk holidays, traditions.

Reading fairy tales by E. Shim "Sun, frost, wind", "Stone, stream, icicle and sun."

To introduce children to new fairy tales, to teach them to understand the meaning of the work, figurative expressions in the text. Strengthen the ability to accurately answer questions on the content. Raise interest in fairy tales and love for nature.

Reading a poem by F. Tyutchev "Winter is angry for a reason."(Zatulina, 125)

Learn to perceive the content of the poem emotionally. Talk about what feelings and experiences it causes.

“How animals and birds met spring” by V. Bianchi N. Nekrasov “Grandfather Mazai and hares”

G. Skrebitsky "March" I. Sokolov-Mikitov "Early spring".

3 WEEK "Folk culture and traditions"

Reading Russian folk tale "The Frog Princess" (Ushakova, 136; Gavrish 156)

Introduce children to the fairy tale "The Frog Princess".

Memorizing the poem by A. S. Pushkin “At Lukomorye there is a green oak ...” (an excerpt from the poem “Ruslan and Lyudmila”).(Zatulina, 50)

Learn to expressively tell a short poem, actively and kindly interact with the teacher.

Reading chapters from T. Alexandrova's book "Kuzya Brownie".

To develop in children an interest in fiction, to stimulate the desire to listen to the work. Invite the children to come up with new adventures for a brownie, develop fantasy, verbal imagination, activate vocabulary

Reading: A. S. Pushkin "The Tale of Tsar Saltan ...".

To teach children to see the features of the construction of the work, to predict recurring events. Develop artistic taste, develop imagination.

The story of the Russian folk tale "Sivka-burka". (Ushakova, 138; Zatulina, 26; Gavrish, 160)

Teach children to listen carefully to the work, retell the fragments they like. Develop emotional responsiveness.

WEEK 4 "Transport"

Reading the story of E. Ilyin "Cars on our street"

To teach children to comprehend the content of what they read, to understand the genre features of the story, its difference from a fairy tale. Develop the skills of retelling a literary text. Bring up safe behavior on the streets of the city.

Reading the Dutch song "Happy Journey!" edited by I. Tokmakova.

To teach children to holistically perceive the work, to understand its main idea, to select a rhyme.

Solving riddles about transport.

To consolidate children's knowledge of the genre features of riddles; learn to distinguish riddles from miniatures of other genres. To form the ability to solve riddles based on a simple description.

Reading Ciardi "On the one who has three eyes"

S. Mikhalkov. From carriage to rocket.

WEEK 5 "Food"

Retelling by Y. Thaits "Everything is here."

Learn to retell a literary work close to the text. Form intonation expressiveness of speech. Develop memory and cognitive interests in children

Reading the fairy tale by N. Teleshov "Krupenichka"

To introduce children to a new fairy tale, with the author - N. D. Teleshov. Raise interest in fairy tales, in Russian traditions. To develop an active vocabulary of children, coherent speech, attention, memory, thinking, imagination. Continue to teach children to tune in to listening to a fairy tale, to be able to express their emotions: surprise, joy, experience.

Reading A. Milne "The Ballad of the Royal Sandwich".

To evoke an emotional response to this work, to have a conversation about what products can be obtained from milk. Draw children's attention to new book in the book corner, fix the rules of respect

Reading Diamonds "Gorbushka"

To acquaint with the new work of B. Almazov "Hump"; Learn to save bread; Continue acquaintance with the cycle of works about the life of people during the war years; To expand and enrich the knowledge of children about the meaning of bread in human life;

R.n. fairy tale. Three rolls and one bagel. Ax porridge


1 WEEK Primroses

Reading "Dandelion" by Z. Alexandrov

continue teach kids to remember short poems, answer questions on the content with lines from the poem. Develop attention, memory, intonation expressiveness. Cultivate aesthetic feelings, love of poetry.

E. Serova "Snowdrop".

Teaching children to understand content poetic work, learn it by heart. Practice intonation expressiveness of speech, learn to answer questions on the text. Cultivate love for nature, for poetry.

Reading the story of M. Prishvin "Golden Meadow"

to teach children to perceive the figurative content of the work, its moral meaning; Express your thoughts accurately, expressively and clearly. Develop poetic ear - the ability to hear and highlight expressive means in the text; develop the ability to emotionally respond to the beauty of nature and the content of a literary work; to learn to enjoy communication with nature, to understand the value of each plant.

N. Nishcheva "Mother-and-stepmother".

Clarify and expand ideas about the first flowers of spring; to learn to admire growing flowers, to see and perceive their beauty, to protect the beautiful creations of nature; strive to evoke a feeling of gratitude to nature for giving us wonderful flowers.Cultivate a caring attitude towards primroses.

2nd WEEK "Day of Cosmonautics"

Reading the story of L. Obukhova "I see the earth"

Continue to teach children to listen carefully to the work, answer questions about the content, remember the sequence of plot development. Develop the ability to listen to the answers of comrades. To cultivate respect for the difficult and dangerous profession of an astronaut, to teach to fantasize and dream.

N. Godvilina. The astronauts have a holiday.Ya. Serpina. Rockets.

V.Stepanov. Yuri Gagarin.G.Sapgir. There is a bear in the sky.

V.Orlov. Cosmonautics Day. Return.A.Hite. All the planets in order.

Ya.Akim. An astrologer lived on the moon.

WEEK 3 "Professions"

Reading G. Rodari "What do crafts smell like?"

To expand children's ideas about the professions of adults, the importance of their work. Continue to teach to notice expressive and visual means in the text that help to reveal its content. Develop attention, perseverance. Cultivate the ability to listen.

Reading B. Zakhoder "Poems about professions."

To teach children to comprehend the idea of ​​​​poems, to deepen their understanding of the significance of various professions. Talk about professions known to children.

Reading the fairy tale by K. I. Chukovsky "Aibolit".

To teach children to listen carefully to the work, understand its content, answer questions about the text, evaluate the actions of the characters

Reading the work of G. Ladonshchikov "Circus".

Introduce children to the work, talk about the circus and circus professions, consider illustrations for the book. Enrich vocabulary, expand horizons.

G. H. Andersen "Swineherd". V. Mayakovsky "Who to be?".

S. Marshak. How the book was printed. Border guard.

B. Zakhoder. Chauffeur. Builders. Shoemaker. Dressmaker. Bookbinder.

WEEK 4 "Labor Day"

Reading a poem by S. Marshak "Mail".

Continue to acquaint children with the work of postal workers, teach them to answer questions in the text, and systematize the information received.

Acquaintance with small folklore forms

Continue to acquaint children with small folklore forms: proverbs, sayings, tongue twisters. Learn to reproduce figurative expressions, understand the figurative meaning of words and phrases. Develop the ability to invent riddles. Raise interest in oral folk art.

Reading chapters from T. Janson's fairy tale "The Wizard's Hat" translated by V. Smirnov.

To acquaint children with a new work of children's foreign classics, arouse a desire to learn about the further adventures of the heroes and read the whole fairy tale.

Ch. Perrot "Cinderella".


Memorizing a poem for Victory Day

Teach children to expressively meaningfully read a poem by heart. Continue to develop the memory of poetic hearing. Cultivate sensitivity to the artistic word. Cultivate a sense of patriotism.

A. Tvardovsky "Tankman's Tale" - reading the story.

To expand the knowledge of children about the defenders of the Fatherland; clarify ideas about the types of troops, cause a desire to be like strong and courageous warriors; develop imagination, poetic taste; to cultivate respect, love and gratitude for people who defend the Motherland.

WEEK 2 "Flowers on the site"

Reading the work of A. Blok "After the Thunderstorm".

To consolidate children's knowledge about changes in nature in spring time; cause a desire to express their impressions in a figurative word.

T. Tkachenko "Fairy tales about flowers".D.Rodari. Why do roses need thorns?

V. Orlov "How daisies appeared", "Flower".

3 WEEK "Meadow, forest, field, insects"

Reading the fable of I.A. Krylov "Dragonfly and Ant"

Continue to acquaint children with fables, with their genre features; lead to an understanding of the idea, the meaning of proverbs about labor. To develop the ability of children to comprehend the allegory of the fable, to evaluate the character of the characters. Cultivate sensitivity to the figurative structure of the language of the fable.

Reading D. Mamin-Sibiryak "Forest Tale".

Update, systematize and supplement children's knowledge about the forest and its inhabitants. To form the ability to retell the content of a fairy tale based on questions.

Reading the call "Ladybug".

Introduce children to the concept of "call", explain what they are for, how they are used. Help memorize and say the incantation with expression.

Reading the fairy tale by V. Bianchi "Like an ant hurried home."

Invite the children to recognize the characters of this work in the illustrations, to guess who and what they are talking about. In the course of reading the fairy tale, ask the children to fantasize about what will happen next, to suggest how it is better for the Ant to ask, what polite words to say.

K. Ushinsky "Bees on reconnaissance." G. Snegirev. Bug. O. Grigoriev. Mosquitoes.

And Surikov "In the meadow." V.Sef. Ant. I. Maznin. Firefly.

K. Chukovsky. Fly Tsokotukha. Cockroach.

N. Sladkov. Domestic butterfly. Ant and centipede.

4 WEEK “Summer. Nature in summer"

Reading in the faces of V. Orlov's poem "Tell me, forest river ..."

Help children remember program poems and remember V. Orlov's poem "Tell me, forest river ...".

K.Ushinsky. When the summer comes

A.Usachev. What is summer.

S. Marshak. June. July. August.

G. Kruzhkov. Good weather.

5 WEEK review of the material covered

Final literary quiz

To consolidate and systematize children's knowledge about familiar literary works, their features. To develop the ability of children to express detailed judgments. Cultivate interest in literature.

Reading literature to children Gray Star» B. Zakhoder

familiarization of children with fiction.

Reading a poem by V. Mayakovsky "What is good and what is bad."

To bring to the attention of children various situations, to teach them to evaluate the actions of people, to form a critical attitude towards bad deeds.

Olga Shinkareva
annual thematic planning in reading fiction in the second junior group


Tasks of educational activity

Enrich the listening experience literary works at the expense of various small forms of folklore (rhymes, songs, jokes, simple folk and author's fairy tales(mostly about animals, stories and poems about children, their games, toys, everyday household activities, about animals familiar to children.

Raise in children an interest in folklore and literary texts, the desire to listen carefully to them.

To develop the ability to perceive the text, with the help of an adult to understand the content, to establish the order of events in the text, to help mentally represent events and characters, to establish the simplest connections of the sequence of events in the text.

Maintain a desire to respond emotionally to reading and storytelling, actively promote and empathize with the depicted characters and events.

Engage in the performance of poetry, retelling familiar fairy tales and stories.

Expanding the reading interests of children. Showing joy and pleasure in listening and speaking literary works, striving for revisiting a book

Perception literary text. Focused listening reading and telling the adult to the end, without being distracted. Showing an emotional response to reading and telling an adult, active empathy for the characters and events depicted. Understanding the content of the work and the sequence of events in the text, identifying the most striking deeds and actions of the characters, the desire to give them an elementary assessment. Showing interest in illustrations in a children's book. The representation in the imagination of the characters, both on the basis of illustrations and on the basis of author's word.

Creative activity based literary text. Expressing your attitude towards literary work, his heroes: in the drawing, when listening, reading text by heart, in simple dramatization games and games with characters of a toy table, finger theater.

Results of educational activities

Achievements of the child "What Makes Us Happy")

Causes concern and requires joint efforts of educators and parents

The child willingly responds to the offer to listen literary text, he asks an adult to read poetry, a fairy tale;

Actively empathizes with the characters of the work, emotionally responds to the content


Actively and willingly participates in various types of creative activities based on literary text(draws, participates in word games, dramatization games).

The child does not respond to the offer to listen reading or reciting a literary text;

Refuses to talk about the content of the work or unanimously answers questions only after a personal appeal to him by an adult;

Shows no pleasure in perception artwork, is reluctantly included in games with text accompaniment, in theatrical games.

Complex- thematic planning

Theme of the week


"Autumn, autumn, we ask you to visit"

1 Week "Vegetables fruits"

2week "Berries, mushrooms"

3 week "Flower Plants"

4 week "Trees and Shrubs"

"Animal world"

1 Week "Pets"

2 weeks "Wild animals"

3 week "Wild Birds"

4 week "Pets"

"All About Man"

1 Week "Human. Body parts. Hygiene items»

2 weeks "Cloth"

3 week "We welcome guests"

4 week "Family"

"Winter is knocking on our window"

1 Week "Zimushka - winter"

2 weeks "Wintering Birds"

3 week "Winter Fun"

4 week "New Year in the family and kindergarten"

"My Favorite Kindergarten"

2 weeks "Kindergarten"

3 - 4 weeks intermediate monitoring

"What do we call Motherland"

1 Week "My house"

2 weeks "Transport"

3 week "Our town"

4 week "Our Army"

"Spring has come to us"

1 Week "Mom's Holiday"

2 weeks "Forest Kindergarten"

3 week "We meet spring and feathered friends"

4 week "Our Good Deeds"

"We love to work"

1 Week "Tools"

2 weeks "Indoor plants in group»

3 week "Everything starts with a seed"

4 week "Children are friends of nature"

"Summer red will come"

1 Week "Journey to the World of Insects"

2-3 weeks monitoring

4 week "Flowers of our site"

Reading fiction


1 Week: story by E. Beklerov "Cabbage Leaf"; fairy tale "Puff"; song - fun "Cucumber, cucumber."; poem "Autumn walks along the path", "In the morning we go to the yard".

2 weeks: S. Pitirimov "Forest traffic light"; songs - jokes "Legs, legs, where have you been?", "Vanya, Vanya, where did you go?", "Let's go, let's go"; fairy tale by V. Suteev "Under the Mushroom"; R. n. With. "The Man and the Bear"; V. Lezov "Watermelon".

3 week: A. Pleshcheev "Autumn has come"; M. Sidorova "Umbrella"; A. Barto "Bell"; E. Serova "Carnations", "Forget-me-nots".

4 week: M. Prishvin story "Leaf fall"; K. Balmont "Autumn"; N. Kurochkin "Lilac"; K. Chukovsky "Wonder Tree"; T. A. Shorygina "Autumn Bouquet".

1 Week: S. Marshak "Mustachioed - Striped"; Z. Alexandrovna "My bear", "Pig and Chushka"; K. Chukovsky "Confusion"; jokes about a cat "Okay".

2 weeks: hungarians. fairy tale "Two Greedy Little Bears"; fairy tales "Kolobok", "Teremok", "Cat, Rooster and Fox", "Masha and the Bear".

3 week: fairy tale "The Fox and the Crane", "Zhiharka", "Swan geese"; S. Marshak "The Tale of the Stupid Mouse", "The Tale of the Smart Mouse".

4 week: K. Ushinsky "Petushka with family"; fairy tales "The Cockerel and the Beanstalk", "Turnip", "Ryaba Hen"; K. Chukovsky "Telephone".

1 Week: K. Chukovsky "Moydodyr"; songs - jokes « Big feet» , "Water, water", "Kotausi and Mausi", "Little Feet"; slovak fairy tale "The sun is visiting"; Z. Alexandrova "Bathing".

2 weeks: Serbian fairy tale "Why doesn't the moon have a dress"; Ukrainian fairy tale "Mitten"; Z. Alexandrova "My bear"; B. Potter "Uhti - uhti".

3 week: K. Chukovsky "Fly Tsokotukha"; E. Blaginina "And like this, and like this"; G. Oster "I'm not at home"; fairy tale "Fox - Lapotnitsa"; songs - jokes "Come to visit", "A fox is walking on a bridge", "Forty, forty", "Okay, okay".

4 week: E. Blaginina "Let's sit in silence"; A. Vvedensky "Mystery"; S. Marshak "Tale of the Silly Mouse"; K. Ushinsky "Petushka with family"; Khakass fairy tale "Three brothers"; songs - jokes "Chicken - Ryabushka", "Because of the forest, because of the mountains".

1 Week: nursery rhyme "Wow, you, winter winter!"; fairy tale "Mitten", "Wolf and Fox", "Gingerbread house", "The Fox and the Crane"; poem "Like snow on a hill, snow".

2 weeks: N. Nosov "Steps"; M. Prishvin "Woodpecker"; fairy tale "The Cockerel and the Beanstalk"; K. Ushinsky "Ducks"; I. Tokmakova "Ten birds - a flock".

3 weeks and 4 weeks: L. Voronkova "Tanya chooses a Christmas tree", "Silver Key", "It is snowing"; I. Yancharsky "The Adventures of Mishka Ushastik", "In the toy store"; O. Prokofieva "ABOUT rude word leave", "The Tale of the Tongue Out"; Z. Alexandrova "Snowball flutters and spins".

E. Blaginina "Snowfall"; fairy tale "Like a dog looking for a friend"; brothers grimm « The Bremen Town Musicians» ; V. Suteev "Who said meow?", "Cockerel and paints"; L. Muur "Little Raccoon"; A. Barto "Girl - revushka".

1 Week: Georgian song "Do you know where I've been, Mom?"; Khakass fairy tale "Three brothers"; Altai fairy tale "Terrible Guest"; E. Blaginina "I'll teach you how to put on my brother"; K. Chukovsky "So and not so".

2 weeks: V. Mayakovsky "What is good, what is bad"; B. Zakhoder "Chauffeur", "What are the cars"; I. Yancharsky "In the toy store"; A. Prokofiev "Bullfinches".

3 week: T. Shorygina "My birch"; K. Ushinsky "Our Fatherland"; B. Zakhoder "What is most beautiful"; I. Akimushkin "How does a rabbit look like a hare"; S. Marshak "Children in a Cage".

4 week: A. Churbanova "My grandpa"; A. Oshnurov "In our army", "Pilot"; G. Lagzdyn "My dad is in the military"; S. Baruzdin story "A soldier was walking"; L. Nassil "Main Troop".

1 Week: song "Living with Grandma"; fairy tale "Wolf and goats"; E. Blaginina "Let's sit in silence"; A. Barto "Conversation with daughter"; S. Marshak "The Tale of the Stupid Mouse", "The Tale of the Smart Mouse"; nursery rhyme "Sewed, sewed, embroidered".

2 weeks: K. Chukovsky "Confusion", "Stolen Sun"; D. Mamin-Sibiryak "The tale of a brave hare - long ears, slanting eyes, short tail» ; T. Alexandrova "Bear Cub Burik"; V. Bianchi "Bathing cubs"; E. Charushin "Volchishko", "Bear and cubs".

3 week: M. Zoshchenko "Smart bird"; A. Vosev "The finch sings"; nursery rhymes "Ai swing, swing, swing", "Swallow, swallow"; fairy tale "Swan geese".

4 week: L. Tolstoy "Bone"; L. Voronkova "What would mom say"; E. Permyak "How Masha got big"; L. Muur ; S. Baruzdin "We built a birdhouse".

1 Week: E. Serova "Sun in the House"; L. Berg "Pete and the Tricycle"; songs "I chop, chop wood", "Needle, needle"; S. Marshak "Hen" English Song.

2 weeks: nursery rhymes "Rabbit's song about carrots", "Cherry"; G. Lagzdyn "Bed"; nursery rhymes "At Morning Dawn", "Martin"; invocation "Rain, more rain"; fairy tale "Zayushkina's hut".

3 week: I. Mazin "Sun and grain"; fairy tale "Turnip"; G. H. Andersen "Thumbelina"; E. Serova "Dandelion"; fairy tale "How a goat built a hut".

4 week: song "My birch, birch"; E. Charushin "Volchishko"; V. Bianchi "Bathing cubs"; S. Mikhalkov "Kittens"; fairy tale "Stubborn Kitten".

M. Prishvin "Ladybug", "Grasshopper", "Chafer"; V. Berestov "Song of Spring Minutes"; K. Chukovsky "Fly Tsokotukha"; K. Balmont "Mosquitoes - Makariki"; V. Kataev "Flower-seven-flower"; L. Muur "Little Raccoon and the one who sits in the pond"; W. Dahl "Fox - Lapotnitsa", E. Blaginina "Bird cherry"; T. Shorygina "Ladybug", "Uninvited Guest", "Lily of the valley".

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