Forms of organization of theatrical activities in the dow. Methods of organizing and conducting theatrical games with children in the preschool


The duration of the project is short-term (one week).
The type of the project is cognitive-productive, group.
Participants: children, teacher, parents.

project for older children

Relevance: environmental education of children is given great attention It is no coincidence that 2017 is recognized as the Year of Ecology. We know that the ecology on earth is deteriorating, all living things are dying, and we must form the foundations of an ecological culture in children, respecting all living things that are on earth. This must be started from childhood.

Most children in big cities they are rarely in nature, therefore, they do not see and cannot emotionally perceive the beauty of flowers, sunrise, sunset. It cannot be seen in pictures and photographs.

Children by nature are very inquisitive, they love to observe, conduct experiments, this should be actively used when working with them so that they gain more knowledge about the world around them.

But not all children are brought up, not all know the rules of behavior in nature. Our task through the project is to form a careful attitude towards nature among preschoolers, take care of it, admire it, treat even the smallest creature with love.

Target: creating conditions for the formation of a caring attitude towards nature among preschoolers through acquaintance with the world of insects.


  1. To expand children's understanding of the diversity of insects, about their characteristic features, habitats, food.
  2. Develop Creative skills preschoolers.
  3. Develop cognitive activity, activate and enrich the vocabulary through learning poems, songs, riddles, reading fiction.
  4. To cultivate concern for the preservation of nature, responsiveness and a humane attitude towards it.
  5. Involve parents in the environmental education of children in the family.

Project duration- short-term (week).

Project type- cognitive-productive, group.

Members: children, teacher, parents.

Expected Result:

  • Presentation of the developing laptop "Insects";
  • Quiz "Insects".

1 Stage of the project - preparatory.

  • Drawing up an activity plan.
  • Cooperation with parents (consultation "First aid for insect bites").
  • Selection of literature about insects, songs, proverbs, illustrations.
  1. Main stage - Implementation of activities according to the project plan.

Stage 3 is the final one.

Festive event dramatization of a fairy tale "Fly Tsokotukha".

Exhibition of children's drawings "Insects" (together with parents).

Action Plan

Types of activities and content of the project.

Productive. Creative workshop: With independent activity Modeling "Dragonfly, beetle, fly, caterpillar". Drawing butterflies (not the traditional way). Designing "Butterfly" (origami).

Tasks: To consolidate the ability to sculpt insects from separate parts, connect parts into a single whole, correctly convey their shape and proportions. Learn to draw accurately using different unconventional ways. Cultivate independence, accuracy and initiative.

Musical. Listening musical works Rimsky Korsakov "Flight of the Bumblebee", Tchaikovsky "Waltz of the Flowers". Learning the songs "A grasshopper sat in the grass", "Smile".

Tasks. Introduce songs about insects. Learn to clearly pronounce the words of songs, observe intonation, expressiveness.

Communicative. Literary Lounge : Reading Chukovsky "Fly-Tsokotuha", Krylov "Dragonfly and Ant", Dragoonsky "He is alive and glowing." Interview - compiling a story about insects. Learning sayings, poems, songs, invocations about insects. Outdoor games "Butterfly", "Day and Night", "Frog and Heron", "Catch a Mosquito", "The Fourth Extra". Staged in middle group Fairy tales "The Tsokotukha Fly".

Tasks. Meet naturalist writers. With the heroes of these works. Analysis of the meaning of proverbs, sayings about insects. Learn expressiveness when reading poetry. Formation of dialogical speech skills on the topic "Insects of the meadow". Introduce the profession of a naturalist. Cultivate love for nature. Introduce children younger age with the fairy tale "Tsokotuha Fly", to learn to play with expression, to convey the character of the hero.

Cognitive. Excursion around the territory of the kindergarten, habitats of insects. Conversation-discussion "What are the benefits of insects." Examination of illustrations, books, photographs about insects.

Tasks. To acquaint children with insects, their structure. Cultivate respect for the "smaller brothers" compassion, help for the weak, defenseless.

gaming. Outdoor games "Butterfly", "Day and night", "Frog and heron", "Catch a mosquito". Didactic games“Collect an insect”, “Make a story according to the scheme”, “Connect by dots”, “Cockroach”, “Find the difference and similarity”.

Tasks. Develop endurance, attention, speed accuracy, mutual assistance. Know how to run different directions without bumping into each other. Introduce types of insects. Clarify the main features all insects.

Working with parents. Making a folder-movement "Insects", "In the family of insects." Exhibition of drawings "Insects around us".

Tasks. To consolidate knowledge about the world of insects. Appearance, mode of movement and habitat.

Project results:

  1. The level of knowledge of preschoolers about the life of insects has increased.
  2. Engage parents in kindergarten
  3. developed cognitive interest curiosity, communication.
  4. They performed in the middle group and showed the fairy tale "Tsokotuha Fly".
  5. An exhibition of drawings “Insects around us” was arranged (together with parents).

Name: Project "Insects"
Nomination: Kindergarten, Methodological developments, Project activity, Senior group

Position: educator
Place of work: MBDOU No. 10
Location: Krasnoyarsk Territory, Achinsk

Environmental education project "We are friends of nature"
The purpose of the project: the formation of an ecological culture of older preschoolers.

  • To acquaint children with natural phenomena, with ways to preserve and restore the environment;
  • Develop ideas about human actions dangerous to nature;
  • To cultivate a caring attitude towards nature, environmental behavior.

Preliminary work: observations in nature, viewing illustrations, reading fiction, memorizing poetry, conversations, didactic, mobile, finger games, physical minutes.
Project participants: children, teachers, parents.
Project implementation period - long-term -1 month
Project progress:
1. Statement of the problem, entry into the game situation.
Children receive a letter from the forest - the Old Man-Lesovichok invites to visit.
2. Discussion of the problem, acceptance of the task.
Educator: Children, we received a letter from the forest. The envelope says “For older children. “Dear guys, your friend, Lesovichok, is writing to you. You came to visit me in autumn, I saw you in winter and spring .. And now I invite you to my summer forest glades! You will see what changes have taken place in summer in nature, and in the life of the inhabitants of the forest. I am sending you clues to help you get to the forest and orient yourself. Your friend Lesovichok!
Q. Are you ready to travel?
3.Step by step problem solving:
I week: Summer is red.
Conversation on the topic "Helping nature"
Purpose: to form knowledge about various types activities of preschoolers to protect nature, cause a desire to take care of nature, give an orientation to the implementation of measures to protect nature.
Compilation of stories based on a series of pictures "Masha and Misha in the forest."
Purpose: to consolidate knowledge about the behavior of people in the forest.
Mystery day.
Purpose: Activation of the mental activity of children, deepening environmental knowledge, education humane attitude to nature.
Riddle drawings
Plasticine riddles.
Board game "Seasons"
Purpose: to teach to distinguish the signs of the seasons, to show on a visual model the reason for the change of seasons, to develop the ability to establish causal investigative links, cultivate a culture of experimental work.
Video tutorials "Earth is our planet." Reading O. Sekor "What is day and night"
Holiday: "Hello mother nature"
Target: give an idea of ​​what human actions can harm nature, cultivate respect for plants and animals.
Participants - children, parents, musicians. leader, teachers.
II week. Alone with nature.
Observations in nature "Nature has no bad weather"
Purpose: to teach to see beauty, to distinguish characteristics summer, recognize them in literary texts, to form ideas about the Sun as a source of heat and light necessary for all living things; to consolidate the ability to determine the direction of the wind.
Holiday of the Sun - the sun from paper plates
Sand Festival.
Purpose: to show children that sand consists of individual grains of sand, they are small and hard, uneven; to give an idea that grains of sand are tiny pebbles, they are formed from friction, that wet sand cannot be poured in a stream from the palm of your hand, but it can take any shape until it dries, sand passes water.
Sand buildings. "Sand Town"
Competition "Sand City"
Experimental work on a walk. Water and sand.
Word and logic game "Find out, name, explain" - animals, birds, insects of the forest.
III week:
Flower Day:
Purpose: education of diligence, care for plants, aesthetic taste.
Weeding and watering flowers in flower beds;
Conversation "What flowers are needed for";
Reading thin. Literature, riddles about flowers.
Literary and flower quiz;
Drawing up diagrams of the structure of a flower;
Joint exhibition of summer bouquets "Forest Bouquet" with parents.
Medicinal plants.
goal: to introduce the benefits of certain plants and flowers.
Video "Plants are our friends and helpers"
The magical power of water.
Ecological entertainment "Visiting Vodyany" - participants - children, parents, educators.
Our friends are insects.
Conversation "Insects and Flowers"
V. Bianchi "The Adventures of Ants" - a game - dramatization.
IV week: Week of health.
Talk about tasty and healthy food.
Purpose: To give an idea that a person needs proper, healthy food, pure water, Fresh air.
Consultation for parents "Hardening a preschooler. Types of hardening.
Physical culture leisure "In healthy body- a healthy mind" - to consolidate the concept of the need to strengthen health.
Open lesson "Visiting Aibolit" - consolidation of knowledge about caring attitude to nature and its inhabitants.
Excursion to the forest. Watching nature change in summer. "Let's help Lesovich to put things in order" - cleaning a forest clearing from garbage. Thank you for the invitation to the forest. Reading poems about the forest.
4. Presentation.
Production of a photo exhibition "Nature is our wealth".
Exhibition of drawings "Nature and us".


Environmental Education Project in senior group on the topic: "Be a friend to nature!"

1. Project concept

1.1. Relevance.

The region's economy is in need of introducing the latest environmental technologies. The effectiveness of environmental protection measures largely depends on the ecological culture of the population, this is especially true for the younger generation.

The formation of ecological consciousness, ecological culture of the worldview of the individual as a whole should become the primary task of environmental education and upbringing.

When children are introduced to nature, opportunities for aesthetic, patriotic, moral education. Communication with nature enriches the spiritual sphere of a person, contributes to the formation positive qualities. Conducting our own research and observations allows us to generalize, analyze and promote environmentally literate, safe for nature and our own health behavior.

With this work, I wanted to draw attention to such a problem as the development of children's need for knowledge of nature, flora, increasing the environmental awareness of the children's population, which exists in any industrial city, fostering industriousness, curiosity, the desire to constantly discover something new, explore and experiment.

1.2. Target.

To form ecological upbringing of preschoolers, to intensify the mental and search activity of children. Create conditions that reveal the intellectual and creative potential of preschoolers, focused on environmental education.

1.3. Tasks.

Instill love for native nature, lead to an understanding of her fragile beauty, form a careful attitude towards her;

Cultivate love for the Motherland, broaden horizons by passing on knowledge about history, sights and ecology native land;

Introduce children to the rules of behavior in nature, clarify environmental prohibitions;

Learn to see the beauty of nature;

Learn to compare, analyze, establish the simplest, cause-and-effect relationships, make generalizations, classify on two grounds;

Develop the ability to coherently and consistently compose a story according to a mnemonic diagram, enrich lexicon;

Develop logical thinking, attention, memory;

Raise the desire to protect nature, love for the native land;

Learn to work in a team, consolidate the ability to carry out mutual verification.

1.4. Forms and methods of work:


Productive activities - experimentation, drawing, modeling, applique, experiments, manual labor;

Reading fiction;

Theatrical activities and holidays;

Observations in the corner of nature and on a walk;

Organization of labor in a corner of nature, on the site, in the garden;


Different forms of conversations;

Work with the calendar of nature, the diary of observation, the journal of experiments;

Creation family album"A corner dear to the heart";

Selection of poems, riddles, proverbs, sayings;

Interaction with family;

Examination of reproductions of paintings, illustrations, photographs, albums;

Thematic exhibitions.

Development of speech;

Development of logical thinking;

Development communicative qualities in children;

Generalization of ideas about nature;

Awakening imagination and fantasy;

Awakening interest in nature.

1.6. The target audience

– senior preparatory groups, preschoolers.

1.7. Project execution period

- long term.

1.8. Predicted result:

Creation necessary conditions for organization activities of the preschool educational institution on environmental education;

The formation of the readiness of children to independently solve problems of ecological significance in different situations;

Diagnostics, where children will show their knowledge;

The ability to express own opinion, analyze, vividly respond to what is happening, provide all possible assistance;

Mastering knowledge about the ecology of the native land;

Expanding the knowledge of children with the rules of behavior in nature;

Formation on the basis of spiritual, ecological, moral and personal attitude to reality.

2. Project planning

1st stage - preparatory

1. Drawing up a plan for the implementation of the project. Educator, teacher.

2. Development of system cobwebs: " environmental education”, “The direction of environmental work with children”. Educator.

3. Creation and design of an ecological trail. Educator, teacher, children.

4. Pick up and arrange a folder of observations on a walk, an album "Experiments", folklore material "Phenomena of nature", "Environmental elements". Educator, parents.

5. Pick up prohibitory signs in dealing with nature, schemes to help children tell stories. Educator.

6. Design the album "Rules of behavior in nature." Educator, parents.

7. Parent meeting "Raising children through nature." Educator, parents, teacher.

8. Labor activity: watering the flower garden and garden, cleaning the site, helping the janitor, collecting and drying seeds, leaves, flowers, inflorescences, herbs, roots for decorating a herbarium and crafts. Educator, parents, children.

9. Pick up fiction for reading, retelling, memorizing, painting. Educator.

10. Carry out the 1st stage of diagnostics. Educator.

2nd stage - active


1. “A sad time! Eyes of charm. "- to consolidate the idea of ​​children about the golden period of autumn. Educator, children.

2. "River, river, river" - the formation of the concept of the emergence of the river, its origins. Educator, children.

3. "A plant as a living being" - to form in children an idea of ​​the adaptability of plants to their environment, to the seasons of the year. Educator, children.

4. "Conversation about snow" - establish the dependence of the state of snow on air temperature. Educator, children.

5. “How many interesting things happen in winter” - to form a generalized idea of ​​\u200b\u200bwinter in children. Educator, children.

6. "Who is a person" - to clarify the ideas of children in comparison with animals and flora. Educator, children.

Direct educational activities:

1. "Our land" - to form initial ideas about the creation of the world, to acquaint with the history of the appearance of the globe. Educator, children.

2. "Plants are the lungs of the Earth" - an idea of ​​the meaning of plants. Educator, children.

3. "Properties of air" - to consolidate children's ideas about the role of air through experiments. Educator, children.

4. "Journey to autumn forest»- generalize children's knowledge about autumn. Educator, children.

5. "Sorceress water" - continue to acquaint children with the properties of water. Educator, children.

6. " fun trip»- consolidate knowledge about the adaptability of living nature to changes in inanimate nature. Educator, children.

7. "Feed the birds in winter" - to form in children a generalized idea of ​​\u200b\u200bwintering birds. Educator, children.

8. "Winter is full of silver" - summarize the children's ideas about winter, the characteristic features of the winter months. Educator, children.

9. "The land is ours common Home» - to show the Earth as a common home for all people and all living beings. Educator, children.

Creative works:

1. Drawing "Gifts of Autumn" - to consolidate the ability to convey the shape and color of vegetables and fruits in the drawing. Educator, children.

2. Application "Magic leaves" - learn to make a pattern from dry leaves. Educator, children.

3. Drawing "Nature has no bad weather" - to teach children the ability to reflect the signs of autumn in the drawing. Educator, children.

4. Drawing "Sprig of spruce" - to improve the technique of drawing from nature. Educator, children.

5. Drawing "We are walking" - continue to acquaint children with the winter landscape, convey in the drawing a person in motion. Educator, children.

6. Drawing "Snowflakes" - teach children to draw a pattern on paper. Educator, children.

7. Taking part in regional competition creative works"The nature of the native land through the eyes of a child." Educator, children.


1. “Love nature! » - ecological fairy tale- Teach children to observe nature and protect it. Educator, children, music director.

2. "Autumn" - a holiday - to form children's ideas about autumn natural phenomena. Educator, children, music director, staff.

3. “Do you know the forest? » - to expand knowledge about nature. Educator, children, music director.

4. "Nature has no bad weather" - a musical and educational activity - to expand knowledge about natural phenomena. Educator, children, music director.

Scheduled observations. Educator, children.

Experiences in evening time. Educator, children.

Games at the request of children, in their free time. Educator, children.

Working with parents

1. Designing parental corners by seasons and months (folders-sliders) .. Educator, parents.

2. Design of parental corners on environmental topics:

- "The importance of nature in people's lives"

How to instill in children a love for nature? »

- "The influence of the environment on the development of children"

Educator, parents.

3. parent meetings:

- "The development of curiosity by means of nature."

- Ecological education in the family.

Educator, parents.

3rd stage - final

1. "Let's save nature" - a musical and literary composition - to form environmental beliefs in children, ecological culture. Educator, children, music director.

2. Design of the album "A corner dear to my heart". Educator, children, parents.

3. The final stage diagnostics. Educator, children.

3. During the implementation of this project, the following conclusions were obtained:

The expected results were confirmed:

In children:

1. Formed deep knowledge that the exclusion of one living or inanimate element from the natural chain can lead to the extinction of species, destruction and cataclysms.

2. Formed initial natural history, environmental knowledge, the ability to empathize with troubles (through the perception of negative human activity).

3. The initial skills of environmentally literate and safe behavior in nature and at home.

4. We got acquainted with prohibiting and permitting environmental signs.

5. The prospects for the development of search and cognitive activity children.

6. The responsible attitude of children to environment and to your health.

7. Children have learned to competently protect nature and fight for its preservation through practical social activities.

8. Children have a pronounced interest in objects and natural phenomena. They learned to distinguish between living nature (plants, animals, fungi, humans) and inanimate nature (air, soil, water). The children learned the peculiarities of the nature of their native land.

9. The children developed a desire to study objects of nature, they learned to draw conclusions, establish cause-and-effect relationships.

10. Children confidently distinguish and name the characteristic features of different seasons. Can explain the reasons for the change of seasons.

11. Learned the importance of water in the life of all living objects of nature and its properties.

12. Learned the importance of air in the life of living objects of nature.

13. Explore the earth, soil varieties, their properties and significance.

14. We learned a lot of interesting things about the life of plants (trees, shrubs, herbs, plants of forests, meadows, fields and gardens, indoor plants, explore empirically the conditions necessary for the growth of plants; learn how to properly care for plants in a corner of nature, in a kindergarten flower garden.

15. Children consolidated ideas about animals: the living conditions of domestic and wild animals and their cubs, wintering and migratory birds, insects. The children formed the idea that it is impossible to divide objects of nature into useful and harmful, and even more so, to be guided by this in their actions in relation to them.

16. Skills for caring for plants in a corner of nature have been formed.

17. Learned to observe objects of animate and inanimate nature, explain connections and chains in nature, comply with the Laws common house nature:

All living organisms have an equal right to life;

Everything in nature is interconnected;

In nature, nothing disappears anywhere, but passes from one state to another.

18. Many children have learned to conduct simple and complex experiments, to explore objects of nature, and to benefit from search activities.

19. The guys humanely treat all objects of nature and follow the rules of safety in nature in relation to themselves. Nature is also fraught with danger to human life.

20. K environmental project parents were involved. Environmental education of parents gives a big plus in the environmental education of kindergarten children.

For parents:

The level of environmental consciousness has increased;

The knowledge and skills of a holistic approach to the improvement of children by means of nature have been formed.

perspective further development project

Everything that has been achieved and created during the implementation of this project has been brought into the system and is actively used in the educational process and in Everyday life children in kindergarten. For the full implementation of the project, it is necessary to implement a number of activities that require, in turn, financial expenses. I, in turn, do not stop there and plan to continue and expand my project.

Annex 1


A. S. Pushkin;

Y. Tuvim. Vegetables;

N. Minsky. Leaf fall;

S. M. Grobetsky. First snow;

N. Stachneva. Autumn gamma;

A. Tolstoy. Autumn;

A. Blinov. Last leaf;

I. Bunin. First snow;

N. Nikitin. Winter meeting;

K. Balmont. Snowflake;

N. Gribachev. Well, frosts;

A. Yashin. Feed the birds;

S. Yesenin. Powder. A blizzard sweeps. Bewitched by the invisible;

S. Marshak. This is a snow page. Snowstorm. Snowstorm;

Z. Alexandrova. Goodbye winter;

A. Pleshcheev. Autumn has come;

N. Nekrasov. Before the rain


G. Skrebitsky. Four artists. Autumn;

N. Pavlova. Travel of droplets with air. Village in winter. The most winter-hardy apple tree;

W. Bianchi. Sinichkin calendar. Month of white trails. First snow;

K. Ushinsky. Why is the forest empty? The leprosy of the old woman-winter. wind and sun;

N. Sladkov. Winter stock;

M. Prishvin. The rowan is cold. The rowans turn red;

Fairy tales:

D. Mamin-Sibiryak. Gray neck;

S. Marshak. 12 months;

P. Bazhov. Silver hoof;

V. Odoevsky. Moroz Ivanovich;

Russian national. fox-sister and Gray wolf. Frost, sun and wind. Snow Maiden;

Serbian. Why doesn't the moon have a dress?


Still lifes:

Van Gogh. Potato. Basket with apples.

M. Konchalovsky. Tray and vegetables.

M. Korovin. Flowers and fruits.

I. Mashkov. Still life with fruit.

M. Saryan. Autumn flowers.


L. Brodsky. Fallen leaves. Forest in the winter in the snow. Autumn fog.

F. Vasiliev. Before the rain

A. Gerasimov. After the rain.

I. Grabl. Autumn day. February azure. Winter landscape.

I. Levitan. Autumn day. Autumn. Gold autumn.

V. A. Tsyplakov. Eye in winter.

A. Savrasov. Flight of birds. Winter landscape. Frost.

I. Shishkin. Pine trees illuminated by the sun.

B. Shcherbakov. Storm whirlwinds.

K. Yuon. Skiers, the end of winter.

A series of demonstration pictures. St. Petersburg "Childhood-press". "All year round".

Didactic material in pictures, edited by I. P. Nagibina. “The seasons in the city, the countryside, in nature.

Annex 2

Corner of nature:


Sand and Water Center;


Houseplants and file cabinet for them;

Plant care equipment;

Diary and journal of observations;

nature calendar;

Collection zone (seeds, shells, stones, herbarium);

Natural material (chernozem, sand, stones);

Mini Lab:

Materials for children's experimentation (cups, sticks, test tubes, funnels, magnifiers, magnets, etc.);


natural material;


Cognitive literature about nature;

Animal care literature;

Selection of paintings and illustrations from the life of animals, plants, according to seasonal changes;

Audio materials.

Ecological theatre: costumes, attributes, masks for ecological performances.

Corner of the native land:


Album "Our Motherland - Tyumen Region";

Eco-Development Environment:

Board and printed games;

The tree of riddles;

Didactic games;

Art corner.

Territory of the kindergarten:

Playgrounds for organizing ecological holidays, excursions and games;

Various types of trees (poplar, spruce, birch, walnut, maple, elm, willow);

Garden, flower garden;

Various types of flowers, shrubs, vegetable crops (beets, potatoes, peas, carrots, berries (black currants, strawberries);

Funny stumps;



- "It's a sad time! Eye charm. »

- "River, river, river"

- "Snow Talk"

- "The plant as a living being"

- "How many interesting things happen in winter"

- "Who is a person"


- "Behind Seasonal Changes"

- "Behind the Spider"

- "Behind the ant"

- "For the cat"

- "Behind the flower garden"

- "For the fly"

- "For the work of adults in the garden"

- "Behind the birch"

- "For the birds in winter"

- "Behind the state of nature"

- "Behind the snowfall"

- "Behind the spruce"

- "Behind the Sun"

- "Behind the Wind"

- "Behind the snow and ice"


Can a plant breathe?

Does a plant have respiratory organs?

Do roots need air?

Why do flowers wither in autumn?

What is in the soil?

What is under our feet?

What properties?

Where is warmer?

What's faster?


1. "Pets" - about the benefits of pets, getting to know the world and enriching knowledge about animals, their cubs, as well as about the barnyard; teach children to analyze and compare.

2. "Animals and birds" - introduces birds and animals, their appearance; with what they eat, as "speak".

3. "Collect" - introduces children to the habitat of animals, their external signs.

4. "Large and small" - fixes the names of animals and their cubs, develops attention, speech, memory.

5. "Mysterious animals" - develops visual perception, attention and imagination.

6. "In the garden, in the field, in the garden" - introduces vegetables, berries, fruits and cereals, expands vocabulary, memory, voluntary attention, figurative perception.

7. "Couples" (lotto).

8. “Fruits, leaves” - introduces children to a variety of trees, teaches them to distinguish between the corresponding leaves and fruits, and make semantic pairs.

9. “Who lives where? ”- consolidates in children knowledge about the habitat of animals, their external signs.

10. “Where does what grow? "- introduces children to the diversity of the plant world, their habitats, appearance, benefits for people and animals.

11. "Sun" - introduces children to the habitat of living beings, features appearance and adaptability to the environment, develops observation, memory, justify your choice.

12. “Who lives in the house? "- clarifies the classification of objects according to certain characteristics, introduces children to the habitat of animals, birds and fish.

13. “Collect a picture” - introduces children to the seasons, their signs and features, main signs, fixes the name of the seasons.

Working with parents:

1. A selection of information and visual material by months, seasons.

2. Design of material on environmental topics.

3. Parent meetings on environmental topics.

4. Seasonal exhibitions of children's works with their parents.


1. Anikina V. P. " living water» - oral folk art// "Children's Literature", 1975.

2. Vinogradova N. F. "Our Motherland" // "Enlightenment", 1984.

3. Vinogradova N. F. "Mental education of children in the process of familiarization with nature" / / Moscow, "Prosveshchenie", 2001.

4. Volchkova V. N., Stepanova N. V. “Summaries of classes in the senior group. cognitive development. ISO. Ecology"// Voronezh TC "Teacher", 2005.

5. Voronkevich O. A. "Welcome to ecology" / / St. Petersburg, "Childhood - Press", 2004.

6. Dybina O. V. “Unexplored nearby: entertaining experiments and experiments for preschoolers” // Moscow: TC Sphere, 2005.

7. Dybina O. V. “Child and the world. program and guidelines» // Moscow: Mosaic - Synthesis, 2006.

8. Zhukovskaya R. N., Vinogradova N. F. "Native land" // Moscow "Enlightenment", 1985

9. Magazines preschool education» No. 7, 2003.; No. 7, 2005; No. 7, 2006; No. 10, 2009; №3, 7, 2010

10. Zubareva E. E. "Anthology on children's literature" / / Moscow, "Enlightenment", 1988.

11. Kazakova T. G. “Develop creativity among preschoolers”// Moscow, Enlightenment, 1985.

12. Korotkova N. A. "Cognitive and research activities" / / "Preschool education" No. 7, 2002.

13. Novikova E. N. "2000 proverbs, sayings, nursery rhymes and tongue twisters" // LLC "Firm Publishing House AST", 1999.

14. Pleshakov A. A. "The world around us" // Moscow, "Prosveshchenie", 2005.

15. Internet sites for educators.

16. Sakhipova Z. G. “We read to children” // “Enlightenment”, 1987.

17. Tolmacheva L. P. “Window in wonderful world nature”//IKF “Stalker”, 1988.

Purpose: to create conditions for the cognitive activity of preschoolers in order to replenish knowledge and ideas about the nature of their native land Tasks: to form in children elementary skills of cognitive-exploratory behavior in their native nature (to generalize, systematize, draw conclusions); to develop the cognitive initiative of preschoolers (curiosity), the skills of observation and experimentation in the process of activity, the skills of working in a team; to teach to understand the relationship: the dependence of plant life in the life of all mankind; to cultivate respect for nature, to teach children to be surprised and admire the wisdom of nature, which gives us health, mood; create a developing environment in the group with the help of parents, involving them in the implementation joint project; Reflect the acquired knowledge in various activities: gaming, communicative, cognitive-research, labor, motor, visual, musical.

Problem for children: what do trees give to people's lives: benefit or harm? Expected results: targets "initiative", "possesses creative abilities", "shows curiosity", "asks questions and tries to come up with explanations on his own" Vocabulary work: poplar, cedar, alder, aspen, crown, "wintering buds", deciduous and coniferous trees Equipment: picture various kinds trees and shrubs at different times of the year Type of project: educational - research

Stages of project implementation Preparatory stage: 1. Selection and analysis of popular science and fiction on the topic. 2. Determination of the goal, based on the interests of children. 3. Planning upcoming activities for the implementation of the project. 3. Providing a didactic complex for the implementation of the project. Main stage: 1. Implementation of a set of measures aimed at achieving the set goal. 2. Interaction with parents, aimed at getting to know the project activities. Final stage: 1. Summing up the project. 2. Evaluation of the achieved results.

Forms of work with parents Creation of the herbarium "Trees and shrubs of our region" Exhibition from natural material"Ah, autumn!" Campaign "Give a book about nature" Consultation "Meaning project activities for preschoolers" Productive activity (exhibition) "Beauty winter forest» Edition of the mini-book “Know the Tree” Excursions to the autumn, winter forest Exhibition of various tree species of our region Creation of the “Tree Seeds” collection

Excursion to the autumn forest

Games with autumn leaves

Independent activity of children on a walk Outdoor game "1, 2, 3 - run to the tree!"

Mobile game "At the bear in the forest"

Labor on site. Cleaning up autumn leaves.

Experience - study "Measuring the thickness of a tree"

Experience - research "What is the trunk of a tree covered with?"

Creation of the herbarium "Trees and shrubs of our region"

"Gift for a little crow" family of Lera L. "Vase with strawberries" family of Nastya I. "Baba Yaga" family of Valera S. "My favorite Christmas tree!" Sasha F. family Exhibition from natural material « forest fantasies»

Educational activities V regime moments Looking at tree rings

Experience - research "Wintering tree buds"

Productive activity (drawing) "Beauty of the winter forest"

We protect trees from freezing

Looking at illustrations of trees in different times of the year. Compilation of stories "What is the difference autumn trees from trees in winter?

Independent activity in sensitive moments D / game "In the forest" Herbarium "Leaves of trees from our site" D / and "Your red book"

Exhibition of products of activity Herbarium, little book "Know the tree", various breeds trees, fruits of trees (seeds) 38 In anticipation of performance: preschoolers show curiosity, ask questions about near and far objects and natural phenomena (living and inanimate) have elementary ideas from the field of wildlife, establish causal relationships, creative abilities are manifested in drawing, inventing fairy tales, etc. the subject-spatial environment has been replenished with the help of parents, preschoolers show forms of ecological culture (they notice seasonal and climate change in nature), show respect for nature

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