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Short term project New Year knocking on the door"

Ponomareva I. V., Alborova E. S.

Project type: educational game project.

Project participants: children of the middle group, group educators, specialists, parents of pupils.

Educational area: cognitive development.

Relevance of the topic: WITH early years any person knows what holidays are and wants to have as many of them as possible. It is human nature to strive for a joyful and bright feeling.

Holidays it important factor formation little man. The life of a child needs to be filled with holidays as much as possible, because they make us kinder, more responsive, more generous.

In children, holidays arouse interest in creativity, bring up the ability to live in a team, contribute to the accumulation of experience in behavior in society, the manifestation of initiative and independence.

Whatever the reason for holding a holiday, there is always an opportunity to introduce children to new facts, to help them show their knowledge, ability to think, reflect and create.

Everyone knows that the most favorite holiday of children is the New Year. New Year's fuss, letters to Santa Claus, decoration of the Christmas tree and long-awaited gifts under her. In preparation for the celebration of the New Year, children often had questions: Why decorate the Christmas tree? Is Santa Claus real? Where does he live? Will Santa Claus bring gifts? The search and research activities carried out during the implementation of the project "The New Year is knocking on the door."

This project is aimed at introducing children to the holidays, their features. Our project will help children and parents to become direct participants in the preparations for the New Year, to fully immerse themselves in the New Year's Eve hurricane of impressions and joyful expectation of a miracle.

Objective of the project: to form the concept of "holiday", its characteristics and significance in people's lives on the example of the New Year.


  • To analyze the concept of a holiday - the New Year, highlight its characteristic features: paraphernalia, attitude and mood of people, rules of conduct, traditions.
  • Arouse a desire to participate in preparations for the holiday (decorating a group, making manuals, crafts).
  • Involve parents as active participants in the life of the group in preparation for the New Year holiday.
  • To consolidate knowledge about the attributes of the New Year holiday.
  • arouse interest in creativity
  • learn to distinguish characteristics items by different analyzers
  • contribute to the accumulation of experience in social behavior
  • develop elementary mathematical concepts.
  • Activation of the dictionary on the topic (tree, gift, Santa Claus, Snow Maiden, holiday, calendar)

Estimated result:

Enriching children's knowledge about the New Year holiday

Children's awareness of the kind, caring attitude of people to each other and mood during the holiday - New Year

Active participation of children and parents in preparation for the New Year

Project products:

New Year's holiday "Hello, hello New Year!"

Resource support of the project:

Material and technical equipment:

  • Camera, computer
  • Set for children's art ( colored paper and cardboard, glue, felt-tip pens, colored pencils, paints)
  • Illustrations about New Year's holiday
  • Christmas decoration
  • advent calendar
  • Selection works of art(tales about winter and New Year)

Teaching aids:

Collection of riddles, poems, fairy tales and stories about winter and New Year's holiday.

Abstracts organized activities with children: joint activities for cognitive development on the theme "New Year's holiday", conversations, holiday "Visiting Santa Claus".

V. A. Derkunskaya Project activity of preschoolers, teaching aid, Moscow, 2012

I. A. Lykova "Patchwork dolls"

T. N. Doronova "To preschoolers about art"

I. Kaplunova "A holiday every day"

T. G. Grizik "Know the world"

Dive into the problem:

Walking on a walk through the territory kindergarten children's attention was drawn to the windows decorated with snowflakes and patterns in the kindergarten and nearby houses. This was followed by a question to the children - why did they decorate the windows and what holiday are people preparing for? Do they also want to decorate the group for the New Year and find out about this holiday?

The question arose in the group, how to find out how many days are left until the New Year, what needs to be done for this? This is how the Advent Calendar appeared - a magical miracle tree

Implementation of the project "New Year is knocking on the door"

Preparatory stage:

1. Determining the theme of the project;

2. Formulation of goals and objectives;

3. Drawing up a plan for the implementation of the main stage;

4. Selection of information, visual and technical material for the project;

5. Informing parents about the tasks and content of the project.

Main stage:

Joint and independent activities of children and adults

Cognitive-speech development.


  • Compilation and production of the "Advent Calendar"
  • Thematic classes and conversations “What is the New Year's holiday”, “Rules of conduct on the New Year's holiday", "What I want to ask Santa Claus for the New Year", "How to decorate your house for the New Year"
  • Drafting descriptive stories By plot pictures"New Year tree", "Santa Claus visiting the guys", "How the children prepared for the meeting of Santa Claus", "Winter in the forest"
  • Didactic games“Who lives where”, “Dress up the Christmas tree”
  • Descriptive riddles about animate and inanimate nature in winter (about animals, seasonal phenomena, winter precipitation)
  • Acquaintance with the real Christmas tree.
  • word games“Guess and name”, “What's in Santa's bag”, “Say the opposite”
  • Outdoor games "Freeze", "Mitten", "Freeze", "Pass the staff"
  • Tradition: meetings with interesting person- music director on the topic: "Soon, soon the New Year"
  • Social personal development:
  • Plot- role-playing game"Daughters-Mothers", "Family", "Kindergarten", "Toy Store", "Hairdressing Salon"
  • Reading fiction:
  • Stories, fairy tales and riddles about winter and New Year's holiday.
  • Cognitive tales O winter nature.
  • Watching cartoons: “Timoshkina Christmas Tree”, “Snowman-Mailman”, “Snow Maiden”, “The Tale of the New Year”, “Santa Claus and Summer”, “When the Christmas Trees Light up”, “Hedgehog-Yolka”, “Mitten”, “New Year's journey"

Book corner:

Books to read, review and discuss:

"When It Happens"

"What is the New Year"

"Snow Maiden"

"Winter hut of animals"

Poems about the New Year

Artistic aesthetic development:

Holiday invitation.

Postcards for the New Year

Application "Snowmen".

Letter to Santa Claus "My gift"

Drawings and application on the New Year theme "Trees in the snow", "Christmas tree", "Christmas tree garland"

Collection "New Year's cards"

Paper crafts (snowflake, flags, garlands)

Album "New Year" (illustrations)

Exhibition of children's drawings on the New Year theme

Crafts from plasticine "Snowman", "Santa Claus", "Snow Maiden"

Learning poems, songs, dances about the New Year

Family interaction.

Competition "Christmas Miracle"

"Getting Ready for the New Year"

Master class "Symbol of the Year Sheep"

Christmas tree decoration

group decoration

Final stage

New Year's holiday "Hello, hello New Year."

Project implementation:

In the process, work was carried out with children and parents.

Examination of drawings, paintings, watching cartoons.

Introduction to literature.

Listening to audio recordings.

Making crafts, attributes for the holiday.

The role of parents in the implementation of the project:

Consultations: "New Year in the family circle."

Making Christmas decorations.

Visual information about the New Year.

Making the symbol of the year Sheep.

Participation of specialists:

Learning songs, poems, round dances.

Introduction to winter games.

Attribute production.

Product project activities :

A wonderful holiday.

Exhibition of children's works.

A lot of joyful impressions.

Project type:

By topic: creative - informational


New Year is a holiday with fluffy white snow outside the window, the smell of fir branches, the sparkle of colorful toys and tinsel, obligatory fireworks, gifts, as well as elegant Santa Claus and the beautiful Snow Maiden. Acquaintance of children with traditions, heroes, musical repertoire this holiday. Educators set a goal: to form in children early age primary ideas about the New Year holiday, the traditions of its celebration and involve parents in joint activities with children and educators. important place in this project is the study and preservation of the traditions of celebrating the New Year, which helps to satisfy cognitive interest children for this holiday. The project is aimed at children of early age. preschool age and allows you to create a joyful emotional atmosphere on the eve of the New Year holiday.


  • To form in children a primary idea of ​​the New Year holiday, its traditions.


1. To form children's ideas about the New Year holiday, to acquaint them with the traditions of celebrating the New Year, the customs of meeting the New Year holiday, its paraphernalia, characters.

2. Acquaintance with objects and actions with them.

3. Unleash the possibilities and creativity of children through various kinds activities.

4. Generate interest in the proposed activity.

5. Promote the development of imagination, attention, memory and speech of children.

6. Stimulation of the natural process of development of motor abilities and qualities.

7. Strengthen connections preschool with a family. Encourage parents to share creative activity with kids.

8. Create positive attitude on the eve of the New Year's holiday.

9. To form the ability to answer the simplest questions.

10. Develop interest in didactic games.

11. Cultivate a desire to listen to poems.

12. Develop fine motor skills hands.

By number of participants: group (12 people)

Project participants: pupils of the II group of early age, educators, parents.

Age of participants: children 2 years old.

By time: short-term (from 14.12. to 31.12.2015)

Expected Result:

In the process of conversations, looking at illustrations, reading poetry and fairy tales, creative and musical activity to form the initial ideas of children about the New Year holiday, about the customs of meeting the New Year holiday, its paraphernalia, characters.

The project is being implemented in three stages:

Stages of project implementation:

Stage I - preparatory.

1. Creation necessary conditions for project implementation.

2. forward planning project.

3. Selection necessary literature on this topic.

4. Selection and production of didactic games on the topic of the project.

5. Selection of musical works for listening and musical and rhythmic movements.

Cooperation with parents:

  • Making a folder - moving for parents "New Year in the family"; "Learn with us."
  • Selection of poems and nursery rhymes about the New Year's holiday, Christmas tree, Grandfather Frost, Snow Maiden. Offer to participate in the competition MADOU "Kindergarten No. 16" - "New Year's Bouquet".
  • Assistance in preparing for the New Year's party (making animal costumes).

Stage II - the main stage (practical)

Complex - thematic planning on the topic of the project. Direct introduction into the joint activities of the educator and the child of different educational areas for the implementation of the goals and objectives on the topic of the project.

Physical development

Finger gymnastics

"Bunnies", " Winter walk»

Physical education minute

"The wind is blowing in our faces..."

Synopsis "December"

Outdoor games:


Chase the bunny,

snow carousel,

"On the snow bridge"

"Fluffy Snowflakes"

"Find the Snow Maiden! ",

"Watch out, I'll freeze."

Breathing exercises:

"Blow on the snowflake"


Conversation "Mittens will warm the hands in the cold"

hardening procedures

Massage paths, air baths.

Preservation and strengthening physical health

morning exercises

Finger gymnastics

Education of cultural and hygienic skills

Continue to develop the ability to independently put on socks, tights, put on sandals, slippers.

To form the ability to use a handkerchief with the help of an adult.

cognitive development

Acquaintance with the environment

"Winter" (Litvinova, p. 221)

"The Tale of the Little Christmas Tree"

"Santa Claus, who are you?"

sensory development

"Decorate the Christmas tree with toys (colored corks)."

"Find the tallest tree"

"Let's make beads for the Christmas tree" (stringing various wooden figures on a cord),

“We draw a Christmas tree, a snowman” (on cereal scattered on a tray, under the guidance of a teacher).


Behind the snowfall

Behind the ice

For clothes for children and adults;

At the games of older preschoolers;

Behind the spruce on the territory of the kindergarten;

Behind the festive decoration of the corridors and halls of the institution;

Behind the actions of teachers in the design of group rooms for the holiday.


Water games "Freeze the ice"

"Catch all the balls"

"Catch all the cubes"

Build from Builder

"Chair for Father Frost and Snow Maiden"

"Path to the Christmas Tree"

Manual labor

"Snow Maiden (decorate the outfit)"

Social and communicative development

Educational games

“Fold the Pattern” (“Lanterns”, “Fur Coat of Santa Claus”)

Games with Gyenes blocks (“Collect the Christmas tree”, “Decorate the Christmas tree with toys”)”

“Fold the picture” (Santa Claus, Snow Maiden, Christmas tree, Gift, Snowflake), the pictures are cut into 2 parts.

Didactic games

"Collect the Christmas tree" (from sticks, buttons, colored caps)

"Third wheel"

"Let's collect beads for the Christmas tree"

Story - role-playing game

"Dolls have a holiday"


Conversation "The Christmas tree is afraid of fire!"


Self service

To form the ability to dress in a certain sequence

Household work

Help the teacher to put things in order environment.

Manual labor

"Snow Maiden"

labor in nature

Assist the teacher in cleaning the playground equipment.

Bird feeding.

Speech development

Activities for the development of speech

2. "New Year's holiday is coming soon"

3. "Santa Claus comes to us"

Introduction to fiction

"Santa Claus sent us a Christmas tree" by V. Petrov,

Snowman's New Year's greetings "A. Usachev,

"Snow everywhere" A. Brodsky,

"The Christmas tree is dressing up" Y. Akim,

“Daddy chose a Christmas tree” A. Usachev,

"Christmas ball" in Berestov,

"Balloons hang on branches"

It is snowing, It is snowing»,

“Mom decorated the Christmas tree” by V. Petrov,

"Who Came" by E. Blaginina,

"Santa Claus paper" S. Pshenichnykh,

"Quietly the snow is falling."

Reading fairy tales

V. Suteev "Snowman-mailer"

Development of communication

Examination of illustrations, books, story paintings "Roll the balls", "Away", "Santa Claus"

Artistic and aesthetic development

Examination of illustrations for the fairy tale by V. Suteev "Snowman-mailer"

Story pictures on New Year's theme


"Hang the balls on the Christmas tree"

"Christmas decorations" ( salty dough and moulds)

"Decorate the Christmas ball"


"The little Christmas tree is cold in winter" (finger painting)


Listening to songs

"Father Frost"

"The little Christmas tree is cold in winter"


"Winter Dance"

Musical and game activity

"Hares and Fox"

GCD according to the plan of the music director

Stage III- final.

Final event: exhibition children's creativity, photo exhibition "Our Merry New Year",

New Year's celebration.

Scenario of the New Year's holiday in the 2nd group of early age

Children enter the hall with the Snow Maiden, approach the Christmas tree, examine it. Music sounds, the dance "Kids-pencils" is performed.

Snow Maiden: The Christmas tree is green, elegant, cheerful!

Why, why don't the lights sparkle?

We all need very friendly

Shout: "Christmas tree, burn!"

(Christmas tree lights the lights).

Now let's put out the Christmas tree -

We will blow on needles!

(They blow on the Christmas tree, the lights go out)

Snow Maiden: One, two, three, Christmas tree, burn!

Let them burn, blink,

Happy New Year congratulations.

And on a holiday on our

We will sing and dance now!

(The song “Little Christmas Tree ...” is performed)

Snow Maiden: Guys, are your hands frozen? Let's warm them up and dance a fun dance!

(The dance “We clap our hands ...” is performed)

Snow Maiden: We are waiting for guests for the holiday to make it more fun.

I hear a noise outside the door. Come quickly!

(A girl in a fox costume appears.)

Foxy: Hello my friends!

Santa Claus couldn't come

Somewhere he got stuck along the way.

I told you to amuse

Decorate the Christmas tree with you . (hangs the ball on the Christmas tree).

The Christmas tree is dressed up, decorated for the holiday.

I brought you rattles and I want you to dance with them.

(Dance "Rattle" is performed).

Snow Maiden: Chanterelle-chanterelle, play with us!

(Performed musical game"Fox and Hares").

Snow Maiden: Chanterelle, and our guys love to play snowballs. Play with us too!

(Children with Chanterelle play snowballs).

Snow Maiden: Chanterelle, do you know where Santa Claus left gifts for our children?

Chanterelle: Of course, I know, and I'll show you!

(The chanterelle takes out a large “snowball” from under the Christmas tree, opens it, inside there are gifts. The Snow Maiden takes the gifts and leads the children to the group. The distribution of gifts takes place in the group).

Analysis of the progress of work:

Throughout the project, the interest of the kids in what the teacher offered for them was visible - a variety of games, conversations, creative activities, search and research activities. Children actively responded to requests, suggestions of the teacher, sought to participate in the proposed activities. All children watched with interest how adults decorated the New Year tree in the group, decorated the premises group room. All children learned to recognize and show the main attributes of the New Year's holiday - Santa Claus, the Snow Maiden, the Christmas tree, they were looking forward to gifts. Especially for the implementation of the project, didactic games "Decorate the Christmas tree", "Compose a picture" were made, illustrations were selected on this topic, fiction, particular attention was paid to the development creativity(children drew, sculpted, glued). The children responded very emotionally to games and other activities offered by adults, tried to imitate his actions, accepted the game task. At the end of the project, it can be concluded that the children received the initial ideas about the New Year holiday, were looking forward to it, received a lot of positive emotions from preparing for it.

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"Project "New Year's Carnival" (middle group)"

MBOU TsO No. 18 building "Rostok"

informational and educational, creative project

"New Year's Carnival!"

in the middle group

(December 2015)

Compiled by: tutors Guseva S.A.

Larina E.V.

Project passport

Project type

information-cognitive, creative.

Objective of the project

to form the concept of "holiday", its characteristic features and significance in people's lives on the example of the New Year.

    To analyze the concept of a holiday - the New Year, highlight its characteristic features: paraphernalia, attitude and mood of people, rules of conduct, traditions.

    Arouse a desire to participate in preparations for the holiday (decorating a group, making manuals, crafts, photo newspapers about the New Year).

    Involve parents as active participants in the life of the group in preparation for the New Year holiday.

Project participants

children of middle preschool age, parents, educators of the group Guseva S.A., Larina E.V., music director Belitskaya T.I.

Implementation timeline

short-term (3 weeks) - from 7.12.2015 - 28.12.2015

Estimated result

    Enriching children's knowledge about the New Year holiday.

    Children's awareness of the kind, caring attitude of people towards each other and mood during the holiday - New Year.

    Active participation of children and parents in preparation for the New Year.


This project aims to involve children in folk holidays, their features of carrying out. Children know little about the history of the origin of Russian holidays, their traditions and customs. Parents do not involve children in making or choosing gifts, but give everything ready. And how can children find out how long to wait for the New Year, what gifts to give, how to behave on a holiday, how does one holiday differ from another? Our project will help children and parents to become direct participants in the preparations for the New Year, to fully immerse themselves in the pre-New Year's storm of emotions and impressions.

Formulation of the problem:

During the walk, I noticed the children that some windows in the kindergarten and nearby houses were decorated with snowflakes and patterns. A question for the children - why did they decorate the windows and what holiday are people preparing for? Do you also want to decorate our group for the New Year and find out about this holiday?

The question arose in the group how to find out how many days are left until the New Year, what we need to do. This is how the New Year's Eve Calendar was born.

Project activity product:

1. Exhibition of crafts "New Year's fantasy" (12/14/2015 - 12/18/2015)

2. Presentation “What is the New Year? »

3. Presentation "New Year's riddles"

3. New Year's holiday (25.12.2015)

Project implementation:

Preparatory stage:

1. Determining the theme of the project.

2. Formulation of the purpose and objectives of the project.

3. Drawing up a plan for the implementation of the main stage of the project.

4. Selection of information, visual and technical material for the project.

5. Informing parents about the tasks and content of the project.

Main stage:

Joint and independent activities of children and adults.

Cognitive-speech development.


Compilation and production of the "New Year's Eve Waiting Calendar"

Thematic classes and conversations “What is the New Year”, “Rules of conduct at the holiday”, “What gift do I want for the New Year”, “How to decorate the house for the New Year”, “Why did the Snow Maiden melt?”.

Compilation of descriptive stories based on the plot pictures "New Year Tree", "Santa Claus visiting the guys", "How the children prepared for the meeting of Santa Claus", "This is a Snowman!", "Winter in the forest".

Didactic games "Who lives where", "Decorate the Christmas tree".

Descriptive riddles about animate and inanimate nature in winter (about animals, seasonal phenomena, winter precipitation).

Word games "Guess and name", "What's in Santa's bag", "Say the opposite."

Outdoor games "Freeze", "Freeze".

Social and personal development.

Role-playing game "Mothers and Daughters", "Family", "Kindergarten", "Toy Store".

Reading fiction.

Stories, fairy tales and riddles about winter and New Year's holiday: "When it happens", "What is the New Year", "Snow Maiden", "Wintering of animals". Poems about the New Year.

Cognitive fairy tales about winter nature.

Watching cartoons: "Timoshkina Tree", "Snowman-mailer", "Snow Maiden", "The Tale of the New Year", "Santa Claus and Summer", "When the Christmas trees are lit."

Artistic and aesthetic development.

Holiday invitation.

Postcards for the New Year.

Christmas garland from mittens."

Christmas tree - expectations and Snowman - a mailer from the palms.

Letter to Santa Claus "My gift"

Drawings and application on the New Year theme "It's snowing", "Christmas branch", "Christmas tree", "Christmas tree garland"

Collection "New Year's cards"

Paper crafts (snowflakes, origami animals, flags, garlands)

Album "New Year" (illustrations)

Photo newspaper "How my family celebrates the New Year"

Symbol of the year in different technique

Exhibition of children's drawings on the New Year theme

New Year's composition on the beauty shelf "Santa Claus"

Learning poems, songs, dances about the New Year

Family interaction.

Making the newspaper Christmas story»

Panel "Wish of the Stars"

"Getting Ready for the New Year"

group decoration

Final stage

New Year's holiday (25.12.2015).

Resource support of the project:

Material and technical equipment:

Camera, computer, projector, speakers.

A set for children's art (whatman paper, colored paper and cardboard, glue, felt-tip pens, colored pencils, paints).

Illustrations about New Year's holiday.

Christmas decoration.

Selection of works of art (tales about winter and about the New Year)

Methodological aids:

Collection of riddles, poems, fairy tales and stories about winter and New Year's holiday.

Summaries of organized activities with children: joint activities for cognitive development on the topic "New Year's holiday", conversations, the holiday "Visiting Santa Claus".


    Tutorials: I. V. Maslova, "Application".

    "Procedure for organizing and implementing educational activities on the main general educational program- educational program preschool education"(Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated August 30, 2013 No. 1014, Moscow).

    Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the device, content and organization of the work regime of preschool educational organizations"(Approved by the Decree of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation dated May 15, 2013 No. 26 "On the approval of SANPIN" 2.4.3049-13).

    O.A. Kurevina, E.D. Kovalenskaya "Colorful world" Guidelines to the manual "Balass", Moscow.

    Textbook: I. V. Maslova, "Modeling".

    O.A. Kurevina, G.E. Selezneva Journey to the beautiful. Part 2. Manual on artistic and aesthetic development for children 4-5 years old "Balass", Moscow.

    O.A. Kurevina, G.E. Selezneva Journey to the beautiful. Guidelines for parts 1–3 of the Balass manual, Moscow.

New Year's riddles

We will play today

In an unusual game.

I'll read you a poem

I won't say a word in it.

Answer quickly

Guess the holiday!

It has twelve months

They will easily fit.

Bring them all together

One word is... (year)

To our house on New Year's Eve

Someone from the forest will come

All fluffy, in needles,

And that guest's name is... (Christmas tree)

Been on the shelf for a whole year

And now it hangs on the tree.

This is not a flashlight

And glass... (ball)

The lights are flashing fast

They run from top to bottom.

This friendly team

It's called…. (garland)

On the beauty of the forest

The rain is golden in a wave -

With a silver cord

Hanging down... (tinsel)

He comes with gifts

Round dances with us leads.

Overgrown with a white beard

Good Grandpa... (Freezing)

With Santa Claus next to you

Sparkle with festive attire.

Gives us riddles

Leads a round dance, sings.

Jacket made of snowflakes

Who is this? (Snow Maiden)

Both in boxes and bags

Packed sweets.

Fanfiction is so bright!

Everyone will be... (present)

Christmas tree on New Year's holiday

Calling adults and children.

Invite all people

On New Year's… (round dance)

A blizzard walks around the yard,
In the house, the Christmas tree sparkles.
Children lead a round dance.
What holiday? (New Year)

All in toys, lights,

The tree rides on skates

Calls everyone to the feast

And wishes you well.

New Year is like a fairy tale

Happy New Year, kids!

Author Sayasova Valentina Valerievna, teacher of the Krasnoborsky kindergarten, Shatkovsky district, Nizhny Novgorod region.
Description of the material. The material will be of interest to teachers of middle and senior groups, parents of children 4-7 years old.
Project theme"Petya, Petya, Cockerel"
Project type: research and creative
Term: short term (2 weeks)
Location: middle group MDOU Krasnoborsky kindergarten "Kolosok"
Members: middle group children, teacher and parents
Problem: how to make the emblem of the new year 2017?
Educational areas:“Social and communicative development”,
“Cognitive development”, “Speech development”, “Artistic and aesthetic development”, “Physical development”
Expected results of the project: children will be able to independently make the emblem of the new year - Cockerel.
It's almost New Year's Eve. And what is the new year without his patron. 2017 is the year of the Rooster.

By Eastern calendar is the year of the Red Fire Rooster symbol renewal and the beginning of something new, unknown. The rooster is the patron saint of stubborn and self-confident people. And in order for us to succeed in the new year, we need to be reasonable and persistent in achieving our goals.
Therefore, I decided to set parents and children up for a positive New Year and offered to take part in a new project.

Target: to form in children creative, aesthetic feelings, positive emotional experiences, to involve parents in joint work on the project, to create a joyful pre-holiday atmosphere.
Project objectives:

cognitive development.
Continue to acquaint with the objects of wildlife, bring to the understanding that the rooster is the owner of his family, who cares and protects her.
Develop fine motor skills visual perception. Facilitate the inclusion of the family in the project implementation process.
Contribute to the formation of leisure competencies. Learn to act in concert, negotiate interactions.
Activate the speech of children and clarify the concepts associated with the New Year holiday, the emblems of the New Year. To learn to use various means of expressiveness of speech, facial expressions, plasticity to convey the character and behavior of the characters in fairy tales.
Artistic and aesthetic.
Develop an interest in unconventional technique applications, drawings. To promote the development of creative abilities, imagination of children. To form a desire to use the results of their work to decorate the group for the holiday.
Physical development. To contribute to the enrichment of children's motor experience, to form a conscious attitude towards their health.
Preparatory stage:
Selection of literature for reading to her children, design of a book corner.

Printing pictures for coloring "Cockerel". Selection of information for parents Non-traditional methods drawing and appliqué - how is it?
Main active stage
Cognitive development: Conversation "Who is a rooster?" (goal: to form the idea that the rooster is the head of the bird family, caring and responsible, to develop coherent speech, to consolidate knowledge about poultry).

Conversation "What are the emblems of the New Year?" (goal: to help children understand that each year is named after some animal out of 12 according to the eastern calendar).
Artistic and aesthetic development: application "Cockerel from geometric shapes", drawing "Let's color the cockerel",

designing "A house for a cockerel and his family.", modeling "Dymkovo cockerel"
Speech development: looking at photographs and paintings depicting a rooster, compiling stories based on them. Guessing riddles about the cockerel, reading nursery rhymes, rhymes. Reading of works and discussion of what has been read:
Russians folk tales:
"Cockerel and bean seed”,“ Zayushkina hut ”,“ Cockerel - golden scallop and miracle chalk”, “Fox, hare and rooster”.
Author's tales:
K.D. Ushinsky “Know how to wait”, V. Suteev “Magic colors”.
Social and communicative development: role-playing game"Family".
Physical development: introduce the new outdoor game "Rut, ruin, ruin, Rooster walks around the yard ..."
Working with parents: Consultation on the topic "Unconventional methods of drawing and application - how is it?" Cooperative activity with children "Decorate the cockerel" (goal: to help strengthen family relations parents and children, create a pre-holiday mood)

The final stage
Exhibition creative works children and work joint activities with parents.

Project results:
1. Children have developed an interest in creativity.
2. Children eagerly prepare for the New Year holiday.
3. The vocabulary of children was enriched and activated.
4. The parents had a desire to do something else to decorate the group

Project relevance: Everyone knows that the most favorite holiday of children is the New Year. New Year's fuss, letters to Santa Claus, decoration of the Christmas tree and long-awaited gifts under it - all this cannot be compared even with a birthday. In preparation for the celebration of the New Year, children often had questions: why decorate the Christmas tree? Is Santa Claus real? Where does he live? Will Santa Claus bring gifts? The search and research activities carried out during the implementation of the New Year's Fairy Tale project will help to understand these issues.

Project type: information-practice-oriented, creative;

Target: introduction to the culture of the New Year holiday, its traditions; development of artistic and aesthetic attitude to surrounding reality, enrichment of children's impressions.


· Shape positive attitude for family and community holidays. Familiarize yourself with the properties various items and materials, rules safe behavior on New Year's holidays.

· To acquaint with a variety of New Year's toys and the tradition of decorating the New Year tree.

· Development of artistic and aesthetic abilities, skills and abilities of productive activity.

· To promote the interaction of children and parents in the manufacture and collection of New Year's toys.

· To form in children a cognitive interest in the traditions and customs of celebrating the New Year with a Christmas tree, Santa Claus and gifts.

Introduce children to the homeland of Santa Claus - Veliky Ustyug.

· To develop children's organizational skills in preparing and holding a holiday in kindergarten and family.

· Improve cognitive and constructive skills to observe, consider, compare, analyze, reflect the results of their research in creative activities.

Promote the development of coherent speech; imagination; desire to memorize poems, songs.

· Create New Year's Eve festive atmosphere in all activities.

Object of study: New Year as a source of joy.

Subject of study: New Year traditions our country, Christmas tree.

Educational areas:“Cognition”, “Communication”, “Socialization”, “Labor”, “ Artistic creativity”, “Music”, “Reading fiction”.

Project implementation period: short-term (1 month).

Stages of project implementation:

Stage I - preparatory.

Discussing goals and objectives with children and parents.

· Creation of the necessary conditions for the implementation of the project.

· Prospective planning of the project.

Development and accumulation teaching materials on this topic.

Stage II - the main (practical).

Implementation in the educational process effective methods and techniques to expand the knowledge of preschoolers about the New Year holidays.

Stage III is the final one.

Presentation of the project result in the form of a presentation.

· Organization and participation of parents in the exhibition "Christmas Toy".

· Conducting the final event "New Year"

I.Game activity:

Outdoor games: “Talking - Christmas trees”, “Spruce, Christmas tree, Christmas tree”, “Snow is spinning”, “I will freeze, Santa Claus”, “Catch up with a snowball”, “We won’t say what we did, but we will show what we will do”, “ Emelya catch up”, “Seeing off old year", (singing with movement)

Didactic games: “Decorate the Christmas tree”, “Logical Christmas tree”, “Collect a picture - Winter”, “Cut pictures”, “Christmas decorations broke”, “What is superfluous?”, “Find the differences”.

· Developing games: "Christmas tree", "Guess which tree? "," From which branch of the kids.

Dramatization: "How the animals celebrated the New Year."

II. cognitive activity:

Formation complete picture world:

"Journey of a Christmas tree toy".

"Magic Box" (Examination of Christmas toys).

"On what geometric figure looks like a toy”, “Decorate the Christmas tree”, “What has changed”, “Find a couple”.


How is the New Year celebrated?

“It’s good that every year the New Year comes to us.”

· « Christmas tree»;

“Where does Santa Claus live?”;

· "Veliky Ustyug - the residence of Father Frost";

“On safety rules when decorating a Christmas tree”;

· Integrated classes to familiarize preschoolers with the traditions of celebrating the New Year.

· Conduct interviews with children: "What gift would you like to receive from Santa Claus."

IV. Solving a problem situation.

· "What can happen if the New Year does not come."

V. Labor.

Participation of children in decorating the group.

· Children decorate the Christmas tree with their toys.

VI. Communication.

Compilation of stories “How we celebrate the New Year at home”, “What toys are on our Christmas tree”

Compilation of a descriptive story about your Christmas toy,

· "Christmas toys" - description according to the algorithm.

· Children's stories about making toys in the family.

· Reading S. Marshak "Twelve months", L. Voronkova "Tanya chooses a Christmas tree", N. Nosov "How we went for the Christmas tree", V. Odoevsky "Moroz Ivanovich".

Memorizing poems: S. Marshak "Christmas Tree", "December" by Z. Alexandrova "Santa Claus", E. Ilyina "Our Christmas Tree", Y. Akim "Christmas Tree Dressing Up", K. Chukovsky "Christmas Tree", E. Trutneva "Christmas Tree ", E. Serova " new year adventure».

Watching cartoons: “Well, wait a minute! ”, “Santa Claus and Gray wolf“Vacations in Prostokvashino”, “Santa Claus and Summer”, “How the Hedgehog and the Bear cub celebrated the New Year”.

· Learning verses for the matinee.

· Learning songs, round dances, games.

IX. Artistic Creativity:

· Drawing "Spruce twigs".

Purpose: To teach children to draw a spruce branch from nature, conveying the features of its structure, color and placement in space.

· Modeling from plasticine "Ringing bells".

Purpose: To teach children to create voluminous hollow plasticine crafts. improve fine art- learn to sculpt a bell from a ball by pressing and modeling the shape.

· Application "Christmas trees of the beauty".

Purpose: To arouse the desire to create greeting cards with your own hands. Fix symmetrical cutting method complex shape along the drawn contour or by eye. Learn how to make postcards. Support the desire to independently combine familiar techniques for decorating an applique image.

X. Music.

Learning songs: “Little Christmas Tree” (music by M. Krasev, lyrics by Z. Alexandrova); “Our Tree” (music by A. Ostrovsky, lyrics by Z. Petrova); "New Year's round dance" (music by A Ostrovsky, lyrics by Yu Lednev).

XI. Working with parents.

Preparation of costumes for the New Year's holiday.

· Participation in the exhibition of New Year's toys "Chest of toys".

· Help to decorate the group.

· Consultation: "What to give for the new year."

· Folder mover " Interesting Facts about the New Year.

Help with New Year's Eve

Expected Result.

· for children:

Development of children's interest in artistic creativity.

Get an emotional response from your work.

· for teachers:

Project design;

· for parents:

Increasing the level of awareness of parents about the activities of preschool educational institutions;

Active participation of parents in the life of the kindergarten and the group.

Project participants: children of the middle group, parents of pupils, educators of the group.

Completion of the project:

· Exhibition of New Year's toys;

· Exhibition of children's drawings and crafts;

· To express gratitude to the most active parents for participating in the organization of the project on parent meeting;

New Year's party.

Application No. 1

Knowledge of the surrounding world. Abstract of the lesson.


TASKS: To acquaint with the traditions of celebrating the New Year in our country. To form a positive attitude towards family and public holidays. To acquaint with the properties of various objects and materials, the rules of safe behavior on New Year's holidays.

PRELIMINARY WORK. Compilation of a "collection" of vintage and homemade Christmas tree decorations.

MATERIALS, TOOLS, EQUIPMENT. Christmas decorations, illustrations depicting decorated Christmas trees.

LESSON CONTENT. The teacher asks the children which of them remember how the New Year is celebrated, who gives gifts to the children. He remembers with them that Father Frost and the Snow Maiden come to the holiday. What gifts did the children receive on previous holidays? Were these boxes filled with delicious things - tangerines, oranges, waffles, sweets, chocolates? He says that on New Year's Eve they give each other gifts so that each person has something new. Something new is sure to be put on for the New Year's Eve.

Tells the children that there are many customs associated with the onset of the New Year. The holiday is celebrated at home, but now also often on the street. They launch rockets, blow up firecrackers, drink fizzy drinks, wish each other all the best and make wishes for the next year. The teacher talks about the custom of “deceiving” the New Year: you need to change clothes so that old illnesses and hardships do not recognize you, in order to start living in a new way in the new year. To do this, you can change into carnival costumes.

The teacher tells the children that the Christmas tree is an evergreen tree, one of the few trees that retain their outfit in winter. That is why the branches of the Christmas tree began to be used for decoration for the New Year holiday.

The teacher examines illustrations with images of decorated Christmas trees with the children and tells that in our country the Christmas tree is plentifully decorated, and edible decorations are hung on it: apples, gilded nuts (walnuts), patterned gingerbread, decorated with colored sugar icing. On the Russian Christmas tree, toys are multi-colored, of different sizes and shapes, depicting people, animals, plants, fruits, cones and icicles. Traditional toys: balls, crackers, a star - a flashlight (folk - from straw, factory - from glass sticks), a spire or a star at the top.

In the old days, children themselves made decorations for the Christmas tree: beads, chains and lanterns made of paper, toys made of cotton wool (coated with glue, painted and sprinkled with sparkles). They also made toys based on an empty egg: a clown, a chicken, a berry (from the sharp and blunt ends they made a hole with a sharp needle, blew the contents through a straw, painted, glued the details - eyes, nose, mouth, hair - and attached a thread loop).

The teacher, together with the children, what materials are made of Christmas decorations(made of glass, wood, plastic, paper, cardboard, cotton wool, empty eggs, straw, etc.). Finds out with them which toys are brittle, fragile, breakable, hard, strong, transparent, soft, hard, flexible. The teacher discusses with the children what else can be made from such materials, where and for what they are used. What is made of glass, plastic. He remembers with the children what they have already learned about: what is made of wood, paper. At the lesson, the teacher discusses with the children the rules of safe behavior on New Year's holidays.


1. Do not pull the Christmas tree by the branches - it can tip over on you with all the toys.

2. Don't squeeze Christmas decorations - if they are made of glass, they can cut your hand!

3. It is better not to light candles on the Christmas tree. Be careful with all candles. Do not bring things close to them, clothes, hands!

4. Don't stand close to someone who fires firecrackers! Don't touch the firecrackers yourself!

5. Keep a lit sparkler away from you. Throw burnt sparklers into a basin of water.

Application No. 2



· To teach children to draw a spruce branch from nature, conveying the features of its structure, color and placement in space.

Show ways of examining nature. Explain the need to comply general conditions by doing teamwork. Develop coordination in the eye-hand system; cultivate interest in folk art, interior design.

PRELIMINARY WORK. Conversation about coniferous trees, looking at spruce and pine branches in comparison. Introduction to still life as a genre visual arts and its specific features.

MATERIALS, TOOLS, EQUIPMENT. Composition with spruce branches, sheets of paper white color, simple pencils, paints, brushes, cups with water. Postcards with the image of spruce branches; Wall calendar with a December page.

Then the teacher shows the children beautiful postcards, offers to admire and tell what holiday cards are for, how they look, what they do with them and why, what words they write to relatives and friends - what they congratulate, what they wish. Pays special attention to postcards depicting spruce branches with toys.

Offers to make a Christmas wreath with your own hands to decorate a group of winter holidays. He proposes to discuss options for making such a wreath. He comments on the children's answers and suggests an easy way that everyone can make a beautiful, elegant wreath together.

Now each of you will draw a spruce branch - with cones or New Year's toys. For drawings, such paper has been prepared - the same size. The same paper size is needed in order to be able to compose overall composition- Christmas wreath. If the leaves are of different sizes, it will not come out very beautifully.

What will we draw? Yes, spruce branches. They are long and “look” not up, but to the side, so it is better to put the sheet along the length (shows). In order to make a beautiful wreath from individual branches, we need to agree on how best to place the branch on a sheet of paper: like this (from the middle of the left side) or like this (from the corner diagonally). Which way will we choose? (Children choose one of the two proposed options). Note: left-handed children do not draw from left to right, but vice versa.

Then the teacher shows still lifes with spruce branches, and invites the children to draw from nature, as real artists do. The children begin to draw.

Application No. 3


· To teach children to create voluminous hollow crafts from plasticine.

· Improve visual technique - learn to sculpt a bell from a ball by pressing and modeling the shape.

Show different techniques for decorating stucco figures - laying out an ornament from beads and buttons, applying a pattern with a stack, stamping the decor with a felt-tip pen cap. Develop a sense of form, proportions; cultivate accuracy; learn to synchronize the work of both hands.

PRELIMINARY WORK. Examination of bells, examination and description of the form, search for analogies in form and name (flower bell, skirt - bell) improvement of the technique of sculptural modeling; laying out patterns from different materials.

MATERIALS, TOOLS, EQUIPMENT. Plasticine, stacks, caps of felt-tip pens, narrow braid for loops, cut into pieces 10-15 cm long.

The teacher invites them to mold a toy for the New Year tree - a bell.

Reminds. What is better to sculpt in a sculptural way - from one piece. Shows technique and comments on his actions.

I roll a piece into a ball - like this: in a circular motion of the palms. Then I put the ball on thumb left hand and make a recess. I expand the recess so that the walls of the bell are of the same thickness - I turn the shape with my fingers, as if my bell had begun to dance. If turned upside down, it looks like a glass or a vase. How will our bell hang on the Christmas tree? (children's answers). I’ll make an ear with a hole - pinch it with my fingers and pierce it with a stack or make a hole with a pencil. You need to thread a ribbon or rope into the hole.

And now you try to mold your bells with ears - pendants.

Children sculpt on their own. The teacher helps to attach loops of tape. For those children who quickly complete the task, the teacher offers to come up with a pattern and scratch it with a stack. You can lay out a pattern of buttons, beads. Peas, beans and other seeds.

AFTER WORKOUT. Exhibition of bells.

Application No. 4


Theme: "Christmas trees of the BEAUTIFUL".

· Arouse the desire to create greeting cards with your own hands.

Fix the method of symmetrical cutting of a complex shape along a drawn contour or by eye.

To introduce the technique of creating postcards.

PRELIMINARY WORK. Compilation of a collection of New Year's greeting cards. Examining the Christmas tree and sketching from nature or by representation; geometric mosaic "Fold the Christmas tree".

MATERIALS, TOOLS, EQUIPMENT. Greeting Cards good quality with the image of Christmas trees, a wall calendar with beautiful pattern Christmas tree; sheets of paper bright color and weakly tinted (light blue, green). Scissors, glue and glue brushes or glue sticks; simple pencils for creating contour drawing Christmas tree, paper napkins.

After a short pause, the teacher shows the children industrial New Year cards with the image of a festive elegant Christmas tree. Then the teacher shows the children how the paper for the postcard is folded (in half, the fold is neatly smoothed out). Then we take a green paper rectangle, fold it in half, draw a half of the Christmas tree like this. To make the trunk be in the fold, cut out the Christmas tree and glue it in the middle of the postcard. Now it remains to dress up our Christmas tree so that it becomes beautiful, festive, cheerful and invites everyone to a round dance.

Application No. 5

Didactic and outdoor games

for children of middle preschool age.

Didactic games.

1. Logic tree.

Purpose: to develop sensory abilities in children, logical thinking, observation; exercise the ability to choose from a variety of figures necessary, classifying by color and shape.

Equipment: didactic manual "Logical tree" with multi-colored branches and frames for geometric shapes, geometric shapes-liners of different colors.

Game progress:

Educator: Guys, a Christmas tree appeared in our group. Why do you think?

Children: New Year is coming soon.

Educator: That's right, but our Christmas tree is unusual. (showing) Look, how she is not funny, something is missing here?

Children: Toys.

Educator: Of course, toys, and here is a box with toys, let's see them. These are not simple Christmas toys, but what is it?

Children: Geometric shapes.

Educator: Let's decorate our Christmas tree. Please note that each branch on the Christmas tree has its own color, and the color of the toy must match the color of the branch. (Children take turns taking a toy - a geometric figure and hanging it on a Christmas tree.) I ask questions:

Which geometric shape this toy?

What color is the square?

What color branch will you hang this circle on?

When the toys are all in place, I propose to admire smart Christmas tree how she came to life, how beautiful she is, summing up. You can draw the same Christmas tree on paper in free activity (improvisation, creativity, fantasy are possible.)

2. Decorate the Christmas tree.

Purpose: to develop phonemic hearing in children; exercise in dividing words into syllables; exercise children in orientation on a sheet of paper - below, above, left, right

Equipment: didactic manual Christmas tree, toys.

Game progress:

The teacher offers to decorate the Christmas tree with toys. Children take those toys that they liked, while clearly pronouncing all the sounds. For example. I take a fish and hang it on a tree, and I take a beetle.

Educator. Where do you hang it.

Child. I will hang it on the right side.

Educator. And now I propose to find a toy, in the name of which there are fewer syllables.

Children pronounce the name of each toy, checking the number of syllables with claps or stripes.

Children. Most short word- bug.

Educator. Why?

Children. This word has one syllable, they make one clap.

Educator. Well done, they did their best, beautifully dressed up the Christmas tree.

3. Christmas tree.

Purpose: to consolidate the understanding of the prepositions on and under; exercise children in orientation on a sheet of paper - left, right; activate the dictionary on the topic.

Equipment: didactic manual Christmas tree, Santa Claus and Snow Maiden, gifts, toys.

Game progress:

An adult asks the child to decorate the Christmas tree and say what he sees on the Christmas tree, and what or who is under the Christmas tree. Prepositions must be voiced. Who (what) is to the left of the tree, and who (what) is to the right of the tree.

4. Salki - Christmas trees.

Purpose: to run fast; navigate in space, learn to stand still for a while, listen carefully.

Game progress:

Players are free to sit on the court. The driver is on the sidelines. He counts to five and runs to catch up with the players. The rest of the players run up and dodge the driver. You can’t salt those guys who managed to stand in the “Christmas Tree” pose - with their backs to each other and stretching their arms a little down, depicting a Christmas tree.

The driver cannot stand near those frozen in the Christmas tree, he must run after other participants. In turn, depicting a Christmas tree should not stand in this position for more than 5 seconds.

If all the participants have become "Christmas trees" and there are no free-running ones, the driver can salt any player from the Christmas trees.

The salted player becomes the leader.

5. Spruce, Christmas tree, Christmas tree.

Purpose: education and formation of correct posture; attention training.

Game progress:

The teacher invites the children to go to the forest. Children walk around the hall (platform). “There are tall fir trees in the forest, stand up straight, like these slender fir trees, pull yourself up, straighten up.” Children stop, take a pose of correct posture (head, torso, legs straight) and spread their arms - “branches” slightly to the sides, palms forward. "Let's go further into the forest, see if the tall spruce has sisters?" Children follow the teacher. He stops: “So the sisters ate - Christmas trees, they are shorter, but just as slender, beautiful.” The teacher invites the children to stand up like Christmas trees - to take the correct posture, but in a half-squat. “Let's go, children, let's look for more sisters of firs. Here they are quite small, but also remote: beautiful and also slender.” The teacher asks the children to become little Christmas trees. Children squat down, head straight, back straight, hands slightly spread apart with palms to the sides. The game is repeated several times. The teacher encourages children who have completed the task correctly.

Outdoor games.

"The snow is spinning."

Purpose: To learn to correlate one's own actions with the actions of the participants in the game To develop auditory attention, motor activity To cultivate a desire to play outdoor games

Game progress:

Educator: “Snow, snow is spinning, the whole street is white!” - the children are spinning.

“We all gathered in a circle, spun like a snowball” - the children are approaching the teacher.

“Snowflakes went to bed, white fluffs” - children squat

“A cold wind blew, the snowflakes scattered” - the children scatter around the playground.

Father Frost.

Purpose: to instill the ability to perform characteristic movements.

The teacher invites the children to start the game. Everyone remembers together that Santa Claus lives in the forest and brings gifts to children in winter. The teacher says in a rough voice:

I am Frost Red Nose,

Overgrown with a beard.

I'm looking for animals in the forest.

Come out quickly!

Come out, bunnies!

Children jump towards the teacher like bunnies.

The teacher is trying to catch the guys: “I’ll freeze! Freeze!” The children run away. The game is repeated.

Each time, "Santa Claus" invites new "animals" (bears, chanterelles), forest birds to come out "from the forest". Children imitate their movements and then run away from Santa Claus.

Mobile-didactic game "Guess the tree."

Purpose: to consolidate the ability to guess a certain tree according to the description, based on features. Develop attention, auditory-motor coordination.

Game progress:

On easels in different parts Groups are arranged pictures depicting various trees.

Exactly the same pictures are in each child. The teacher, and then the child - the leader describes the tree, finishing the riddle to the end, waits a bit and gives a signal (for example, clapping his hands).

The rest guess which tree in question, take a picture from the set and run up to the easel. The one who guessed first gets a token.

The game can use riddles.



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